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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1891)
3?o ' .' -n -'.. : '- vf. " -. - A O." , r - V .. - THE HESPERIAN." TBX. Sv . ll-J: w r -V ' "! t. ' ty -- l4 - W" if. r , I , I; c IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, v. - "" - X mf t.. - ', ' " Columbia College in the City of "New "Yprk -at" the jpresem" time consists oTi JL. ., 'the School df ArtS le original college, founded in 1754; of sundry . professional schools, to. ,. wit; the School Of La"W the School Of Mines' and its Medical Department by joint res- " olution", the College Of Physicians and ?TJLrgeOHS admission to ail of which as can didates for professional degrees, is open to all students, whether or not they are college-bred men; ard of the UNIVERSITY FACULTIES OF LAW, MINES Mathematics and Pure and Applied Science POLITICAL SCIENCE and PHILOSOPHY which conduct all courses leaning to the university degrees of MASTER OF ARTS and DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. - - . ' ..J " The point of contact -between the college and the university is the. senior year in theSchool of". V . . - Arts, during which year students in the School of Arts pursue their studies, with the consentT6f the' "' " '"' Faculty of Arts, undergone or-moreofthe "University Faculties. rr - x- ' " , w - JT" ' .The various schools are under the charge of their own faculties, and for the better conduct', of theV v v" -.' - strictly university work, as well as of the whole institution a University Council has been established: .' - I. THF, SCHOOL OF ARTS. The School of Arts, or the college proper, has a curried Itim of four years' duration leading to the dejjree oflJachelor of Arts. Candidates for admission to the School -of Arts musj be at least fifteen ycani of age and pass an examination on ' prescribed .subjects', the particulars concerning which may be found in the annual Circular ol Information. II. THE UNIVERSITV FACULTIES. The University Faculties of Law, Mines (Mathematics and Pure and Applied Science,) Political Science and Philosophy taken together constitute the University. These university and Medicine, to which all students, as well as those not having pursued a course of undergraduate study as those who have, are admitted on terms prescribed by the facultof each school iA candidates for professional degrees. I. The School of Law, established in 1858, offers, a three years course of study in common law and equity jurispru dence, medical jurisprudence, criminal and constitutional law; international law, public ajid private and comparative jurfsv prudence. The degree of Bachelor of Laws is conferred on' the satisfactory completion of the course. ' T f.r..lltMffi.r ilf1v9,,,l r,rR nf ctaAv nnrl !nv.m,t!nn I 2' lnC 3Cn01 OS M,nCS CStallShCd in Ib4, Otters the rnectivClv. in rai Private or Munidoal Law. lb Mathemat. M)omv course of study, each of four years' duration, , TJ, y, ,--- -. ., ,, , . ics and Pure and Applied Science, (c) History, Economics, and Public Law, and (dj Philosophy, Philology, and Letters. Courses of study under one ut more of these university facul ties are open. to members of the senior class in the School of Arts and to all students who have successfully pursued an equivalent course of -undergraduate study to the close of the junior yean These lead through "the bachelor's degree to the ' university degrees of Master ol Arts. aid" Dpctor of ' Philosophy. - '' T , III. THE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. The professional '' schools are the schools ot Law, Mines. and each leading to an appropriatf professional degree, ' - namely, mining engineering, civil engineering, metallurgy, ' " geology and paleontology, analytical and applied chemistry, . architecture; and the following as graduate courses, each of two years' duration and each leading to In appropriate degree, - namely, sanitary engineering and electrical engineering. , -' t" 3. The College of Physicians and Surgeons, by joint res- -' ;.-" olutions of June 18th, i860, the" Medica) Department, of . 1$.-liV. Columbia College, offers a three years' course, of study in the v J i j. .p'rinciples and practice of. medicine and sUrgeryVieading-to": ". , - " jtbe degree of Doctor of MedicincL(M. 1.) .' " . 'C fc -1 - i ' -. ' . Jfy ", l , Jf-w t