o 'THE II ES I' Eli I AN. fl m Blf ISF1? lit ris: t i W rEifa Jkumamipymmm bc'to' develop a more lively interest in athletic snorts among the students of the universities and colleges of Nebraska. Ahtici.k III. Sec. I. The association shall consist of the following institutions: University of Nebraska, Donne College, Nebraska Wcslcynn, and Christian University, and such others as may by the consent of the athletic associations of all the institutions of the association, be hereafter admitted. Aktici.k IV. Sec. I. The officers shall consist of a board of directors, one fiom each institution, who shall elect from their' number a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, .and in addition, a director ol sports to be chosen from the institution where the field day" is to be held. , Sec. 2. .TJic mccfing of the directors lor.thc clcqtiqn.Qf dffiecrs shall be held' on the second Friday in March ineach year. y Sec, 3. The term of office shall be one year. Aktici.k V. Sec. I. The duties of the officers shall be those that usually pertain to their offices. Sec. 2. The board of directors shall have absolute author ity in all matters pertaining to this association not otherwise provided for in our constitution. Aktici.k VI. Sec. I. The annual field day shall be held at the different institutions in a regular rotation. The order to be determined by the board of directors. Akticuk VII. Sec. I. The expenses of each field day shall be met by an assessment on the institutions of the asso ciation proportional to the number of male students in attend ance at each institution at the time of such assessment as certified to by the registrar ol the insitutions. Sec. 2. All surplus arising from assessments, gate receipts, etc., shall be apportioned in flic same manner, provided that no institution shall, receive of this surplus any amount in excess of its assessment. Sec. 3. The treasurer shall give bonds for the amount ol five hundred dollars (S500 ), the same to be approved by the board of dircctor.s Aktici.k VIII. Sec. I. This constitution shall be binding when accepted by the respective local associations and signed by their presidents. Scj. 2. No association shall wilhduiw within sixty days of a field day without the consent of all the other institutions. .Sec. 3. An amendment to this constitution shall pass a majority of the board of directors and be ratified by all the nssociations of the various institutions. STRAY PICft-UPS. HI! . MUM MM! I . I I..... , Ill .,11 I-.-I II I . mm .J.H.Hall, of Stella', was visiting his sister and brothers last week. ' '' Did Mr Clnson wake up and find himself asleep in Latin class on the 6th. Sclicll,. pointing at one of the co-eds in chapel: "There is an instance of hc(ad)rcdity. MissNiqhqlson, of Nebraska City, a friend of Miss Wilson, attended the P, G. D. C's program . The art history class is floundering at present in a sea of names of Flemish and Dutch painters. Miss Gray, of Fremont, sister of Miss Vesta Gray, came down to attend the P. G. 1) C's program. Fdgarty has blood in his eye. He is after the man who mutilated Professor Warner's program of topics. Railroad Problems in the West" by Professor WarnCr appears in the March number of the Political Science Quart erly, , Last week Professor Hunt inspected the schools of Odell and of Fuirliury, with the view of placing themon the accred ited list. Mr Cassel, the Donne orator, was at the university Sat urday, the 7th. He will be here the 13th also, as the Doane men 3V0UUI lmvc us realize. , ,. " FiVd HUndred -analyses by the chemical department of beets. 'grMV.rtviriNdbilaskft 'last- season are soon tbbe 'put 'in'' bulletih'forrn'iinrt published. Miss Iligclow' arid Mr Marshall represented the'mission ary band of the university as delegates to the missionary conference at Weeping Water. Professor IJrsscy is preparing a list of the native trees and shrubs of Nebraska which will be published soon in the Northwestern journal of Education. The botanical department has recently ordered through Saycr & Faurot 3000 niore sheets of herbarium paper upon which to mount .specimens for preservation in the department. In lieu of a regular term examination the sophomore rhetoric class will submit an essay at the end of this term upon the subject The distinctions between animal and veg etable life." A complete set of charts illustrating statistics on such points as ihe "average value of wheat" in the United States, has been received lately from the agricultural department of tht United States. The State Historical society will soon begin to keep a file of every newspaper printed in the state. The Kansas His torical society has been keeping a file of the papers printed in Kansas for some time. We tlr'nk that Mr. Newbury struck the key for the solution of the woman's rights question. The ladies do not care very much for the right of suffrage. They do most emphatically demand the right to pop the question. The evening drawing school conducted by the art depart ment meets every Tuesday evening, 7:30 to 9:30. The schoo will continue about two months. Tuition is free to members of the club. To all others, the fee is one dollar for the term. The Dclians arc discussing the advisability of starting a weekly society paper. Last Saturday evening, at a meeting held for the purpose of considering the advisability of the project, they decided to postpone final consideration of the subject one week. The night of the 6th, some one broke into the gymnasium ' and removed the bulbs of thejneandescent lights. Entrance was effected by breaking a. corner out of the pane . of glass next to the lock. There seems to have been no object other than pure meanness. The special company recently organized is composed chiefly of non-commissioned officers. In case of competitive drills this company will represent the university. The com pany is drilled by Lieutenant Griffith every Saturday from 9 to 10 A.M. The first drill was Saturday, the 7th. On account of the storm the audience, which gathered in the chapel last Saturday evening to hear Professor Hicks lee turc on "Unci' Sam's Farm," was not veiy lurgc. Those who were brave enough to face the storm were well paid for their trouble. At the close of the lecture an informal recep tion was given in the Union hall. Some of the works composing the nucleus of the library of1 the agricultural department are: The journal of the royal agricultural society since 1839; records ol the agricultural depattment from 1847 to 1887 Inclusive', bulletins from every state experiment station in the United States; bulletins and publications from Gjimnny, France, England, Canada, and Australia. Professor Nicholson, as head of the agricultural depart ment of this state, received last week twelve varieties of wheat from England, and two from Franc;, with therequcst that lhey.be sown, cultivated, results noted and 'reports be forwarded to the department1: sending' the-seed) 'Half of each variety has been sent 'to the western part of ihe'sjate.' The other half will-be experimented wftli'Oii-thc- state ''faVni. mmmmmmm :t ' W