(Continued from ngo .) plowing nnd hnrvoatlng nml thrcs'hlng uk1 more essential to fnrmtr'a sm cess 1hon rending, writing niul nrilh mot 1c. Hut the boy who is to bo n fur lmfr will nevertheless tin well ito learn rending1, writing nml nritlmietie when he. govs to M'lnwl. Aiuli it is bv no ineniiR eertnln thnt he will nol ilo'well to ilcnrn iawu ureeu nml C.erimin when ie goes to college. For formers boy i to lie not merely innner, inn emren n nmn innoiiir men. Ihs oioe is to lie poieM not merely In the ngnVnltnnil convention, but in She political, the edmentioiwl, the. Fclentiflc, the religious convention ns well. He is to bo nn importunl, he nny lie a eon trolling influence in the state. For this high jiosWnn of honor nbic nml influential vitironship, ho rs to 1k trolml not loss thnn for his work on the farm. '.riispecinli7.lng which is the nn (loubUtl ehnrnoterirftic of our preoni eduentlon, must not 'le irril too far. An c1mciVtl muu should niuleirstniml his business, but he should jilso know something Venules hi,s business. Im press a Imy with the idea limit he is to in' n clergyman, nml thnt everything he studies mnM contribute direetly 1o liis success in nOic pulpit, nnd he iuny possibly locome .1 very etTeetive, preacher, but he will !o n very nnrrow man. lie will reach eople only wt long range. At clo.se qnnrtcrs his Inch, both of knowledge and interest re specting his people's work, wiM Ik pflinfully nppnvnt, .vnd mi of any other occunmtinn of rosixinnihilitv. A . - ... i- -Jr.-.;..-.., n . " I K1 r1 V,i o -.i , , . '"""" lliey will do a vast iihcn in 41. nun -a'ikiiiii-ss in .in pur- that w hav snii.s i my nniMi in- rv i mni or, u you -piease, reoi women, uicir minii- Wordis? What enn 1.., .. ........ i... i... and Gennnn are, Hut, that does not TAV."1 T ! i1 . U ""tlgntor than the settle the question ns to what the boy w?AVv..V ,"""" ,so'e thing than will who is to no n mriucr onrfltt to s'ludv .7 Yi , , "he man really master when he goes to college. Umloi.medlv ,, in X?i , lmt mero'.V of the beasts i," i 1 J"'"""" "e ttsiies, not mere ly of the soils and the forests and the mines but of all the latent or In If. k-nmvn forces which operatic or may operate to the injury or hcimtlt of men? No doubt there will be a tremendous watfte of mental force and time nnd lalior expended bv this ln.,n.nc! ,1s nr,,ny of lw'ny tntlnwl young men, " who arc to spend their tiny In ee- iniw '"K w,m -"".v "in tind out mid in pre- iMniigoinors to imitate their ovu m pie. imt that is not to lie objeved n. The whole rysRein is a kind 'of intellectual experiment station. The work of oNrimonting neer pjiysdiroctlv; hut without in, progress S Impossible. So our enthusiastic young Hinders or doolnm wl nr. M'nrehJng old record and plowing up! ancient documents, or who nre studi ously harnessing nmthmomaties to statesmanship, or nre dragging itho sen for new creatures, or searching the p.nius nnd forests for new specimens of fauna or flora, or arc subjecting the human Wing to n microscopic enm innnioii to discover now physical, iivtel leetunl, or moral microbes,' or who nre taWng l.ie now iwrn ImVs to the psy chological lalKiratories and witching with eagle eye nhc development of the infant vo that tdie laws of growth may be nccurntcly formulated and teachers may lonrn just when nnd how the growing IkiIh's mny in future Ik most t wisely insnmctcd all those worWng, searching, keen, thoughtful, eaniot !1udo:its, must event unllv do a world of good, though ns T have intimated amount of work c no norevnt- iblc influence unon the futirrc of hu- mnnnty though m most enscs it will PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DRS. GIFFEN & SMITH Tclerboncs SSV nd SM. Itooms 8, 0 and 10, Oliver Theater Uulldlne. LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, t South tlth street, Kooms SO, 27 nml I, Uroncll Ulk. Thono MO, DR. ALDERT R. MITCHELL, Kooms 67R, THE CUTAWAY FROCK Hurr lllotlt. Lincoln, Nct DK. Q. W. CLVJTTEU ANIi II. A. SHANNON, U. D. S. Dentists . . Dr. Shannon Is a graduate ol the Chicago College ot Denial Surgery. Okficb 1133 O St Lincou, Nun. Telephone CSV P. O. Box I. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospital 03 South lUhMrecl. Special attention to diseases of women. Ev ery convenience for surgical cases. IrlrfrL'r11 J .vonng candWnlc for fame Mho!nrship, not depending on it. And this brings us ag.ij.n uo the nxiom of the old edtiention tlmt diM'qflinc is ihc flrst csMMitial of wbicntiou, thnt the man is to lo developed lofore the Scoinlist, nnd Ihnt the power to in vestignlc nnd widely discriminnlc nnd judge, must W secured lH'fore ptnfit nbie origin.il invcstiimtion fin lie cir ricd cvn. .nd ihc only na.l question involvel is ns to the greatest efficien cy. Whether or not. it jdinll bo a method by which both culture and knowledge shall Ik conred nt once. The old ixliifition confeselly did discipline the mind, Imt it imp'nrled little useful knowlelgc. The tendency of much of the now education is to impart lcTiowlwlge williout vontribut ng in n markel degree to menHal dis eipline or, if you please, without .c curing that much abused but exceed ingly valuable thing, culture. For it is this whSch after all is to be the charm of ilhc soehohir, "whether he be states man, professor or artisan. It is this for wfliicJi'our seondaTv schools ought to publish n panrphlot, T certainly ree- ogu7c ho ti1uc of this experimental work, even though much of it may lx without definite results. Some of it i will lc of soniw, and thnt is nhc bos wv enn hoK for in experimental work. It will extend the area of knowledge. It will help to make man mnstor of the I world. And in the menntiinne odnen- tion is no longvr a tenchor with a Iwok , emmming the pupil, lit 5s T.ithcr the t pupil under guidance of the teacher, ' invotigntaiiir and demonstrating truth I for himself, but stnll receiving from his ! teacher inspiration in his work and an impulse towards eerything thnt is ! manly and good. For laboratories nnd swninnrs. invnlunble though they are, can never be a sulistiittute for the onrn f est, helpful, conscientious and onthusti .aslie tencher. I It will bo readily seen that corlnan , Wrings which have !)eon true of vlnca- tion in the past must lie equally true of education nn the future. IM me name a few There is no royal road lio learning. Teachers must still teach DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY. OrncE Hours: Office, Zchrung Hlock, 81010a.m. N W. Coiner N & 12th Sis. 12 to 12:30 and 3 to 4 r M. nesldcncc Evenings ry Apiiolntmcnt, 1313 C StreeU Sundays. 1.! lo 1 p. v. nnd Vy Appointment, Telephones: Office, 618. Residence, Cl" DR. J. F. STEVENS. Office 1 130 O street. Office Telephone lit. Residence Telephone Ki. will II V Lincoln, Neb M. B. KETCHUM. M. D.. Phar. D. Prof. Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology, Lincoln Medical College, Offers a thorough, private course In refraction. Spectacles fitted. Office, 226 So. 11th st. Hours, 8 to 12:30-2 to 5 education oncht still to be mindful, l?ut the needs of the present age ran never be met by culture alone. Into IP., prepare and' of which our higher Scholars mnst still stodv. The eurri-J culmn must embrace those studies which the world still nfrrws. to call a classical course. FnnnnmcnltnJ disci the brond and eer expanding fields pi, imist not be overlooked. Culture of knowledge the cultured .eholmr must be guided, and from thee fields he must not Ik pormittl to withdraw lill lie 1ms learned something of whnu they contain and. still boiler, has learned the wisest method of explor inc lhe entire fields so fur as his meils uihj require, 11 nnii! be a gratification to every friend of learning, that in the labora tories of our universii'tifcs, so many torlght undergradnates nnd graducieA. 'oissenMnl but not as the onlv J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. Residence 1810 G street.. Tel 212. Office, 1223 O street. Rooms land 18, Over Miller & Palne's, Tel. .SS5 DR. M. H. GARTEN, Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 102.SO street, - - Lincoln, Nebraska You ought to be particular when you buy a cutaway suit. This style of garment is meant to be dressy. It must have care ful workmanship and tailor ing. The graceful lines and perfect fit of our Hart, SchafFner & Marx cutaways make them popularjwith good dressers. A man looks well in one of them and the materials are the best that money will buy. This is the label: HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX THREE-BUTTON CUTAWAY Copyright, 1899 By Hart, SthaSner & Marx GUARANTEED CLOTHING. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY 1013 to 1019 O STREET. E. S. KING, Fine "Watch Repalrinc Scientific Refracting Optician (Graduate) 13(0 O Street, - - Lincoln, Xeb. so many well t mined holnrs. andl to- dw engaged in the work of cvpVupng new fields of knowledge. We Lave in this age wluilt vr did not have oven twenty yem-s ttgo, large umnbers of yoauiir men who are sqnotaiWsJv mtury "f Uft'in able to show with veiy jus iride their l'h. D. diilomtts, jfeeived i iiHlYcroitlcs abroad or in HiSe, 00 tin try, for spwlal aitiainments otr iuve tigulions in -ome one dlawtlon; and ninny of ihose young men aire adanlrn W flttwl, not only to train- other yonng men along the lines which tliipy tfceimselv(s have followed, but also lo waken 3n others an enthusiasm of ewriondty as to everj-thing on the rth, under the earth, and in the wa ters of the ii, whether in Ik- irrodnet of rairtnre, Tf,tiliaritles of 1Q10 hninn mmfi. or unknown laws mid forces. I'ndej" the growing slimulus of th'is et(r eiigentlensl scholarly eur'Mowlty. there Is being galheivd in' mtinj iiNii twions a mtiss of facts of every possi ble vnriety and on almost every eon oeJvuble snibjtveit, tQie exact purpose and valno of some of which J1 it difli 'til to fltfemriuc, but all of which will le umVI by somebody, 1 some time, for Home )iir7nse as intelligible at least ns -iQui-t for which the polM.Uwl "ieiitiUn gnirOMM's his sttilt!es. TJie l'e!lK)logJ(l hiborwtoriiis Avlth the.iir curious exMiriments and their investi gations of iiestdons pmfound win tm must still 1x reanrdod as a mot desir able and most nooestiry result of ed ucation. The ulitimnte remit to be nought is power but so long as the rwl1 is power, it does not seriously matter whether it tie the powder of a "Webster or ihc power of an Udfison whether It iv the power to deal i''li iiint"illects or 1he power to master lhe secrets of untor. T have lnsisid on knowlplge s an ssoiiitiia'l of education. There is an old idea which the world has cherished that must not le given up wl that is itBiat the proper outcome of education al training is ehnmeter ami cntiiu-si-awni. It i. not cuougSi that the student work in the laboratory and find out knowledge of wfHly inventions. Tlie twicher muni for to him an inspiration and an evamp'e. The danger of our proem tendency is the loss of enthu uissn for (Meryit'hing except dry facts, and the absolute dethroncmen of the imagination. Aw graeeful and thoughtful writer has recently iolnt ed out there is more inspiration for the young in the heroic deeds of men even if not recorded with all the accur acy of T)r. llrynsdust than there is in' the statistics of Who Tllue Hook or natural or ocih1 j the Acts of TarliamMit, Jne 111 song ' crf.nerait.ion however familiar it may Iveeome Aith nature and things mate rial, must nol be so tsviined as Ito be uninovwl by heroism, patriotism, un- ' seilflshness or by ihe grandeur of "-oul or action. I Complaints are some.HmftS mnde lint jwitni all our oxpendlt !!. for puldie University Coal Office Gregory sells Coal Best Quality. Best Price Phone 30 1044 0 Street. Hats and D,RECT FR0M THE FACTORY Hats T0 THE WEARER The Original and Best education the ikhii1c are no more con tented than they were w-jien iney knew lw. Th1 efHiinhiint are unrea sonable though the charge upon which thev rest is pwbUrv "rue. Tn Mich a wn'iTiliieatT social and' indnistriaD orhl as that in WUicJi we are imug. iwll tie ioiiiteinon ano unrean w tOiere lal Hlilns ix the ntort cxamph of , iust as long a men are selfish, no "Wit tttilk kind of work. All 1his woi-k of jnvestigntion and research is exrtvd itugly stifonuliating and one am hardly brieve It posrslble that with o many Iwlrt and Pfiecially Hnihietl young ooions of philoso).hy not merely lioiutiing but leading the way, there slionld not lie a perceptible uplift of e!usituoii -a marked advance in abso lute knowhvlge and a decided 111 eieuae of 70 weT .1111 the. sltudent. 1'or tlie intelleetaial results of orig 'nnl investigation are mneh more posi tive than those secured' by memorizing the aojiievemenits or ddsidvries of oth w Wialt can possibly make a man more logical than a close adherence to the selentiflc inetQiod of investigation? vhnt can be more real to n studemt "han things ns diftfangulwhed from ter hiw evwllent may ne our sywieni tvf wluwitjoii. Tf you eould make onen evernvhere oley the gomen rune, n It wx.nhl do more to promote the e-on-tentanent and hnppinww of the world than all the changes in education m oeivnlrle. Diseonlenit wsihout hojo of any thin" lietter 3s indeed misery; butt dis content with hope of somHQiing hotter is rot only consistent with the high est earthlY happiness, ami is usually the conwn'nitant of such happiness. 1 h not know that contentment y pro dnced bv education. T do noi know thatit Is desirable that it ffliould he. Oontenttment is not tllie same as hanpi tiess. Rliyloek, after Iwing roblwd of (Continued on race 4.) NO JOBBERS' PROFIT The latest New York styles. The best quality ever offered in Lin coln lor the money. $3.00 and $2.00 No more. No less. NO SAW EDGE LADNDRY Clarkson Laundry Co. Same stock as you have been accustomed to pay one-third to one-half more for. ROBINSON THE TAILOR 1024 0 STREET, LINCOLN L2 Northwestern University MEBIGAL2 SGH00 The high standard and progressive methods which have given this School its enviable reputation for over thirty years are carefully main tained. For circulars of detailed Informa tion address the Secretary. Dr. N. S. DAVIS, 2431 flearliorn St., - CHICAGO, ILL Summer Underwear For Ladies a very complete assortment and some great bar gains in ladies1 Summer Underwear For Gents At 25c eacli tlie best values be have ever offered in shirts and summer underwear, Jersey ribbed drawers. One style at 25c is a veBts of fair quality 5c each; Jer- plai'.., fine ribbed balbriggan; so' ribbed vests with tape neck shirts have French neck and are and lace trimmed neck and arms closed with white pearl buttons, 3 for 25c; Jersey ribbed vests at drawers are well made and cut full 10c, 12ic and 15c, frequently sold sizes. We have at the same price at double these prices. a very excellent quality of blue Jersey ribbed pants 20c, 25c, white mixed or tan and white 35c and 50c each. Jersey ribbed union suits, 25c, 50c, G5c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, and $2.00 each. At 50c we have suits of excal lent quality, cut low or high neck; long sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless. mixed. We have men's union suits at 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 each. If you want underwear of good quality that will fit you with perfect com ort buy union suits. MILLER I PAINE. MILLER I PAINE. "At j ',"11 . '. J '$ ,o fca.