The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 15, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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Tuesday Inst the State Horticultural Society begun its
annual meeting in the botanical lecture room, closing on
1m May
Miss Kitty Weston, formerly ol '91, who Jims been pre
venlcd from attending school several years from ill health, is
again in attendance.
The boaid of regents reduced jjlhc gymnasium fee bom
$3.00 tu Si. 00 per year. The fee forthojemainder of the
eai being lift)' cents.
The officers of the University aie very touch provoked at
the slate prinleis for making such a great delay in publishing
the leport of the) legcnts.
The Ftcshmen have not yet paid for their canes. They
ate mm contemplating selling those now on hand, in order
that they may pay off the old debt.
After nine mohlhs service under the employ of a II. & M.
siuvijing gang, in the vicinity of the Mack Hills, L. (J.
Thayer has returned to the University..
When Geo. I.. Sheldon's 'father learned the action of the
cadets in icgaul to the Indian troubles, he immediately
came to 1 incoln to persuade him not to go.
On the 20th of January the State Agricultural Society
will hold its annual,,, meeting in'the chapel.; At the same
time the annual coin showjw given in the aimoiy.
r'liday evening, December 26 Miss Trester gave a party
lur seveialof the students that remained in town dining the
hohda) s. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing games.
Piofe.ssoi Hicks gave a lecture before the farmers institute
at Tccuinsch, Tuesday evening. Professor Uessey gave a
lccliuc befoic the same institute Thiusday evening, Jan-
uarj S.
Seeial packages of specimens have rccnilly been
leeched for the University, herbarium, in all about 250. They
aie all fiom the lowei plants, most of which arc fungi and
While going home from society Friday evening, II. G.
Uaibi-i fell down and had his limb hurt, consequently Uariy
was not able to attend his class in Anglo-Saxon Monday
1 a,t week Mr. Sallee, of Custer county, Neb., spent two
da) s looking through the University herbarium. Mr. Sallie
is a giaduate of the Illinois' and is.'grenlly inler
csted in.botanical work.
Satuiday evening, December 27, several couples gave Mis,,
Kose a surpiisc party. And it pioved In be a complete sur
1'iise. The evening was spent in n very enjoyable manner in
pla)ing games and cards.
The Chase and Wheeler contest will be held in the chapel,
1m ul ay evening, 1 January 30, 1891. The contestants are
Mcsms,. I D. Hyde, C. M. Skilcs, T. 1'. A. Williams, J. II.
Hooper, and E. M. Pollard.
The Freshman class elected the following officeis January
8: President, Miss Gertrude Marsland; vice-president, Miss
l'iuinie Morton; secretary, G. F. Fisher; treasurer, A. C. 1'an
coast; scrgcant-at-arms, George Hall.
The seminar of history and economics has begun its ses
sions for the term at the last meeting Saturday evening.
1'iolessors Howard and Warner each gave a icpoitof the late
hbloiieal and economic conventions in Washington.
The follow h... me the officio of the claisof'03 for the win-
ter lc" : President, Miss Gieeu ; vice-president, MissGclncr;
!CLiel.iry, Miss Harvard; treasurer,, Miss Greyu histoiian,
Mi Maiy Fosslcr , sergeant at arms, Miss Christine rosslci.
TheofftceiVoftlie I'limn m uty i thewintei tit in are,
Miss linker, piesidetil; Miss Utibiiis, ue pusiili-nt;( .A. llol-
vie, secretary; Missuh's, assistant sLuctai); Haivey Noitis,
ctilic; A. M. Tioyci and Miss Mt.ig.m, .seige.iuts at arms.
A reception was given by the Univeiity V. M. and V. W.
C. A. in Palladinn hall last Wednesday. Refreshments of a
very novel kind wete served, the bill of fnie consisting of
peanuts and water. A pleas-ant time was had by all present.
The officers orlhe Delinn society foi the winter term aie:
C. D. Schell, piesident; Miss Forehand, vice president;
Paul Pizey, .secretary; Ailhur Pancoast, and Miss hoe, music
secretaries; Randolph McXilt, critic; N. M. Graham, his
torian : Messrs Rockhold and Fogarly sergeant at at ins.
The local oratorical association met last Thursday for the
fust time this year. February 7 is the dote set for the local
contest. The following weie chosen as judges: on maim
script, Professors Howard, Caldwell, .nd Sherman; on de
livery, Professor Warner, lions. W.J. llryan and', II. II.
The following aie the (Jlliceisof the Palladiau society for
the Winter term: J. W. MeCiosky, president; Miss. Gertrude
Mntsland, vice-piesidcnl; Miss Minnie, Del'ue iceoiding see.
relary; Miss Chapman, cot responding secretary; U. li. John
son, ciitic; C. II. WoodsJiisloiian; W. T. lliown, seigcant-at-atms.
The ch.'inical Jcpaitmcnl has been gieally slrcngthcncd
by the addition to ilsctops of insliuctois of Horace U. I Hoi
ton, a graduate of llnrvaid I'niveisily. Dr. II01 ton supple
mented this course of study, and by scvcial yeais of study
abroad andby practical wutk in the depaitmcnt of agilctil
tine, Washington, D. C.
The cadet battalion volimleeied its seivices to the state In
defend the settlers on the frontier when the militia was called
out for that puipo.-c. Governor Thayer lcplied that at pres
ent the fpiccs on the bonier wete sufficient, but requested
Lieutenant Giiflith to hold the battalion in leadincss to go at
short notice if the Indians showed further hostility. The
boys aie all eager to go and see a little actual scivice.
Monday eening, Januaiy 12, the following promotions
weie lobe made in the battalion: Company A-seigeants,
Paul Pi.c) and W. II. Sawyer; corpoial, C. IS. Tclt. Com
pany ll-coipornls, W. C. ltioek and J. P. Ileaulsle). Com
ply -c-seigennt, G. II. Maghee; corporals, Hasward,
Slroman and Whaley. LCompany D, corpoials, J. II.
Hooper, and II. G. Harbor. Drum Major, J. . McDonald.
A few days ago, Kev. Mr. J. M. Hates, of Valentine,
called at the botanical monif. and spent the gieatei pni t of the
day in examining the plauls the University herbarium.
Mr. Hales brought a package of living plants with hi:., fiom
i.wi,i nnil niosented Ihem to the plant house. These plants
1 IUIIVII '" i" " - t ,
grow on the branches of ticcs and leceive ihetr noutisltmcnt
entirely from ihe air-;jenscn is very much inter
ested in them.
At the lecent meeting of special economist at Washing
ton which Pioiessor Warner attended, there weie about fifty
present, representing almost every university of consequence
in the country. The piesencc of western Jmen was noticed by
the eastern men as indicative of western push and enterprise.
Piesident Walker in his opening addiess invitcdj pa.ticular
.mention to the awakening interest in economic questions.
The meeting was very profitable, and Professor Warner ex
messed his pleasuie at having the opportunity or meeting
and exchanging ideas with so ...any apccial economists . epic
anting every class fiom the most conservative to the c.v
llcmely unheal.