WtW 10 TIIK HESPERIAN, li I If! lttff lf9 We call the attention of our rentiers to the ad of Ilcrpol sheimcr & Co. They without doubt carry the largest stocks of dry goods, cloaks, toys, and holiday goods millinery in the WeM. The place is well worthy of an inspection. $75.00 to $250.00 a month can he made working for US' Persons preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profit ably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. W. F. JOHNSON & CO., iooy Main St., Richmond, Vn. TUB COI.UMMA CYCLE CALENDAR. Hy far the most valuable business calendar for 1S91 is the Columbia Cycle Calendar and stand, issued by the Pope Mfg. Co., of Hoslon, Mass. It is in the form of a pail containing 366 leaves, each leal having on it n date, day of week, day of year, and number ol days to come, a par agraph pertaining to cycling or some kindred subject. The leaves aje fastened only on the end, so that each entire leaf can be exposed. The stand is made of stained wood, brass mounted, with pencil holder and pen rack. Although this is the sixth year of the calendar, the matter is fresh and new, the larger number ol paragraphs having been specially wiitten lor this purpose. When you want photographs call on the business manage ofTitK I h'si'KKlAN and secure orders at special rates on any mQ''t&"':'r'-imrlgfm'wm -' -"' ' m' " ,i,:h"Hir n inwi iiiiiiiiiini of the leading galleries of the city. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HESPERIAN. ) NOTICE. We have- jut purchased the agency for four ending Fire Insurance Companies, and pared to write the best quality of Fire, Accident Insurance. are pre Life and Gerwkj & Bauhiiman. CentralLawCollege. TI10 second term or tlio mmitil session or tlio Central Law Col lego (lfcUO-UDboi-liiB January 5 1891 with a largo course ol lectures ymbraclng commercial law, contracte, agency, partnership, corpora tlonb, bailments, carrier, personal and rcal'propcrty, constitutional and International law, torts orjulty, ovldenco, criminal law, Juris prudence anil Int'irHiRte law with mauy lectures upon mlscollanc oua topics connected w th the legal profession and studies by ills tlnguished gantlcmen not of tho faculty, ' m