The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 15, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Miss Gray's mother visited her Inst week.
Rev. conducted chapel exercises on the 5th.
Mcims. Cooper ami Thompson spent Sunday, the 8th, at
Fisher's parents have moved to Chicago, but Fisher
remains with us.
Mr. Thomas was pleased to sec his brother and his father,
Judge Thomas, last week.
Mr; Castle, the winning orator of Doane College, was
prcsont at our local contest.
Cochrane has had to splice his belt as there was none in
the armory large enough for him.
The Sophomore Iitin class is working up reports to be de
livered orally on assigned subjects.
Professor Huut and Miss II Union yield tc Mr. Kuper as
authority on disputed biblical points.
Question, How or why did Messrs. McC. and R. ex
change girls the night of the Wcslyan contest?
A few of our students attended the contest at Cotner last
Monday evening. Mr, Ilickncll was th winner
Richards tiauslatcs Greek in a tone of voice that
resembling that of a hard shell Haplist preacher.
There is no use to Hyde the fact any longer that Tucker
is not Gete'ner quite as fast as he thought he was.
Mr. L. has a new translation for ne quidem. The gen
tleman must have been wiping his eye with his elbow.
According to the Daily People, the judges on delivery
rendered their decision on Sunday, the day following.
They say Sheldon looks "sorter" unique with his pants
rolled up and with a section of side-walk on his shoulder.
Professors Iicssey, Kingslcy, and Hruner read papers be-
fore the farmer's institute held at Table Rock two weeks
Professor of Pol. Econ. Mr. F., what is a nalnral monop
oly? Mr. F.(a senior) A monopoly of nature which is nat
uial. It is said that Schell will use the latter part ol Miss
Hardin's paper as the climax in his oration, "Fogarty and
A number of the cadets performed the part of soldiersin
Shenandoah. As usual the boys acquitted themselves cred
itably. President McLouth of the state agricultural college and
experiment station, Brookings, S. D., visited the university a
few days ago.
Skiles closed his speech on the capital punishment ques
tion with bit of original poetry: "A man sat down upon his
chair, butlo, behold, it wasn't there."
Mr. Morrow was called home on account of the death oi
his father, which occurred on January 31. We are informed
that he will not return to school this year.
Some of the Union boys celebiuied their victory in the late
contest by a bonfire on the campus. In consequence of
which the sidewalks in that vicinity suffered.
li was a very pleasant sight to see the cadets on dress
parade wade through the mud, but it was not calculated to
improve their morals. 11 our last year's quartermaster had
been on hand with a supply of his shoe blacking, he-would
have found plenty of customers. ' .
Middy McGcc was mad when the decision -was an
nounced. An illustration that depletion of the pockei book
is demoralizing.
TilK llKSl'KRIAN is indebted to Professor Howard for the
privilege of examining the ghost dance relics. After hand
ling the relics it is necessary to wash the hands.
Next Tuesday the imported stock breeders association
meets at Beatrice. Profcssot Bcssey will read a paper on
"Practical Value of Nebraska's Food and Forage Plants."
J, A. Barrett's thesis for the M. A. degree on "The Ori
gin of Constitution of the North West Territory" has been
sent to the printers and will form No. I in a scries of studies
in history and economics.
This is a hard, cruel world, and hardest and cruellest of
all, the co-eds. To say I must not come at seven. Oh, why
did I scratch the slate until I knew that I must not call till
eight. The lament of a second prep.
The faculty is considering the advisability of keeping the
laboratories open the forepart of the -summer vacation for the
benefit of the teachers of the state. A great many of the
teachers have asked that this be done.
About sixty of our students attended the local oratorical
conical al the Wcsleyau University, February 4. It was the
general opinion that from a literary point of view, the contest
was a failure. The winning production was the only one
thai deserved to be called an oration.
The faculty has given Mr. Rydberg senior standing. He
is a graduate of the gymnasium of Skara, Sweden, and last
fall entered the university as a special. His work, while
here, has been excellent. The course that he completed in
the gymnasium, 'ully warrants the faculty in admitting him
to senior standing.
It would be a good plan to have the temperature of the
various class rooms kept nearly alike. As it is some of them
closely resemble a hothouse, while in others the tempera
ture is but little above the freezing point. The sudden
changes experienced in going from one recitation room to
another, are the causes of more illness among the students'
than anything else.
It is well known that there are firms that make a business
of furnishing essays, speeches, sermons, lectures.and orations
to such students and public men as have more money than
brains. A circular of one of these firms found its way to the
university this week. Some one should write to the honor
able man or men that has such a longing desire to share the
toil of over-worked students at so much a share, that he bet
ter connne ins circulars 10 eastern colleges, ltie average
student ol a western college lias too much grit and good
sense to patronize writers of meaningless five dollar sentences
even though the writers offer their services in the name of
The following passionate poetical effusion, the effort of
one of the prep girls, was found in the girls' cloak room
a short time ago. Although all of this young lady's friends
recognized and appreciated her charming precocity, the
knowledge of her appearance in the role of rival to Ella
Wheeler Wilcox, will be as surprising as it is agreeable:
"Do write me a note, I'm so lonely,
Call me your darling again
In lines that are tender and true,
And say that you're loving me still,
And tell me I'm dearest to you.
un, can nic your darling again,
1 come, jet us bury the past,
I've prayed lor this meeting again.
Aud now I am happy at lait."