I, ..... ii . T I ' rw? "frww' "! "'t-.V, Jr V -r rr ir ' a WTfW-'V, . t f tt V ' '"-- ' T Ii K IIESI'KKIAN. TT i & 1 i Ik" ' VISIT HERPOLSHEIMER & CO S GREAT 1 ' M EXPOSITION DEPT. STORE, Corner Twelfth and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb. The laigest stock of Dry Goods, Clonks, Hoots and Shoos, Millinery, Holiday Goods, Tovs and Candies in the WeM. Piin-a tho lowest. Ladies' parlor up stairs. Remember the place and give us a call. BROCK WAY! KtK'ccMr to II. W. KKLTV At Co., 1020 O St. PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photca $2 oo Doz TO STUDE T8 'lliu"i' photos !UO I'lllltll to tilt l)Cst Hindu in l lie city. 1123 --ZBTTT "5T OTTZR-- BOOTS AND SHOE O ST. s of IM Csv Tales KOCKSIMUNUS LUMP, HOOK SPKIXGS NUT. i OANOy C1TV LUMP, OAKON CITY NUT, KlOtiltAND LUMP, ' R. H. OAKLEY, IO44 STREET. All Coal Carefully Screened. DOMKbTIC LUMP, PA1IAG0N LUMP. M1SS0UIU HLAOK, And all si.ts of Lncknaim coiietnultjon luiud Brown's for Oysters Windsor Block, North Twelfth St m urn "' , . Ig":--,.-'- -" ! C