w:" """ ir t n ii ii li s i e k i a N . lit N assuming the management of The Hesperian (door sports should be engaged in by our students. it is customary to give an outline of the"15 U1C purpose 01 mis aepanmeni 10 encourage this work, and to keep up interest in it. policy intended to be pursued. The Hesperian is the exponent of the barbarian association, and of the open literary society of the Uni versity of Nebraska. This being the case, we shall use all honorable means to build up the cause of bar barianism, not only at home but in all other colleges with which we come in contact. We shall not at tempt to exalt our own cause by villifying and under mining the college fraternity, but, so far as is within our power by showing the influence of each upon student life and upon college work. We would recomend that barbarian associations be formed in every college in the country where there are a sufficient number of good students to take hold of the matter; and shall give whatever imformation they may require concerning the organization and management of our own association. We are also of the opinion thatai an early day steps should be taken to perfect some sort of inter-collegiate association. There is much to be gained by united effort in this movement. Within the last two years several col leges have formed local associations and are doing good work. Not a few college papers have dared to take a decided stand upon the question. Yet there has been little united effort put forth. The inter collegiate organization of the fraternities is the secret of their power. So, too, we believe the future influence of the barbarian association will depend largely upon inter-collegiate organization. We should like to hear from some of our brothers upon this question. Again, a college paper should be as far as possible a faithful reflector of college work as well as college life. To this end two new departments have been added. First the department of the faculty. This department shall be devoted to the different lines of special work in the University, and the work in progress in their special lines. The matter for this department will be furnished by the heads of departments in which op portunity of special work is offered. This depart ment will be opened in the next issue. A depart ment in athletics has also been organized. The need for such a department is imperative. This branch of culture has been grossly neglected not only in our own university, but in all the colleges of the state, now that athletics has been recognized by the board of regents as a distinct department of university work, it behooves every student to take advantage of the splendid opportunities now offered for phys ical culture. Again out door sports have not been carried on with the earnestness that one would like to see. True some good work has been done by our foot-ball and base ball teams; but not one half the interest is manifested that shquld be. All out SjT is a queer way the faculty of this University y" have of showing their appreciation when the University entered the state oratorical association it was supposed that some provision for instruction in oratory would be made, but this supposition has never been realized. With the exception of proffer ing their best wishes, the faculty, as a body, have never aided the local association in any way. This year they have even waived the formality of extend ing their best wishes, while their encouragement has been most conspicuous by its absence. With a de partment ol oratory, and a man whose ability is un questioned, it seems strange that this state of affairs should exist. Why slight this department any longer? Why can not the preparatory English classses be given to some one else, and let Professor Hunt de vote his time to collegiate work in rhetoric and ora tory? At anj rate give us competent instruction in oratory. 4c 'ORTUNATELY. the endowment of the Uni versity is ample and secure, and the province of the legislature is to expend money already secured to it and for it alone, in such amount as may seem wi.se. There is very little room for honest difference of opin ions on this point, to those who investigate its needs. This is a new and growing state, and every legislator whether from farm or city has seen the necessity of expenditure for improvements that are not made for today alone, but for a better future. In University matters the same necessity exists; growth has been rapid, and its needs are imperative. To hold what has already been worked out, and to advance toward what older states have, is the object. None know so well what is needed as those who are charged with its keeping and who have made it a study. Hut are they practical? The present success and reputation of the University leaves no room for doubt. UCH speculation as to the action of the present legislature has been indulged in, and the wild est of predictions have been uttered by the unthink ing and by the unfair opponents of this new movement in state politics. But the dominant party in the leg islature has already given evidence of patience and judgment. To friends of the State University, its success depending largely upon the good judgment of the entire legislature; there is much encouragement. Let the schools remain as they arc. The child and ward of no party but of the people and not subject to attacks by friends who in party zeal know not what they do. M m