The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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one of their number introduced it. It is true the democrats
and republicans made no opposition to il. Hut it must be
remembered that two years ago the legislature, then having
only republicans and democrats, failed to pass such a law
though well knowingwhat a powerful efTect for good it would
have in the then coming prohibition election. It is hardly
too extravagant to say that if the independents had passed
no other measures than this, it alone would have secured for
them in the future history of the state an honorable name.
Some people may imagine that to make eight hours a
woiking day is too lidtculous to be consideied seriously.
They may further imagine that agitation for an eight hour
working day is not only foolish but of little consequence.
Perhaps some may even think that the demands for eight
hours have been so often reluscd and successfully that there
is not the slightest likelihood in the world that such a work
ing day will ever be granted. If there be people that have
such vain thoughts and empty imaginings they arc likely to
be rudely awakened. Strikes for eight hours occur yearly.
Immense numbers oflaborcrs are involved in them. Some
of the strikes are successful, some arc not. As yet the major
ity have not been successful. In spite of that, in spite of
almost everything, the demands are renewed and are backed
up by strikes. It is surprising with what regularity these
strikes come. One may well begin to believe that an eight
hour working day is mt.ible.
The present troubles in Pennsylvania are an instance of
the tenacity and the firmness with which the workingmen
cling to the hope of a shorter working day. That, perhaps,
is not the whole cause of the strike. On May I, however,
it is stated that 75,000 more men will join the strikers
in a general demand for present pay for eight hours work.
The men now on strike are firm, have, so it is said, plenty
of financial backing, as well as promises, and are determined
to hold out until Christmas if success can be obtained in no
other way. And so it happens that he who runs may read
the signs of the times and plainly perceive that laboiers will
never be satisfied until eight hours become the length of a
working day. But, asks some mortal, tired of these continual
contentions, will the laborer be satisfied then? No, certainly
not, not until all men are really equal. They cannot be.
Discontent is divine. It must be salvation of the race.
Australia has been having a constitutional convention.
The Australian colonies have become convinced that it is
necessary and will be as advantageous to them as to the
United States to have a central federal government. As one
thinks of this convention the thoughts naturally revert to the
time our own colonies came to a like decision. But now how
different the situation! What advantage the Australian con
vention has over the one that framed our own constitution.
It can profit by the experience of several republics. It has
no war difficulties to settle with any nation. It can above
all things start out on new lines and plans of government.
It can take at the beginning an advanced stand on leading
problems that so sorely vex older countries whose institutions
aic so hardly changed. Success to the Australian federal
AVe wonder if the Iowa Wesleyan is now satisfied since
it received its information in answer to its questions to the
I. A. C. Student and The Hesperian? Both papers have
been frank enough to answer. Do you belisve, Wesleyan,
that there are two sides to the fraternity question?
One of the best of our exchanges was The Heji-ekian,
the great "anti-frat" college paper. Phi Deltian,
The Massasoits (a barbarian association) have appointed
Will Karris, Bcnj. Ilist, and C. B. Earnhcarst as a committee
to correspond with other colleges in regard to forming a
national non fraternity organization. NcrtlnvesJern World.
We are heartily in favor of the scheme. Let other col
leges enter into it, and let the barbarians advance to the dig
nity of an organization. The advantages of organization are
well known.
Our exchange column has received a criticism from The
Hesperian which ve suppose was justly bestowed, Accept
ing it in the way it was intended we promise that this depart
ment of the Pharos will de better in the future. Vitupera
tion and abuse arc the weapons of fools. We have few of
them (fools) on our exchange list but the Niagra Index is
king o'er them all. Pacific Pharos.
The Northwestern World prints several hundred college
yells, yells from all the leading rollegcs of the country.
Those from the university of Michigan attracted our atten
tion. They would be very suitable for an aggregation of
thugs and bums; but we cannot conceive of any association
of college students so low, vile, and debased as to make use
of such trash as is attributed to them. Either the person
who sent in the yells to the World had little regard for the
truth or else the standard of morals at the university of
Michigan is at a stage of deplorable degredation.
The several state oratorical contests recently held are now
furnishing much material for discussion and controversy in
the college world. Our exchanges are full of contest ora
tions, contest notes, contest "scraps." The Coup d'Etat
wages a war against several college papers in Illinois in
regard to an alleged violation of the constitution of their
association. In Iowa, the Vidette Reporter brings charges of
plagiarism against the orator who won third place, and sub
stantiates the charges by parallel paragraphs from different
orations. In Kansas, the Washburn Reporter is evidently
weeping over the result of their contest, as is evident from
the following:
J. I. Games is continually improving the winning ora
tion. Baker Beacon. We hope so. There's plenty of
The Doane Owl thinks that our orator was guilty of a lit
tle sharp practice in not appearing upon the program at the
late contest. He hints pretty strongly that Mr. Chappell's
illness was very questionable, and was only brought on as a
device to give him his choice of places on the program. It
says that 'it was surprising to see how quickly Mr. Chappell
recovered from his illness. He was just in time to take the
best position on the program instead of first place, which
place he should have taken or none at all. It does not seem
fair that Mr. Chappell should have been allowed to enter the
program other than where he vas put, or at the end." Now,
Mr. Owl man, while we profess to have a great deal of lpve
for you and the Gates Index says that it is so yet we Hunk
that the above effusion is very unjust and entirely without
foundation. That Mr. Chappell was sick at the time of the
contest, no other proof is necessary than liis appearance on
that evening. Because he was unable to appear on the pro
gram in his place, is the Owl man so devoid of the iense of
justice, of common courtesy, as to throw him out of the con
test entirely? During the whole evening Mr. Chappell was
in a very precarious condition, and he went upon the plat
form when he felt strong enough te attempt to deliver his
production. Even then, he was unable to finish without
pausing from faintness, wliich paube, we have since learned
from one of the judges, lost Mr. dispell first honors. Now ,
Hi. ,.' , JH