TiIK II ESl'KRI AN. "FOtt sQ;Tt.a.:r,:e r)EA.Xjj3sro- a-o to i JL )! S C&CWIIIEf & KOIPSE. 'Vmj,: i m jAll of the Latest Styles and Uesl Qualities at Lowest Prices. 1 1 25 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. 41 n I ' Bi A cordi 111 ii' 11 mmmmKmmmmmmmm PHO TO GRAPH ER, Does tlio most ailistic uuik to lie fount! in t lie city Fhst pi (Miliums at NelnasUn Stale Fair in iSSS, '8y nml '(jo EXAMINE HIS WORK. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. C. M. CARTER, Fine Fi;uits, Fresh Candies, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Studonts' Trade Solicited. 1020 O Stroot- IN ALL YOUR LEARNINC LEARN TO SAVE. .sTt'lH'.NTS AKi: INVITIlll TO OIT.N HANK ALVOl'NTS WITH tiii: Nebraska : : : savings Bank Mdllory & Stepney NEW TEN CENT BARBER SHOP. 44 No. 14 Street Special attention given to ladies' and cliildicns' custom. T7.THORP&"c67 Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Ste?icis Madges, Model Making- nnd Repairing. Kcy fttllng Promptly Done 320 So. 1 1 Slcct. Telephone 614. And thus while pursuing other brunches or learning they v.ill learn to .save and also get some practical business experience FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CAM. AT THE lank, Onr. i3th and O Ste A. (I. Wnl.VKMIAIMIIH. .1. M. MnDoKAi.u. WOLFENIIARC.ER & McDONALD, Attorneys : at : Law. x l.oom'JI llurr lllnck. Will practice hi Ml state court. Lincoln, Nulirnaka. II. C. & ADA M. IIITTENRENDER, , LINCOLN, NEB. BOOTS & SHOES. Always Latest Styles and Lowest Prices to be Found with us. 1043 O STREET. I I I2 0 STREET, LINCOLN. NE.J. GEO. H. POEHLER, Baker, Confectioner, Ice Cream Dealer. Wr'SHMWKIKUBSmSiSISSSmwKiTZTffSwiA Has how opened handsome parlors at his new location,, T 262 'M , OYSTERS COFFEE AND LUNCH: lal invitationhs extended to all students of the University and their friends. McBrid'eBloclsoaPSt. MmMmm&mQZ&&1