TJHS WEHK'S EVENTS. Mny 22; the Woman's Edition. LmUiy colloquium Tucsn1y cvcuhiin, main 'buJhling1. , Pershing Miles drlM out cnuipus Thurwliiy ovcmlnjj lit 7 o'clock. Jnteivo'iK'Bilnto Held dnv nit. Dotinu Saturday nftcruoon. AMilutlc board meeting tonight, nt 7:.'10 o'elooU In the armory. Miss An nn Edmi will cntPtiin hv formally Wednesday weiring. v Jlccitnl in Impel tomorrow evening liy Miss Eugenia (Jet nor. Compe-tiWve drill tin eitmptis Sntur dny afternoon. !Mtj. E. 11. Harbour nt homo to so rorities Thursday afternoon. l'EKbw.VAL. 11. 0. Sbetftl spend. Thiirvdny night n t. Aahlnml. Wsa Cnvo, a graduate of the adiool of music, gave her mhal Thursday evening. Krit. Korsmeyer, of t.lio Evouiiig JCows, lms neeeptcd a position; on the stntT of fit Omaha lie. Mlts Eugenia Oetnvr, gniduate of the school of uiiiflie. will give n revltal in the chapel tomorrow evening. (Anna Edgivn will entertain a few friends very in formality Wednesday . evening at lier home on Q street. Ed. Uniixl, .lunior Iiw, was initialed iivto the mysteries of tdie l'hi l'si fra ternity last Thursday evening. Hose Carson will entertain Mi se nior members of K.i pp:i Alpha Thela at luncheon nt the Lincoln next Sat urday. .E.-Uegnt lvMci'lirook. now of Olni cago, vfcnted the university Wednes day. He was tlie guest of llVgent Mor rili while in tflic city. .Ml Sloan and Miss Callahan of :hc I'niversity of Colorado, will spend a few days in Lincoln next week visiting Iheir l)eltn Gamma sisters. iW. C. T.urnlinrt. one of the Missouri doluiters, wn. entertiiined during hi Stay in the city by bis, fraternity ImtMiors at the KnpKt Sigma mom. Acting CoinmondaiM Weeks Mi boon rwommended by Senator Thurs ton and Huyward fir a commission as SOcomi lieutenant in the reiraJar nnny. Mr. Querrenn, who occupies tOi chair of geology in the Syracuse uni creity. visited the univeiity bvtween IminsTuesday. He xpetsts1 to spci-d the su tinnier near Alliance, SCcli., doing field work. LOCALS. 'Hhe Woman's Nebrasknn, May 22. Have the "Evans" do your washing.' Schmittcl's lunch room, 131 So. 11th Street. A new venture; the Woman's Edi tion. Have the "Evans" do your washing. Go to Don's Cafe, South 11th. Open nights. Have the "Evans" do your washing. Delta Delta Delta gave a coacQiing jmrty Friday. C. B. Riggs. Dentist, 141 South 12th St., op. Keystone grocery. Take one home witflj you; tlie Wo ninax's Edition. Have the "Evans" do your washing. . Cameron's Lunch Boom, 116 South Eleventh. Open day and night. Dr. L. P. Davisdc utUt, WaWi-Putnam block, corner Eleventh and O street Call and see our new stock of elec tric fixtures. Korsmeyer Plumbing fc Dr. E. ,7. Angle, practice limited to skin aaid urinary diseases, 1400 O st. A sixteen-page magazine; tBiie Wo man's ICdition. Troupers made to your measure, $3, Bed Rock Pants Co., so. w. cor. 11th and O. CoinpMilive daiH will be held on tiiv unavcrsity campus Sntunlaj nfler noon. May 20. 'J'lie lbi Gannna Delta's emtviiaiu cd informally last Friday evening at thirir chapter house. rtthe national convenlaon of Delta Gamma wiM lie held in Lincoln in 1001 with Kappa chapter. The Palhidiaii literary wwloly will give their annual jiicnie jiariy at Lin coln park next Thursday. The different companies have bn liaving extra drill the past week pre paring for the" competitive next Satur day. A number of the memljers of the A. 0. U. W. holding the convemfon in Liinio3n lat veek, visited the univtr fiity. fTlie aittenttio'.i of feiiideints jh called ' to ahe fact tiiat lost articles are taken io 3Hsb Smuth, not tho. chancellor's oillce, 'filie Phi DeJfa fraternity gave anoth er of their pleasant houte parties to their Tri Delta friends laht Friday evening. PoJtsnasicr BniJlinwll. who has re Centily returnwl from Washington, has Ifeen promlisetl one of the Siauiibh gun inpturetl in Hie late war. A great many visitors have mm at the university Hie past week, many of them being delegates who are here at tending the A. O. U. W. convention. The commlKHtoned nud non-commissioned otlleers of "Co. A" entertained informally for their company at the l'hl Delta bouse last Wednesday night. The May luncheon given In t.he ar mory last Wednesday noon was a grand success, about thirty-live dollars being turned Into Y. W. C. A. treasury. There will be coniKiny ixll down In the armory next Wednesday evening to ulioose four men from each com pany to compete for the final individ ual competitive drill. M'ho English department has noti fied tllie debwters That all who expect credit, for work done must report to Scbyler Miller at oncei. Seventy bouts of work Is rcipiired for one-fifth course credit. (Jult a delegation escorted the m-n who iTebated with Kansas to the train last Tlitirsfliiv. We iimv vill fiol pmuil cf our men for they received the ) unanimous decision of all tin judge Mrs E. II. ItarlNiur has issued in vitntiiiitf to tlic active inemlbors of Kappa Kappa (lumtiiti, Dplta Camilla, Pi llctn Phi, Kappa Alpha Tbcta. and Delta Delta Delta for an "At home" to lu ghen Thursday, May IS, nt four o'clock. Tdie boy, can fool most of the profs, but they can't get Uu liefer of ".lack" IWt. Iist Satunlny eveming before the girls' gyiiuiasium exhibit Jack dis emened and marched out throw young men who bad hid thcuiselves in tthc now pipe organ. Prof. (7. E. Harbor of the Latin de partment haw received an interesting memento of tlic war in the Philippine islands from nn old student, L. ,7. .Vb lwitt, .lr., now with the VliM Nebraska infantry. It consists of two vohnnes in Latin curtitlcd "Compemlium Mor alis Universal, 1S77, null found by Mr. Abbott in nn old captured church near Manila. The following delegates and contes tants to the interstate high school con test were entertained at the Phi S'si chapter house during their visit in Lin coln: Arthur .layucs, Preston Davi son, Knlph Christie, Herman and Clias. lritmcr. Earl Painter, and father. CJias. Prlehard. Walter KolxM'ts-, Uoy Moie, Phil Peed, Harry Esterbrook. of Omaha, Louie Evans, of llentrice, E1. Harlan and Allen Sedgwick of York. .7. E. BOYLE. .7. E. Boyle, recently elected corres ponding secretary, needs no introduc tion to the students of the University of Nebraska. Mr. Boyle's work in the library has given him a wide acquaint ance amriTig all classes of student?. H" is not a stranger in association' cir cles; last year he was chairman of the missionary committee. He attended the missionary Convention one year ag'i at Cleveland and avw also at Ge neva the past summer. He is a stu dent volunteer and hopes some time to go as a foreign missionary. He has made association problems a study and is well qualified to assist in any line- Mr. Boyle is paying bis own vfy through school. He is one of the men who may be said ic lie a success ful book agent, which s-jieakis well for his persuasive qualities, and its officer are located' in New AM arc confident that under his di rection ihe correspondence of the n Miciation will be well cared for. OLDTIMEKS Continued from page 1. sue. Corey and Axllng vver simple private, in the ranks, but stn'.ag, earnchl men. Their wide acquaint ance with the students now in college .......... '.i ....... i.. .1... ..a: r I jiiTi'wii.nrj) uiijv me jiieiie im'iiiKMi )i their name?. Both are now students for the ministry at Rochester. Thatch er, the president of one year ago, is known to all cf u. His successful work as an executive officer is well marked In ihe condition of the associ atirn today. Iloscoc was a friend to everybody and well Jre-speded by the student body. He is at present teach ing in th Beatrice high .ebool. Thus, briefly told, and wry briefly, too, for the line of names could be extended much further do we recall a few of the leaders in Christian work in the association. These men have ln'en of those who came to college. Christian men, it is true, hut who went away with lives devoted and giv en up io the services of their Ixird. Were one to ask what brought about tdie great change and purposes of their live. Ixike Geneva no doubt uoutd answer a great deal, but more and with deeper earnestness would be ilm answer, the life of training and practiacl work a, they found It in the Young Men's Christian nasocia lion. Have the "Evans" do your washing. Have the "Evans" do your ivabhing. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DRS. GIFFEN & SMITH Telephones 2fc5 and 08. Itooms K, I) mi) 10, Olive Tlicutor llulldlnR LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, 130 South lltli street, Hooms SO, 27 mid 1, Hrovvncll Illk. Phono 530. DK. J. L. McNAY, DENTIST. Teotti Uxtrnctcil without Pnln. Onico: Cor. 11th nml OSts. Lincoln, Noliraskn DR. ALBERT K. MITCHELL, liooms 07-8. Ilurr lltocl:. . . . Lincoln, Neb DH. G. W. CLUTTKK AMI) II. A. SHANNON, D. U. S. Dentists . . Dr. Shannon Is u umiluate ot tho Chicago CoIIckc of Dental Surgery. Okfice 1130 O St., Lincoln, Neii. Tclciihonc CS5. P. O. Hox S51. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospital 503 South lltli street. Special attention to diseases of women. Ev ery convenience for hunncal cases. DR. BF.NJ. F. BAILEY. OrrtcE Houns: Ofllcc, Zchrunc Hlock. JUoIOa. m. N.W.ComcrN&lSthSts 12 to 12:30 and 5 to 4 r. M. Residence. Kvenlncs bv Appointment, 1313 G Street, ouuu.t:,. i, iu i i'. m. ami by Appointment. Tklkpiiones: Ofllce, 618. Residence, GI7 DR. J. F. STEVENS. Oflicc 1 130 O street. Ofllce Telephone 420. Residence Telephone 424. Lincoln, Neb M. B. KETCHUM. M. D., Phar. D. . Prof. Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology. Lincoln Medical College, Offers a thorough, private curse In refraction. Spectacles lilted. Office. 220 So. 11th st. Hours, 9 to 12:30-2 to 5 1 J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. Residence 1310 G street., Tel. 212. Ofllcc. 1223 O street. Rooms 17 and 18, Over Jllller & Paine's, Tel. 635 DR. M. H. GARTEN, Practice limited to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. 1025 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. E. S. KING. Fins Watch Repairing. Scientific Refracting Optician (Graduate) 1300 O Street. . Lincoln. Neb. Why Not Start A Stamp ollection? Call after May first. Albums with 200 stamps, 7:5c; albums with 300 stamps, $1.25. F. R. FINNIGAN, 439 South 12th Street Hats and d,rect from -- .: THE -, FACTORY Hats TO THE WEARER. NO JOBBERS' PROFIT The latest New York styles. The best quality ever offered in Lin coln for the money. $3.00 and $2.00 No more. No less. Same stock as vou have been accustomed to pay one-th'lrd to one-half more for. DHRI WCnW THE TAILOR 1024 0 STREET, LINCOLN LET US HELP YOU Ifpt III If if iff FOUR 11UTTON SACK SUIT Cop right tS99 By Hart, Schaffner & Mars ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY 1013 to 1019 The Original and Best NO SAW EDGE a. very complete Summer assortment and Underwear gomo great tfar For Ladies gaina in Iadie8 summer underwear, Jersey ribbed vests of fair quality 5c each; Jer sey ribbed vests with tape neck and lace trimmed neck and arms 3 for 25c; Jersey ribbed vests at 10c, 12Ac and 15c, frequently sold at double these prices. Jersey ribbed pants 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c each. Jersey ribbed union suits, 25c, 50c, 65c, 75c, S5c, $1.00, $1.25, and 2.00 each. At 50c we have suits of excel lent quality, cut low or high neck; long sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless. MILLER I PAINE. MILLER I PAINE. IT IS THE " STYLF And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Eli I ice That make thorn famous. All Select your Spring suit from this elegant new stock of Hart, Schaffner & Marx garments and we guarantee you will have the best -looking, best wearing suit you ever wore. In workmanship and tailoring the H. S. & M. clothes are ahead of any others we ever saw. Here are all the new pat terns. It is only a question of picking out the style most becoming to you. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX B MSiSlHBaHBaMaSaaHaaiBHl GUARANTEED CLOTHING. O STREET. LAUNDRY Clarkson Laundry Co. At 25c each tho Summer . . . best values wo Underwear . n(Tnr.nA For Gents in" 8hirt8 and drawers. One style at 25c is a plai., One ribbed balbriggan; shirts have French ntck and are closed with white pearl buttons, drawers are well made and cut full sizes. We have at the same price a very excellent quality of blue white mixed or tan and white mixed. We have men's union suits at 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 each. If you want underwear of good quality that will fit you with perfect cora ort buy union suits. Studio on ground floor. 226 So. 11th St