Si L-lw ,riiV- K THE HERPE'UIAN W.V . mb . fc, rt rHE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA; CHARLES E.JBESSEY, Ph. D., Acting Chancellor. Terms begin Sept. IT, 1SU0, Jan. 2, and Afar. SO, 1SD1- - ; - :r J N t-r .1 ysi k- -L- ' fl. fcv.- I y,-j wBt ''. IBS'' The University is the head of the public educational sys tem of the Slate. It aims to continue and complete the work begun in the public schools, and secure to all an opportunity of liberal culture in literature and science, and in such tech nical and professional courses as shall from time to time be ,ddcd. These advantages arc offered to all free of charge for tuition, without regard to sex or race, or place of residence, 1 on the sole condition of possessing the intellectual and moral s qualifications requisite lor admission to such an institution. o THE LATIN SqiOOL. V JAMF.S.T. t.EES, V. D., PRINCIPAL. , In this schoolircparation is afforded for all the Undergrad uate Courses in the College ok Literature, Science ani the Arts, and also for those in the University. The preparatory studies run through two years. Applicants for admission to the First Year will be examined on the fol lowingubjccts: English Grammar Arithmetic, Geography, and Jiistery sf the United St.ites. Ci.uliuuts, of high scboois accredited for the Minor Course now including Aurora, Columbus, Fairmont, Friend, Gibbon, Harvard, Hebron, McCook, North Loup, Ord, lied Cloud, Sutton, Tecumseh, Holdrcdgc ana Wilbcr) are nnimitcd to the Second Year class on presentation of diplomas. ' ' THE, COLLEGES. . TlisUNiVKitsriv consists of two colleges, or nndcrcradu ate departments. Graduates of the Latin school, or of the i"HE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE. THE ARTS. Sflfe'l AND v . ife- fl men scnoois accrcuiicu lor tne major course (including now' Alma, Ashland, Auburn, Beatrice, Edgar, Fremont, Grand Island, Keamev. Lincoln. Nebraska Citv. Plnttsmnuth nn.i Ulysses) are admitted into the Freshman class of either col lege on presentation of diplomas. Students in both colleges attend classes in common, as far m i possible, and have every advantage afforded by contact with those studying in other departments and the instruction f trained and experienced University professors. For cteloueor fulter iforiution aWly to the steward, J. S. DALIES. f3ucbh. ieb V BR y HHHMM:- -.'V Kjiiw.-i;-" - , , jJKywFr-: vr-'": ?.; :m& : CHARLES E. BESSEY, PIK D., DKAN. i HE Classical Course, lending to the degree of Bachclci nf Arts,, affords a training iir'tke Ancient Laneuaees i i-.iteraturcs. ' -...'.$; The Literary Course, leading to the intm-r- nT.ttaM.. tor of Letters, offers a traiuing in History, literatiar iwlCf 'j&P.ft the Modern Languages . - K"fJ : jfet$ THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. ' ' ?V . " i'flfflBf" J. Hthltbl.MI KINQOLEY, D. BC., DEAN. . .. V, Tiie course in General Science, leading to.tlie degree 1 . 4ii Hachelot of Science, oflers a liberal education, in which IhV " Modern Sciences and the Mwdern Languages are given most t . prominence. 1 he Elective Courses in Sciences, lead-, ing to the same degree, afford a training in special lines lead ing to Agricultural, Electrical or Scientific work. The course in Civil F?;ginrrring oilers uch tra'ntng as will fit a young man for the practice of Civil Engineering. For those who can spend but a year or , two in .study, an Elementary course in Agriculture has been arranged. .- Students in the Industrial College may obtain remunerative employment at ratts ranging from 1510 25 cents per hour, depending upon the quality of work. SCHOOL OF THE VINE ARTS. ,. . MIH MOOKK AMI Mlta.-JJENZCNTJORF. Instmctinn civenin drawincrand naintinfrom the flsJtcatts. still lile, nature, and models fn the progressive olr?Pupil " are required to provide easels and material; an , ample scfec tron of casts and studies is furnished in the studio. Th charge for daily lessons during 12 weeks 1825.00, payable in advance. Free instruction is given to classes in Art llistor ry? l'lastic Anatomy and Perspective. . The Course in Music includes instruction on the'xPi&nV Forte, Organ and Violin, Voice training and Musical Theory. tlC fT Itwltuirlitnl rw r1ipi iHrlHifll!.H MMK n.l...t vv v iiiumiuuui ui 1.1M3 uuuui.uua Mic muuciitii; . ,-" u fc.I f -w. -.: . m . ' -I-. -W(J..' K .1 fi."?"' -r- " ' w'. .-'r- f y. . ' vv.--. "T53S5Rfa,ras ... i . . -..' t t- . irorj Turrit p ' .'. f.... ' .j. rf. - " v r - i.w . .'.Hnw.n .' . )"rSifwiSBE&-A'ia' i-j-j.'.i'-4;' !V ' !i6l&1Gi-i-i.-?T .r-iii i-jj-x. -a affSKS