e mmw THE HESPERIAN. 11 DELIVERY. Chnppell Holt Casscl Uickncll Winter Adnms 96 4 99 2 98 3 Hitchcock 93 2 01 4 92 3 Wiulsworth 92 3 89 5 94 2 Lowest totnl of ranks (Winter). 13 Lowest totnl of ranks on second count (Chappcll) . . 1 1 The genernl averages are: Chappcll, 92; Holt, 92; Winter, 90; Casscll, 87; Uickncll, 81. 90 4 100 1 9 5 95 1 91 4 96 1 The Oratorical Convention. At 1 :3o the procession formed in front of the university to march to the depot, the Cadet baud leading, followed by the University Open Air concert company. On the way to the depot sovcral choice sections of the university yell were given by the open air concert company. At the depot two selections were played by the band, and the aforesaid com pany again gave the university yell. They responded to an encore with the Doanc, Cotner, and Weslyan yells. The train then arrived, bringing about seventy-five enthusiastic Doanitcs, bringing with them liags, large and small, with the Doanc colors. The procession marched to the university, where they separated, some visiting the various buildings and a large number attended the informal reception in the Palhdian hall; but the majority Attended the ORATORICAL CONVKNTION. Convention was called to order shortly after 2 o'clock by vice-president II. F. Clcland, of Gates. Rockhold moved that a committee on credentials be appointed consisting of five members. It was amended so as to make the number thocc and exclude the Weslyan and state universities. Amendment was lost. Committee of five was appointed as follows: J. W. McCrosky, U. of N., chairman; R. A. Sclicll, Cotner; C. L. Meyers, Weslyan; C. D. Chadscy, Doane; L. E. Goodyear, Gates. Committee on credentials, after being out about one hour, reported. Report was in two parts and the committee requested that the parts be considered scpcrately. 7'he cre dentials of Cotner, Doane, Gates, andU.ofN. delegates were accepted. In the second part report it was recom mended that credentials of J. L. Sleeper, J. J. Roberts, C. L. Myers be accepted. Roberts moved that Winters be substi tilled for 7urrell; motion lost; report committes adopted. After some opposition Fred Hyde was elected president. It was decided to proceed to the election of officers. Chadscy, of Doane, and Van Camp, of Gates, were nomin ated for president. Chadsey received three votes and Van Cam two; and Mr. Chadsey was declared elected. Mr. 7urrell, of the Wesleyan, was unanimously elected vice-president. W. M. Johnston, of the U. of N., and Van Camp, of Gates, were nominated for secretary, and Johnston was elected, receiving three votes out of five. McCrosky then introduced a resolution to the N. S. C. A. recommend F. A. Rockhold as the secretary of the inter -state association, his met with some opposition, and nn amendment to an amendment placed a Cotner man in place of Rockhold; but the Cotner student withdrew, and this left the name of T. F. A. Williams in his place. Amendment was laid on the table, and the resolution passed, after considerable opposi tion. It was moved that the courtesy of sending orators ps del egates be extended to the third orator. Moved, as substi tute, to proceed to clccaion of a delegate; carried; Mr. A.C. Munson, of Cotner, was unanimously elected1 A motion to change the by-laws was unanimously carried, so that the wtnning orator will receive $50 and the second will be dcl: cgate to the interstate convention; also contestants must be undergraduates. Motion to adjourn carried. PALLADIAN RECEPTION. An informal reception was held in the Pnlladian Anil. An address was given by Chancellor Bcssey on behalf of the faculty, followed by Miss Minnie DePue on behalf of the students. Responses were given by the Miss Whipple, of Doanc; Mr. Shank, Wesleyan, and Mr. Harrow, of Cotner. Everybody then proceeded to get acquainted and have' a good time generally. AriiE LOCAL CONTEST MARKINGS. Below is given the markings of the judges at the local oratorical contest. The reason of their not being published before is that they were laid aside for reference by myself and afterwards entirely overlooked. The accusation of sin ister motives made against the managing editor that he withheld them from publication, is unwarranted and entirely unjust. Jas. J. Sayer. Oration "What Shall be Done With the Negro." manuscript delivery Sherman 75 5 Bryan 85 Howard 80 Wilson Rc 77 Gcisthardt 85 Caldwell Total.. 232 Total.. 255 Grand average 81.27 Oration "Democracy: Its Development and Destiny." MANUSCRIPT ' DELIVERY " Sherman 73 Bryan .l 83 Howard 82 Wilson '. 84 Caldwell 86 Gcisthardt 80 . Grand average Total.. 241 Total. .247 , 81.46 Officers of competitive drill battalions: First battalion: commandant, G. P. Thurbcr; adjutant, A. C. Cope-; sergeant major, F. D. Hyde; color bearer, If. E. Nelson. Second batallion:commnndant, H. A. Reese; adjutant, A. A. FnurotJ sergeant major, E. M. Pollard; color bearer, M. M. Maghee. R. W. Marsh, a former university student, was called home to Mindcn Inst week from his theological studies at Northwestern university, to adjust the loss on some property burned. Within three days another fire destroyed several hundred dollars worth of property more. The musical department of the university will give a recital Thursday evening, the 19th. Miss Abbie Bcardsley, a student of list year, visited the university several days ago. She is teaching drawing at the Weeping Water academy. '85. On Wednesday evening, March 18, there will be a farewell reception given to Professor Warner in the Pnlla dian hall. " '88. Miss Alma C. Benedict attended the missionary conference held at Weeping Water, March 5-8. ' Miss Pierce, '93, is teaching in Cass county. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: I am prepared to rent finely equipped furnished rooms at $5 per month in tHe Mayes block, 5 10 north Fourteenth street,. Bestof attention given;' Extra Copies of Hesperian May Be Had. EK3 Hmc