THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. o " ' A ''Jam v a r m 5 J Yqi.. XX. tHE HESPERIAN. 0 t pfssiicjl semi-monthly by ilic Ilt-.M'i-.iUAN I'ublMiing Associ- fi - ts ation, of tlic University of Nebraska, u ' LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 15. 1S91. No. XLl. WE. CHAI'l'ELL, '91, Ma.wuiinc. Emr6it. associates: IAMKS A. IIAKKLEY, '92, RANDOLPH Mi'NITT, '03, -K. U. HYDE, '92, -C. M. SKILLS, '92, N. II. HARK, '()!, W. M. JOHNSTON, '94 " l'AUl. PI.EY, '01, J. I,. MARSHALL, Jr., '93, Ai.umni, Formk.r Stuoknts SAWYER & SHELDON, Ui'siitKSS Editorial - LlTURARV t.'OMMKNT - ATlll.l-'Tir j I.Ol'AI. AND I MlSClil.l.ANY hXCIIAMiK SAYER & KAUKOT, Printkrs anm 1u)imsiikk;. TKRMS OK SUItSCKU'TIUN: One copy, per college year, (in advance) One copy,one college term Single copy, Si. co .00 .14 AllVKKTISINi; KATKS ON Al'l'l.lCATIO.N. AI.UMM AM) K.V-STUDKNTS. Special endeavor will lie made to make TUB IlKSl'KiUAN interesting to foimcr students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Subscriptions on our books will be continue until ordcicd stopped. Address all communications to Tin. lIitsri'.KlAN,Umvcrsity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SO CIE TV DIRE CTOR Y. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. J. V. McCroskv, l'res., Miss Minnii: DkPuk, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Fannik Haki:r, l'res. C. A. IIki.vik, Sce'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. C. D. SCHKl.i,, l'res. I'Atil. l'l.KY, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. A. M. Tkoykr, l'res. N. U. Uarr, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. V. C A, Mlb. Fa.nmk liAKKR, l'res. Mis E. MliRlui.l., Sec'y. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. C. M. Sku i;s, l'res. J. A. llARKi.r.Y, Sec'y. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. J. V. McCrosky, l'res. G. L. Sui', Sco'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUM, A. F. Vvoou:., l'res. 1'. C. KKNYON, Secy, EDITORIAL .NOTES. I take this opportunity to thanks the executive commute of the local oratorical association, for their many kindnesses to me in preparing for tl.e state contest. They have spared neither time nor money in aiding me. 1 also wish to thank those members of the faculty who have shown an interest in the suc cess of our association. Miss Georgic Talbot and Professor Hunt should be especially remembered for the unflagging interest they have shown in our succeess T. E. ClIAl'l'ELL. The cadets received a pleasing surprise when the announcement was made that the commandant had presented both a gold and a silver medal to the mil itary department to be competed for between the companies. This will necessitate a two battalion organization, and such other changes as are necessary under those conditions. The cadets thoroughly appreciate the efforts of Lieutenant Griffith to increase the interest in drill to a maximum, and his gift is in keeping with all his previous efforts toward better organization and better discipline. Already the cadets are showing their appreciation of this gift by entering the contest for the "Griffith medals" with such zeal as to insure the closest and most exciting contest in the history of the university cadets. The directors of the scientific club have determ ined to hold out inducements to the members to do original work. To accomplish this result the follow ing plan has been adopted. Any student without restrictian as to class, who has pursued, or shall pur sue, a line of original investigation, may write out a report of such investigation and submit it to the director of the proper department; it will then be examined by the board and if approved the invest igator will be notified when he may present it at a regular meeting of the club. It is hoped that this will encourage students in all departments to engage in original lines of work either in the school months or during vacations. The board of directors has also decided to open a query department. Any scientific question may be sent to the secretary who will make a record of it and appoint some one to reply to it. The question may then be called up at any regular meeting of the club and will be answered or discussed. I his query department will be open i.riiitrmmifmmtM