The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1891, Page 9, Image 9

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For the last three weeks, Prolcssor Bcsscy has hail time
to do little more than to attend to his duties as acting chan
cellor with the legislature and with the board of regents.
Arrangements arc being made to provide instruction in
dairying next winter term. Such instruction is given with
good results in Wisconsin, and is strongly demanded in this
The officers of the second prep class lor the spring term
are: president, J. L. Wallace; vice president, G. L. Town;
secretary, R. Reed; treasurer, Miss Cathcr; scrgeant-at-arms.
F. Brown.
Although duties at the bank had kept Mr. T. I.. Hall away
from the halls of the university, he managed to be around
before election. There arc a few bo)S in the university that
vote, you know
Mr. Tollard went home sick the first week of school. He
returned on the 9th. feeling belter. Perhaps a little work at
home, as is oflen the case, made him think that he was not
very sick alter all.
The college of law, that in all probability will open next
fall, will accommodate a large number of the students already
here, and will bring a' large number of special law students
to the university.
Professors Little, Sherman, and Howard the committee
from the faculty to cooperate with a like committee from the
board of regents, will report on library plans at the June
meeting of the board.
The bulletins of the Nebraska experiment station arc in
great demand, especially the beet sugar bulletins. Recently
requests for copies have been received from the state of
Washington and from Cuba.
The students of the Latin school were not required to reg
ister for this term. As the winter and spring terms arc con
sidcrcd one term, wc think it would be well to follow the
same rule in regard to the college classes.
Professor Hoi ton has designed a new machine for sowing
beet seed. It will be made by the Moline Plow company of
Illinois, which has made arrangements to send to the exper
iment station all of its new machines for trial and as samples.
Since the experiment station of Nebraska begun experi
ments in the sugar beet three years ago, the stations of Kan
sas, Colorado, both Dakotas, Wisconsin, and Illinois, have
made experiments, none of which show as favorable results
as the experiments made in Nebraska.
At an early date Professor Barber, at the request of 'he
principal of the high school of Beatrice, will give a lecture,
illustrated with stereoptican views, to the people of Beatrice.
The lecture will be under the auspices of the high school stud
ents, to raise money to purchase apparatus.
For a number of years Mr. Cupid has felt that continued
hard labor has been making him nervous. Last year, in this
institution, nearly all of his arrows went astray. So, early
last fall, he went south for his health. We arc informed that
Mr. McCmky and Miss C have met him since he returned.
They were visiting a certain jewelry store together recently.
Lieutenant Griffith has received a letter from an officer of
Fort Niobrara, who has accepted the position of professor of
military science at the Washington university at St. Louis,
asking for information concerning the management of the
military department of the university. He has received very
flattering reports concerning the efficient management of the
military department of this university from an ex-senator, a
gentleman that served in the legislature two years ago, who
has several times visited the department. .
To day the professor of military science will commence a
' scries of lectures on military subjects. It will embrace Sev
ern lectures delivered last year and two new ones on recent
iuvculious in magazine rifles, on light and heavy artillery, on
the new Hotchkiss rifle, which proved so successful at the
battle at Wounded Knee, and the new smokeless powder.
He had been out late the night before, far towards the
break of dawn; he was sleepy, very sleepy; he couldn't
help but yawn. She stepped to reach her English lit., 'twas
just behind his chair; just then he stretched his weary arms,
and embraced her fair and square. Surprise was pictured on
her face; in truth, quite shocked was she, but the boy was
just as innocent as any Brook could be.
As the cadets choose the place for the annual encamp
ment, they should endeavor to secure invitations from as
many towns as possible. A great many towns of this state
do not know that there is an annual encampment of the
cadets. This matter should he worked up during the spring
vacation. It is just a month until the encampment and
if anything is done it must be done quickly. So far wc have
only two invitations for camp.
Last Friday evening the Dclian society held its first
oratorical contest. The chapel was well filled pud the audi
ence enjoyed a splendid program. Besides several musical
selections, the program was as follows: "A Plea for the
Sons of the Forests and of the Plains," John L. Marshall, jr.;
"The Centralization of Wealth," Arthur C. Pancoast; The
Cause of the Gracchi," Paul Pizcy. Mr. Marshall won first
place, and Mr. Pizey second. The first prize was $25, given
by .the alumni of the socjety; the second prize was $15, given
by the society. The "Dclians arc to be congratulated upon
the success of their first contest.
The 1C. C. P's., otherwise known as the knights of the
clothes pin, though an order of long standing and having
members noted for bravery and nerve, is probably not very
well known in university circles. This aggregation of worthy
and illustrious lights conceived the brilliant scheme of catch
ing an innocent sophomore and scaring his trembling timorous
soul into a nervous chill, by dragging him into a dark office
on N street, one night last week. The sophomore d"id not
cave in, but simply smiled and said he would be pleased to
afford them any amusement. They could not think of any
thing more brilliant to do than to turn him loose, and did so.
Soon after this a policeman came by and dispersed the aggre
gation of knights. They have since dissolved.
It was very evident, Sunday evening, March 29, that there
was something on Mr. Hyde's mind that refused to slip off.
At the supper table he persistently refused to touch the fresh
onions of which he is very fond; and every once in a while
he would stop, on its way to his open mouth, the richly
laden fork. Starting at the corners of his mouth, a smile
would gradually grow until he looked a picture of perfect
happiness. Although he had eaten not more than he docs
when company is present, he arose from the table with the
others, and went dreamily to his room. Although he was
very neatly dressed, he got out a choice piece of neckwear
bought just the night before. Standing before the mirror, he
saw how happy he was, and the smiles playing "pull away"
with his chin and ears for bases, grew so broad that he could
scarcely see to arrange the new cravat; but by standing side
ways to the mirror, and by looking out of the corner of one
eye, he managed to complete his toilet. Soon he was on his
way to the depot. Walking up to the train bulletin board,
he gazed at the words: "Train from Omaha due at p. in.,"
so long, and with a smile on his face so full of meaning, that a