The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE II E S T E R I A N.
The action taken by the prime minister of Italy in recall
ing that country's representative Irom Washington, was quite
startling in these times of peace. Newspaper talk imme
diately became rampant. Speculation was rife as to what
the recall signified. Nothing of any importance could !
learned from Secretary Blaine. Sensational newspapers gen
erally predicted that war would follow. Every person ol
common sense saw at once that all talk of war was ridiculous.
True, Italy has some mighty iron clads of the most approved
pattern. Her fleet is the thiul lnigest in the world; but on
the other hand, the United States has something of a fleet,
something of a naval reputation, and some millions for
defense. Italy, moreover, is as poor as a 2000 mile tramp.
Ucsidcs this her hands are full in handling her relations with
the rest oi Europe. The war cloud in Europe needs but an
opportunity to burst forth, and to use a slang but expressive
word, "bust" the nations for a hundred year to come; and
so it is execcdinly silly to think of Italy's making war upon
the United States. War with the United States would bank
rupt Italy hopelessly. The cost ol the war would forever and
be enormous and then, too, the loss to Italy of American
tourists is a financial matter of no small importance. If, then,
Italy cannot stand a war, what sense can there possibly have
been in taking an action generally understood to be the next
thing to a declaration of war? There was no sense in it.
The prime minister ol Italy simply attempted a bold game ol
bluff to bring the United States to its knees. In so doing,
he has laid himself open to the justfiablc charge ol perform
ing a gross act of discourtesy. With woise than unseemly
haste Di Kudini to wait (or our government to make a suit
able investigation of the unfortunate aflair. He was in a pet
and must do something to ease himself and his fiery brigands.
Such a foolish act on the part of the Italian government
merits nothing but contempt. Di Rudini, prime minister of
Italy has made of himself a consummate ass. As such his
name will, and should go down to posterity.
There seems to be much fear among those acquainted
with the circumstances and the conditions that there will be
another Indian outbreak this spring. It is claimed that the
causes of trouble arc as much present as they were last fall.
Father Crafts has written that the Indian outbreak was
merely temporarily suppressed and that no steps have in any
way yet been taken to eliminate the cattsas belli He would
have the Indians handed over to the war department that the
jobbery of the Indian agents may be stopped; that the Indians
.nay receive their proper and intended rations and supplies,
and that the United States government may keep its faith in
every particular, just as a supposed civilized and Christian
country should. It is feared now that if the Indians break
forth again, the friendiy ones will join and that the war then
will be no light matter. Tn case of such a struggle, the cadets
may have a chance of camping on the trail of Indians instead
of beside some flowing stream in a grass covered vale filled
with tall and shady trees. There would be no charming
maidens to help to while awaythc listless hours. The gleam
ing, straight line of manly martial iorms on dress parade
would not there be formed before an admiring throng of gay
youth and pretty maids. All about there would be' danger.
The frequent hawk would constantly hover and circle as if in
anticipation of a future rich feast. There the eye could look
nowhere but to see the bare, rolling, and neverending prairie.
True, it would be warm weather. So much the better for
tlic Indian. He then could have food for himself and his
beasts, something which he could not get in the bleak winter
time. Altogether the promise of another Indian outbreak is
anything but a delightful one. M01 cover, war with the
Indians can be at best but a slnughtcr, and that, too, in many
cases of helpless mortals. What a dark picture in future his
tory will the record of our Indian wars make! No new cases
arc needed to add to its gloominess.
Secretary Rusk of the department of agriculture is, accord
ing to the reports, working hard for the American hog. He
has been using his best endeavors to get Germany to take off
the embargo on that grunting product of the American farm.
Newspaper rcpoits seem to show that he has ncaily suc
ceeded. The agreement is to be made that Amciican pork
shall be microscopically inspected. Germany then can have
no possible objections to our gruntcr in the bulk. Before
Bismark, the now dctempcred iron chancellor, placed the
embargo on American pork, the industry of exporting that
article was an immense one. Then raising hogs was one ol
the most profitable parts of farm work, especially in the west.
Hut the American pork-packers became too greedy and in
sending out diseased meat shut off the markets of Europe
from this staple product of our farmers. But if now, by a
system of ligid governmental inspection at the slaughter
houses themselves, American poik can gain access to its
former European markets, pig will "boom." In a fair and
a free race, the American hoc will lead the world. He has
everything in his favor. His future will be a brilliant one as
he grunts complacently yet exultingly in his humble sty
while his farmer-owner smiles with infinite satisfaction and
throws him an extra allowance of corn. Fat may he grow
and ever may he' thrive!
Voting in accordance with hc new ballot law is undoubt
edly successful to a gratifying degree in this state. Never
was there seen such a quiet and orderly election in Lincoln
as the one had April 7. There was no crowd about the
polls. Consequently swearing, smoking, and drunkness were
unheard and unseen. Any lady might vote without losing
her self-respect in the least. Surely under this ballot law
hencclorth men cannot allege as a reason why women should
not vote, that the polls are unfit for women, nor can women
longer allege it as an excuse. There must be some other
reason or excuse hereafter. One advantage to the community
of the new ballot law is that it saves wealth. Now men can
find no excuse or inducement for hanging about the polls all
day. This waste oj time is almost wholly stopped by the
new law. Hence the community is the richer. One most
excellent thing nbout the new system is that it tends at least
to place honest and honorable men on an equal looting with
rascals and with politicians. The good resulting from this is
seen in oar municipal elections. Respectable men, irrespect
ive of parties, have forged to the front. The conscience of
the people has been allowed to work by itself. That it will
under such circumstances work uprightly has now been
shown. Its real and sterling qualities are now apparent.
What a pity that the conscience of the people had not been
given as favorable an opportunity last fall at the amendment
election! Probably the new ballot-law will not be used to
any extent by any party as political capital. In summing up
what the last legislature has done, no prominent place, it is
likely, will be given to this measure. Possibly this may be
accounted for by two reasons: it was generally agreed to by
all parties, and no party felt especially interested in it. Yet
of all measures passed or introduced, there was none whose
effects would be as far-reaching and withal as beneficial as
they will be from this law. The .credit for its passage must
lie with the independents; for they were in the majority and
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