IkEd l THE HESPERIAN. 9 In llic Butler Collegian wc notice nn editorial urging lite students to leave college politics when they come to athletic matters. From the lour of the editorial we judge that the captain is having trouble because some men with pins want to play whether they arc capable or not. Never mind that, Collegian, they arc up to the proper standard if they have pins. Gules Index is using its best endeavors to show why Gates College should live. It believes that there should be two Congregational colleges in Nebraska. There may be such a need, but it is certainly not a crying need. The crying need, wc should think, would be for funds for the college drawing its support front the drouth stricken district of Ne braska and South Dakota. The Dickimonian in its November issue devotes some considerable space to accounts of fool ball games by the Dickiiisnnian team. It gives reports of five different games played within a mouth, in two of which the Dickinson team won. From reading the accounts a student of the U.of N. need have no occasion to feci ashamed of out leant. In one game the score was only 52 to o. If athletics occupied the minds of the students of the students of DiclJtnson ns much during November ns they have the Ditkinsonian for that mouth, recitations must have been a howling success" there and students a howling vacancy. It is not very often that wc give frat articles in these col umns. Wc don't write them ourselves and it is very seldom wc come across one that is real nice. In the Reveille, how ever, is one of just that soit of which wc gvc verltnfim et punctuatim the part that is most real nice. "No friendship is sc strong 01 euduiiug us that of a college fraternities; bind ing its members by such tics, attain or approaches nn ideal of love no other body of men ever attain. It is a union of like purposes and ambitious bound together for mutual benefit by cords of sympathy and eternal affection. The college fra ternity is to those who belong to them second only to the college itself." To the keen-sighted observer it is quite evident that America is rapidly drifting towards the goal that marks the termination of the great republics of antiquity. America furnishes only another instance of w maxim that: "history repeats itsdf." I Io who is carefully watching the develop ment of national foiccs and tendencies is compillcd to con clude that unless a strong reaction sets in this pioud republic like its predecessots, is doomed to fall. Central Ray. It is not often that one finds a figuie o( speech the meaning of which is as inexplicable and incxliicnblc as that uf the ln.it sentence of the above quotation. Hut, peihnps, the pes simism of the wiiter of the quotation is what caused his con fusion of mimi. Suicly such pessimism isditik enough to chill to death any good ideas. Jt is wqrlh living for to see how the Niirtfnveste.ni World is making the Northwestern paw the earth. The A'ortlwesl em has always been a slow-going, serious, dcad-iu earnest, old fogy college papci but the rustic and enterprise of its rival have been rival have 'been having a rcmaikable cfTc'cl upon it. It is waking up. Naturally, at first it pounds the Ay considerably but it will soon begin to sc; that something else' is necdcll to make it anything of an equal with "the World. It will then stop its whining and get to work. As wc read of the fight between the Northwestern and the World, between the fiats and barbs at Northwestern, the the' thought comes to Us that the barbs and their paper ought to be able to liye wheri they see the 'tender solicitude of the fiats and their paper lent the barbs make some mistakes or cause a reaction in favor of the frats. The situation is' touch ing in the extreme. We hope the barbs there arc fully con scious of the fact. We hope, moreover, that the barbs will begin to rcali.e that in their new anti-frat organization they can secure the tender solicitude of the "frats" towards them while they had not hitherto met the requirements of the fra ternity standard. DIRECT POINTERS, Call on Euddd, Ccrf . Joooo. Skinner lets good rigs at low prices. Hats and caps at Ed. Cerl & Co's. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. Cadet caps and suits a specialty at Ewings. Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Go to Ed. Ceif & Co. for furnishing good?. The latest styles in halt at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's. Mauley still has the cream of the candy trade. Call and sec Cope at 117 North Twelfth street. Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students' pat ronage solicited. A. C. Cope is engaged in the Cigar and Tobacco busbies in connection with his work in school. The finest students' suits in the city at Ewing & Co's 1115-17 O stivt.x Good goods, low prices. Dr. Garten, eyccar, nose and throat specialist. Glasses fitted. Rooms i6ard 17, Richards block, Lincoln, Neb. vl Orders for photographs on the best galleries in the city, for sale at a discount at Thk IIkspkrian office. Don't forget us when in need of photos. The night classes of the Lincoln Business College furnishes superior facilities for learning book keeping, penmanship, shin t hand, type writing and telegraphy. Students, buy youi coal of Missouri Valley Fuel Company. City office 1 100 U sticet. Telephone 343. McConiga & A1.1.KN, Props. 1'iof. I.oisetle's Memory System is creating greater inter est than ever in all pails of the country, and all persons wish ing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus re,c as advertised in another column. T. Ewii'g & Co have now an opportunity to show off an im ujense stock of clothing to great advantage. Their new quar ters 1115-17 O street 111 c undoubtedly the finusl in the city. Call around mid inspect both store mid goods. SOUTHERN TOURS. The Union Pacific system has in connection with its all tliu year round tourist rates to Ogdcu, Salt Lake and Pacific" coast points placed on sale winter 'exclusion tickets "at low rates to all southern icsortsin North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Tex-.ts, Mexico and to Havana,' Cuba. For rales nit J pnrticulats apply at 1044 0 street, or Union depot. ' E. B, Sosson, Citv Ticket Agent. mm