The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 01, 1899, Image 7

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(MniliciiuillcJil HiMiilnuir
I'Vlilii.v uvuii-
IjiIIii oolloqiilni Tuuwlu.v
iniiln building.
liiUM'Htsiito oratorical ooiiitwt nt OH
vcr i'Vldiiy ovoiiliig.
Hniiri coiuhjiHi at. uiunpuB Tiiumlny
ovonlng ,,t' 7 "'ul'wlc,
IV will lug Hlli'H upon lrlll on ciunpiiH
Tlmrml'iiy ovcnlng- nl 7 o'clock,
Kuiiwiih IwiKU bull gimiu iiitd diiul
(nick nu'crti Hiiliinluy iifluniooti. on
HorbiM'tn tin iiuh hih In Oinahii the
jjirutt'i piu't of limt weak.
Oirl C, Hraclloy. of Oureo, hi., visit
ed frli'iitlH a purl of liwt 'Wi'ok.
Alitor llaimnoiul, of tho "I'Yomoiit
TriliMnCi" paid tin a ImihIiiohh vIhIL hint
l-'rlilny. '
Mis, ,lulgi Mai'oinliLT of Oinalia will
UU lu-r daughter tho latter part of
tin- wook.
Kilii'l Tukey mill Helen W'nlelu will
Iimim' TliiirHilay for Albion. .Mloli., to
rqnvHi'iit Kappa chapter of Doltn
(Iniiima at Uio national convention
wlii.'h I" t be bold In that. city.
Have the "JOviuih" do your washing.
S'-hinlttd's lunch room, 11)1 So. 11th
Street. ;
Have the "Kvuim" do your washing,
Go to Don's Cnfe, South 11th. Opun
Have the "ICvans" do your washing.
C. 11. Hlggfl, Dentist, Ml South 12th
St., op. Keystone grocery.
The track men iiiImmI $15 to apply
on building a suitable track.
Ciiiiioioii'm Lunch Room, 118 South
Kleeirth. Open day nnd night.
Dr. L. I'. l)iiis,lontlHUWiilsh-riitu:un
block, corner Klevontli nnd O street.
Call nnd sec our new stock of elec
tric fixtures. Korsmeyer Plumbing &
Dr. K. J. Angle, practice limited to
skin mud urinary diseases, 1400 O at.
See the special sale suits at $0.05 this
week at the Ewing Clothing Company.
Have tlie "Evans" do your washing.
The Delta Clnmnms w-rc enltertaincd
nt the home of Suyde Ihinivhanv last
Wednesday afternoon.
l'hl Delta Theta gave ilie second of
their series of panties last Friday even
ing to Delta (lamina
In compliance with orders, tho cadet
battalion appeared at dress parade
Friday eveniivg In white duck trousers.
Have the "Evans" do your washing.
The Gardner Tailoring company will
save you money on your spring suits.
The glee club held mwltlng on the
Boatli bleudhers of tHie campus last
Thursday morning during" eluipol
Imitations are out for a party to be
given at the home of Lowe Kieketts
by Alpha T'nu chapter of lleta Theta
l'i oa I'riday evening, May 10.
LOST--A small American ting stick
pin, at or near liuuth grand stand, day
of MUsoiirl-Nebraska ball game. ! ind
cr will please leave nt chancellor's of
fice. For better made, better fitting suits
Uiitn you got made by the merchant
tailor, got one of our Steln-Hlooh vJo.
sulto, $15.0frto ?25.00 per suit. Hiving
Clothing Co. i
Miss Sarah Muir InformaHy enter
tained tlie girls tfho aiv to take part in
Mo military maii-ohlng at thiel girls'
P.Viinnastum eMliibition, n Heir luwn
from six to seven last Tlfuiv-day eve
ning The members of Kappa Kappa Gam
ma wore their colors, tlie double blue,
on Friday in honor of the
moat of a new chapter lleta Lam'lxla,
at Uliimiv s-ta.te university, Chnm
iwlgne, Illinois.
fl'lie hand will give tlie second of its
series of concents' oiv tlie campus to
morrow oveulnir from 7 to 8 o clock.
As the Imnd Has no dellnito concert
nik"lit. .uiiiouneeiiieint of dates will I be
wide in this sheet from time tb time.
Kruest (ierranl, '01, has just'beon np
iwinti'd follow in psychology in Co
luniliia university, New York City.
Tills felluwsliip has, in Mie past paid
$.100 per year ami Is likely during
the coining year to pay $050. He was
one of the charter members- of the lo
d chapter of Delta Tail Delhi.
. The matlieinaitlcl seminar will meet
"idnj, May 5, 7:30 p. in., In U. 111.
follow iiur Darners were reai
f DinVront Orders," Miss Altn .Tolin
soii; "On Frewiwrs Wave Siirfiic'c," Dr.
' T. Moore; "MntliiMiinticnl Aliso
luti" Dr. E. W. Dnvls.
Tlio final exnmlmitlon of the second
semester frr studeiVU In general pre
paratory chemistry will be held in
"m 13. chemical 'laboratory, onl Suit
nlny. May 0, nt 10 n. m. All ineom
pleto work must be reported before
that (Into. Joilm W. White.
Saturday aftornooin oecurrwl the
annual outdooV pentathlon. A large
wowrt ivaa present, but very little en
thusiasm was shown. The men went
it thinfirs with vigor and In spltei of
the lack of eiieoimigcincnt, they (1,1
rcnuifkably well. No conti-Htant re
ceived over four (hundred polntK ho
that, Mm medal offered by OWfali'ony
cannot be kIvcu with ut a Kpeeln'l
iigrwnu'iit with the. fiver. W. H. An
drt8on won whn !I!J5; Mouoln, Ulilrd,
D70, l-JvenlK and ivhhIIih follow: 100
yard climb H. 1). Aiulrewin II rot
10:i.r. n-lcKtly Heeond, 10 4-fij I'cpoon
third, 11.
Ilhunnier throw: illrew flrot, 103
feel, hI IiicIich; r,iMiiiiP wc-owl' , 07
f"et, 11 IhHich; Wollnec third, 00 feel.
II liieheH.
Vole, vault: Kellogg n1 Moiiek
in. recti H. l), Aiitlnwn second, 7
feel n laHni'Hi W. 10. Annlrewin. third. 7
feel, 5 Inch en. i
IIitutiliiK lilRh Juni): 15, Andre
Hon. ft red, ft Im-hom It. I). Anilrrcmiii
nnd Pivpoon, wcond, ft fent, 1 Inch;
1lnl rl. Morltz and Wallace, ft fceti
Mile run: Moult, fliwt, 5:13: 11. 1).
Andrewin, Kcer.ud, ft: It; V. 11. Aurtl re
noil, third, fi:1fi ..ft.
The niimmucuiucul that Colonel W.
I. Mryiin would speak to Mm students
f the university on "linporlallsin"
caused Mm chapel to he tilled wltii
an cntiliuilastle audience of students.
It was n characteristic crowd yelling
llclf hoarse as each professor made
his appearance on thvc platform. Col
tiiiel llryaii being greelid with a per
fect storm of applaute.
I!ev. .Manss conducted the services
a ft or which Chancellor MacLean Intro
duced .Mr. llryan, Miylng tilml the mil
itary lockjaw with which Colonel
Mrynu sutVered when lie hist appeared
before a university audience, had1 been
cured, and since silence was golden,
and speech Is silver, lie expected to
talk on 1(1 to 1.
Imperialism, said Mr. llryan is mot
a partisan qucstloni and yot but one
open lo the whole American people.
The (Ucstlon of the future of Culm
anil l'orto llleo need not concern us
now, the Philippine problem belmg
of flic greatest Importance.
The ratification of the treaty placed
the question of the disposition of these
islands in Mio hands of tlie American
people. Mr. llryan stated that per
sonally he had not favored Mie treaty,
but Itfc ratification was wise, because
the .settlement of the questloni In
volved could be sealed so much the
No European nation will interfere
with the scttlemcint of these pro'blonis
because this republic has 'beein
menace to European powers, for the
reason that we live under a govern
ment coming up from the people and
not dowm from the kings.
.Mr. Hryan bald he was not here to
speak for the Filipinos, for we could
kill them all and the ctl'oct on tlie hu
man race would be slight, but Mie
question Is, WTliat Is going to be the
effect on us and through us on. other
nations? This nation cannot) stand
half free ami half vassal.
The moment you trample on the
rights of voteru you put yourselves
Into tlie 'hands of the first tyrant who
raises among you. If we bold the Isl
ands by force, we must prepare our
selves far tho abandonment of an
ideal. History furnishes no example
of one people ruling another, without
force and fear.
There will be no friendship unlets
we imi ingle blood with them, and un
til that time it Is a dominant, and' a
servant race.
English policy in India Is good when
described by the English, bad when
described by the Indians. England's
domination 'there is based' on 111 de
sire to get every dollar out of the peo
ple of India. Mr. Hryan spoke at
Mini' length on this1 phase of the sub
ject. Our people, he said, would, not
go to the Islands If we did" owiw the
islands. We can't atTord a conquest.
It will lead to militarism. What
chance is there that the money which
the people of the United' States have
paid already in this war will ever
come back to them?
We have been given this temptation
to show the world that we arc a na
tion strong enough to resist It.
Continued from page 1.
tftiu tin exhibition. f biiM? running
nnd hitting that sat the crowd wild.
It certainly looked us 'though 'they
would turn defeat ito victory. Mclford
went out on u ground hli. Keeder lilt
to short ami bent It out. McUhi nrid
'hit safe to center niul- Howler landed
on third. 'Mi'Dinnnld stole second.
Knlgsbury fan led out to center. Keed
er flooring. (Jordan iiimde Ms third
hit of the game a nice one to left,
nnd Mac. scored. Tlolin wont out to
first, and all was over, me score stand
ing 8' to 5.
The men batted up In the Ml owing
Nebraska. Missouri.
( Reed or, SI) !f. IJnntee
McDlarmid, ss a, Wilcox
Kinigsburv, cf 31, Dewoy
Gordon, ,1b 2i. Hawkins
Rolin, rf o. Garvin
Cuscaden, If If, Atchison (cap.)
TiChmer, c 11. Cooper
niiodcR. ii ;'. ?
Melford, p P. Cnrtright
Score by innings:
.Mtermri a 0 0 0 t 3 ft 0 1-8
Nebraska 1 0 ft 0 1 0 1 2-5
Umpire wliarles Scot .
ITnve the "Evans" do your washing.
DRS. OIl'l'liN & SMITH
TulonlloilOH 88ft mill 808,
Hooiiih H, (t iiml 10, Ollvo TliPiiturlliilldliiK
tnoHoutii nth Hirco t,
Hooiiih 80, 87 mill I, llrownoll WW. IMiono 530,
mi. j.
Tnutli llxlructuil without t'nln,
Onieui Cor. Illli mill OBts.
Miii'oln, NuliniHltu
Hooiiih 07-H.
Ilurr llloclc,
Lincoln, Noli
II. A. (SHANNON, I). 0. H.
Dentists . .
Ur. Hliminon Ih n Knuluuto of tho UIiIiiiko
KollcKo of Ponttil Buruory.
Omen turn o St., Lincoln, Nkii.
Tolopliono 08S. l, o. Hox 051,
Private Hospital
r.0S South llth Htrcot.
Special attention to dlNeiinos of woinon. Kv
cry convenience for Kuriclcnl cahes.
Ornor. Ilounst Ofllco, '.olmitw Block,
0 to 10 A. M. N. W. Corner N&l!!th8ts.
IS to IU:30 nnd '2 to 4 v M. Uosldonco,
HvonluitH by Appointment, 1313 O Stroot.
Sundays, Vi to 1 i, m. nnd
by Appointment. Tki.kphonks:
Onico, OIH. Hosldonco, 017
omco moostrcot.
Onico Tolophono 42(1,
Kusldonco Tolophono 424.
Lincoln, Nob
M. B. KETCHUM, M. D., Piiar. D.
Prof. OplithnlmolORy. Otology ond
Lincoln Modlcal Collcgo,
Offers n thor aigh, private course In refraction.
Spectacles fitted,
Ofllco, S20 So. llth st. Hours, 9 to 12:30-2 to B
Restdenco 1310 O street., Tol. 242.
Onico, 1223 O strcot, Rooms 17 nnd 18,
Over Mlllor & Pnlno's, Tol. 635
Praotlco limited to
Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat,
1025 O street.
Lincoln, Nobraska.
Flno Watoh Repairing,
Scientific Refracting Optician
1300 O Street. Lincoln, Neb.
Why Not Start
A Stamp Collection?
Call after May first. Albums with
200 stamps, 715c; albums with 300
stamps, $1.25.
F. R. FINNIGAN.439 South 12th Stroot
J aa.Jnch barrel, weight 4! pounds.
A Carefully bored and tested. For
m!, .ss uiiu .ji iiiiruic i.itucs.
INJo. 1 7.
Plain Open Sights, $6.00
No. 18.
Target Sights, $8.50'
Ask your dealer for the " FAVO
RITE' If he doesn't keep it wo
will send, prepaid, on receipt of
Send stamp for complete cata
logue showing our full line, with val
uable information regarding rifles
and ammunition in general.
. tiffl' P.O.BOX Q21
t It "Takes Down."
Copyright 1899
By Hart, Schalfucr & Marx
Prices, $4.98, $6.50,
1013 to 1019
The Original and Best
n very complete
Summer ussortmont nnd
Underwear 80mo grcmt bnr.
For Ladies gnin8 in lndioB,
summer underwear, JorBey ribbed
vosts of fair quality 5c each; Jer
sey ribbed vosts with tape nock
and laco trimmed nock and arms
3 for 25c; Jersey ribbed vosts at
10c, 12c and 15c, frequently sold
at double thoso prices.
Jorsoy ribbed pants 20c, 25c,
35c and 50c each.
Jorsoy ribbed union suits, 25c,
50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25,
and 2.00 each.
At 50c wo have suits of excel
lent quality, cut low or high nock;
long sleeves, short sleeves or
Select your Spring suit
from this elegant new
stock of Hart, Schaffner
& Marx garments and we
guarantee you will have
the best - looking, best
wearing suit you ever
wore. In workmanship
and tailoring the H. S. &
M. clothes are ahead of
any others we ever saw.
Here are all the new pat
terns. It is only a question
of picking out the style
most becoming to you.
$7.50 and $10.00.
Clarkson Laundry Co.
Summer t 25c onch the
Underwear .bost vulue w?
For dent lmvo evor of!orod
ror uents iu shirt8 ftnd
drawers. Ono stylo at 25c is a
plai-i, lino ribbed balbriggan;
shirts have French neck and aro
closed with white- pearl buttons;
drawers aro woll made and cut full
sizes. We have at tho same price
a very oxcollont quality of bluo
white mixed or tan and white
Wo have men's union suits at
85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 nnd $2.50 each. If you
want underwear of good quality
that will fit you with porfoct cora
ort buy union suits.