The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 01, 1899, Image 5

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progress and Organization.
How It Mot a Nood During
tho Rooont War.
The li.torni.tloiml committee nt
tu. Voimtr .Mi'u'h Glirlntlun AhsocIu
t ton, us t lie mi UK' imlluntcH, hue lOmrge
of live cxtoiusIiMi untl HtreiitftilitMil'iiiiy of
ilils work tluoiitflioiit the world, ''ho
,,. 1,1-llv of iishueiiitluiiH under elitirirn
0t tiilH'enmmlit'tee are In the United
......., jinil f 'jl.lljlitll . lllll 111;., illlfi lulu.
ftlUK" H " ""I .' mi. Uiu iiiin-
sloiiHri btinnlH of the ehinvhcs Hie
IntiMiiiilloniil coiiiinlituo Ih wiidilng
out Into olihcr JIvIiIh u nil nlnmitliitf thin
work for young men 'by young men.
In ,hc history of biiHlu'esH, nodal
ntul rellgiotiH enlerprlHert tlioie 1 no
i-viiiinlc of a propagaiulii, of groat re
form jirluolplow which has been atten
ded with Hitch Htgual and Hiich well
merited Mioecss. 'IMie maehlnery
which har ho often grown up to ham
per and hold back causes by the
weight of inn own uiiAvleldl'i'.'.ss has
found no room. Machinery there Ih,
Inn us perfect an any In the best or
jinned Iiih1iuvh eutcrprlHO. Kupervls
ion .mil control Is perfect. The con-
j inil committee In i'ov York Ih kept
in I'on.stant touch with the incmbor
khip. the boards tf New York on the
one hand and the servants of the nso
eiiiiion (n the other, In the persons of
M-iictarics untl physical directors.
Tlii'lr Intimate knowledge of men all
V mcr the I'nlled Statcx Is munethlng
nuiivfloiis tu (he uninitiated. Hut at-(i-r
all this method Is a.s simple as it
, huslncN like. liery clmnge of of
lleer must be iinmcdlatvly rcKrted,
with all osM'Utial details, to the cen
tral office, and Is there properly lllcd.
Through national and state conten
tions and summer schools every uvk
(intl i'i by loading Individual meiihheiM
is liroug'ht Into touch with Intcrna
tifinal a nil state secretaries; is stinui-liiu-d
to the most ndvnmcrtl methods
of work, and on the other hand the
luict national and state secretaries are
tnKiim inventory of the strength of
tln workers In certain fields, of their
special adaptation for certain !iivos of
labor. All that Is valuable of .this
Knowledge of men and conditions in
the Held leaches the car of the intcr committee. The Intcruatlon
nl M-i'i claries In the Held represent the
(unbilled wisdom and experience of
till- central committee. They are
liiitul- and feet and tongue and ut'ter
iniee through the whole land and oth
er hunts. Through state secretaries
tlu local associations arc kept in
tmicli with cadi other. Hy means of
the international secretaries traveling
tlirciiuii certain sections the state see
tctiiles iin- brought into closer rcla
tii n willt each other and with the in-
ti-rii.-itiiiiiii! committee.
Tin1 It'oplriilinu which Mr. Mlcliencr
liu- .'el-: us hero has been a small part
of the grand work for the iv fit Invest.
Such i- lite work all over the I'nlted
St. ites mid Canada. Special interna
t im-il -eeretiiirs have been created as
theic h.i- appeared to lie demuiid one
fir tin- work among the col .red peo
ple in the south, two for the student
volunteer movement to foreign mis
Moncs. iirtcrnnt iouiil railroad and edd
iiciii. dial secretaries, und duiing the
elvr! war and the late war witli Spain
the ( hristhin coiniiil.isloiii was or
cnuipil under the leadership of an in
terna tional secretary appointed by the
intei national committee. There is
wan-h any one hut .s familiar with
the admirable services rendered by the
cniniiiUsion during the last ' few
mnntlis. The saving of young men,
IkxIj and nul, from Hie vices vVhlrli
run tot in the red path of war has
coin- cIom" to the hearts of many,
Iiiin e.mif to the attention of all, lint" I
c.ui i, forbear to I write your atten
tion to an article on 'The Army and
Nav.v Y. M. C. A." in t.he Xovember
laiinlier of the He-view of Itevlews by
the editor. If any one has not read
it. look It up. It Is worth your while.
It Is frenerally known Mint' thousands
f our .voting volunteers, the very
flower of our young manhood, ins-toad
of ceinino- honid inibriitcd and hard
ened l. the camp life, returned' to
heir homos with a new and noble oul
nwiiKt n.d within them. Hod lives and
loc, those things, but blessed are
those ,1,01, iu. Miller and his ei
ttorli through wihoni they weie ac
nipiislied. Munj Know about, the stream of
trood w,j(.h has flowed out from this
Ja'lKir of love, read the article and
learn to whose large hcartedness its
incept, on was due and to whose hhor
""tfli Inisiness inanagenitMit mid spir
'bml iiterslght alio marvelous fruits of
"'Is work must 'be attributed.
,It ! this Uind of thing the intenm
hoiini committee is constantly en
Mjred iii, jiersonally a.nd throug'h its
"('lire I'lllll tU fv miwof mr iiimtvriviitH the guidance of the spirit of
t'od nuil reaping harvests to His
name They are lifting the indebtod-Wnc-
of local associaitlons, proinot
"k" e.ueful Investments in suitable
htiildlngs tiiiromgh the country, pro
ddhig local soercitaiiies, pliysical d'i
Netors for such associations, dlsienii
niJting tons of literature aivniially
Nliioli is calculated to prmnotieisnfc
iietlinds of work and to create ivevv
"'e and above all, Wirougih personal
intact with those men Who are loth
Oovprmt with business principles
d filled with the spirit of flod, the
soeintioiif? of the country are being
mjnHinittod ito one united body.
niie chnrnoteristicH which above, all
'"Ulnpulsl, the Young Men's Christ-
Ms -l JHH
..If defective parts are found in Wittmann
Bicycles we will replace free and pay all trans
portation charges.
fttttfmwttt ttn t4G9fflfcifttM
. Wittmann & Co.
1 -13-1. 15 South loth Street.
d .1. KINti.
I. .I. King, reeenlly piv-i lemt
of the (issoelatlou, Is a man ciulnent'.v
(Uiillflw for that position, lie gradu
ated at the Sttite Nornrtil at Peru In
'Oft, and has since ben priircipial of the
sicIumiIs int. Cedar Kaplds, Neb., In
which capacity he lias given the best
oft MUtiHftu'tio.i. While a Ktuiknit at
Peru, Mr. King first became int.M'eslcd
in Y. M. C. A. work suid from tlia.t time
he 'litis kent in tolieh with the niove
incut. The otlleo of presldvnt, as the
vissoclatioii now stands, is one in
winch .1 gnat tleml o.f business eapae
Itv is demanded und for tlmt ihsisou
the iiHiinbviis of the inusnelatlon feel
that Mr. King Is just the, man for the
Alrwuly lie has shown gxVod judg
ment lu the fonna.tlon of his eomnilt
tecs mud it may bo wifely said that the
usMKilaition hu.s never lHn so stwngly
organised as It Is at tlhc prosomt time.
Mr. King lr.m also been Interested In
the college se.tllemient work during the
yenr. 1
iau as.:ouiatiuu are: iit.s Its appeal foi
the development of the nli-nrouiid
man, the deep spirituality of its lead
ers and the dollnl'tonoss of Its pur-'
To these characteristics it owtvs its
eslst'eiloe and success. To the super
vision of Midi men a.s tin- untc It. It.
Melluuicy of the internatlomil com
niittcc It ownes thae cliamcteiisiles.
Have you thought It all out and
given honor and support where such
are due, or have you been shut up to
your own little problems and this cor
ner of the world'.' Have you thought
that the hand Which has led you,
may In turn rightfully look to your
strong tli to bo led .
Duo of the commonest temptations
of tho modern young man Is thla un
reasoning acceptance of (ililn'gs a.s he
tlud.s them, ready to lib' hand. A.s
he walks the paved way, the toll of
tluwe that went before Is nothing to
him. The vantage groan., of the gold
en experience of others prevented lu a
modern tet-book, prescribed la'bora-
'ttiry work or lectures Is aeeepted by
the student as a mere matter of
coarse, when perhaps the facts dis
covered or the thought oOaboralcd
have cost the bet elVort of the ablest
minds for centuries. The largest
pant of our thinking Ikis already been
done for us by scholars and states
men. It would eem sometime as j
if tHiese beaten paths had been made
t o easy, and L at sonve Of that stern
struggle and dutermlue . dig for truth
which c..aracteried t.ic laliors of our
father, produced deeper considera
tion, stronger character, iust as the
plain food, pure air and water and
roughing it of the summer camping
trip induces a better digestion than
Coaxing the stomach with prepared
There is economy In stepping upon
the shoulders of our fathers; an ear
lier concent nit ion of effort for come
end in life may result, but there conies
with it also the possibility of narrow
ness of vision, ovembsorptinn in per
sonal Interests, pelflshucc-s.
In the daily treadmill of our beat
en rounds of'duty we not . .luequout
ly indulge in the fear that inlivrent
creative power, originality may suf
fer loss from disuse. There is more
vital ground for fear that th soul
may beerviio dead ti gratitude and to
Tlie deepest mire of selfishness Is
thanklossiiess. Will not the inenvbers
of the Young Men's Christian associ
ation of the University of Nebraska
find the deepest blessing in living not
unto themselves? The agency through
which we, as an association, reach
the world field is the internatr.Kii
committee. Tills common1 mother of
us all demands tho support of our
money and our prayers.
WTLL1A.M V. irAb...08.
for graduates are fully expressed
V, by presenting a
I Waterman's
Mal J
Fountain Pen.
because tltcy have, n reliable by c reliable firm.
Thdre Is no other Blcyole aa good as a
Tribune Bicycle
V Solid gold and sterling silver
in latest'design.
Sold Upon Merit
Fully Guaranteed.
LurKftt Pjuntnln Pen
rtnnutucturtrs In the World.
In &i)ite of the pror weather and
lack of funds. C. M. Haur has put the
track in excellent slurps for some fast
Negotiation are still pending for
the interstate and intorsoholasitlc meet
with Town.
Next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clroh
tho dual track moot with Kanas uni
vorsi'ty wilt bo ..eld on the cam pun
before the Kansas-Nclbraska base -all
game. Six men from each college will
ctvitest In ten events, first places otvly
to count, each first plnce scoring live
Have the "Evnns" do your washing,
Northwestern University . . ,
The high standard and progressive
methods which have given this
School its enviable reputation for
over thirty years are carefully main
tained. Por circulars of detailed informa
tion address the secretary,
Dr. N. S. DAVIS,
2431 Dearborn St,, - CHICAGO, ILL
Q. E. HAGER, Agont, Law Libra r
with tho genulno
In the State.
202-4 6 South llth Street
and one pedal pin are the only metal parts
that have had to be replaced or repaired on
ALL the IDEAL BICYCLES sold by me in
four years, not a bearing showing wear, not a
piece of tubing broken. The $25.00 ones
have the same bearings and guarantee as the
$30.00 and $35.00 ones. The RAMBLER
people make them.
Gregory sel,s Coal
Best Quality. ' Best Price
Phone 343. 1044 O Street.
E. R. GUTHRIE, Agent,
. . 1540 O Street.
Iroquois Efcpies $1 CJ5
nl .uluf.
ber&mo ttietr
ion of the ftmoiu iroouola Model 3
will ta tola tt 10.71 rarh, J ml onr-thlnl ihtlr r
inuuuuio uioll vvunrvo thilcu wini. m
lourirn.lirl)liullt iiml elmo IwujM tlm inliroiilunt ut f ncil
vileal'JIIrrnliiunthn il.llir. Willi it w- vol I' ' M. ilnl 3Ir.ii"l Hi
oyrln llmilicil mul cuiuplMf, MOdO to 3 it tit SOO. Tn ad'
crtnooiir 1miiiiio. hi lmoc mcluilcd lo.ttl In n u at Juit what
lliojr tlnn.l in, m .1 m ko tlm iuurcl.Hi .lUr of ft Mo.U'l U
lnOpUOIOBICYCLEat$'la.l. Thawlirelf
are .It Icily u. t'l'tlatf . famoiuecr w hero for Iwauty Ltlil goo.! (u lily
nCOPDIDTflM The Iroipiou . .1. 1 3n too well known ! neck
UCoUltlrl Ull detailed drarri! Ii m Shelby IH In .o.uolc.i
lut Inir.lmproved Iwo.pfece crank, detachable iprockrte, vrch crown,
harrel liuhe ami hniu'er, JU in drop, dnefct nickel antl enamel, colon,
gSjMaik mir " " 'hi 'en i mi f ramre, .'.', .' and 211 In Ladirr 24 In hnt "Heronl, guaran
rtMit iir, nn 1 I kii li "to rnuii'iMf nt tl rouBhout Our Written (iiiiiriiiit co with cverv biecle.
CCMIi nUI? lm I AD l,rv rriirruoi(em,ei,'''r't''"h"Fr''Oiieayiitatewhethrrlallei'orernli'lcolorand
OCI1U lint. UULLHtl I" .1 toff rime wonted, anjlw. will iliip C n I) for llin (lit. 75 aim exproiichargee),
liibjertn esaminaiii n n .1 niiproi If u don t II lot it the nioit wonderful lllryrl OITer eifr made, lend It hick at our ex-i-n
r OltOI'lt 'I 0-l) V If yon il i t " nt t he duapinlnted oOcenli dineount for In full with order.
airr LflAtfK' DllTVVrVI ETC Aeoinpletelineof UUModeltat Sll.lOaml un.,!
W III nAVC DlUlvLICa VllieeUi3lol(). WawntOEt.acX3a3El.V-HIWTfiT
tn eery town to reproent in Hundred earned their bicycle, la.t year Tlifi ear we offer wheels and cash for work dot
for ui; alio Xixroo TJeto of tainido wheelto aKents. VVrite for our liberal propoaltlon. We are known everywhere
the greateit Kxrlualvc Itlvyvlo llouau In tho world and are perfectly rellablei wo refer to any banker builnen house In
Chicago, to any express company and to our customer eo'ywh"'e
J. . MEAD GYGLE GO., Chicago, lit,
37i .Vewl CikU Co, art almolulrli rtUahtt owj Inquoit Itleycla at $18 7$ art woniirfullargatns.L'ttitur
And "QUALITY" about the
photographs made at the
Elite Studio
That make them famous. All on ground floor, 226 So. llth St