THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH i. 189I. No. XL THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. T. E. CHAPPELL, '91, Managing Editor. ASSOCIATES: JAMES A. BAUKLEV, '92, RANDOLPH McNITT, '93, F. D. HYDE, '92, - - C. M. SKIT.F.S, '9, W. U. JJAKK, '93, I W. M. JOHNSON, '94 f Editorial - Literary Comment - Athletic Local and Miscellany I PAUL PIZEY, '93, - - - - Exchange J. L. MARSHALL, Jr., '93, Alumni, Former Students SAWYER & SHELDON, Business Managers." , SAYER & FAUROT, Printers and Puhlisiiers. terms of subscription: j One copy, per college year, (in advance) , . $1.00 - One copy, one college term 40 Single copy, 10 - advertising rates on application. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. 'bubsenpttons 011 our books will be continue until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The HESPERlAN.University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. J. W. McCrosky, Pres., Miss Minnie DePue, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Fannie Baker, Pres. C. A. IIklvik, Scc'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. C. D. Sciiell, Pres. Paul Pizey, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. A. M. Troyer, Pres. N. B. Bark, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Mlbs Fannie Baker, Pres. M'.as E. Merrill, Sec'y. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. C., Pres. J. A. Barkley, Sec'y. ( ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. J. Wi McCrosky, Pres. . G. L. Sheldon, Scc'y. Are the seniors preparing to surprise the school with some startling innovation in the commencement exercises? SCIENTIFIC CLUB. The various college and class yells that will be given at the state contest will be an attraction which if not the principal one will be none the less inter esting. The students that desire to hear a "dull sick ening thud," should attend chapel the day Chan cellor Bessey "comes down" on the noisy crowd that congregates in the rear of that room. A. F. Woods, Jres. F. C. Kenyon, Secy. Scarcely a week passes but that there ,:vs some need of a song that could strictly be called a univer sity song. If we are going to adopt all the airs that a school of our standing entitles us to, why not have some that we can sing as well as put on. The very gratifying announcement has been made that the course of lectures started two years ago is to be resumed. The lectures will be on sub jects that are of interest to every one, especially students. They will be delivered on Thursday after noon of each week, and while they are primarily for students the public is cordially invited. Dr. King sley will deliver the first three lectures giving a thorough and complete discussion of all the phases of heredity. The reformers that are clamoring for the election of the United States senators by the people direct, have had their stock of argument greatly increased by the questionable actions of several of the state legislatures this winter. The controversy of the legality of the action of the Idaho legislature in electing four senatorc, brought out the fact that there is quite a number in the senate that favor such a change. The long and tiresome contest in Illinois where three members of the legislature will probably dictate the selection of tne next senator from that state, together with the charges of bribery and fraud that have been made against the newly elected sen ators from Oregon and South Dakota, will have much influence in hastening the change of public sentiment to favor such u, reform. When public sentiment changes, some reform will have to be made that will clear the senate of the charge of fcgyism and of being the "American house of lords."