The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 15, 1890, Page 7, Image 9

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'89. T. A. Williams lias lately been elected professor of
botany in the South Dakota Agricultural College. Mr. Wil
liams will resign his position as principal of the Ashland high
school and make preparations for entering upou his new work.
It has been said that Tucker is Gct'n'er.
What has become of the foot ball craze?
Where do Fogarty and Schell got their flowers?
Fogarty is pursuing with vigor his Hebrew study.
The poor seniors! they have to rc-wrile their orations.
Skilcs has acquired a sudden dislike for bananas and
John Hall called on his brothers, George and Gilbert,
last week.
Why did Tucker go up to Greenwood on "mc certain
Sunday evening?
Fogarty was seen escorting Governor Thayer through the
halls one day last week.
Conversational Irish is the latest Senior study. Miss
Schwab is specializing in it.
We hear that Will Clark recently became suddenly smit
ten by a fair one from Hastings.
The Fall term closes Tuesday, December 23, and the Win
ter term opens Friday, January 2.
On account of sickness, Mr. Ross has not been able to
attend classes for the last two weeks.
Pizey, Pollard, Sheldon and Rockhold escorted several
girls from the Hastings College one day last week.
Several of the protestors have made arrangements to de
liver lectures before the farmers'instttute this winter.
The senate of the P. 15. D. C. would astonish Roberts or
even Tom Reed by sone of their parliamentary manoeuvres.
According to one of the leading newspapers of the state,
the- University foot ball team has entered the "sporting
While vaulting across the parallell bars in the gymnasium
the other morning, Dr. Frothlngham put his knee out of
Misses Green, Marsland, Edwards, Douton, and Collins
attended the scssiuiis of the state Y. W. C A. at Ashland last
Rockhold has evidently missed his calling. We think that
the rising young lawyer had better hang out his shingle as a
On account of the sickness of Liculunant Giiflith Friday,
December 5, all the military exercises of the day were dis
pensed with.
Professor Hitchcock's wife and three daughters have gone
to Boston, to study in the different departments of the Boston
It has been whispered that Fogarty has consigned to ob
livion his oration upon Pamcll, with which he won the local
contest last year.
Will Johnston, excitedly (when the train that was eairying
him to Thanksgiving dinner stopped out in the country
because the smoke of another train was seen on ahead):
VThat was the nearest I ever came to a railroad accident." J
Rev. Wannamakcv, pastor of the Vine street Congrega
tional church, has made arrangements to lake post-graduate
work under Dr. Wolfe.
Senior (despondently): "I've felt so blue all day."
Frcshie co-ed: "Evidently, the statement is true that blue
changes to giccn at night."
Tub HksI'KRIAN board met Friday, December 5, and
elected W. T. Drown to till the vacancy made by the res
ignation of J. W. McCrosky,
Yesterday Mr. D. N. Lchmcr and Miss Nellie Scott took
the parts of tenor and soprano, respectively, in the choir at
the First Presbyterian
We arc glad to notice that Misses Yntcs and Bunnell, who
have been detained from school for several days by sickness
arc again able to attend classes.
A certain Pall, Mr. II by name, found it convenient to
invest in a bottle of laudanum to quiet his nerves after the ex
citing episode of Thursday, December 11.
Freshman (delivering lecture before class in history):
'The boys were taught gymnastic exercises and music. They
learned to sing and play on the git there."
Fred Hyde astonished the audience in the Palladian Hall
a short time ago by announcing that the class for the next
week would be found posted on the bulletin board.
The Otol while not committing itself seems disposed to
f.ivor our plan of debarring public speakers from entering
the stale contest. It is now in order to hear from Gates.
A water motor has just been introduced into the physical
laboratory where it will be tested. If it proves successful, it
will be secured for this department and also for use in botan
ical department.
The officers for the class of '95 for the Winter term are
president, Frank llrowi.: vice-president, Miss Ainesjsecrctary,
Miss Hunter; trcasifrcr,' Mr. Whilmore; sergeant at- arms,
Mr. Richmond. '
The newly married Professors, Caldwell, Lcesc, Fostlcr,
and Little, with their wives, cn'iicd at Professor Hodgmnn's
Friday evening, Decembers, where they had a very pleasant
and social time.
Dr. Frothingham is compelled to use a crutch owing to an
injury to one of his knees. He fractured the limb a few years
ago when paying foot ball and since that lime it is very sus
ceptible to injury by anyvviolent exercise.
Professor Hogdmau has succeeded in selling thirty sea
son tickctr. among the Uiivei.sity iiiMiuetois ami proiessors
for the Oratorio society. The first of the four yearly concerts
will be given Tuesday night, Decemhrr, 16.
The following aic the officers of the P. G. D. C. for the
Winter term, president, Miss Gray; vice president, Miss
Hccker; secretary, Miss Wilson; treasurer, Miss Motion;
critic, Miss Faulkner; seigeant-alaims, Miss Treat.
Through the influence of Piofessor Lcesc, the $100 that was
formeily devoted to the miscellaneous expenses of the Latin
School, will now be used for the purchase of books and appa
ratus for the convenience of the Latin School instructos.
Stromal), (rushing wildly up and down at the Omaha do
pot, to depot police): "I say, mister, can you toll me which
one of these trains loaves for Omaha" Nb response. S.
(louder and more frantically) "can't you toll 1110 which is the
Omaha train?' D. P: "Sonny 'we ar? in "Omaha now'."'
St'roman wijts,