The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1890, Page 9, Image 9

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Again wc have to record that up to this time no sheet has
reached us from Neb. W. U. Can It possibly be that the.
profits derived fom the Eccritean were not sufheient to sat
isfy the desires of the real estntic genius of its business
The Reveille for October looks more like a roll-call or an
adjutant's book than anything else. To say the least it is
uninteresting reading to an outsider whatever it may be to the
studonts of Norwich University. The Reveille, as a rule
though, is not after this fashion.
Thusly, from the Haverfordian; To all, and especially
to the new men, the advice is to join the societies. The work
done in these societies is cf n very interesting nature and one
which cannot fail to be of great benefit to every man who
takes hold earnestly." That is good. Keep it up.
The editor of the Coup d'Elot is like Kate Field's Wash
ington: he uses the big ,4I." This sounds strange but per
haps it is not the custom. At any rate the personality of
the editor stands out so prominciillyv'al it is almost offen
sive, r.oi when "I" talks docs the paper seem to be repres
ented. A rather bclc'.cd issue ot the Fre'i Lance has come to our
tabic. Instead 01 appearing in June it came out in Septem
ber. And soil -i-.tims that even in thi cast editors long for
vacation and don't fustic copy. Leaving off the casual "cf "
one might almost say that those editors were too much
"fete." '
Thc-cdUoMrthc Penu Chronicle of course uses the editor
ial ."wc." T!u.V? all right. And thus saitlvh".: "As one
advances in the college course, he assumes more and more an
air of dignity. '(When I say "he" I speak geucrically). We
believe this is" Which is right, wc" or "I"? Who
shall say?
?o far this yrar wc have received but one exchange from
the Lone Stale. It is the Argus from Fort Woith University.
and is of course u. paper of large piorortions, mentally and
materially; for must not every university have such a sheet?
How could it b? J university, any moc than a man a D. D.
or a I, I.. D., unless it had the name and a sheet to boom it?
The red faced J'egatus is before us again. To say the
least the paper is rather sliir. in everything that gous to make
a college paper worth anything. Wc notice one article in
particular l;ic; the editor praises highly. It is almost
enough to sr.y that its title is "The Armada" to have set
down ns a gyaniinar school boy's composition. It certainly
reads as sucm
The JicWuonicn for October prints shoit biographies of
the new profsson scoured during the summer. One might
almost infer (torn rzuding these sketches that the new men
were the people and that wisdom vould not only die with
them but that outs'de of them there wi ; j'iic, so highly and
lavishly does the Witcr praise them. Dickinson College is
fortunate if thcaVc all they nrc "cracyced up" to be.
From the Aawifdiatn "Wc like the icply ol Dr. Goo.l
win to the soii$tr.tions of in cm be is of t college fialernity
who were promising to lend him thcil mathematical
his 'ponying11 fv him, help him write his essays, put luni
through in everything and make him an honor man. "You
conic to me," said he, "not because there is any good fellow
ship about ne, v.oK because you have any respect for my man
hpu'fl, not because you think thcrtfjis anything good in mc,
b.U bccau3c'tybu think I can be rf Some value l youj that
through you I may be able to secure some college honor;
bccnc Phi Beta Kappa man the college honor society n
and so reflect credit on you. I despise that sort of thing! A
A man is a man no matter what may be his lack of accomp
lishments and I will have r.othiui; to do with your society:"
It is a pleasant thing to western people to know that the
East copies after them. An illustration in point is the com
mencement system that is being adopted all over.- Western
colleges saw that something better was passible at Com
mencement than student oratory. They acted on the idea
and began to secure men of fame o deliver the address of
the occasion. Now eastern colleges arc waking up and are
beginning to think of doing likewise. Thus they follow in
the procession and as time cs on they will do so more and
more, for the great West is gradually assuming sway over
these United States in politics, thought, religion and
Princeton attributes the greatly increased number of stud
ents in attciidancc there to her great victories in athletics.
Verily that it a new wny to build up a college. Undoubtedly
Princeton intends to become a university by means of her
athletics. Eastern colleges have at last found out how to
work people. They do as a "frat" here who vas working
a new man. Finding that the u. m. wss a base ball enthusi
ast he read up on that subject and talked such matters so
learnedly that the heart of the u. in. wab completely won.
Grave Senior, this loaiou thou tuunt learn,
With nil thy great prococity:
' To guard against, at every tcs
Umluo connulcuosUy.
The Delphic labors under somewhat of a misapprehension
when it says that the class of '92 in a certain state university,
meaning U. of N., adopted one of the most sacred passages
in all scripture for its motto'.'1 This was not done. The facts
arc that this was rushed into the locals by som: wh-jsc
sens: of fun had entile' y am away from them. Ccuain it in
that the majority of the students uphoid no si'cli mocker and
this editor knows that he is not alorc in the belief that the
local was one of the most outrageous pieces of ridicule that
ever appeared in this paper. Even granting it the excuse
that 110 ham was meant still it was without foundation in
sense, decency or icvcrcnce. This, we believe t j lie the sent
iment of the students outside of the few who were directly
implicated. We, moreover, believe in all cha-ity that they
themselves did not realize what they were doing.
The .awreiJinn has, wc think, sonic .seise. The
editor thus speaks concerning the conduct of1 the paper. "As
to our plans they are mainly negative. There shall be no
theological dissertations or metaphysical disquisitions to
amaze you; neither shall there bcNany logical jugglings or
ethical speculations to rack yoursoiAs. The tariff, that fruit
ful source of logomachy, that parent cf quibbliugs, haggliugs
and garblings, is refused admittance unless it piomises to
come before us in some novel manner and free from politics.
If you desire such readings, there arc numerous articles on
any of these subjects to which wc can refer you, articles as
good as any wc could write."- That sounds refreshing, .is
refreshing as the balmy breezes of a Nebraska autumn after
a Nebraska summer. The purpose, expressed in the above
quotation wc would comciuHo tlw'eariiest attention of the
Earlhaiiie aumury other cllcgg p;'Pcn of like stamp.
Wc unhesitatingly say'gooil'V.fu'yheni's ujy seiii.iiTit'uls
tew." ' . ' -'"""
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