i THREE LINBS WB AHK UP TO DAT K IN irlurd's High Grade Stationery. Gunther's Famous Candies. ice Cream Soda and Frozen Phosphates. RIGGS' PHARMACY, &: Thero is "o other Bicycle as No other Bugoy made can bo compared with the genuine FINEST LINES. LARGEST In the Billiseyer & Sadler, 202-4 6 South I lth Street. r 5? HONORS for graduates are fully expressed by presenting a Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. 1 Solid gold and sterling silver in latest design. oiu upun mciii t-ully uuaranieeu. LLWATERMAN&CO., Largest Fountain Pen nanulacturers In the World. 157 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. L. I n tor to llcKiatti liuruiiu... Cottrel & Leonard 472-478 Ilrnilwny Albany. Now York. Makers of tho Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Uni versities Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for the pulpit and tbe bench. Why Not Start A Stamp Collection? Call after May first. Albums with 200 stamps, 75c; albums with 300 stamps, $1.25. F. II. FINNIGAN, 439 South 12th Street I TWO TKAINS DAILY BETWEEN Lincoln and Miburn, I alls City, Atchison, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 1039 O St. H C Townsend, G. P. & T. A. F. D. Cornell C P & T.A. rvT J SqPSSf good as a Tribune Bicycle pf) I I I M R 1 I 3 RIIHOV wluividuo duuui- STOCK State. LOWEST PRICE "STEVENS FAVORITE" J BIPIjE. sa-inch barrel, wcicht .M pounds. Carefully bored and tcsti-il For .33, .25 and .32 rim-firc cartridges. No. 17. Plain Open Sights, $6.00 No. 18. Target Sights, $8.50' Ask your dealer for the " FAVO RITE' If he doesn't keep it we will send, prepaid, on receipt of price. Send stamp for complete cata logue showing our full line, with val uable information regarding rides and ammunition in general. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO. f O P.O.BOX 921 CHICOPBB PALLS, MASS. GOOD PRINTING . . is a paying Investment anJ a necessary adjunct to a suc cessful business. On the con trary, poor printing (and we refer to the kind the other fellow does) is dear at any price, and is a standing re flection both on the merchant and the printer. Moral: leave your orders with us, an J you will always be satisfied, both as to quality aiu' nrice. Hunter Printing Co., LINCOLN. Print Anything for Anybody f ..'.rs- EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS. OOPVRIOHT8 &.a. fjinc-ki n- i'it mi, frt-u. wlicthLT uu invention li pro hiit.ir n iluiiiiiljli) ( iiiiinunlcatiniiN Mrlitly .. 1111,1..,, i,i tii...Mt iiirunc-y rurKufuniiirpiituiits .,V".'.'. '.' 1, -'", WlWllllHJIOII OIIICI). Kliutiul iii.tiuiiln tliu SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, jw;:r!,r;ir!: llu K .,1 1". W., I"I""','I'M" t,"',l" ""'' ! HOOK UN I'IIIMhh'III fiie, AJUiiii MU's'N' .; CO, fl'i 1 .1 1. hlnphr-lii Pr s Hni-ry B. Wilson. Hoo w i HMiop. v.-l'ros V C. Stoiihons. Trcs LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE Tormt. Ii-bIii April tu anil Juno 19. FlrKt cliiho Instruction in nil liuslii'-ns and sliortuaml Htmllos ',Vite lor catalOKUo or coll at tho ofllco LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE 13lh and P Sfrool. Tel, 254. Lincoln, Nob t 1 It "Takes Down." 1 f , ,. YvWiSVA ZiriiXilAJ " imrra FllOM WOMAN'S EDITION. As I was gaeln' (loon tho street, I met mon wP bonny feet. He held Ida bund up tne 'he Hky, And Ida arms akimbo as he paused 1y ()t 'he was a guile l'hl PbI, Phi P1, And he held his bend sne hP. sue hi J eiinna walk tbmt gait, says I. nays 1, Sne I'll Mfu ye by, Phi PhI. IMi Il. THE UAiNU Horn Wowing Is the khwl of blow ing which Hie university public en (lures most good nnturedly. All mon nre eligible to blowshlp who win do nothing else. The ninn who nudcos tho band go walks in front and tries to take longer steps Mum other men. Sometime 'the band gives a eoneerk A mun stands up nml shake a stdck tit It. Have von rend lliu last, magazine of the miWd's best literature, imiuoly, to-wlt: 'I'be Kioto'.' M eosls five ouii'ta. It literates periodic-ally, that Is to snv, onee eaeh month. It, immely, to-wlt: The Kioto In- en ted art. lus man, namely, to:wkt: 't'he Mote Mnn should write 11 dictionary of art. This is Our Idea. We have also other ideas. ''" y will be of great value to tihe Ivtote I'or luatiinee e. g. here Is to send 1. here lnU'ntl or to Welles 11 sample of our idea.s: The Kioto is the single institution which has no yell. Now a Kioto should make a noise in the world. We sug gest tills wall to the Kioto: Kokii-Pokus-'.ti.vder-Zee K I. K 1. o-t-e. Miggest thing in U-idv fiee! Tt will be readily seen 'that our as sortment of Ideas Is choice. rilKVMSTANCBS AIPAlt CASKS. lie (coining down the library Mteps during chnpol) "Say you alnM going lo class are you?" She (stopping IndilYerently) "Tt depends upon Whether t Here's any thing better to do hanging round." He (imsiiniiitingly) "I'm linngilug round " She (with a shrug) Yon usually are! Natural vcx'atlon eviden'tly." He "Ilully f?ee, 1ut you've gft a grough on!" She (sticking her )nrasol in llio cur lier of the step) "0 no, but 1 spc.,k the truth occasionally jusi to see how it seems." He-"I've "been waiting all Hie morning to talk to you." She (witih withering scorn) "So l'e noticed and all yosturduy after noon too. Yon only took bench work with that pretty little ibrown haired girl to keep fivun dying of eii'iuii until 1 should get out of Lit." lie (in injured tones) "I don't think she's pretty. I was bored to death all the time, and then you sailed otl wit'h that con founded golf suit and looked a thousand mjles tip into tho nJr when you passed me." Sflio--"I'll situdy the nails in the side walk If your lordship prefer, but, 1 siippo-ed yon might feel a little em btirassed since you hud asked lo A:ilk home with me and then deliberately He (qniekJy)- "l didn't anticipate the pleasure of the golf suit.' com pany when 1 nked you." She (a tlimigh hinldenh eiilighlen cd) "Oh." (.then wH,h ' brilliant smile, dnnigeronsly sweet), "and she Invhed yu down last night. I sup pose?" lie (relieved, thinking the storm over) "Vcn worse luck. Arc you go ing violet hunting with me lodnv?" She (meditatively) "Xo." He (with the air of a man prepared to !ft things to the bottom) "Well I'd like to know why not?" She (looking oil' across the campus rdowly) "Mainily because I'm going with somebody else." He (wrathfully) "Well I reallv--I hope you and ihe goH suit Imve a ..w.,l .1 II. ...1 . ... ' 1 hit. icriiups 1 win see YI out mere, er Don't let me kr you from your cIiihh." ep Sin- liolidx herself r(Mniirkabl. well and people nptlec it and w'onder abiiiii It. One day a inpie mail sulci to her: "Kr pardon me, y' know. Mix M . but er--. eoujd you tell me. v' know wiint eveivlne you ,nke to get your Hhoui.leii, like thnt. don't ' know?" She looked tit him. nt bis cap, his Bweaitor. his black and white clieeked Klf milt and his yellow sboe. "It's gym.. 1 snppost. isn't It. don't Kiiom?" in. siiggostod. "No." !he snld flnallv. "Not al'to get her." "It'.s just, like belli' good y' know. on eiui pniy j,n you want to' but find won't make you good miles you trv joniiiolf and bare snine of it naturally in you. Oym won't stiiulg-hten you up. if you're too hizy to put vour own soulders back, don't you know," and Klip looked nt 1i1m ngain. Tins SPRING. They sit out thero upon the gra They urc skipping- every bli ss, looinln' oins; fHhey tire a senior and a lass! i The Month of Roses WRICHT, KAY & CO. Miinufni'turcrs of HATKHNITY KMHKMS KATKKNITY JI:VHUY HATKHNITY NOVKTIKS HATKHNITY STATIONERY HATKHNITY INVITATIONS HATKHNITY ASNOUNGKM KNTS HATKHNITY IMtOOKAMS F Semi for CntnloKiie a l Price list Stiecliil. (Ii-sIijdh on nppllcntlon H0-I42 Woodward Ave. DETROIT. WICH. n. & c. PIRPERJIOP Studonts work u SiK-clulty. 1144 O ST. Good Harbors, Now Furniture. Kxcellont Work Mi 0 Mi b Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml VIA THE BURLINGTON Buffalo, New York, June 12; return limit June 17. St. Louis Mo., June 19 and 20; return limit June 24. Ml Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml Ml Mi Mi Mi Ml Mi Mi Mi OITY fiCKBT OFFICE: CORNER IOTH AND O STREETS TELEPHONE 235 Ml Mi Ml tM44444443)33ja444433aa44434aaa4444-944444J Book Department $3.00. Music and Picture Dept. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., 12th and N street H is welcomed at this store by a showing of sui loveliness in dainty fabrics, in fashionable fads fancies and delicious delicacies. Such a showi only a large establishment can present and price quotations as only immense buying and M will permit. Everything to add to the comft homo and person durine the warm summer s and nothing but reliable merchandise anywluMi $&'& a Joy The of a tailor made shirt is only known to those who wear them. It's because they are just right. Cheaper, too, in the long run. C do., to order, (JjQ white or colored Mu Harper's Shirt Fact Upstairs, loia O Street Gl have the only Shirt Fl in Lincoln. frtg-etc-Kxtc-ttl HERP0LSHEI1R CO. illHf Choice Collection of Vacatio Excursions uciroii, (nun., juiy i, 4 and s; return limit July IS. WchmoiiJ. Va., July 10, 11 and 12; return limit July 31. One tare for the round trip plus $2.00 for the above excurM m-.. Los Ang.-l. . Cal.. N. E. A. meeting, June 25 to July 8; final Mint Sep'e-nber4, 1899; rate $52. InfoM'i .Mon regarding above excursions at the following -it es BURLINGTON DEPOT! 7TH ST. BETWeEN P AMD TELEPHONE 25 We have :n stock a large line of books, suitable for graduating; pupils, m 1 1 etty bindings, and at popular prices. You can buy ; some as low as ioc each and as high as $c.oo. Write for in formation lespecting our Encyclopedia Brittanica Club, ou; can get the complete set of 30 volumes, cloth delivered, carn age paid, on the payment of $1.00, and monthly payments of All New Music at half the publisher's price. Send for catalogue of 5c music, containing 4,000 pieces. During our May sale we will make special prices on Pictures and Picture Frames, ,r ' .-'' s