THE NBBRASKAN. y0i( VII. No. 35. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, MAY 29, 1899. Puiob 5 Oknth. NEBRASKA TIES IOWA. it ' Tin mi' N. Dual Track Meet Well Met By Nobraska Athletes. Beaten at Tonnls. 1 ii llrst cluiil iitlilcliUi moot butwoon tln state universities of lowu unit Xo in i-u i wiih lii'lil In I own Oily Friday, J v .'II. It W1I8 lll'IU Ull tiliu ru 11''s racetrack mid whs wilnosM'ri n hi eiilhiishisiiiie crowd of fiiiin TOO 1,', i mill people. Tin crowd, while In t) n i In.vnl to S. I'. I was ver.v fulr in Nebraska mid did not hesitate to (iihiIiikI igorously 1 lit good work h,V Olll' OO.VI 11 II 1 1 1 till' I'llll, WIIOH is'sccii 'thiit lowu could not win. Jiv was binl, drizzling ruin fnll n n-l all afternoon, making" the u iiitl ground ort hoavA. nlv all of tlic events wore closely cmusiod "nil well earned by the. side huli won tlitMii. . The. closest and ni.isi ixoiting ones were it he llO-yurd. run ud the running" high jump. The ri-M - in the two were the reverse of what most of the Xebraskn people o-H-n I I own Counted on winning- the. 4o- nil run, iln fact was certain of It. i. i-Ka Mild nothing- hut worked ii I id race was over. 11. 1). Anriresoii toM he lead on his man of about twi'un feeii and kept it. The condi tion I the track made his beautiful run f "1 seconds Hat a ery fast one. 'lii tunning' higii jump was the In i Ii -i content of them all. Plllsbury cih.i I himself U) gloiv, breaking Ms w n anil the Nebraska record as wo i 'he lowu state i word. Hut Lom "f Iowa, In his present form, jumps bettei. Plllsbuiv jumped 5 feet s inches, but Louis, on his Ihltd tn-il iii.idt .1 foot 9', inches. They wen in h splendid jumps when tho comlii mi of Hie grountl is einsidered. OUnr events in which the Nebraska lx)s -.hone were the pole vault and tin mailing broad jump, both of w In. Ii I'.oncrilot won and the shot put, which Drew won easily. Hrnokcitt of low i i freshman, will moke a good x)l' van Iter. His jump of 0 feet 7 ini'li' s was a particularly nervy one, n i In l"d vovev gone over 0 feet " iiu In- before, and it was done af-ti-r he had two trials and marie n. imII.s a.t. the height The bar was then slmveri up four inches in the hoc I'.meriiet would miss it, hut he nui't i with loom to siaro the first tun In iririition he lost about three an I - nf his (Mle in the soft ground, ohm tlu-v do not use a board to start from H. f,i-i bun Iin i how w i mark ltn won the shot put easily at 37 fvt ' inches. He had very little Aiiiiim tit inn 'Iln M'nt.s, with the winners nnd hi it H hi iK, were as follows: 1ii inl dash First, H. 1). Audi-own se'iiiiri, V. 15. Anriresoii, X.; thiril, smith. I. Time. 10 2-5 seconds. Oni kilf mile run lrst, Hrown. I.; Mfoiul ( ovvgill. X.; third. Harbor. I. 'Iiini minutes, 17 seconds. iiiIn hiuii hurdles First. Tall l. Dve. I.; tliiiri. ' seconds, i.l dash First. K cionri. Smith. rime. 21 seconds. run I'll st. Ii. li. Aliuresoii, jump on the softi ground. First place only counted and such each won s events, the meet wits declared u tie. crowd of about .'100 people saw the lowu tennis players down Xo brasku's representatives In the morn ing or .Mny S(t. Christie nnd Dales weie no mulch for Thompson and Haddock In doubles, nor could Dales do anything with Haddock in singles. Christie's inute'h wns more even with Walsh, ami probably would have re sulted in Ohiislle's favor had they been on a eouiMi which wns o(iial!y s I range to them both. .Score In doubles: Thompson and Haddock. I., beat Olttistio and Dales, x.. Co, o-a. In singles, Haddock best Dales, i'i-O. i'i-I, Dales bniced up a little in the second set and foug-ht four of the games to deuce, but could only pull one of them out. Walsh beat Christie, fi-a, 0-. 4-0, 0 't. Tlir'i ila,v was very pretty, both pla.vlng a cautious back court game. The third et was especially well played. Y. M. C. A. SKETCHES. Historical View of the Organ ization. Points of Early History. Difficulties. ..let's broad jump of twenty inches was a long" one for i ml won the event, although .1 Town iuinneri faither. 1uiis, C( nihl not stain from the l.'n V 1 .., llilll' 'Ml Kill (lu-i-44M v V Ml on!- - H V 1 mi. Mil. 1'irl.i i tniiiuii I ii.l 11 HI "PI llllll Wist in. Itiini flirt r Heartt. X. I). I.: A nri i e-think n i in 1. Hrown. I. Time, ."1 -ee- -Flrflt. Smith, thiid. Ikiirtt. I.: X. neenuri. Time. -1 W. 15. n( liiinres Dve. I.: 1Ik, iii 1'irst. WIN n. 1. 1 third. Covvgill. X. l"i Hccouds. -on i i'ii sburv. a.: t in! -- N. Height. .1 feel 0', Ineli li i inirv, 5 foot Si, Indie. i .1 shot put First, Hrevv, X.: W irner. I : third, riiase. I. ." feet 2I'.. i.'chi.. i ' broad iunip First, Hone-"s-ond. konis, I.: tililrd, W. In .in l)Kt:ni(. 20 feet 10V. mclii s 1' p.niil haiutnei" Fin!. Warner, ' - u I keiuar. X.; third, Hrevv, N l)i-tm, ,.. mo feet 2 inches. 1'ole v ihU -Firt, Hened'lct. X.; scc nl J!i,kiMt, I. Height, 0 foot 11 "Win,, I In lniu iii Iln. ..ill.. .iiiv wiic vvrv a ...l llll.l ..... ... 'w it announced Ji 15. but lUie "no ,. ,.pers iwii jt at 4:in. On the "Pt in k that was very fnt. time, "ilson i. in u ,t.,.y pU.tty mile and R'lv In. ike the lovvn state iword, Tlis "! tunc was kept hidden bei'.iufeo of Iip low. , state nimt which was held " if- Mo nes igt weok. Both Touis nl TilKhurv broke 'tho high jump " orl nf '. f,.i .:..i.. ii,c iii.,w.. , .vi-i uiiu iiivnt-n. I'VHV on, rolu' ,,i8 liroari jump record of -" '( 4 inches, nnd shovwri that he 1'"i nut in bifi old fonn by his riH'MUS FKOM D0MI5STIC SCI'KXCK D 151' A HTM 15 NT. Over in the north east wing of our new Mechanic Arts building Is a se cluded spot where you can get a whilV of home alunospheie. home-like that you forget this is an Institution devoted to learning and dignified knowledge. In this room is n long oak table in the shape of a letter T, and in each drawer of this table is tucked avvsij tlie moat womlurfiil set of apparatus ,vou ever sitvv; knives, forks, scions, p'o pans, cake tins, rolling pins, etc. Here and there about tho room are furnishings with which we are nil fa miliar; n stove, cupboards, with dish es and coouing utensils in I'lieiu, aim ever.v "thing that makes a complete modern kitchen. And a real live dish pan luniks on a nail near the stove. Who would luivo thought wc had such things on our campus! Hi -ides all tlii" iust mentioned a lot of girls aie hiisj here and there about their work. Their sleeves are rolled to the elbow and till wear stai ehy while apions. Sometimes n stieakof Hour ariri.s beauty m a Hush ed cheek as a gi "1 leans sinxiouslv over the stove stirring something. At the end of the jeur each girl will Imvc a two volume cook book of which she is the sole author. Not all depart ments of the universit.v can turn out so much liteiurv talent. The clise has worked thing's down to a line point, and cm'ii. know the weig-ht of a tea spoonful of Hour, how iiiiinv grains in a pinch of mi it and just what happens when soda and vinegar are miori. Cakes .in' made lv the foMowmy ic olpo: A few eggs beaten to a stllVnoss. some butter whipped to a cream, then enough mifk to malic it thinner Hum it is, after which sift in a sutVivieney of tloiu. In eae baking powder lias been forg"otitcn, scoop out some of the Hour, ttikiug care not to get too much iloiiyh with it and sift it all orerngain. Kent it with the hand, pump it up w it'll u bicycle pump, and put it in the oven, in which reeeptnele leave it the requited lengah of time to cook it. An.v one that visited this depinM nient on Phnrtor Da.v will svaicel.v forget those delicious biscuits mitl s.vmp the g"irls giive us. This was a fair cMiiuplc of what thev are doing. This gear's work in the school of domestic science has practicall.v been an espetimeut, and I'lie icsults aeeoin pllsheri prove that such a depattmeut Ik needed in our university. I'racti el work nnd prepaniilon for house hold duties should be a part of ever.v .voting- woman's collegiate training. I'lider the rilieetorhlp of Mis Houtoti the wotk has advanced with wonder ful success. I'nrt of the time is devoted to lec ture g-lven 1. Miss Hon ton on ehoin iea'l properties of foods, economy in conking , hbme sanitaition and other sirbjects, all of which are interesting nind instructive. l.aboratortv woik is carried on i.i tihe kitchen laboratory, illustrating- statements made in the lectures. The dep.irttnent Is .voung and needs encourageinenl. Til 15 KIOTI5. "Oh, fut her. I hear a wild, wild yelp, Oh. say, what nia.v It bo'.'" " Tis the Kioto fierce, nia.v tho saints give help!" Most sadly answered he. "Oh fa'thcr, T see " big- read moon! Oh say, what mny It bo?" "A poster, child! heaven grant tlie boon, It ho not the Kl-o-te. Society, In Its dovelopmoiK, had pro duced u need for some urgiuiiiitloii that could teaoli joung men with In lliieneos which would lnsplio them to live with higher Ideals. There was In those days, as there Is now, ii large elaos of men ami boys, in . were riiifting- with little or no purpose In life. .Some of these possessed a great amount of onogy which must expend It-elf in doing wrong1 If it was not utilled fur doing- good. Some vveto seeking aniuseineniti, and when they could Hud none elevating, thevv would look for it in inuto questionable prac tices. And through other natural mi sons Chi 1st inn influences weie not leaving their stump on the ehm-.ioters of these poling men who form such an Import ii chins in human society. I't was this vor.v deflnitw need that called Into existence tlie Voung- Men's Uirihtiiiu association. Juit like every other great movement. It did not ap pear in the developed .orm. It has taken fifty .veins to evolve the organ ization, which we know torin.v as- the Voung Men's Phrlslinn association. ISIS a I.omlon clerk, (ieorgo Williams, began to gather around him a band of .voung men for prsi.ver and confer ence. Later the proprietors of the store in which he worked, g-.ive them a reading room over the store. They si.on learned to enjoy the spent there better tihtin in some more ques tionable plc.iMiic icsort. And yi"t tho dry goods clerk was all unconscious of the futiiie vvot.d wide movement lie was beginning. The meeting-. lieio led to similar ones elsewhoie. Soon rooms were found necessary vVhich con be kept open as places for men to g-nthcr wiien not nt work. These leqiiiicd some one to give his time to their oversight and the general secretary was. em ployed. Keuding rooms weie added anil later social giimcs. The utli.etie spirit of .voung tneii soon made a de mand for a gymnasium and the phys ical depart inont icsulted, with an em plo.veri ollicer, the physical director. Hv this time the oit.v aN-ociation had nssiuneri a dellnite form, and1 the movement had spreao throng-out Hngland and lmri its beginuiuigs in morion. It, ovtonslons hns pIikv ocen a iaiid one. It was meetiirg the needs which had culled i. into exist ence. Strong mm . tilioroug-h busi ness men were at its honri. I'erimi- nent buildings won1 b ng- erected in mil u j large I.tit now a new futuie enters which is to have a imirke efl'eei on its fu ture. The gieat inoroase in ooni ineroe had built up extensive lailioad systems. The enrplc.ves of tihcse lo.uls f i oni the nature of their work had be come an isolated ehu-s. iiaviii"- no place wheic the.v would be welcomed when oil ilutj exeept resorts of a de grading character, thc.v naturally he en me wicked. Theie being- n existing- social oignnialion ilm't was reai h ing those men it appealed to the Voung Men's Christian association to attempt to meet their needs. ,A now department wji- opened. Skillful men weie placed in the railroad liehl to de velop tho work. Todny e Imiidreris of mill oud V. M. C. A. buildings scat toted over our count rv and the purit.v of the lives of the railroad men tes iif.v t . tihe efllclenc.v of the depart -meint. bout t w out v -seven jenrs ago an other Held of work bean to iiinnifo't itlf. During tho same ,voar scvorsil colleges applied to the Young 'Men's Christian association for local orgsin- iiitlons. Slowly at Hist, then mote rapidl.v this new Held developed and another department was orgnnled to the meet the needs of the .lieges. Though from a Hnaiicial sdiitripoiuit. the citj ami nulm.ul departincnts hnve MirptiHRcri It. ,et In oxtonsion the college department has lunl a inont ie niarkahlc growth. From it haw uprumg the .student volunteer movement for foreign missions, tihe college Voung Women's Christian association, the ItritMi Christian college union and the various other organiations which go to make up the studeiiitfi Ohristiian fed eration, which comprises the sUurienU of all lands. The next stop in the extension of the scope of tho V. M. ('. vvork was occaioned by our lcccint wur Avith Spain. During Hie oivll wfir the iiewl of some strong Christian orgaiiiatinn wns felt in the army. Hut when the demand became so urgent last spring the international committee org-aiuVed a new department la its alivndy wide ly ex-tended work. H w called the nrmy and navv Chris . i.nmnisslon. Tents were sent to all the ' ne e.unpi of our troops. 1 resident MeKlnliv and the ann and niiv oflloors heartily endorsed the movement. Some of our host evangelists engngcriri In the new work. Over I no competent , M. C. A. hoci claries weie cinplo.ved. The tents were furnished with tables Where the soldiers might wilte. The single Item of statlouei'.v supplies for .the camp soon vvciui above $1,000 per wvok. L'n tier the wise dliectlon of the sect eta rles the V. M. ('. A. tout soon became one of tho most popular things about the cuui-p. it was here that men came to write home, to hnve unlet talks, to rest nnd to lit tend Christian on loos. In times of imti.e 11111117, wounded men have been eaied for at the association ontt. At Santiag-o the tout was pitched awa.v out on the tir ing lino. And as I'lie movement has adopted Itself as easily and iiatuiull.v to at-m.v life as ii had to tlie fit , rail load and oollogv work. The artn.v and nav.v ( hrlstlan commission has boon oignnlcri vvhoievcr I'nltori State-, troops are stationed and it is not fash to expect that the movement will ex tend lUelf thn.iig'lmut the armies of tho world within tho uox't riccnrio.ltha Hikon i pertnanont place in lae armies of our country ami will onrryi for ward its work in times of peace as well as in wnr. Quite naturali.v the Ynuny Men's (Miiistiaii siso'iation had Its beginning in huge eitles For luo eonditlon which called it into existence lire more luti'tise in large centers of population. It was eqtiall.v as natural that it should next develop in the railroad flea as the conditions had so iikiuv point in common. Still there ate conditions which nrc not com mon to hot.1i to make them separate departments. daptation had to lie can led but little furHher 10 form the college ricpait incut and Inter the arntv nnd nav.v Christian commission. Thoiig-h it is a natural -oclal pro duct and has had a natural growth, it is nevertheless a striking fai'i ithat it should have lieen extended throug-h-out over fort.v countries in less than fifty .vcars. There are now near l.v seven thoiisjind Icm-iiI iissoeiation.s and the limperty oossossed bv them is est limited a.t several million dollars. Theie is a committee composed of strong, able bodied men who hnve charge of all departments of .no asso ciation vvnrii. 1 111s committee is called the internationnl committee of the .voting men's Chrltinn association York. Hiouuialv an internationnl con vention is held, at which the members of the international committee 111 echo-son. ATHLETIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Debt Cleared and Sports on Sound Basis. Manner of Poymont by Management.. It may bo InitOrostlng' to the stu dents and to the faculty to know how the debt that was contracted In the pa"t wns worked oil" this spring" by those In charge. The amount was $52fi in the beginning' of the year and the mnimgcinciit sot to work to clear the rioba The figures below do not include what was token by the huso ball team, this being" kept emtlrely separate. The team succeeded In. cleaning' a g-ood margin on i'lie sea son's schedule. Following' Is the list of those who hnve given money to help pay the riebt: l Fucttlt v !M2!.ro Vaudeville 113.10 Students 91.02 l'hl Delta Thetn. J7.:0 Alpha Thetn Chi 17..V) Ituriiro iv Morris 15.00 Dr. Mitchell lfl.00 A. A. Hischof (petition) 13.50 Williams (peititiou) 22.00 Phi Knppu Psii 11.00 Hunter Printing- Co 10.00 Phi Delta Thtata 7.00 I'.aldwin Bros O.M Y. M. C. A 0.50 V. C. Vbbott (petUion) 0.00 Delta Fpsilon O.oo Xebntskun '.On H. XV. Hrown 5.00 Dr. Wente 5.00 J. S. Hnrlev 5.00 .7. XV. McDontilri 5.00 Hector 5.00 Hardy Furniture Co 5.00 Delta Delta Delta 5.00 J. 15. Anriresoii (petition) 5.00 Ensign 3.00 F. M. Hlish 2.50 Frank Du Tiol 2.50 Ogrieu 2.00 Hutnstend iv Tattle 2.00 If. W. Tciglntlon 1.50 Total .$517.12 AMOVO Til 15 Al.rMiXAI5. Miss Louise Pound will leave about June 1 for (lornitinv. whete she will continue her studios in Hnglis'li litera ture and Aiiglo-Snx"on at Iloirilcburg and Horllu. Miss Pound gr.iduatvd 111 '112 aim I took her M. A. In '!H5. She has spent several summers at tihe L'uiver- sit.v of ( hicago and has made herself famous playing tennis. Miss .1 11 1 in Korsine.v or vviH leave soon for Paris to do some special work in French since her g-mduation. Miss Korsinoycr has taught both (ieriiitui and Ficiu'h In the universit v. Miss Mmv L. Jones, 'a.'), so long- li brarian at ithe univeisit.v, Is now in the public library of Lo Aivgcles, Cal. Since she left Lincoln Miss Jones has held positions in tlie librar.v school of the lilmois st. ni e university at Cham p!niii ami in the state libr.irv at Des Moine, Iowa. Miss Floionoe Winger. '05, M. A. 'lis, is studying- in the department of pstvcln log,v at Cornell university. Miss Winger was assistant in this depait inont in the uiriveisitv while she wns studying for her M. A. dogieo. Lnsit A ear she was awarded the state sehol ai'Mlwp at Cornell. SI10 expects to stinl.v another year befoi"o taking- her doctor's degree. Miss MniA Home, '00. 'has n position in the John ( rarar library in Chicago. Miss Nettie Philbriok.' '07, has fin ished a course in rioiuoritic uheiiniHtiry at Columbia university and is expected home in time for commencement. WOMIJX IX Til 15 UXIVI-311SITY. The present eollog-iait'e year there are OSIl women connected witli the university of Michigan, as instructors or students. Tho niim'ber of women on the university faculties, including one full ptofossor, is 10. Tho num ber of women graduated by the .sev eral departments of tihe university tluriiig- tlie college jear of 1S07-9S and the iiumber eurolleri the present a ear may be soon In the following tob le: firariuatil. isj)--ns Literary depart ment. 110; medical department. II; law department, 3; pharmaceutical de partment, 1: homocathis depart ment, l; dental department, 1; total, 127. Kntolled, 1S9S-09 Literary depart ment, 507; medical department. 50; law depart, 5; phaininacoutical department. 0; homoeopathic depart ment, 9; dental department, 10; total 077. Dediiet for names of students en rolled in mote than one ilepai trmeint, 4. MICHIGAN WOM15.X. 1 ne milliner 01 .11cmgan women enrolled in the soveml depantinients of tihe I'liiversitv of Michigan during" the college jours of 1S07-0S and 1S9S-99 is as follows: ls97-!is Litotar.v department. 415; engineering' department, 1; medical deparlnient. 22; law department, .1: phiirmnceiitieal doMrIniont, 1; hnuioe oMiltiie riepaitinoivL 2; rieiUcil depart ment, 4; total, IIS. 1S9S-99 Literary depart moult, 451; engiueeriii'g' department, none; medi cal department, 20; law departnncnt, 2; pharmaceutical depart iiien't, 0; ho mocoKithic department, 0; dental do part meivti, 0; total, 493. Deduct two for mimes of students cm oiled in more than one department. The IIS women in 1897-9S were 21 s jier cent of the total nnni'ber of stu dent, registered from Michigan tlin.t ,oar. and the 491 enrolled the present year aie 27.2 per Cent of the total en rollment of Michigan students. Tho poreentasro of women in; t.he Miss I5dna HulltM-k, formerly in our literary depantiinent of the universitv own lihiaii, has n -position in the pub-1 of MkJhlgai" the present, venr is 10.0 lie library at Dos Muiuc, Iowa Milss Maude Hninniond, '94. M. A. '90, litis completed her second year of graduate woik at Yale iinivos,i'tiv. She is specinliiiig in Uitin and Greek aird in' another ,ear will toKo ber doctor's dog-ice. Miss llatiiiuond will visit in the oust for about a month after the close of tlie school. Miss May Chamberlain ami Mrs. Oromer will leave soon for Germany where they expect to sturiy for a year. I 'Mass liraco I. Hriilgc, '05, has been 1 per cent, ami iikvi uir flic entire uni versity, exolusivo of slimmer schools. studying the mist year at Yale. is specializing- In Latin nnri Greek' 22 per oemt. Thlrt.v-iiino per cent of the students graduated from the literary depart ment of (be university of' Michig-nn d'uriiig- tlie college year of 1S97-9S were women. The only department of ithe uni versity of Michigan in which there nre no women students is the eng-iueoring-riepai'tniont. Four of tflic women eurolleri in the She college of riental surgeray of tiie uni- mnny.