b& f SO II ESPERI A N. I m m Mr. Cliappell has written an exhaustive article 011 "The ft l.'ll .1 llf t.i- 11 r r . .1.11 uiibKiucii wngcwoiKcrs vosi oi living.- u is puoiisucu 'y in the second hi ennial icport of the bureau of labor ami industrial statistics ol Nebraska. Mr. Chappcll spent a large portion or last summer's vacation, ami visitctl various towns in the state, for the puiposc oC collecting the data for this article. It will also he published in a .series of studies in histoiy and economics. The latter pait of the fall term, the students ol the con servatory of music visited the Delians and furnished the music for the Friday night program. The evening of the nth the Oeliruis icpaid the visit. Mr. Sehell and Mr. Fog arty each deliveicd an oration. After spending a pleasant evening with the conscivatory people, the Delians "took in" the town, as only Delians can. Aside from the post graduate workers, there arc 389 stud ents registered this term in place of 416 last term. Of the four college classes there is an absolute decrease of only two; of the special classes, nine; of the Latin school, sixteen; total decrease, twenty-seven. The decrease in the Latin school is all in the first year. This is exclusive of students in the ait and music departments. Ky request of the faculty, Professor Ilarbcr i? preparing a paper to read before the national teachers association, which will lie held at Toronto, Canada. The subject of the paper is, "The University as the Head of the Public School System of the State." Five lectures on forestry have already been delivered. There arc twelve students in regular attendance and a num ber of outsiders have been present at the diflcrcnt lectures. Saturday evening, January 31, J. C. Graham was called bonie on account of the sudden illness of his little brother. Monday, his brother being belter, be returned to school. Mr. Hib ,it is not nice to go to sleep in the reading room, for the snoring attracts the attention of the librarian and makes the students laugh. The class foiined this term in comparative philology finds the work very interesting, especially the tracing of mi! by members of the class. So little yelling was done at the local contest that some were in doubt whether there were any students present. Professor Edgrcn has received a patent on an adjustable book-stand, not a cook stand as the Journal says. A few days ago three packages of plants for the herbar ium were received from Columbia college. Meeker's last paper in the history class was on the sub ject, "Physinominy of Socrates." Whaley sent his gill a valentine early so that she would have time to send him one. The new guns have arrived and the cadets are now well supplied with arms. Three new students, all second preps, have entered school since the holidays. Mr. Stevens, of Crete, delivered the fourth lecture on finest ry. Ed Thomas' father and brother visited him lately. The Call got the titles and orations mixed. IIUKI.INCTON KOUTK Pl.AYINC CARDS. I now have a large stack of these playing cards, which are sold at the low rate of 10 cents a pack', (not one-quarter the price usually paid for such cards.) Call in and gel a dozen nacks, they are just the ohing for your euchre, whist and high five parties this winter. A. C. Zkimkk, C. P. & T. A. DIRECT POINTERS. Call on Edddd. Cerf . Joooo. Skinner lets good rigs at low prices. Hats and caps at Ed. Ccrl & Go's. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. Cadet caps and suits a specialty at Ewings. Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Go to Ed. Ccif & Co. for furnishing good?. The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's. " Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students' pat ronage solicited. The finest students' suits in the city at Ewing & Go's, 1115-17 O street. Good goods, low prices. Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses fitted. Rooms 16 and 17, Richards block, Lincoln, Neb. Orders for photographs on the best galleries in the city for sale at a discount at TllK IlKSl'RKlAN office. Don't forget us when in need of photos. The night classes of the Lincoln ISusiiiess College ftitiiishca supciior facilities for learning book keeping, penmanship, short-hand, type writing and telegraphy. T. Ewing & Co have now an oppoi Utility to show off an im mense stock of clothing to great advantage. Their new quar ters 1 1 15-17 O street arc undoubtedly the finest in the city. Call around and inspect both store and goods. $75.00 to $250.00 a month can be made working for us. Persons preferred who can furnish a horse ami give their whole time to the business. Spare moments maybe profit ably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. H. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. The Scientific American published by Munn & Co., New York, presents weekly to its readers the best and most reli able record of various impiovcinents in machinery while the scientific progicss of the country can in no way be glean :d so well as by the regular perusal of its pages. Students, buy your coal of Missouri Valley Fuel Company. City office 1 100 O street. Telephone 343. McConica & Auxn, Props. SOUTHERN I'OUKS. The Union Pacific system has in connection with its al the year round touiist rates to Ogdcn. Salt Lake and Pacific coast points placed on sale winter excursion tickets at low rates to all southern resorts in North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, Mexico and to Havana, Cuba. For rates and particulars apply at 1044 O street, or Union depo'. E. H. Si.osson, City Ticket Agent. LaDIKS AND Gp.NTI.I'.MKN. You arc always interested in anything that affords con venience or increases your comfort. Vc think our new Lin coln and Omaha "limited" will do this very thing. It leaves Lincoln at 10:15 every morning except Sunday, and makes the run to Omaha in seventy-five minutes. Returning it leaves Omaha at . in., reaching Lincoln in ample time for supper. Call on the agent at union depot, or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. All inquiries receive prompt and cour teous attention. A. C. Zkimkk, C. P. and T. A.