The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 01, 1891, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Vol. XX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MAY i, 1891. No. XV. THE HESPERIAN, Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Assoc! ation, 01 the University of Nebraska. T. E. CHAPPELL, '91, Managing Editor. EDITORIAL LITERARY COMMKNT Athi.ktic associates: JAMES A. BARKLEY, '92, - C. C. MARLAY, '93, - - - F. D. HYDE, '92, - C. M. SKILKS, )2, N. H. BARR, '93, ) j Local anp T. C. PORTERFIELD, '92, ) " " 1 Miscku.any PAUL PIZEY, '93, - - - - Exchange J. L. MARSHALL, Jr., '93, Alumni, Fcrmkr Studknts SAWYER & SHELDON Business Manaokrs. EDITORIAL NOTES. SAYER & FAUROT, Printers and Puiilishers. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, (in ndvancc) . , $1.00 One copy, one college term 35 Single copy, , ,10 ADVERTISING RATKS ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be inside to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. JE"Subscriptions on' our books will be continue until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. C. C. Fletcher, Prcs., C. C. Marlay, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. T. E. Chappkll, Prcs. L. E. Trover, Sec. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. R. O. Williams, Prcs. 'Miss Alie Johnson, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. A. M. Trover, Pres. N. B. Barr, Scc'y UNIVERSITY7 Y. W. C. A. Miss Fannie Baker, Pres. Miss E. Merrill, Scc'y ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. C. M., Pres. J. A. Barkley, Sec'y. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. J. W. McCrosky, Pres. G. L. Sheldon, Sec'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. A. F. Woods, Pics. F. C. Kenvon, Secy The senior class have been recently treated to a splenclid sample of fraternal love. In the contest for class president the lines were drawn in such a way that it looked very much as if the class would have a fraternity man for president for the spring term. In fact, the place was offered to a certain member of one of the fraternities, who might have been elected without any trouble. Then comes forward a brother fraternity man with another candidate, assigning as a reason that he would not under any circumstances support his brother who was mentioned first. As a consequence neither was elected. Personal spite and aggrandisement was stronger than the bonds of fraternity. Oh consistency thou art indeed a jewel. When, oh when, brother frat will you cease to preach and prate about holy ties, etc., etc. Steps have been taken to form an inter-collegiate barbarian association. It is needless to say that this meets our most hearty approval. Our association should without fail become a charter member. We would suggest that an inter-state convention be held for the purpose of perfecting a permanent organisation and of adopting a constitution. While plans are being,discussed and perfected, we would suggest that our own association agitate the question and do their part towards realizing this, our long wished for plan. We can do a hundredfold more for the cause of bar barianism by organizing and building up a strong inter-collegiate association, than by carryintr on a fruitless and undignified warfare against fraternities. Our own association is too loosely organized. There is not that pride and loyalty and enthusiasm so man ifest in our literary societies. This is all on account of slackness in organization. Let us have an inttr society organization with working committees, the chairmen of which shall constitute the executive com mittee of the association. There is-an abundance of work for these committees to do right now. If ingenious they would find many other things to do not thought of now. The Palladians have made a commendable start. What society will be next to fall in line? Some one give us a barbarian yell, a regular stem-winder, let the college bard construct us a sung on the same plan, let us have all the para phernalia of college organizations, and enthusiasm will not be lacking ifiS frftmw f i w nW wy HP u mUtrn MJ