THE HESPERIAN overstocked markets will not be in sight for years. Hut lit tle corn Is raised here. Wheat, oats and barley arc staples; Vnd'in' the acreage yield or wheat and oats this state leads the Union, while in barley it is second- and our nicgh bor Oregon is first. Hay is a valuable crop, it being worth in winter season as high as $30 a ton. In time this state will outri val California in the production of fruits. Prunes, plums, apri cots, pears, apples and all berries grow to perfection. Hop raising is also the source of immense wealth. It is estimated that this crop alone will bring into the state this year over $2,000,000. I might stop now and you would no doubt conclude that this is a wonderful country. Hut if I should stop now it would be a half told tale. Washington has lumber for the world, and she has land enough left when the forests arc cleared away to support millions of people. In addition to these sources of wealth, however, she has another source of natural wealth, a source which it will take ages to exhaust her minerals. She has extensive beds of steel and iron ores equal to ihotc ol Pennsylvania; her land is underlaid with great strata of coal, similar to the beds of Pennsylvania and Alabama, and in themselves worth millions; large beds of gra phite have been found; lead is mined in several places ami and the output is fast increasing; whtlc gold and silver arc drawing miners here from all parts of the ore producing West. Huilding stone of excellent quality is easily found and clay for brick and pottery manufacture can be had for the digging. Natuic has endowed this great Northwest with her richest blessings. She has made Western Washington one vast store house for her wealth. And then to top it all she gave her Pugct Sound, that most magnificent body of v.. iter, where the vessels of the civilied world may find a haven in which to fricght themselves with produce for the remotest prts of the i!ulrc. What nature has left undone man is doing for her. Time was when one great railroad claimed tribute from the people of the state, but, thanks to eastern cntcrprisctand fore thought, which sees the brilliant futureTor this great region no less than a dozen new roads are building in this state today. Three of these are building into Chchalis. All the great transcontinental roads are reaching for this section and whether they build in from the north and first strike Pugct Sound or come in from the south by way of Portland they will necessarily be extended from one to the other. All must follow piactically in one route and Chchalis issosituatcd between the mountains that she will get them all. We now have the Northern Pacific. The Union Pacific is building through the town. The Great Northern has asked for right of way. Three great transcontinental lines! Ilesidc these the Northern Pacific is building out of hrc two 'jads to the Pacific Ocean, one to Gray's Harbor and the other to Willapa Harbor. The later road is to be extended cast of here and through the Cascades, where it will tap the richest coal fields in the Northwest. Eastern capital is making this country yield that which Nature has provided her with so bounteously. A country blessed as this one is with such great natural wealth and beset with such magnificent scenery, would cause the most discontented to grow enthusiastic over her future. The en ergy tvbich has been aroused by this enthusiasm is pushing Washington forward as she deserves to be. During the past ten years her population has increased 365.30 per cent, and she has'advanccd from the rank of forty-second in population in 1880 to thirty-fourth in 1890. A magnificent growth ! Washington is indeed the gateway to Asia. The u'ant of a fyreign market does not stare her in the face. Wc can build the ships from our mighty forests to carry our produce thither. There 900,000,000 people await our products, and wc arc nearer to Asia by 6,000 miles than England, our greatest competitor. "When," as a great orator once remarked in n Nebraska stale contest, "all these grand con ceptions shall be realized in human consciousness, etc.," then will Washington "take her place among the nations of the earth." What of the climate? Well, for my part, that is the only disagreeable feature. The summers are all that the most fas tidious could wish for. They arc simply perfection. Winter is different. No doubt you can recall the days of early spring in Nebraska when it rains and is cold and cloudy and disa greeable generally for days at a time. When you don't know whether it's going to rain, or snow, or blizzard or what it's going to do. Well, that is what the winter here is like, ex cepting that it is generally so mild that you need seldom expect anything but rain. Wc get plenty of rain, though. Last j car when I came to the coast in November, on my first trip, it was drizzling in fine style and it kept it up until May. The oldest inhabitant, of course, said it was the worst winter for years, just as he docs each winter in Nebraska when talk ing to a stranger. It's the same old story, rain, rain. The days are cold and dark md dreary. It rains until I grou quite weary. . It stops awhile, 'lieu begins to pour: It stops again, thin rains tome more. And the days arc dark nml dreary. As to whether T would advise people to come out here or not I will say thai if a farmer has enough so that he can have a little money left when he gels here so that lie can get located and get a start if he is persevering and wide awake' he will prosper. I am not onc-of those who would urge all to come, even if they would. Iltu I will say with all my heart that I do not believe any place offers so many oppor tunities for young men of energy and spirit to work their way to the front as docs Washington. .The brain, muscle and en ergy of the East is what she wants and none others need apply. Dan. W. Bosh. ' ' -j 1 ... CURRENT COMMENT. The American Archaeological Society, at this writing, has $60,000 pledged out of $80,000 necessary for the explorations of the site of he oracle of Delphi and the purchase of the vil lage of Kastri. Owing to the overtures made by the French, the date of the American option expires on November 18 but it is thought that a sufficient sum of money will -be scpurcd to carry on the operations and secure treasures which will exceed n value and importance, those of Olympia. The Athenian Society of Archaeology is'prosccuting a series of excavations an the site of two tcmploj nine mile1 northeast of Marathon, formerly supposed to be dedicated to the goddess Themis, but now thought to be the remains of an ancient and less old temple of Nemesis. A beautiful statue of a youth, a horse carved in stone and various fragments of statues and figures." The above article, besides being of interest to those that desire to know what progress the American Archaeological Society is making in its work, illustrates very nicely the point made in last issue of Tub Hkspkkian, viz: the neces sity for preserving the treasures that arc being coniiuually un earthed. If the Archaeological Society succeeds in purchasing the site of Delphi it will probably prove to be the richest site that has yet been explored. ISul of what use would it be to explore this regipn if the treasures found there were not to be AM A 5 . . t 1 I 1 jiuicntu - ' t ' . (