THE HEBRASKAN. A Weekly Newspaper Trailed Every Monday Noon by the University 1'iiblUhiiiff Association. Kilned h Second Class Mnll Mnttor. limine Ii. 'I'owno Miiiinglng Editor M I Stewart .Kriltoi-ln-Oliluf .1 I ASSOCIATES: NliWS. sunnier Edgiir Clurk. (Mtnton Hnrr. CI l.OOAI.. i ,.le Hoed Urneo MnoMlllnn. dclmyd Wldlliu'. Union Woods. Hi'iiton Dab's Alumni The Ncbraslcan will be sent to amy ddresH upon receipt of the eub-scrip-tion price, which is one dollar a year. Cotunutinons arc solicited from nil. NrwH items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., arc especial ly desired. The Nebraska n will be glnd to print any contribution rela tive to n general university subject, but the name must accompany all aueh. Address all communication to the Xcbraskan, University of Inc-braska. IJonioinber that tihe wlcetion of the guidon i iiiviiubuia o ihc athletic hoard ocouis YeiIno.!iy. This is important. The future 01 athletics depends upon the athletic board, livery imtnietor, nlinuiiiiM ami student shouldd feel it his dutj to MKe and to see, too, that no mistake i nrndv in tilje pcrsonel of tJioise votcl for. Athletics were never in more nourishing condition. We ough't. not return the old regime. Nebraska won. and los Saturday. The victory of the track men was glorious., t'he i.efeat of the ball team was gloomy. Eleven to two was the nvtio by wliieth Nebraska was victori ous and tuveai to twelve the refrain of the defeat. Corffly errors at critical times, together with the humility of Pilcner Ulis-s to ge-i the u.. . over the plate and the low hutting? average of the Nebraska 'team epitomizes the de feat. Ncbrnskn will have another op portunity to "show" both (Missouri and Knn.sni before to very long. We will hope to record more victories wflivn ( aptnin Heeder's men are tflie iit.r. predicted n iKi'lsion which was there upon given, at 1 o'clock In the morn ing. Mr. S. M. llollnduy of Iowa wa. ii warded tihlrd place, Mr. Georire E. Enrnir of Indiana second, and Mr, Hollo 1 liyninn llrst. The unnoiiniM" incut of the last two brought forth a porfeet storm of applause nnd 'lie de cision of nhe Judges ovhhinth met (he approval of the audience. Tlio Judges were: Though't and composition .lohn l Irish, Snn Ernncbco; PreMdeivt (lames 11. Anx-"11, University of MMilgiin, Ann Aibor, Mich; President Oltiirlcs I- Tltwlng, Wtwtorn Hofcrve universi ty, Ohio. Delivery- -Dr. 11. Mltmliull, M lumen polls; W. .1. llrynn, Lincoln; T. E, Dewey, Abilene, Knn. The cninplete lnnrklngs were not. flgiiritl out till S o'clock in the niorn hiig. The system prmldeil In the con stltutioii for detcrnihilng the llnnl rank of contcstan'tis provldvs that af ter the II rut choice has beun made, the remaining contestants whnll b? re linked, the second mini in the eon test as the llrsl man on the llivnt re ranking, m the remaining positions of cuii'tci-Uants shiill be iiMfcrtulned by addilionnl re-ranking. II an lui)poiHd that the (list rankings coincided with the rankings as figured out according to the provisions of the constitution. The table how given shows the marks of iho judges, both on manuscript and delivery, with the tlrst rniui and the thiol positions. In columns wthcro there are two sets of llgures the top figures arc the averages and lhoc un derneath arc the ranks determined by the averages. a onnnn ncDicni COLLEGE Course 2S WeeKs. Fees $65.00. Otters great inducements lo stu dents of medicine in the west. Methods of instruction most satis factory. Clinics in both surgery and medi cine held in the following hospitals in this city: County, Methodist, Child's, Inimanuel nnd Presbyterian hospitals weekly. Catalogue sent and questions an swered by V.. W. CHASE, Omaha, Ncbr., Continental block. 2. 9l S ft ? 'g :&?' a i !i " i : a : : : : : ; ! : : : ' : i ! Ohio. Minn Town Colo. Neb . Wis , Mo ., Kan . Ill . Ind 73..')S00li I) I 7 S 70 03'iri 0. j 3 : 7..V92'M Vfc. 4, ' 71.5 SO 71, 7Vi 0, II 'S0.S0'7O, I, lO.'.HS I 1, -1, 71.517V"' 77.;ioi".):t 3Vi i 72..") no vl in o : S7..V94 7s l,2i. 02, s no a .) SSI 7. 100 l' Sis' 1 10 Of. oo Srt II til .1 v 0 02 into 0.1 rt,:ir. : .s.T1Vs' tM 7 any..' 10 os, loo ion' i, Us' 02 7 0! tit o:i 1 3" 00 211 ', 07' 1,33 oi;....j lonavi, on s :i4 os .. .. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY WOMAN'S MEDICAL SCHOOL 333-339 S, Lincoln Strcol, CHICAGO Opposite Cook County Hospital. Pour Years OroJed Course. ncRlnnlm? wltli July 1. 1W0, tlic couio ior the year will lo divided Into four terms ot twelve unoliHciiKh. Aiiomlnnco from Nimli'DtK In ll(0 reuumr conrsu Is required durlni? llirco terms In cnea of tlic four yenrs. Tlio fourth term Ih optional. The fees nro tlOO.iKi for ench yenr, pnyiihlo In ndvnnco. Tho nnmU r of rcRulftr studentB Is llmltod to anu-liumlicd. twenty-live In ench elass. l'lnco In clns Is (ihKdned ly competitive examina tion niter leivlnu' compiled with the n-iiulro-ments u I he slnln Hoard of Health ot Illinois- Kxeoitllonal lal,orntory advantages are offered I lenchei-N, nnd stiiwrlor clinical fnullltlos nru olleiud to unior medlfiil siuuoms nnn Krniiu ates In inedlclnn dunnu the summer term For further Information, address DR. JOHN RIDLON, 103 STATE ST..CHICAQO, The University of Nebraska School of Music Sa - -A, S Hl'VlTER fitted than ever before to give artistic itUrttction in Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all other pruici. pal branches of Music. Students will receive full information by apjing at the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at nn nnie, TUITION 15 THE LOWEST C0H5IJTCNT WITH SOUND INSTRUCTION Third Torm Boglno Monday, April 10. x WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. r4 &?' sQ WE HAVE ALL.... NEW SPRING STYLES In the Best $3.0i and $3.50 Shoe on Earth. WEBSTER & ROGERS 1043 O STREET. . lie iwi'iity-srixhh nnntinl conHmst of the l.iti'iWtmtc oratorical nHsooiutilon is now u part of Jiistnry. It wa.s won by iio.lo I.. I.yinnn of ilcloit collojo, Wi.s oii'.Bin with an oration, which will al ways niii'li high in the annals of ool logo oratory nnn with a deHvury whioh jylojused -tlhie nndience ami jiulges nliki. IJvory oik! Agreed tihat Mr. Lyinnn iU Kervodiy won tHa hanors of tlio con tests while tihey went equally entailed with tlif derision which gnvc second place ,to Oieorgo E. l"nrnir of l)n miw university, Indiana. To be sure all could not win, yet every om felt that all did remarkably well. There was not a poor oration, poorly deliv ered, among tine umi nnd' Inns who lid nmt win hae no reason to feel ttlmt they did not do theniRolves and tiheir states credit. Finnmcinlly tili? contest was tihe ino.-t Micccssfu. iin ilhe history of the n.ssociaition. The credit for 1his result is mainly due to J. A. Miagnire, of the unrimvqt-v. ho has been untiring in his efforts nnd partic ularly successful in his ndventiisiivg. The president, Fred 11. Hill of Carleton College, Minnesota, also deserves much credit for the Kiiceefis of tihe contes-t nnd tihe smoothness and disia1ch Which characterized all the meetings. The eon test goes to Colorado next year wMli n comfortable surplus in the 'treasury nnd with the remcmhranice of n contest successful in every way, as, proflinWy, no other contest, has been befoixj. WISCONSIN WINS. Continued from page 1 was characterized by n snnppy, but clear cut nnd vigorous manner. The audien'ce paid the clarost at'tentio-n to tins strong and emotional oration. While the decision of the judges was "being awaited, Chancellor Mac Lean itioo'k the eton nnd called on sev eral prominent men of the house to speak. President Thompson of Tnr klo, President Jlairper of Eureka col lege. Governor Poynter. Judge Dewey, Dr. MStdhell, W. .T. Pryaiv and rresi demt Harris of Simpson college were called to the platform. Mr. Bryan, ttiid that the winner of first place should not permit his victory to cnuso him to rest Ids oars. The object of oratory is root to win applause for ilhe speaker, but confidence in the 'idea,. The university quartet favored the audience with two selections. Chan cellor Mae Lean called for a soiig frnm rtflie Tarkio delegation, but the pros- ence of President Hill upon the stage DEATH OV CLINTON S. NOltTON, '9T Tihe ni?vs ot t'he death of Clinton Seotii Norton, '07, was rct'ene . u the uniciitiy Saturday morning anil gave a great slioek to 'hi many fnieiids. His iHne was o short and his. death V'nrlj Satuixlny nioriiing m) sudiie m, die report hcenied scarcely iru. Tlie LNiuse eenis to have Leen complete nervous prostration combined winh a low form of fever on., general de rangement of the eastern. The funer al was held Sunday afternoon in me lminnnuel oliurdh of Ashland anil was vices were conducted 'by ltev. K. .. Ferris before the friends w'tto tilled t'he church to its utmost capaeuy. llenutiiful llornl designs from tine llnptHt church, of which Mr. Norton was 4i inemoer, the Ashland oard of Education, the teaeners and sciholai"s of the high school, the Kappa Aijilia l beta and Phi Kappa l's fraiernities of t'h univerhity, and nian .ends were placed about tihe altar and the casket. Mr. Norton was n charter nieintber of the local chapiter of IMil Kappa I'! mini twenty-fivie of his brothers attended the sen ices. Clnr Ouerlics, tianl lliMdreth, Dick Heed, Enifs, oiggenlhorn. Ode P.rown and Kilgnr Clarke actcvl as pa .Aier,. t the grave tihe 'touching burial ser vice of the Phi Kappa IVii fraternity was given by the chapter an the mem hers. After tilie aenie'e each member plncwl the fraternity tlower and eoloiv nn 1 lie casket and the bodx was consigned to Mirth by 'C. Mr. Mantis. Clinton S. Norton wiis liorn in Os wego, N. V., were he n. tended t!he Os wego normal ehool. In 1S04 lie grad uated from nhe Peru noniHU of which hit, father was preftident. 'Hie ne.. next yenr he entered tflie university and graduated in ISO", being elected n member of Phi Beta Kappa for Uiigh scholarship. Since then he hnd hedd the position of principal of tihe hitfh siihool at Aahlnnd, Nebraska, wiierc he had made host of wnnn friends nnd an excellent record as a teacher. Wherever he was, he was a valuable ' addition to the life of the community, especially in musical and social circle, i Tn the unhersity he wns a leadimg i meinier oi tnc glee cluib for gevoral years. Ili- brotiier. Will Norton, is a member of the pre-ein freshman c lass. Creighton Medical College. Cor. 14th and Davenport Sts Omaha, Neb. Next session begins September 24 1899. A tour ycais course was adopted by this school six vears ago, it being one of the first school:' in ilu- west to aJopt a higher standard ot medical education. The course consists of tour terms, seven months each. The college building is new and up to date, having been completed only two yearsago. The building itselt is large and commodious, having large toomy lab oratories for work In Physiology, His tiology, Pathology nnd Bacteriology all furnished with the most modern equip ment. The Anatomical rooms arc large and are supplied with all of the newest conveniences, -iong other things being a cold storage room lor the preservation of anatomical material, thus Insurving lresh subjects for dissecting and anatomical work at all times of the year. The lec ture rooms are spacious, well lighted and ventilated, and are teated with comfort able opera chairs. This school has the exclusive use of the St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, the St. Joe hospital being the only large hos pital in the dry. The count hospital al so furnishes clinics for the benefit of stu dents of this school. For further informa tion, address D. C. BRYANT, M D.? Secretary, McCague Uld'g, Omaha Neb. Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Exaniino tlio Policy of the Now England Mutual. Tho Values nro as definite as those endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has been Chartorod 63 Years. G. V. XOBLB, Mgl, Phnnfi WR ROOM 10. rnono sa 10-110 street I Said to My Clothes "Oh, Clothes. Old Clothes! I'll go to Paine's Clothing House and get me a new outfit." It's a good place to buy good Clothes Clothes made by the best manufacturers. THE D. L rniHE CLOTHinG STORE 1217 O Street. Harvard University MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, BOSTON, MASS. e The ludiniifc are Indian- a!l right enough, and play ball Hut U gi edge. Their catcher ha. face that would do credit to (ieronuiuo or Sit ting Hull nnd ha a head of hanr thafc would iimhe a good window brush, but he play his position .he a pro-fefcional.-vMorrls (HI.) Diu.v PosHw Do not fail to see ihe Indians. The eluli will pla the sjate 1 1 iversltv Mini ai the r-aiupiik . Tii4niiv antl Wednesday. 116th Annual Announcement (1898-99). In and after June, 1(101, catuliilatCH for admission muM. present a degree In Arts. Literature, Philosophy, Scionco or Medieino, from a reeogiiiizcd eollego or seientific school, with tlio exception of such poi-Mins, of suitable ago and attain niont, as may bo admitted hv special vote of tho I'lieulty taken in each case. Tor detailed intonnation concerning courses of instruction, or catalogue, address Dit. Wm. L. UlCHAHDSON, Dean. Harvard Medical Sobool, IJoston, Mass. Kent College of Law Marshall I). Ewell, LL.D., M. D., Dean. Three- years eourso leading to degree "I LL. B. Improved methods uniting theory and practice. The School of practice Is the leading feature. Eve ning sessions of ten hours a week for e:u Ii class. Students can be self sup porting while studying. Wo assist students in securing suitable employ ment. For catalogue, address W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary, 018-010 Ashland Block, Chicago,!!!. fc Monarch Bicycles Lfy, f1 , )"WMi mj Are recognized the world over as representing the hlghe:-f type of excellence in bicycle construction.... Arc n:w within resell of all MONARCH ROADSTERS $50 DEFIANCE ROADSTERS $35 King and Queen Roadsters $25 ShOTjialiaSn u at those i, Ices. MONARCH CHAINLESS $75 Bend for Cataloirue Afjonta wanted in open territory MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. Halsted and Fulton Sis.,. CHICAGO Church and Reado Sis., NEW YORK RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IN FRONT com The feet weal bam- mad, clan the j plo t conn to Iwai kelp But year" Chan for j aki the a orH tant h tl iome less 1 "WXvv a . "J-7fctf J T'