wii i li i ii wilfaj t ii k lii-Jsi'EUAiN. If you nro nick m1 for MIS. 1lLVE A .1 XJK, Office 3i.'i South. K'ih Street. I'd. No 9. Residence Tel. No. Yus A FINE LINK ()! !). V. EASIERDAY, Instructor in Instrumental Music, ItKKIDKSL'K'JYU Yluo Street. Trunks, Traveling- Bass, etc. AT Til K TllUXK FCTOKY, JOS So. UtliSt. Telephone Gill Trunks Repaired or Takrn in Ti title, OFFICE Hoom 'J. State Ulock TELEPHONE 40. ZMI. W-A-ULO?, -BOOT AND SHOE MFR-c :llopnlriiig Neatly ntut Promptly Done: llurr lllock N strec If. ff. ttUA&Bl, - Omen. Rooms,, 70, 77 nnd 7rt, llurr lllock. OPEN DAYAnDNKiUT. C'.n Do Reached Through Tulcpholie No. 200. Dr. C. A. SHOEMAKER, Physician and Office llfiS. I llh St. injl'oi.n, Nr.11 Surgeon, b. L DOWD'S HEALTH exerciser. ImmmmtmmFor Jli'nhi'Wnrktra ami St. Telephone 0St;'Br iPKMK'iviun 1'tople: (lontlcmen, J: SB KMrmmi ...it ... '....n.a. n... Ail. Int.. MilUI C AlltllllD, MIV IlllllblU jr Invalid Acompioieuyiu natrium. Takes un but 0 in (niaru iioor-room; now, sei- iminc. iiuriiu e. coi mruiiu alve. chcao. Indoisccl bv i&). urn physicians, lawyers, clarpymeii. editor? midotliers now ushiir It. Send for Illustrated ci'-oular. -JO eng's: no chart;". Prof. 1). L. Dowd, .Sclontlllc, Physical and Vocal Culture, tl Knet Mth st Now York. 'vKuwuEl f .wipuHsyMj M. I,. JOYCE. II. UUKTnt'X Heiftaitl UsaB&it ) Onico tit Humphrey llro's, Corner of 0 anil Ninth St. Wo hnvo tho only upright piano truck Mllieeiiy. R. STANHOPE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office home 0 to 11 a. in. nuil'J to4 p.p. Residence, IBM A'. Street. OHIco in the Holmes block, Eleventh street, iii'0. HIE FINEST LINE OK Ladies and Gents Underwear TO HE FOUND IN THE CITY IS SHOWN UY MILLER & PAINE. 133-139 SOUTH ItTH STREET- J( t SCffll, DENTIST- Telephone 153. 1105 O Street, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR Printing and Stationery Hesperian Office, WITH SAYE & MILLER v University.