The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 15, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    Til E It E S P E R I A N ,
90. Since the beet sugar factory nt Grand Island closed,
II. 13. Duncanson has returned to the University and will take
post-graduat: work in the chemical department.
L. G. Thayer, formerly of '93, will return to school next
term. At present he is in South D.kota working with a civil
engineering corps on the 11. & M. rail road from HufTalo Gap
to Dcadwood.
W. E. Johnson, n student here several years, made himself-
famous in Omaha during the recent campaign by pup
lishing the Bumble Bee. Mr. Johnson visited Tin: Hes
perian last Wednesday morning. He left later for Kansas
Instructor Fulmcr brought with him from Grand Island a
set of twelve specimens which will be placed in the laboratory
for the use of students in the chemical dcpaitmcnt. The spec
imens show the various stages through which the beets pass
before they come out in the form of sugar.
It is reported that Walter, alias "Tuskcy," Ilongland will
bestow upon our so-called classic halls the priceless blessing of
his effervescent presence, and that too in the near future, We
have long wondered why the world seemed so sad and dreary,
the weather so cloudy and foreboding, the University so dcttd
and buried; but we sec it till now as in this moment of happy
inspiration the thought comes to us that we have missed
"Tusky." There is a wide and melancholy gap in our midst
that was wont to be filled by the persistent and exuberant
loquacity, the ceaseless and continuous verbosity of "Tusky."
Come on "Tusky!"
One of the students is in receipt of a letter from The Ilr.s
I'ERIan's ex-chief, O. W. Fifer, now in attcmlcncc upon the
Garret Biblical Institute at Kvauston, III., pursuing a course
of study preparatory to entering the Methodist ministry. D.
D. Forsyth is with him. "Fife" still loves the University as
of old and says Northwestern is not what it is croaked up to
be, they have no professor that can compare with our pro
fessors of history, and in the department of rhetoric and ora
tory they aic by no means ahead of us. In fact the boys,
Dave" and "Pfifier," arc seriously thinking of returning
here next year to take a post graduate course in Ecclesiastical
history under Professor Howard. We hope they will do it.
The many friends of Mr, J. S. Pcery will bo pleased to
read the following, which we take from the Ogdcn Daily
'The county court was in regular .session yesterday at the
court house and broke the record. Its record has been a
dead-lock over the election of a county superintendent of
schoolb to fill n vacancy. This tied-up situation has lasted
for about two months past. Hut the court (or board of super
visors) brought up the question as usual yesterday, and Mr.
Fred Foy, liberal member, sprung the name of Joseph Pecry,
son of D. II. Peery, Sr., for the office. There did not seem
to be any room for the Mormon members of the court to
doilgs voting for young Pcery and so he was elected, While
his father is one of the most wealthy and prominent Mormons
of Utah this son is more than half liberal, and is withal a
young man of excellent education, amiability, and has pro
gressive ideas. His brother, D. II. Pecry, Jr., is a full
fledged liberal. So the election of Joseph Pecry 13 at least a
drawn battle as far as party advantage is concerned, especi
ally as he owes his selection to the liberal members of the
For night instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short
luind, type wilting 01 telegraphy, the Llnculn)Uusiness College
Is the best place to go. Over 600 students Inst year.
Oh those French exam-.!
L. O. Shrader is again in school.
Miss N"cllie Scott is again enrolled.
'Just as if you weren't going with me."
Meeker Sundaycd in Ashland, November 9.
Miss Hull is now living at Washington, D. C.
Sheldon visited his ma at Nehawka last Sunday.
How did those preps get locked up in the dome?
The co-eds draw quite an nudience when they bowl.
U. G. Cornell was in Vcrdon on business the early part of
this week.
Professor Hcssey has arranged to keep a gardener for Jus
hot house.
Ask Gregory how he kept the pumpkin fium being stolen
R. A. Schell of Cotncr spent Sunday visiting hisbrothci a
the University.
C. E. Chadscy of the Doane Owl visited Ti:r. Hesvukian
ons evening leccntly.
Miss Getncr received a visit from her brother, of Omaha,
Sunday, November 9.
The high school of North Ucnd has been entered on the
list of accredited schools.
Miss Chapman was paid a pleasant visit one day last week
by a friend from Hcatrlcc.
There nic now twenty-six graduates of the University
taking post-graduate work.
Why not open the gymnasium in the cvning? It is now
furnished with electric lights.
J. W. McCrosky was called home to attend the funeral of
n cousin, Sunday, November 2.
Several of the University students attended the democratic
rally nt Omaha Tuesday, evening,
Professor Hitchcock was unable to meet some of his
classes last week on account of sickness.
The librarian recently recc'."cd 104 volumes of government
documents from the secretary of Interior.
Miss Duckcr wns injured by a fall on the steps of the
chemical laboratory and Is now using crutches.
Dr. Kingsley Is now revising the list of periodicals thai
was published in The Hi'.sIM-.kian hist Spring term.
A special committee, appointed for the purpose, is now en
gaged in drawing plans for the new library building.
Miss Treat wa3 called to her home in Weeping Water
November 1, or. account of the sickness of her mother,
Professor Hates of Meadvllle College, Kentucky, a cousin
of Govenor Thayer, was a recent visitor at the University.
At the recent election the students did splendid work for
the amendment both in distributing tickets and in arguing.
Hugo E, Nelson '92 has returned to his work in the Uni
versity after two months labor In the Grand Island bcctjnigar
To ft spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother at Ash
land where she is rccicving medical treatment under Dr.
The Biological journal club is again revived;- and under
the direction of Professors Ilessey and Kingsley, meets every
two weeks,