Pianos matchless Shaw Known Weber High Grade Matthews Favorite Schiller and many others. u CZjqIF TProii3r3Sfr 3 So Me.de at Cost o o For Ten Days ex p BUHSTEAD & TUTTLE, 3 f 1 141 O Street. S s m. hoiiiim. oltM 111011 pet'tii' to . Tw prod iwtri" of If nitlHN true ' vote dialli : iggmnriissctncnt n Ml porsninil. forgotten; to ihnt dcgicc tdm iso to sciire ollleo iniielv for' ui.i t ii ....... i i t vviiiniiirMHli'U mill llll 1 1 1 i'fs ! political spoils. ui'th centnr.v politics must patriotism of noble tji'! a .ni tJiat will accept pofitioiia r mid tnii-'L .or public good, 'lian for priwitc gniii; that ..sib the lmllot-l)o as to the pri- lYers; (i iMtrioiism tihnt will rc crime in high phiees, that niipion the caiihc of the op i. that will throw itself into the rusliu - torrent of nie.it Nuc; a pa triot i- ii that goc deeper than senti ment i priMttc in'tcicM. that is broad er th any creed or party, that Irtis its m i ne i divine law; a patriotism ihnt in Mtind against the calumny whidi ilriinigogue. tHis ami wlncli --..cining politicians rtor.. As pntri" lived and died for the lirst great 1'iinciples of our i...tinn so must ihi'. live and die for th? second. Up fn'in the slums of four hundred cities ..'inc- the cry of m .ions, pois oned l the saloon, oppressed by the uiirijrh1 ""is use of capital, ruled by the in.ii lune, robbed by thedeiniigogiic. The issue of local self-government is now upon us. It is calling for a Hamilton to proclaim its truth a Web ber t defend Its rights. It is calling for a million volunteers, not to die, for it. lint to give live for it, for men Willi nrnns ami heart commingled in such proportions that they are able and wiiim to be their "brother's lu'eper." .t is calling for a new social iTmi-ni that shall )mc written in ir.ime i icli. "The brotherhood of man " Pol i il- institutions and the state art" ii- luiiients of divine power. Clod hiiM- ! destinv of nations in bis jBa lish language and Anglo-Saxon insti tutions in everj country and by carry ing lie message of the Son of Man to every people. sl.nkmhu session. Tin.- announcement of the summer session, which will be he... this year from .luii U to July 'JO, has been is sued and may o procured by appli cation to the chancellor's oiTlce. This year the instruction olVered will be confined K. tvve.ve of the. leprosonta ti depart ments, as loilows: Dotany, ehcinistry, linglisli hingnnge, Knglish literature, Kuropeiui history, lieniinn, U leek, Iatin, mathematics, physiee, pedagogy, ami romance languages, flic regular summer session is devel oped from the previous unixei-sity Milliliter seh ol- and the earlier state institutes. The session (.oxers six xxecks of the vacation season and for this peiiod puts at tlhe service of the state tils' valuable equipment of the unixci'sity. Tlie heads of the depart ments offering instruction x... gen erally be in exidence. In Ciiso of their necessary absence, the Mibstf tutcs will bo as a rule professors of like rank from sister unixors'rties. hi any ease, only experienced teaehetvi will liaxe charge of classes. The ses sion is conducted primarily for the teachers, principal and supe-rintend-ent.s of Nebraska xxho desire to pur sue certain subjects under the guid ance of specialists and evteml their pioent knowledge in xarious branches by mcaiKs ot the facilities which the university atl'ords. There wilt be gen eral university lectures in addition to the coursvs of btudy olTeied, and also the adxantages of the Lancaster coun ty teachers' institute will be afforded, which will be in session during the n'cond and lliird week x . e suminer cession. The university library, .m t. lining 10,0(10 volumes, and the mil xeisity museum, xxith ills rich collec tions, xvuM be open to students every day. Stiu.ents will nl-o be granted the privileges of the state library and the Lincoln city library. The registra tion fee for the suminer se-i ti is two dollars ami small laboratory deposit- are charged. For further announcements- ami general iiffornmtion in regard to Uie university, apply to the ohaiicelkt. Sold on easy payments at cash prices by the . . MATTHEWS PIANO CO. 130 South 13th St. With a tock of 100- HONORS L for graduates are fully expressed Vk by presenting a Vlfprrri nun's v 7 b. . s a m jt a 9jm, a a r Ideal Fountain Pen. i WORLD, VICTOR and AETNA BICYCLES "Wo ought to bo nblo to suit you. We know without doubt wc have the best line of Bicycles ever shown in Lincoln. y Solid gold and sterling silver in latest design. We Rent Wheels. We Rent Wheels. Mini rijrhn 'ffirn, opim-t 'ion i. tcrrit.i fown 'ie Cd fruat. "be h ft n nghtw. 'ni, iiiej. i he., tylires nr,' , Iak , Situ,, lues bound. -U Hi. er in ftce, (h toile the ai 't' tit. V I. TOAs. I ' ii future dep iwN iijkiii the I ss of our people. History J ti no nation esm stand that 'od. Upon the righteous ot ic I'nited State in her new lcpemls not only the fate) i a.. -, ..t.!t:... nf.Mi Ulllh, Mm IJH- .SUIUliils Ul Mitt at. the destiny of Asia, and of civilization. This i.- the ipportiinity, the greattist i-e-, the niost vital issue in of our nation. It ea?ls for men as netive as they are as unselfish as they are pa devoted sis Uiey are ddterin- i flag ought to be siipiiorted large enough to relieve the of all the world; Nought to r a hind broad enough 1o ,( to every nation. I iHMween the two great nve commerce, jMissesfeing un national resouives, lending 'rld in the evereises of mind "er, the greatest Anglo-Saxon 1 "pying tJic greatest country, ii the "zone of power," lend f western civilization, 4ouch- 'ad institutloiiK of the Orient aoiu upon merit. Fully Guaranteed. U.E.WATERNIAN&CO., LarReit Tauntala Pen )) rtanutacturcrs in the World. v , 1 57 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE t CENTURY DOUBLE - FEED PEN IS THE BEST G. E. HAGER. Agent, - Law Library Prices $50, $40, $35, $30, $25 H. E. Sidles Cycle Co., THE LARGEST REPAIR SHOP IN THE CITY. 1 10 to 112 North 13th St. or 13th and O Sts. There is no other Bicycle as good as a Tribune Bicycle NllBuJI9Iidc can be compafCd COLUMBUS BUGGY Ic. .... .i.-.i.i jiihuitliiuiirt ui uir uiitii. -In 1 inted States Ktands today the IP'ttlU-vt Itntinn rf oil littitirV TlCll . til noniiim' ivill.Us. nilfrllt ifi mat,.. l....l .....1 i,...,l ,n... 1 1 IUVS11 illltl llltllltvt'..t J,." ItoiDiciit so perfect, our citizens so pa- 'ir people so unsejiisn, xnawve ""K with England and the Bn- Itnoiic ltnnl.1 . ;-"4 unite 11!l I'.llirl'llWI ILI1I1 lite J'Jll- 0 SllC.ll.i.i nnnnln ......n tvlinrf! llrtl 2 .Ijohiu-al functions but in nntionnl T'nt, not under a written code but in WMllm... t..tl .1 .!..,. lilvnftv "K mil 111111 iciiKtttn mi-, 'j r all the world. The glory of our UOn i .Il l. 41.-. ... n...A wMvnitnrOi'1 'UP Ur.i.,.1 1... til... 41.A rntr- "il, llJt l' JIIUIIUMH IIU "t I MVKKS1TV t'Or.VI'Y S( IIOLAU- (otinty siipeixintendents of public in siruiK'thwi liave been asked to hold eauiinatioiis in their oil ice on Sat urday, .May 'JO, for .ioe competing fur the university county seh'Varehip. these scholarships aie offered in each county inniniciininir a llrst-ela.s& three or four year high school, and are awjirded'io students parsing Hie best compctitirvc evnminatioii, provided the candidates meet tih? repiirnnvts f c admission to the lowest vvorrk carried at university. Laiuiiunie.s iuus( In prepared to pass eamiuatioiii' in the following fcii.iK-ctct: Algelim, bot any, Knglbh. plane geome'try. gi'ii eral history. One.sar and phyoics. Since tJie university has free tm ion f .- aH. t'h.e scholarships niusi neces sarily be largely hoiwiniry. If. hvv ever," the candidate is in pecuniary need, the scholarship iiki.v carry with it the privilege of dispensing with the paMiient of any fee or deposit of any kind csoept the matriculation fee of five dollars required by etntiite. These wlivi'arships were eagerly sought last vear by students in many counlties offering exaiuinntion, and H Is lxllev ed that there will be great demand for them again tins season. The United States department, of agriculture, division of ootany, has is issued an "inventory of cereals and Forage l'iunts Collected in Russia. M. A. Carleton, of the United States department of agricu.ture, who made 4iw. ii,.i.i;niu iiik stationed at the University of Xebrniska for some time prevloa to his detail to Jlusshu Prom the notes prepared oy Mr. Carleton it appears that he has succeeded in securing several varieties of much promise, since they arc adapted to ecid uliinntre, have a short growing sea son, and are resistant to fungus du? eascs. This Is particularly the case yvith the wheats, in the special study of which Mr. Carleton has long been engaged. University Coal Office Gregory seiis Coal Best Quality. Best Price Phone 343. 1044 O Street. Hats and directum FACTORY Hats .... T0 THE WEARER I NO JOBBERS' PROFIT ! The latest New York styles. The I best quality ever offered in Lin ! coin for the money. $3.00 and $2.00 No more. No less. with the genuine FINEST LINES. LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICE In the State. BILLMYER & SADLER, 202-4-6 South Uth Street TWO CRANKS and one pedal pin are the only metal parts that have had to be replaced or repaired on ALL the IDEAL BICYCLES sold by me in four years, not a bearing showing wear, not a piece of tubing broken. The $25.00 ones have the same bearings and guarantee as the $30.00 and $35.00 ones. The RAMBLER people make them. I Same stock as you have been accustomed to pay one-third to one-half more for. DARIMCflM THE TAILOR 1024 0 STREET, LINCOLN E. R. GUTHRIE, Agent, . . 1540 O Street. IT IS THE "STYLE" And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That make them famous. All on ground floor, 226 So. 1 1th St