The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 15, 1899, Image 2

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A WeoWy Newspaper Issued Every
holiday Noon by the University
Punllsdilng Association.
Entered us Second Class Mail Matter.
(ioorge I- Towao . . .Managing KiHtor
M 1. Stewart KillimMii-Uhlof
J 'J' Sumner Kdgnr Hark.
(.'Union Hurr.
rlaude Heed, (ifiu-o MacMillan
Adclloyd Willi ilil' Helen Woods.
Hi-nlon Dali". . .
The Xebrasknn will be sent to any
ddress upon receipt of the mtWrip
Uoii price, which is one dollar a year.
Continum-ons are solicited from all.
w Items such as locals, personals,
reports ol meetings, etc., are especial
ly desired, 'Phe Nebniskan 1I1 be
glad to print any contribution rela
tive to a general university subject,
but the name must accompany ll
Address all communication to the
Ncbra&kau, University of Ne
braska. In ilvlmte .huiK lw to Missouri.
ltiiwi-i'i. in the op.nion of the jnd'g
is of I he nwiii'iuv as wvll. it wii
onl l slight li margin Hint Mih
m)u'i i miu ltotli iNoatiiifr twians did
tliciiic.c much ciedit. NvbrnU .si
in a Iwrd eoivius;.
The bn-e ball Iwim Mint out well
on Hh trip nwnm from home l -t.Jiuig
the fwni'iers ai Mnnhnttati ng-rii-uil';
college U to 1. If the can
ma int. i in thi. gait till thoy reach home
lilicre will be i "thing in i-mco'ii loo
fj.nwl thetnii.
Mcahi-h. Houghton, jMllTlin & Cm. mii
iimuiico for IniiiHMllnte publtcmtloii,
"The Antigone of Sophocles." Trans
lilted Imto Kuglidi by (Jemrge 11. Pal
misir, pmfiwnr In Harvard Culver
sity. With an liittroduellmu. 1 vol.
liitmi.. 7. c.Mits.
Those who have rtsiil 1'rofiwor P-il-iiwr's
singularly excellent. trUuedatlott
rof the Odyssey of Homer will rejoice
thai hie has undertaken a translation
of tihe Antlgune. Ample, Utitiiwlcdgv
of tiictU IHcmtuw is wupplwuentcd In
him by an uncommon mastery of Hug
link, and hl.s eoinpiVhrntdve apprecia
tion of tireek character and life, of
tJreek tihougiht .tiki, drnninitlc g ni5n,
enables hint to give to his translation
the foroe. the fiviloin, and the tlmney
of an original work. To the trim sta
tion he pre ll nth on Intrmdiiettlon of
cnntddemlric length, t rent lug of ihe
tJnvk drnmin, of taw place of the Antl
gwe in Oivrk tiwgedy, ami eoinincntu
of rcnurluilile value and u timet ho
ne. Altogether thin look iw one In
which the fruits of the fine! wdiohir
ship nii'l if the nobliest Hteitiry slHl
aie admirably blended into work of
m i- nut.
Thin Kioh will be .kui follow id bv a
..liii'j' M.'luuw'. "The IN nnetlie'is
Mound" of AesHn hi. tr.imdaUMl by
Paul K. More, lnu .WwochMc In San
skrit 1.1 iwl ('tawtdonl Literature In Mryn
Mnwr Cmllcgv. UMno., 7. ivntn. The
look will be equipped with mi Intro
luitl.nn .ml the Ntrt" mewary to
it, pi.ip. tihe In s hools And eoHeyes.
Course 2S Weeks
Fees $65.00.
The recitals which ore being given
b. the member, of iht? graduating
ela of th school of music are of an
exceptionally 1ilph order and rollcct
muh cntlit upon the conservatory
and its iiutrti0toiN They give t)ho
l'iideiitft and Jtrleirtlb of mho university,
too, an opportunity to lujnr mid enjoy
the productions "f the tmiitifirs, an op
portunity which, no matter how of ion
repwiu-d. is li to be taken ndnn
t.ige of.
'I In- r.miu-st ii'imi'hcr of the Nelinis i inn i cil niaiiv iMiiipi'iinen:. but
it- ;il- .t - di-k-.iii-ai.nig. Xot more
'hull .Mill extra enpiej. lx'illg wWd JU-gx-.lier.
MiwU-nl e''t Mich iNl'iiions
lml ,iip:ireut;, tliej do lwrt appreeinU'
the iiiihiiuil of I'tVort fiiml expense to
which tl'ie edit 4 r niui-1 i-e In muk-
them piMMbks Xewnmpei" in-ed the
cordial Mippoi i of '!n suidcii".- .i
much as do ntli'iJes or nny oiiln-i uni
vcrsity cinnri)rite.
It is an oancn of i-xwiylinig ignifl--:h'.n"
t iii.ii: thf high schoo.ln of the
oiHie sliKiuId nn-tt hi ionl8t foir th
.eiii' liouuiiiv ihi.der the siKidow of the
niiiei-',i . T'he uniciriity etids in
i m iNiliiug 'i)niw4'iieil with tflw hool
it tliii- i-i'ute fliil this contest is but
mill I. er ecMeniee of the fflC'1, Such l-e-luimiis hut cenieivt more cio.-c-1
i In- l.niil of smjmtliy iboH-we-ni tQue
jniUI e hitrh t-i. hinds n-ind the
llli'le--it .
Ill ii nivei'Wi i eiiiiiiiuinily is to be
uiur.i! ulnted lur rln1 sJtMiti'mu's infldt
ini mi in Iwr- ii'l the athltiic ilKinrd.
I'ie niwd UM'tl tti'l'i- cllO'C'li, who will
'" lul. ('nHiii!e of kec-pimig ntlnlwh'fi
iijrtiii tlwtr prt's-iit high pluie 4ind of
iivnn-iiiM hHinU'ii: inicrtl, 1C ei
simlii-im. flKii.ct'i' 4i'i-M pp-nniuailiin,
should now put bis shomkler lo th'"
litN-1 an ml 1m i a good tilling alf)iiig.
i are mi 'tilit i ihl triu-iv im1 ineu'd
Miiix to keep pimni.
lie ii.s if tin niiiwisiity prnmise
-mill thing iliwllin-tlv uniiqiw In 1h' an
n. 1 1- nl Nebraska .jiiiii'iuiiiimiu It is a
woiiiuni' eiliitdoii, joke., pri.'inis,
-lories, iwww, Mii)miu--every thing by
' heiiixe'ws. ()f it, cluuM'tM' Cl-en ji
men, wlin iisiii.1 1 U k-now HWire-tw a
wii-l, hetoiH' tin- pmblic. cn iliwl out
mothinig but tine name of the cdl'ilons.
Tin me: driu'e Man'Mlllam' and lliir-rii-t
i (H)lvi'. nuniaginig McHtiiniR. Kl.,it'
i". iindiii. Wlie-loid Whitinig. M.irmirc1
M"F(n-, (inneo i:-iahli:)iK .knfc'ut,! Mor
gan irnd .lennie I'eniizei', nMiairtiiloc,
and ICirlnn llyirt-t. a rt i s't .
Ncbrasikn won at ljfiwtM'iiic-c In tHiif
iiitT.1itc dobate Ft-ifln uigibl, t'
iieitliniig ii limiininiiiiv ilKM'i,ion. THile
q newt ion was tipo'li the riglliit of rw'nl
;i einiiibiiiiiinnis to fix mlie.
S111PS. AlplienlionB for Kellowwliips "ini
Scholarships for the ynr ISOO-1000 tnc
now lnHng renen-l nt the I'liiversily
i if Xebmusku. ApplitMiioii blunk may
be scoured at tho ndnriiHstrntivo of
flee. The following ruling of the
Hoard of lJngeii'ts wilt be of inter. is1.
1. That Suet km 1-: regarding l'el
lows!iipv aixl Soholaihijis be dhanged
to rend t fo41ow:
1. IVUown nnd !eh".iirs without sti
pend -diall ln .ippoinite! m lh' ground
if hich ai laiiiiiiwr.iis, 1'Vll1 ws and
oholai' shaill have mi nthur fees to
M, than tHie ordinary iimtrieuhition
fee of .?5. They nhmii be prefemhly
.tllel upon for needed nistiiince in
listTuctloiii, and shmll then be paid for
their nervices ncconling to du'lieis per
formcNl. as tnted lipJow.
2. l"iiloii9iip moy lie awarded lo
x-nmHdntes for higher tlippreej who
hmll hiiMe at hnnst on yiir of .success
ful reaidcnl grndunte work, along- the
special line in will oh the a)iniintniput
its mnde. in this university or in some
wither- institution of vtpiiwiletit i---
jioiutiwl by the Uegcmts on "the reconi
iniHln41on of the Ginneullor mwl the
heddtof the lep4nu.inen-t. concerned,
and their npnolntinoni nunoutioed at
ConnneTiic un wait, 15nc3i appointment
i s-iijiji im lor one yenr, mu may dp re
u'we.l 1'wice. Th conpen4atioii for
jiK-tiiiiu si-nice don-i' thi- de-p.irtni. im In
i elci-is-instl'llelimn or .Wihei'wNc sh ill be
j iiei i.i .ling lo th.- lm-tuiv of thut -er-'!.'e.
bin in no c,is4' to exceed $-111(1 y r
.'.. S.'ho'..nhip may be ,-iiw.ii led i.i
ini aliil i 'es fir highor ilvie.-.. Till'
iii'iiu r of lappolut iiii-nt an I value of
the si'h i !fl l ship's whal'l be the s.i.uie a
in Ili4' 4a.-i. of fe-llo-wships esivpt lha-t
'iln- Milne sbfill -In ro en-!' esc d 2(V
, icr iiiiiunii.
j 2. Thit heneefmlli only gradual'
; iid.e.i.l- be npxdnlod a atiwlstant
1 class t-ae!nrrs or ri-ndieiis, jind fls far
as practicable wImo as oUiea nlstnittb.
:i. 'Hint for the purpose of jMiidiii-s
the executive ofHco with lull record,
guii'lunte Mh.ll In.' ivqioil-H t.i
tine region. i r, 1, hi the oIomp of each
HenwsU-r as :tvtti4 or not; 2, after
eatSh wix.i.uiinution id in n major oi
, minor; and :i, when the tlwwd oil'erod
i Tor a d'iec hms been aceieijvtcd.
atiox Muiynxd.
I'or the nwtl'iiig of tlie XaitioniHl IJd
iK'ititi.inal AttMocifltion Tit Io ngelcit,
(al.. .hil.v 11-H. IHtJD, Uie 1'iidou Paci
fic will make tlif grwiUy rwhwed rat
of one fare, phin SS.00, for thcruiind
The ii -villou t service givtn by Hie
I ' niitn r.Kililo vva couimeiiiitd o-i by
all vvHlio had thu pkwMirc of uiny it t
ihie convention at) WMh'iiiglon in Isms.
'Hliis yi-iir our tMiiicali'oiiail fniend meet
in Ijo ng -l-. a.iwl nienileii of the
AsMHrhithi'ii ain.l (ilht-r fiiun p.iinis
4ti-i kIioiiUI bv all fii.'MiiK take tin
liiion Pacific.
The service of iii fnioti Paciiflc is
iinicMieile I iut cou-HiMit of Palace
Slcei, flag ( .irs HulVeit Kinokioyr awd Li
lurao Ci rfc. Dining C-aii, meaui -la-(Diiitie.
I'ree liocilniinig ("Jinlr Oar and
Jii .Unary KJei.ljdng Ornv.
T'luf 1'iiion Pacific i th rnM for
sti miner travel.
For full iufortiMition iiliaui tiickiH,
hi ijHov-e-rK, or a finely ij hunt nil od bonk
dft.crlljiiii'g "Th (ivwlnind I'outtf," t
Sihe TiriifU Consit, oaJj on K. IS. SIo
hoiii, (neivil Agienrt.
Olfcts gteal inducemcnls to stu
dents of tncdioine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery nnd medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this qity: County, Methodist, Child's,
linmamiel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by K. W. CHASK, Oinnha,
Ncbr., Cvntinental block.
333-339 S. Lincoln Street, CHICAGO
Opposite Conk Count) Hn.opitul.
Pour Years OrnileJ Course.
UrKlnnlnir Willi .tuly 1. IH1. the coure or the
,c-nr will tic itlvlilcit tnio four terms of twelve
weeks each AitenOniicw troin sitidcnts In the
re(!innr course is required ilurlni; three terras
In cneti of Hie four .uivrs. The rourlli term Is
The fees nre JUKI no for each venr. pnvnhle In
ml van iv.
Thonumlitrof reRulnrstuiter.tsls IIiuHimI lo
ono-humlrcft. twenty-tlwtn encli class, l'lnee
tn clnvs is otittilncit ly foraiu'itnve exninlnn
tlon after tinviiiK coinplletl with the nqntre
iiienls of the Stale llnnnl of tleiilth of Illinois-
Exceptional laboratory ml vnntnpcs nre ofiercil
to tenchcrs. nml supxTor ollnli-nl fm-illttes nre
offered to vinlor meitkal students unit irradu
ntes In mwtlilna during the sumtner term
For further Information address
Creigtiton Medical College.
Cor. 14th and Davenport Sis., Omaha, Neb.
Ne.t session begins September 24 1S99.
A tour vcars course 'vns adopted by this
schooi six cnrs being one o'f the
first schools in the west to adopt a hifiher
standard of medical education.
The course consists of four terms, seven
months each. The college building is new
and up to date, having been completed only
two yeatsago. The building itself is large
and comlnodfous, having large toomy lab
oratories! tor work in Physiology, His
trologv, Pathology and Bacteriology all
furnished with the most modern equip
ment. The Anatomical rooms are large
and are supplied with all ol the newest
conveniences, among other things being a
I com Moiugc loom mi uic I'icsciv.iiiuii hi
I anatomical mateilal, thus insurving fresh
'subjects (or dissecting and anatomical
work at all times of the year. The le:
I tute rooms are spacious, well lighted and
I . .! i lal j.,1 Mr. until rktrtf Aft .
VCII4 liairU. OIIU .111; ZL.llVU llll I.VIIMUU-
able opera chairs.
This school has the exclusive use o( the
St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, tru
st. Joe hospital being the only laige hos
pital in the ciiv. The county hospital al
so lurnishes clinics lor the benefit oi stu
dents of this school, For further informa
tion, address
McCague Bid's:, Omaha Neb.
Harvard University
116th Annual Announcement HB98-S9).
In and after dune. 1101, ciindiilatcs
lor iwwiiHSion must present a degree in
! Arts, Literature, Philosophy, Science or
Medicine., from a recoginized college or
scientific fcchool. with the exception of
such nfit'Koiis. of siilt!ililc iiire :iiui ntljiin.
menu as may he admitted liy special
vole of the Faculty taken in each cti-c.
For doUiilod information concerning
i.'l4419C3 Ul 1II--11 liv iwu, i '.IWIIUUIIi;,
The University of Nebraska
School of Music
S HKTTISR httctl than ever before to give artistic intruction
in Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all other princi
pal branches of Music. Students will receive full information by applying
at the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at any time.
Third Term Boglns Monday, April 10.
Book Department
We have in stock a large line of books, suitable for graduating
pupils, in pretty bindings, and at popular prices. You can buy
some as low as 19c each and as high as $5.00. Write for in
formation respecting our Encyclopedia Brittanica Club. You
can get the complete set of 30 volumes, cloth delivered, carri
age paid, on the payment of $t.oo, and monthly payments of
Music and Picture Dept.
All New M usic at half the publisher's price. Send or catalogue
of 5c music, containing 4,000 pieces. During our May sale
we will make special prices on Pictures and Picture Frames.
HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., 12th and N streets.
Made by
Examine the Policy of the New England
.Mutual. The Values are as definite as those
endorsed in your Bank Book.
This Company has been Chartered
63 Years.
G. V. NOBLE, Mgr., '
Phnnp ??,? ROOM 10.
rnone jjv 1041 Q STREET
I Said to My Clothes
"Oh, Clothes, Old Clothes! I'll o to Paine's Clothing
House and get me a new outfit."
It's a good place to buy roou Clothes-Clothes made by
the best manufactir rs.
M.rninECL0iriitiG stoke
i 217 O Street.
Monaich Bicycles
I)it. Wm. L. IIICHAHIJSON. Dian.
Hurvurd Mcillcul School, IloMon. Mum,
One fare for the round tdp. rim the
Union Pacific, to Sun Fnanwiiwo, Oil.,
for Xntlonal Bnpti-ii Societies umiihw
wnrJe. May .'.. ism. yor diitw on
whidh ticlat wiiW be wiM. Hjidts, nnd
full info'rmntdon, en on K. 1. .Sloson,
1 it 'huiim yvgeii'i.
llne the "Evans" do your washinc. Hnvp trim irnt i
j fa jiuu une iinni do jour wiiKhinp
Kent College of Law
Marshall U. Gwell, Ll.,1).. M. 0 , Orun.
TJireo years course leading to degree
of Liy. !$. Improved methods uniting
theory and practice. The School of
practice Is the leading feature. Eve
ning sessions of ten hours a week for
(uich class. Students can be self sup
porting while studying. We assist
students in securing suitalde employ
ment. For catalogue, address
, W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary,
018.010 Ashland IHoek, Cliloagojll.
Are recognized the vor!d over as representing the Iihest tvne
of excellence In bicycle conStnictIon...!Are now Vllhln rwch M
King and Queen Roadsters $25 'ttrMiisiiss'i
at these prlret.
Seud fur Catuloifue AbMiU watjlid Ju OJwa im rliory
Halsted and Fulton Sis., CHICAGO fnurch and Reade SIs.nEW YORK