10 T HE HESPERIAN it m bootblack approaching him ventured to ask if he was expect ing her. Thus brought to his sense-., Mr. Hyde drew down the comers of his mouth, undid the wrinkles in his checks, cast a withering glance on the knight of the shoe brush, and walked out on the platform. Here he paced up and down, always stopping at the north end of tin platform, with a smile on his face, a far away look toward Omaha in his eyes, always hurrying by the mimicing bootblack in the deptit door, with tightly set teeth and with flashing eyes. When the train came into sight he stopped at the north end of the platform, and eagerly watched the windows of the approach ing cars When the train stopped he rushed to where the passengers were getting off in a way that convinced the boot black that Mr. Hyde did not propose to miss gcttin' there. Hut the whoevcr-it-was he was expecting did not come, and so, while the bootblack performed the "ghost dance," Mr. Hyde, with his face turned toward Omaha, without the smile on his face, started slowly home. ' As a result oi the recent meeting of the board of regents, preparations toward building the library arc begun; a man to superintend improvement of the university grounds has been appointed. Charles. L. Ingersoll has been made professor of agriculture; Dr. F. S. Hillings will carry on investigation in diseases of domestic animals for the university. The war department has been asked to extend the detail of Lieuten ant Griffith. Mr. O. V. P. Stout will begin duties July I as instructor in mathematics and in civil engineering. A sum mer school will be opened; an e fib it will be made to secure a chancellor. Adjunct-Professor Hunt is made full jirofcssor. Mr. F. W. Taylor v ill be adjunct-professor of horticulture; Professor Warner was refused absence from duties without pay for two years. The opening of a law school is being planned; and Professor Hicks will give up his duties here. Imitating the mob violence of the citizens of New Orleans, the gentlemen that made the Friday evening call mentioned in our last issue, proceeded to wreak vengeance upon one of the local editors the next day after the paper was published. Unlike the mob of New Orleans, they did not give their victim a trial did not even ask hi in if he was guilty but without a word of warning they bound him with a large rope, surrounded him, with upiaiscd axes ,ud hurried him away to elcctrocatc him. Delivered from this foul deed by finding the electrical battery locked up ihcy bound their victim to an electric light pole, heaped upon him !1 indignities possible, danced the ghost-dance, and gave utterance to the hideous yells of their boarbing club. Hut the editor still lives and will continue to write the news regardless of the base acts of such vile men. Mr. Norris, as a special student, has been studying the development of the ear of the salamander, the results of which, we arc glad to learn, he will write for the department of this paper devoted to such matter. When we called on Mr. Norris, he kindly explained to us the process of prepar ing, of cutting, of mounting sections of animal and of plant life, and he process of transferring, by means of a micro scope, representations of sections to paper or to wax. He also explained the process of "construction from sections" by means of which perfect models of a plant or an animal may be made. Hy this process he has made wax representa tions of the ear of the salamander in different stages of development, which are very interesting when explained. ATHLETICS. "Wanted. The consent of 10,000 smokers to send each a sample lot of 150 "Nickell" cigars and a 20 year gold filled watch by express, C. O. D., $5.25 arid allow examination. Havana Cigar Co., Wiuston, N. C. Mockott "Winn tho lllcycle JUce. During the past week Hohanan's hall has been the scene of an exciting bicycle contest. Five of the best bykers in the state competed for a gold medal and the championship twelve hour race of Nebraska. Two of the contestants were uni versity boys Mockctt and Clark. The race was a close one from start to finish. Mockctt by hard and continual pump ing gained a lap the first night while Clark falling, had the misfortune to lose one. Long before the bykers made their appearance Saturday evening a large number of university students might have been seen perched up in the gallery determined to cheer Mockctt on to victory. Mockctt entered promptly on time and was greeted with deafening applause. At eight o'clock sharp a pistol shot announced that the race had begun. In position Mockett was third. Mcars being second. Mockctt must pass Mcars in order to win the race. Could he do it? On, the riders sped for nearly an hour with no change of positions, when suddenly the hindmost man darted by the other four like an arrow and was soon setting the pac"e. Three men in the lead must now be passed to win the race. As the wheels whirled around at the rate of twenty miles an hour the chances for Mockett's success seemed to grow less at each moment. Hut the cloud of uncertainty was soon to be dispelled. The Omaha men were a lap behind and started out to win the race. On, on, they sped while the large crowd stood up and yelled themselves hoarse. Soon the Omaha bykers were a half lap in advance of the rest. Now was Mockctt's chance to pass Mears and win the race. Twenty-five university boys yelled themselves hoarse for Mockett to pass him. Mockctt raised his cap and flung it defiantly at the audience. This was the signal for the wildest confnsion. The band was drowned by the cries and yells from the spectators, for Mockett had started out to pass Mears. Mears understood that it was now, or never, with him and plunges ahead like a lightning express. Slowly Mockctt closed up the gap and forged ahead. The Omaha men had gained their lap and mere now close on the heels of Clark. Thirty-five minutes of the time still remained. Could Mockett hold out that long? He cast a defiant glance over hh shoulder and started out at a fcarlul rate. Claik now did his work most nobly. If he could prevent Omaha from passing and spurting on Mockett the danger was over. Time and again Wertz of Omaha spurted and came up even with Clark but never did he get alur.d. When the pistol shot brought the six nights contest to a close Mockett was leading the procession and was declared the winner. It was the first race for Clar.k and he has ever reason to feel proud of his effort. No one else sat upon his wheel more gracefully nor was the recipient of more boquets than Clark. Hoth Mockett and Clark were given the old fashioned "toss" after the race. The university is proud of her athletes. May 4hcir tribe increase! Following is the record: Mockctt, 219 miles, 13 laps; Clark, 219 miles, in laps It is almost certain now that the inter collegiate field day will be held Saturday, May 23. May 30 is decoration day, and June 6th, is ioo late for some of the colleges. We under stand that the cadets will go into camp about the middle of May. When, then, are we to have our local field day? It seems there is but one answer. It must be held on Saturday to insure anything like success. The Saturday selected necessarily must be May 9. Now, then, this brings us face to face with the fact that we have only three weeks remain ing in which to practice for the local contest. Take oft your coat now and get to work. You cannot compete for the state