The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 01, 1899, Image 6

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How Days aro Spont Thoro.
Soonos and Attractions
on tho Lako Sldo.
An a iluo oi hccmco'i 1-uku Uuiiumi
one of llio most, beautiful of our
iMjiitr,y. J'crhiijM 1'liis boat vluw 1 to
bo Iliad from t'hu iloinu of Vurltiw' ob
HLTvatoO', wlik'h la sltuatotl on uu ol
tuition mmr tin lako. It wih UiIh
1imv that Iiiii'i'LVHsud us most deeply
one afternoon htm uiiiini'r. llolim iih
as we stood tu 'this nliicv, was a
mo'nIh-uonoiwI dvolhlty plojiliitf ab
ruptly castwai'tl to thu take shore. Tho
HU'cn border of tree inane a nrutity
Jrame for the blue waters of the lake.
Lw to the eastward extended ine
wheel of plaetd water, Hanked beyuid
bj the deeply wooded hllU. 'I nese
j-ose steep and rugyed from the wnt
it's edge, forming u n'alural baslu se
cluded from t'he world. Down
near the shore the roofs of a lw sum
mer iit'.trtvM eould le seen here and
there pooping through like trees. Out
In the inldille of the lake u low-laying
MiMim hiuneli wiu sltnv.y. pulVlug
nlong, while In close to our shorew sev
tilie broader use of tho term. Nn pains
were spared'to ei the beat spenUew of
thu eountry. Mr. Mlo'hener is a jjowl
e.Mimple, and he Is well known to Ulio
Httident body of the University of No
liraska. Chaneellor JNlelkiwell of Den
ver was another spraker world going
a thousand miles to hear. Perhaps
none did morn than 'Mr. Hay ford of
MaHiMchuuelts with his qulcl Ktrnlglit
forward talks. Noted d'lvlues of sev
eral rr our large eltles made idd mx
es at dllVerenl times, The M-oharshlp
A Lulif Vl w
it in I ripe eNpei'leuee of 1 )ifi linn, iu
t'he eauiv before us nlYerlug tilie best
tihev had. niiido tln-m a souree of
eral row -burnt rippled tHie water ninl I Miretig'th and liwplratloii to u all
making It llimh In t'he sun.
However, It Is not m, purple I
ileserlbe lnke Uouewi, but ml her h.
anuiial eonferenee of Y. M. (. . una
liehl tliere. The g.ilhriiny tiifie iu-l
hiiiunier was a fair i,pe or what tin
annual et'iiferciirr -Kind for Some
three hiindretl olligf men were iis
sembled Micro for the ten dins' kc-
sociai, lOMLMi-raii:.
The social committee, undrr I'he
leadership of Charley Wray, Inn. done
very efficient work along soelnl llnwi.
A gathering of sonic kind Inu buun
arranged for cu-ry moiiMi, usually l
tended by large uuinbom of young
men. Tho commit tee Inn? also done
some work on Sunday afternoon I"
getting new men aeipialntetl.
The rojiort of the untlro work
brief, Is as follows:
September: Joint recuptlnn
faeullv and Htudents; ilOO prvni'iit.
lie o her: lieee iiiou m new men
the atsoelatlon parlors', HO niTseiit.
Nooniber: Apple "feed,'' bj the
'blues' In tho assoeiatlon wtrlors ()()
December: Annual committeeman s
illnner; ur.meniilor.v of inuslcj (H)
.laniiarv: HeeepHon to the law
kcIiooI, at Mm. l- .M. lliril'Hj " pro
I'Vbriuirv: lolnt rfoopllon lo Mis
I'.flle K. rieree, at the Lincoln lintel;
:ui(i present.
.March: Formal opening of t'ho us
soclatlon parlor; UOO present,
C.YI.UNd .VXD 1(131. IK .
This depart inenl hat m& boen In the
1 hi in t m ttf anv iMirtlcular coininltlee,
but eonsldcnvblc work has been done
The innrulng .,W Mero divided , ' ; . n . ,....
... .jHieiiiuti.. -i..H. "I, bh, ,, I m.vcral .Instants
ii.IhmI...... N.M.I .pn..e..i ,iH , ,ril fol1( ,,, , ,,,..
n'Th .n'";:i,,M. r K 1 ; ". hM IH, no one I" .Ulond
.'. ':;.'"' K' ..I..' Zu l' " then.. Nurse, medicines, (lowers and
mill h the -anic a- In uhiithII work.
I'kii. Iicmr- of tin" t'liii'tiuiitniis appll
. ,1'iti pit p. i red ii- ih miiiifhl to en
.(. i lie nfieriiiMiu dlwrsioiiH.
I AKL- 1.1-NL-.VA.
hIoii, ii lid thi' ... night tin almudant
amount ef college spirit with them.
The j were men, as a rule, .stood
high in their home colleges, In their
respective fraternities, societies and
uthletie teams.
JJut just a word im-c about tho ath
letics of Jiiike tleneva, tor this was
what every afternoon was gheu over
In entirely. lAluuut eer phase of
college at'hleitics was well reppeucnt
ed. A good ball ground and race track
is shunted at . uistauce of a the
minutes' walk from the camp on the
lake shore. grounds are also
provided w It'll a grand stand for t'he
croiwd ttf enthusiastic .spectators and
liere mntchou games of ball were
plumed, the colleges of one state meet
ing anotiher. Ohio mid Illinois put
up 't'ho best games last ear.
Foot racing was also a co'iumoii fea
ture, and tennis was far fivcn being
itiit the hinc hisclf oiVered the gret
est part of the sport. In the warm af
ternoons we would dhlde lnito compa
nies of two or three and go out f ,
u boat ride, tor plcnt of boat, were
furnished us free of t'harge. IViybk! I
and shells eould be keen on the lake
bottu.u to a great deptli, so reinark
ubly clear Is the water. Some of t'he
boyis were always looking for spcei
mncs, ami no we would row up to
boine cozy nrok along t.hc beach and
lieiv dlsenilairk to gsutiber shells ami
vild ilowors.
IJnthing in tike lake wnsi a regular
afternoon pasiime. This was an
amusement) participated1 in by all.
Those but In diving had opportunity
to dis-play their skill, and many hi
leresting feat were shown.
Jn the evening the 'boys were occu
pied In arlous ways. AVheii no Mpe
elal conference or twit mei-tings were
to be held the, geiieiuill, wen't out In
lititle gros or delegations, .sereiuidlng
MiiMie was made one oi the bright
est fiki.tures of .lie confeivnce. Mr.
Willis or Milwaukee had t'hnrgo of the
Hinging. The life and cplrlt. lie pu.t
I into the Mings yas simply inarvclictis.
('hancellor McDowell remarked uoout
one of the hymns that it wus worth
a trip from i l)ener there just to hear
jt sung.
In tilie cM'iilngs just alter supper
we all assembled under the 'big trees
on lnike front fu the "Uike Work
Meetings." T'hesc formed' one of the
most vital pninK of the whole Confer
ence. Tliere, wiMi the rlppHng lake
bi-rnre us Mie g.rasst, wtv.lcd hill
back nf us, sonic able sneaker would
priHcnt some phase r liTe work for
( hri-tian men. The claims and op-
Tennis Court
port unities of , ne pro.c.ssiions
wciv diseusscd l), those most comie
tent. The cM-ning stl..iu'ss and the
quiet lake ecnicd to add to the lin
presshcixe.s.s and signiileance of t'hese
meeting's, i, was 'in this quiet hour
thniMiiuiiy a oung man received new
conceptions (if his life duties and the
sphere of hi future activities.
On the whole, a few days' sUiy at
Lake (leaeva U a hind mark In a man's
life. Secluded from the outside world,
commingling witili eii'thuslasttc, con
secrated young mum, liuag, as it were,
face to face with find, tuiiese things
are nil p .tent factors liiHiienclng tlie
life of him Who goiu thine.
.IA"MI K. 110 I'M-:.
Ilucuiitl ill Hull
among the ten'ti of tlielr friends, or
down 'bj the water wheiv tlhe ir college
songs revirbated wlUh su .due . nieloly
over the surface of the luUc Hut When
the bell Hounded "taps," all was
Inihilied anil quiet In wimp.
The foregoing is to give aomts idea
of the recreations at the conference.
Coatlnutiit from iuiuu 1.
-t-lmol and did good, faithful work un
til the latter part of February, when
rsen Kauquet assumed charge. A re
port from this branch or Hho mission
work shows that Sunday hdhools has
been held eny Sunday, 'but two
(measles t'hen prewmting) wltlh an av
erage attendance oT llflv-tievcn and a
collection of IlSij, cent.'
The evening gospel sen lee were
maintained till some timo in Ntnem
her, when by an action of the school
board refusing thu furtiher ui of the
building for evening sen leas the
meetings were discontinued. The Sim
ony evening meetings were carried on
This part wne not. only pleai.ant, 1ut I wholly by the young
necessary, fallowing ns it i
close nppllcntlon and -work of
The coivferciicn was e-scntinlh
ilioroughlv a relitrinus cilh mh
nut i wimiiy oy ii.c young men. while the
the S-' ilibllt'll school was vim in ,.,,..; :..
the with the V V. C. A. The n.e (If
teen offlt i rs and tcac1itn- in the Sun-
liiid,ilav scIkk.I Tt has 1 Milling v0lf-
. In suppo. tine, (In. mi i tlh spealii...
1- THE -W-
Under tho alauiigomutil of
President JOHN A. McCALL.
liiHtii'iiuco lii I'orco
(Pri)inlu::in Pain)
No, of I'ollclcH In Korea
I'altl I'olleydiolilerrf ....
DIvIiIoikIh of Yuar
1)00. ill IHUI,
070,0811,0 1
Dot). ,11, I HUH.
f .ri,.l,017
Clnlns In 7 Yr.
I. l?2,17ii
atteiidatit have been furnished tu as
kirgc extent as mean ewould allow.
In this work the iissoclatlon has Ml
the great need existing for a univer
sity Inllrinary.
The music committee, under t'he d'i
rcctlon of A. T. llubbell, has provided
music on all special occasions, as well
as looked after the singing at flic reg
ular Sunday devotional meeting. Thin
dopiirl'incntH has aided1 materially In
milking the Kcrvlees of the association
nttnietilve. John Doug'licrty. (Mark
Obcrlles and the 'IVlyn quartette arc
deserving of mention for special ser
vice rendered I lie association till rough
this department.
The association has done rather ex
tensile advertising thK year and
found it to'lune been of great benellt
to the work. Some wOicrcIn the re
goln of $5 'has been expended In pio
grams, limitations, annoiin'ccincnts
and dodg-ers. llesldPH this, quite u lit
tle work has been done on the type
writer and mimeograph. Y. (5. llilt
ncr 1ms looked after tlhts part of tlhe
advertising. The elTlcacy of tlhls de
partment has been much increased by
the use of a large bliick'board. In fact
this form of advertising" has lieeome so
popular that t'he board has licen in
constant demand 'by oUun; university
organizations. .1. V. Sloltz has done
good falt'hful work "along this line.
This Is just a new department In the
association, but iilrcady its polhll
ities for usefulness to the student
1ody in general 'hiis b,,,,i dtnrMistral
cd. ' A fuller account .f tihl work ap
pears clsewliere in this number.
Id was not without a good deal of
hesitation and forethought that the
association dwided to take Mie ad
vance step of securing' a general sec
retary to superintend Its work. The
need for sonic one to devote his time,
giving more Minn the president or any
member could and also carry his reg
ular school work, wo.s plainly evi
dent. The pre! 1 nil nary plans of the
cabln't were brought to some de
gree of delinllencs-. at tlie visit of C.
C. 'MiChciier hist. May. and a little later
the association vo'ed unanimously to
employ a genral secretary. .Tolin S.
Moore was secured for this office.
While the new feature is sti.l pretty
much of an cvperlinent, yet there i
not the slightest doubt existing Imt
that. 'It has licen a most pronounepil
success and money well expended. The attained tliroui!'h the labors
and faithful work of Mr. Moore has
placed the as-oeiation among the
most successful of any In tlhe leading
colleges and universities in the laud.
For the first time in the history of
tlie association it lias secured u 1oartl
of directors ito oversee the entire work.
The hoard consists of stuoents, mem
bers of the faculty and oltizens of
Lincoln. At present the following
gentlemen, beldes the regular asso
ciation officers: JSootyc, Marsh, Doyle,
and Allen are serving; Dr. Henry
Waul and ..illnin W. Hasting, of tho
faculty, and Clark Obcrlles ami lir.
II. i. Paine, cttlzciu. Hoard meetings
are held once a moutn.
CONCI.l ....
In concluding tills report we feel it
but justice to the association to state,
that its work would undoiihtedly have
been greater and further-reaching had
It not ttulVered greatly the loss of
some of its staiinclicst workers und
truest friend, hy enlistment in the
United States army. It Is with pride
and gratification, however, that we
note the prominent part "our soldiers"
hnve taken In Ohrlstlaii' work In the
army camps'. We have a., labored
faitflifully and earnestly, ami God has
blojwed our efforts.
Itospect fully submitted.
V1011X If. JinOSR
April 9, 1809.
HKllK Is not u better wuy for young men to
t provide an Income for tlielr uoii'iiroilucliiix
ycai , safe from tlieilangersof ordinary business
speculation, than a i.'0-vcur accumulation policy
lu the Now York Lilo, a policy (hat can bo used us
security by young men making their way through
college, that provides ample protection and at
the same time yields splendid returns as an in
vestment. The younger the ago. tho less tho cost,
hence the necessity of prompt action,
General Agent.
fjardy purniture Co,
Columbia,'9p pattern, $50; Hartford,' 9 8 pattern, $35
Columbia, '98 pattern, $40; Vidette, '99 pattern, $25
Tlie above wheels are manufactured and guaranteed
by the Pope Mfg. Co.
IMPERIAL, '99 pattern, $50; IMPERIAL, '98 pattern, $40
(IMPERIAL second model 99 pattern, $35.)
PROGRESS99 pattern, $25.
You are Cordially Invited to Call and Inspect Our Stock
65 Wheels shown on sample floor.
With a Stock of 100-
Wo ought to bo ablo to auit you.
We know without doubt we have the best line of Bicycles
ever shown in Lincoln.
We Rent
We Rent
Prices $50, $40, $35, $30, $25
H. E. Sidles Cycle Co.,
no to 112 North 13th St. or 13th and O Sts.
IIai the 'Evans" do your washing, i
tluui can bo found for tho munu prlco in nil tho contrul wost.
1217 O Street.