THE HESPERIAN i From a very excellent source comes the sugges tion, that the literary societies of the university start a library of literature. The university library, while it contains many volumes of books of reference, and of scientific works, has very few books of a literar) nature. There is not a single one of Dicken's works in the library. What is true of Dicken's works is true, in whole or in part, of, the works of Thackeray, of Victor Hugo, of Longfellow, of Scott, and of nearly every writer, whose works are the life of liter ature. No one is to blame that such literary works are not in our library. The nature of the works done in a state university calls for scientific work and books of reference. These are all that the state may be expected to purchase. Consequently all lit erature, except such as through the merit which age gives, are classics, and these few books of reference is and always will be almost excluded from our library. No one need be told that the works of literary men are valuable. Literature develops with a nation and helps more all else, to develop a national spirit. Then, students who Lecome the men upon whom the nation depends for growth and for sta bility, should be familiar with the writings of the men of their own day, period, and spirit. The need of a literary library is evident. Are the societies prepared to collect such a library? The literary soci eties of William's college have done this. They planned in such a way that each society has its own books, and yet no two societies have the same books. The beginning made was small. Alumni of each soci ety gladly gave books. Friends of the societies gave a few. The societies themselves purchased a few each year. By these means has the size of the library been continually increasing until at the present time, the literary societies of Williams college have a joint library of 10,000 volumes. The alumni and friends of our societies are as lib eral, and as zealous, as the alumni and friends of the literary societies of Williams college. Students fre quently buy books that when read, they would be glad to place in the library of their society. The societies are able to purchase a few books each year. A membership of sixty yields each year in dues, ninety dollars. Ten per cent, of this might easily be spent for books, and never be missed. Why nuy not the literary societies of the University of Nebraska have a library? The past term has been one of unparalleled pros perity for the literary societies of this university. The amount and the quality of the work done by them has surprised even the most sanguine, while the interest manifested in so many ways during the fall term, has continued unabated. The new members have shown the ability and better still, the inclination to take a leading part in the management, and to assume a share of the burdens, of their societies. Never before has it been so clearly recognized and so universally admitted that one of the most valuable and practical parts of an education, is the drill and discipline given by the work of the societies. Com pared with this training, is the shallow "social polish" given by the fraternities, a comparison that no barb need be ashamed of. Owing to the uncertainty as to whether or not, the plate for the new cover would be completed in time to use in last issue, we failed to make proper mention of such an important improvement as the new cover. It is too late now for us to mention the many excellent things that could be said of the design, without repeating some of the deserved com pliments paid to it by every one, so we will content ourselves by saying that aside from its real artistic value, the cover posesses the additional merit of being designed by a student of the university, and a mem ber of The Hespepian association. To Miss Edna L. Hyatt, '92, belongs the honor of designing the cover and to her is due the thanks of not only the board of editors, but of the entire association. This vacation passed so quickly that it was over before one had begun to enjoy it and work has already commenced again, supposedly with a new tan and a fresh supply of cash, and of good res olutions. With the majority of us, the latter will go about as fast as the former; we live on the one, but fail to live up to the other. However, if you have resolved to study harder, then do it, so as not to break your resolution. If you have made no such resolve, then study harder, so as to make others believe that you have. CURRENT COMMENT. An id lias lately originated that a coffee house, estab lished on a firm basis, as one of the places of social resort for the masses, would be a valuable offset to the saloon. While coffee houses might not drive out the saloon, they would undoubtedly have a salutary effect. The idea is well worth developing. To make the command "Thou shalt not" fully effective there aiust also be the supplementary command 'Thou shalt." Whether or not the world would be vastly benefited by a total and final banishment from it of all intoxicating drinks, seems to me not now an open question. Three-fourths of mankind confess the affirmative with their tongues; and I believe all the rest acknowledge it in their hearts. Ought an j then, to refuse their aid in doing what the good of the wiole demands?.... Of our political revolution of 1776 we are all justly proud. It has given us a degree of political freedom far exceeding that of any other nations ot the earth. In it the world has found a solution of the long-mooted prob- -2X 325P J I