sSuza P THE liESl'EKtAN. THE VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHS MADE BY msm's ASv&vn&rujS .Portrait and Landscape Photographer The only place where you cnn get group of yourself photos taken. VIjws lal.dn to order. Satisfaction guaranteed Suo'lal Usitt'N to StiMlciit! 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRARKA. hhin.liH (mi 111 . . i.ii ' I H. P. S HER WIN, ur.Ai.r.K in BOOTS AND SHOES. O ELLS best shoe made $2.50 kee our Men's shoe for 3.00 DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED. M24 O stroot, Lincoln. 07 tQilttttts Surgeon -;- Dentist. Tooth Instructed Without lain by the New Process. Rooms 94.. 95 and 96, Hurr Hl'k, Lincoln, Nun. KOOKSPKINUd LUMP, HOCK SPUINGS NUT, CANON- CITY LUMP, CANON CITY NUT, UIOOKAND LUMP, R. H. OAKLEY, ' IO44 O STREET. All Coal Carefully Screened. DOMESTIC IUMP, PAKAGON LUMP. MIHSOUIU HLACK, And all bIzi-b of Lackawana constantly on hand , The Place & Buy Your Groceries is at McCARGARS Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Give him a rail. Goods delivered lo any j aitof the city. 618 North Twelfth Street. Telephone 632. SILLIE-IRS FIRST-OLASS TEN CENT BARBER SHOP In the Union Block, cor. Tenth and 0. Special Prices to Students.