The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    Til E II E R P E U IAN.
No class now in the University has won the right to cany
ennes during their Freshmen year except '93. The Freshmen
this year have made the best showing since the rush of '90 '91
when the score was 7 to 6. We note with pride as a proof of
the friendly spirit of the contest and the self-possession of
the contestants that there was not a single foul.
The Sophomores in a meeting held immediately after the
contest passed a vote of thanks to the Seniors for assistance
vocally rendered, and decided to saw the cane into pieces,
keeping the pieces themselves and presenting the dust to '94
as a memento or the time when their high aspirations "hit the
Monday morning succeeding the rush 93carricd into chapel
a neatly designed banner rcpiescntativcof ihcir class pin, the
pin of which was reprcsenlated by the prize cane, neatly
decorated with class colors.
For the edification of those who were unable to be
present at the cane rush, we" present here a choice engrav
ing representing a scene on the outskirts of the rush
grounds. The pride of '93 "on top."
'85. Conway G. McMillan, of University of Minnesota,
recently sent Professor Ucssey an article for the Aiiwrictin
Naturalist, of which paper Professor Hcsscy is editor
'90. -A. J. McCIatchic recently spent a few days with his
University friends. Mr. MnClatchic is going to California
where he will be with a surveying party on irrigation work
near Los Angeles.
Rather than have the Grand Island beet sugar factory
send East lor a chemist, the chemical department hcie sent
Instructor E. II. Fu liner to assist them, notwithstanding the
fact that the department here has had a greater amount of woik
than usual.
On October 23, at Ileatrice, Nebraska, occured the wed
ding of Mr.O. V. P. Stout and Miss Edith Forbes, both of
that city. The groom is well known at the University, hav
ing graduated here in '88. Tub IIbsI'BKIAN extends con
gratulations to the happy couple and wishes for them long lives
of happiness and success.
'89.-rProfcssor T. A. Williams of Ashland witnessed the
cane rush.
'88. Sarah 15. Harris is taking post-graduate work at the
90. F. V. Russell went to Indiana, October 16, to visit
his mother.
'82. N. 'A. Sncll is the democratic candidate for county
attorney of Lancaster county.
'89. M. I. Higelow wns at Uoldrcge recently putting in
the electrical work on the new hotel.'
'89.- E. G. Eaglcson was seen at the Univeisily, October
25. He is with the U. P. K. R. in Wyoming.
Miss Jesiie Goodelt came up recently to visit her many
Uuiversity friends, especially the Sophomores.
'8y and '91. T. S, Allen and J. 11. Fogarly instilled some
political wisdom into the tnxridden farmers at Gretna, Satur
day evening, the 25th.
Miss Roxcy Linch, formerly of 93, gave her Univeislty
friends a pleasant call Monday, 27. The omnipresent and
irrepressible Jim was on hand Immediately,
'90. Say, ye tall alumnus, ye dignified bank-clerk, you
should have seen the girls scramble to get the wishbones
down from the door when they saw you coming.
Miss May Newton, formerly a member of '89, was man led
.to G..F. II. Schwake on Wednesday,- October 8. They are
at home to their friends at 1S12 G street Lincoln.
Cane rush!
Where's 94?
Following 92.
Ach-ta dachaeliati Tia-yah 11.1 va-li!!
Fiud Guild Suudaycd at home, October 19.
The University battery was organized last week.
F. A. Thomas' father spent Sunday with him the lyth.
Little brown eyed Frcshie coed: "Oh, will Sawyei evei
The Palladiaus political pow-wow last night w;s a grand
Professor Harris, C. 15., of Boston, is a visitor at tlie
Miss Maltic Hutchinson spent Sunday, the 19, at her home
in Ashland.
R. J). Church is an apt scholar of Professor. Smith the
dncing teacher.
C. M. Hercsford, a former pupil of Professor Hcssey'tt, vis
ited the Uni. recently.
Clerk Westcrman is preparing a list of all students of the
University for reference,
A. C, Pancost and II. J. Hulls, both of '94 visited their
pareuts in Ashland the 19th.
Miss Mullen gave a card paity at her huine, 1311 N stiect
on the eveing of October 10.
Dr. Kingsley recently recieved a large collection of skele
tons from Prague, llohemia.
Lieutenant Buckingham of the United Stales Navy visited
Lieutenant Griffith last week.
The parly at Miss Pound's on the evening of October 19,
proved to be a complete success.
On account of sickness Piofessor Edgieu was unable to
meet his classes Thursday, the 23rd,
At base-ball paik, Saturday, October 25, the Juniois beat
the Sophomores at baseball. Seotc: 23 to 11.
In Miss Moore's art class there will soon. bescvcral lec
cures ou'Japauesc art dclivcicd by the students.
We have heard that, counting those in thc.kindcigarteii
department, the Wcslcyan has about 175 students'.