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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1899)
PLANS THE FUTURE. A Big Blblo Work Promlsod For tho Coming Yonr. riio cm", logo V. M. ('. A. had lt iruo beginning lit JSTT, nnd today their vast brotherhood oi college mi'ii en circles the globe. 'Phut Mi's nssoelif ilni '1ms grow ii' ho rapidly Is duo to two facts: it moot u poriiHinont want ami has boon brought Int.. unity with iiiuiMinl skill. , , 1 in- work of tho college nssoHntlou n ptlnclpnlly of a religious nail social character. Tho homl of union is com in ,'i work Jimli common) sympathy. Ibis fraternity of young men leagued together In tin name of Christ and fur I ho promotion n Mio Christian re ligion exert in Hii'li' personal ami I'luiibiiifd sMiipaihy nn ilnlluenvo vus, Ij mro powerful tlian any which they I'on-oloiitiou-iv exert by Miclr rolig miis ln'boiH "SS'lierevt r tiii'io arc y..'iu.g men, Cure l our 111.1. appears to be Uio f.inuuhi under which the Y. M. ('. A. win Us. Of all young men thie In col leges arc the most IniporUin. to the futme of the would. They are the pre-destlncd lenders In the church nnd state. In reaching the eo.legc-, the assi.iatlon 1ms reached the foun tain of thought. As they think, the world of Midr day will' think, and as they work will the institutions of to dav nourish or decline. 'Phi. 1 be coming Increasingly true, ior the in llnence of the lAi'lcgc men Is becoming more felt In ovorj direction. As a Held for piojecting v .inislianity into the fu ture as a dominant intluencc there is none greater. Christian beliet among the young men of our co'.hgis and line univer sities has iiu.t weakened. It Is true mat there Is lest, reverence tuduy for the sebolsMe and dogmatic forms which were of old Identified with Christianity. Tho colleges and univer sities arc 'today giving protection, moral and religious, inlluenee t young men in a degree second onlj t . the home. The young man on leaving home has many tcinplutioins to meet, yet he can 11ml iw place out side of the eo. cge where good is seeking him so earnestly. About :r per cent of College Ifc.ys tire members of churches, while only lo per ecu the young men as a whole are church member. The future outlook of the V. M. C. . in flic Cnlverslty of Nebraska hs most hi point, nnd plans for net ,,ear's work are In n large measure perfected. now. .lodging from the past progress of the association, a con servative estimate gives a membership of loo for next year. Tliiohors for Hlble classes hae been selected who will spend much cfMihc summer In pre paring and llttlng themselves for t.idr work. At leas, 150 students will be eniollcd in these Itible classes. City im s.-ions, wihiiii hae been canted on with great siicccs, wiM be extended to -evernl more fields. Arrnngeineir's are under wa, In L'on,,iinetlon with the university authorities to provide suit able woins and nurses for tin- care of slek students. Hut space will not permit further details in Mils connei tlon. The Y. M. C A. of 'the CiiIa cosily of Nebraska has one governing Impetus only: the desire to do guxl to young men, and the lest service to be ren dered them i" to lead them to rover nnd love .lesus Christ. To use all In nocent and rational means as uilnis trants K. their highest niliiNtry this is the simple creed of the Y. M. C. A. Its work Is not antagoni-tie, but posi tive and in a spirit of helpfulness. V) agency is employed vvitHi a lnnle Aolent purpose. If selfishness creeps in, it is an alien; for dt is ro.nikod by thf lofty ideal vwhieh the young men have set' before them. To every young man In point of fact, is presented Mio appeal: "And thy striving be It with loving, Sad thy' living deed1 on deed." COMIMITTUI ON IIIHM'' STU)Y. The Wide, study committee I en deavorlng to gicutlv lncicase the num ber of students In t'he llllrie ola-sos net year. Over fifty men are now en rolled, and the committee expects to treble Mils nuni'ber. Hopes are enter tained Mint, overv, cointiuititoeinuu will bectrnc a leader or student in u chiss. The men in the elapse- now will doubtless re-enter them when they ro turn, and these, with a number of others who 'have already signllied Miiir intention of entering, will form a good nucleiiH to begin with when, Mie. university opens next fall. At Mint time efforts will 'be put forth to induce iu many students, old and new, to enter a, possible. Classes for next ycnr'si work will be wssigncd to leaders in the near fu ture. Text boolcs will be ordered early so Miat the work may begin when school upens without delay. This year a normal class for the leaders was organized, under the di rection of Mr. Sheldon. There will probably be two of them ne.vt year. A Avon! of explanation here will per haps not be cut of place. The text hooks are "A Life of Christ," "A Life of Paul," ami "Stud ies in th'e Old Testament." The life of Christ was nrraivged by Ti. H. Sher man for tho international committee of the Y. M. C. A. The mthcis h prominent scolar. A lesson i- pro vided f,ii every day In the school ,vcar. Half an hour a day Is required for litis oourwo, and I ho oIiimuh moot at it convenient time for an hour dining the week for conference nnd discus sion. A student will nk perhaps Can I spare the time? Cortitlnly; every one 'diould give nt least half an Irour to the study of (J M's word' dttiiv. SSDiy not enter u clas and study It syatoiuntleaHy ami connccti lively us you would any college study? SVho would think of studying Oroek or Chemistry by perhaps reatllng ovtc a few linos of tho su.ijcct hcfoie re tiring In the evening and thlnkiu,g no more f It until the west evening? Ii Is certain u great many treat the suibjeet of eternal life In this vvny. Surely the scripture are worthy of the lK't and deepest study. If such men as (lladsitoue, Nenndor, MdcrHhclin and Professor Druininond foniKl It protltable study every cmMcgo inanicnn, whatever Ills views may he. Hut above all, this t inly will bring n great blesulng to Mio Indlvlirunl, as tlio men In the blblv clnisos will glad ly testify. II Is a source f streingth to draw from diiy by day to inert the 1ml lies of life. Follow student think on Miono things. An.v nieinber or the Hlble xtudy coininlttee wiul, glady te celve yniur name. why siiori.D tii hi'xivkiwity NOT 11AYF .. Y. M. C. A. UUILOINC? At t'he opening of the mvv raoni pi veil (his ,,etll foi ihe lliC of tllC Y. M. C. A., Chnneellor Macl.eau depl'ored the ill-eqiilppment of tho mint wide icaehlng of iinlvoiwrly orgaulalilonx, i.ihe Christian nssoclu Units. It has only been since I SOU that these tis-o-clnt'ioiw hlive had any place Mint couhl be culled homo, and oven then but a single roirm for eaeh. This yoor the X. M. C, A. vvav given a larger room In udtlitloii to the old one. The Y. W. C. A. has still only the one room which Is iiMogelher luniioquate fcr the iiooiN of the young vvoinen of the uni versity. So great wa. the need f r SSfiSBSmR Y. i. L. A. Building, resting inula for them. Mint the mil-' ciMl) aiitnoiMies luui a ntrt ol t lit li.i.M'iiicnl Inii. in the lilmir.v curtained ,i'V for thU purpiiM'. And still throughout the lini.xling eiupt class looms, welic, as a nuttier ot come, thi'ie oiii lie mum' of the feeling of re tirement or privacy, many tuden4 go of neeesslt.v their lunvhcs and ret for a lew iiniiiient, in tine mid dle of the da,v. All who tieiUiMit the asucia:ion riKiiuin and make use of them in this way tlnd thein n greai, eouvenlcuce. 'they supply the need that t'he univer sity on a not wtipply, namely, the much needed retreat for h intents, nnd ope ehu.'ly who are too fur Mom homo or rooms to go to them in the middle, of the day. 'Plio asMK'lalloiiH In scope and Inllu enee, have developed v eiry nipidl.v ince they have nil their humble homes. 'I he iiieiubortdilp of the Y, M. A. C. Ihih this jour, Inrgol'y owing to the geneinl ooiotary' supervision, iiwire than donble.. luerciMlnig from on huiulrcd anil twcim-thrcc to two Inindied and eighty -svon. Some of the Mielnl fiinetiloiiJ of the ussoela iloti take rank with t'he greatest in the iiiilvcndly, and the Y. M. and Y. SV. C. A. have gained' a place, ami dignity second to no other organlintinnto do our Institution nnd t'he prospect are .nut the development litis just Iniii.v begun. To keep up wlMi our grow I h. what shonltl wo do nest? The iinlver-ltv is growing and vvamtB new and etend ed equtpincut to moet the lnerea.lng deiuans. 't'he noiintlon-, need also to Increase their eipiipmeiut. Thej have come to be nu Iiul.i-pen-.ible fac tor In the Institution. They alone ihave it for their exclusive busine'. to look after the spiritual and social well neing or the Htiulents and fnrnisHi al- Ii7i'i. n "!,,yil'n,," '"0'""' " tlie only .... 1 ...r,.,.,P, .,,,,. umvoiNiij can meet. I h scope of tho work has so f ,. neeew.rily been wnall-limlted , ...... ..,..,,.., me iiswoeiniioiu.. "l "'"" " inenineiN of ; the n-oelatiotm and cn.nenient for ices lnv!,.t!slc,.!,!U Wlmt """iy w'- 'nl"g. 'gro'wing ascIai.o. is a egos Dave secured Is an iimhm.i..oh U,-,.m ,ui-.ui .ii ...i.,...i .., nSi!;''''''-'.' '? mi, m'1"! of '' !'lntloii hnlldlngin the near future. 1 stttutions. Pirfs b.tlhling- should be T1,P .in,Joymcn.t 'bureau s the hit- 4" 'iiii-iii mr, 1 jit work him iiitilfini lv t.ho n.icirviln. studeiut alValls oonuected with tho n soelaltlons. but for students nun nil or ganli'.atlons. In such u building wonlil u ptiidlc l.all and iniaKiM- . ., i, parlors, ivad Itig, eoiiwnltteo niul other roon,i. n 1 quiet, eur.y nnd honiollks- im nu where ineiiioers of t.h utilvt r-nv could go anil feci the reatralut of ih- jit l,.vv;l hlllUl.i V litsliing siin nt lili- ' I'Mi.iM'il. Hisldes tlie-c named n.uvenli nee. ',lierc hihoiiid n .mi oe ail the other ac ocKSMiilo that go In make up th,s sixial ceiitei at il ret i o.i i for .Indents iivvnv, Irom i m . Now, what W io no done? So ate an liotitutloii if which we are proud. i The I'tilveivlty of Nebraska has not onl,v quanti''i,v hut quaiity. It ha two thousund students who. when they !en br "a'! , il" It ever her credit. It uinks well among all the liglier schooN of our eouintry and among the very first of t'he west. It holils ii ciedliuble rank tn uthletie.. fm etudes ami whatever otheo lines il u conipcteii wit'h otihor institu tions, When Its Christian associations resolve that they need nml are going to hnvo n building for thetn-oves they can have it just as t'he associations in nether Institution have secured their.. SS'o, lit our n-nriutimiH ave inanv ivainples to follow in eeiiilng a University of Minnesota. building In Iuva are two colleges vv tli inn. iliugs ilevoted to ne t hrist laii assei.Mioiis. 't'he one nt Iowa State I niversii co-t .mo.oiio, of Which the nieiiibt-is null lricmls of the institu tion gave $.'0,0110. Alt I'lvivei-itj of town a bu .llirg' vns erected at a oiM of ?:!a,()()0. Darttn.with eo..egc ha.-, a l.i,iii,(i wtriu tine paid for in sniul! am. nun. by nieinbers nnd friends oT iilie M-hoi.I. In l!).") nilnetecni asKocia t in building's had boon completed nnd mote were In process of coaihlruutlon or talslng funds. Arc the student, of the driver-It of e br.ilni less capable of undei Inking ami carrying out large icspon-dhili-tii'K tlimi lite Mttidenls of ounr inti tiitw)nis When we see tho need and make up our mim.4 that we are g ng to huve Mie proper liiilhllug it will U only a question of n stniill amount or lime before we have it. SS h,v . a 'n tlc coMcge in liiuMiimt, llai aver, wit , less tlimi iwo li'iimlrcd t-'uncnt. i reel til a $()(io building and miin.v. in-'i lutlonw'very niiich smn'Ier than mil have erected bulldliegs costing fi,,n $1.(100 to $,000. In mime r tin- I llgc ciiKtern colleges the stiulcnts staitcil the work ami thus inspired philan th'i'oplcall.v iKiined pir-oni- to ihiuate frMn half to ttenrly the whole cost of "in iiiniug. ivxampio ,t ,nese are "Murn.v Hall" at Princton. "llarneN' lla"" nt ( nrnci:, for which Sir. Parties gave $1:1.01111 of the f.'i.'.OllO co-t; "Sil liman Hull' at Hanilltoii cillege. .New Suk; "(hire Hall." Iowa State l'n veilt, for which Mr. Clare gnve Iiiiiiiii of the 0,000 cost; anil "Stiles Iln '" at the CmiverMity of Ciliforahi. At many other places members and fiietwls of the college have erected' buildings, and the results In owvy case have prowtl the in ves,imetit most gratifying. With our two thotiMitid itudent a $20,000 bnlld- .l. . 1...11 ii Inif might to bo a very motlumto 1111 (leetaklngj and vv the opportttnitv for work a.ul the advantuges it won' 1 alVord in ur crowded condition, the east we shotl d ox-nect from nnr en (ion In our university. Pr .'mlily tho most of us arc mirprlfx 1 at the ex- ,uine pi, ii tu ami. iy ot n.ts work vvacii in nt invHigiii to unr notice, inu asso cuiiion is ueiu M oe oi use to tiliu sill ticii,i , legaiu.efcw ,i. tucii' connections. VV.e.l I lie an.VcrSlty lllHtlUlllOllh. It Is ine ki.i. iieuuai gi'oiimli winoix! tun oiiieiiuift ale sci ustitu. Our pititforin oi sen ue is one upon vviildn wo nil uwit stan, i. i note nave neon iwo giuait noodis c.i.,iiiy! lor tile estniiiis. incut ot tlilit uiqiai iineni: one tn ibu tin. .orsi'ty it se.i it ii 1 1 the ouncr Hi die o..j. Jit Is estimated hint thoie aru iiu letisl two nun.ircii men in tlio unlvorsity who are inuK'.'i.'g parti or a,,, of 'their ox pciiMS vviii..e note ai'tundlng i ,(ii-ii ilieie is In lancoiii n large de nial, it lor men ito do small jobs, and It i,. i, en dilncult to procure ii man when most needed, II to the busl-iu- ot tli'is ilopariiuont to bring those two oMietnc iloiniinilH together s) that the.v lua.v,f, ciich otlier. ibis w i -k nils been nono at tho ox ecnilve olltcu herctolore, but, owing to l lie Inei eased iiiuoiiut of work devolv ing up, n tliiM,e in Uniit ofllee, Mils work was turaotl over to t'he asilu thin l.i-t .Novem.ier, so that more time could be devoted to making it bouon eial to a Kirge number oT Mie student.. Cp to the time of making Mils to port this ilepai intent mis furmished seventy j lu to slinlents. Those jon range li-oni steady einploynieint, that brought .o the student his boattl or rum to an hour or two of work. SS'lhilu this may not seem i be u very Surge showing, yi with the poor facilities for hantllliK' the work showed that good wotk had been done nml proved the dcpailinent U) ho tin extremely pinotlevil Kirt of ,.ir work. Some days wo have fiirnl.thoil four or five, d'ilVor en I men with work. ily the opening of tho next school your the department expects to Hiuvo Its work systematized so ut We can 1111 all demands f.r nieii on short no t Ice. One of the most erions liiiulituio-eH to our work this pawl year wiis that the poopleof Mnoo'.u did not ktrow that ihoie was such u filing us an1 cm- loynienl bureau at tlio university, where they could ohtulu u man t do the odtl jobs that are constnntly on at the homo. SS'o have fclt'thU nek of twlveti.-enii at sndlj, and' we ask the student! to assist us in ovoreoin iii'g this difllcully. The College jiiipers have told of .i-ir ptesenec here, but tliese papers do not reaoh t.ho eltl eits whom we mosti desire to reach. SS'o wonNI ti-k tho students thti't they sperad tlio faet of the exl-tenee of this ikpai tinent among tho citlens of Lin coln. 'c will be grind to recive calls for any .Id jobs, us tending furnace, earl i j; for horse and cows, mowing lawi , d'olng ianitor work, making gardens, vwutaiirg- tables t- anyttliing ol Mint an honoraii.e mtiii can do. In order Hint the iciptcst may be tilled hi the satisfaction of all con cerned !t would be well will on apply ing for a man tlui.t the kind and nmount of work bo stated. I.. .1. MAIJSII. I.iiclou .1. Mnivsli, re-elected vice president, is an "old war hore" In the work. Mr. Marsh is ii junior and anti cipator entering some line olf Chris t'mn mirk. His sninmer in the Y. M. C. A. army itisMit at (Miickamaugii has nmde him exceedingly valumble to the asxnelaitlon. In addition to his du ties lu vice-prowl dent he Ikisi boon placed at the head of the employment bmcuii and uuvlcr his directions it Is fast becoming one of tho prominent lines of work In Mie association. Mr. Marsh has not setitlnd detlnltcly the line of work that he will take up after loavirg M-hrnl, In will prolKibiy outer k me line i f ( work. - 11 11 11 m -""'" - - joiin ir. noosE. I0I111 II. Hoitse, the ivtlrlllg piHt,! dent, is a seniior. lie is studying for the miiiistrv and will c nit or MeCor uilck 'I hiNilugiiMl st miliary at Chicago in the fall. Air. House was imi i-Ijv inter-i-ted in association work. A flier on toping tlie iiniversiity an, I arlng Ids entire course has Im-cii ootiw in the work for young men. lie was 11 dele gate to tho great missionary conven tion, held in Cleveland oni year ago, and also to Lake (lenova conference during the sinner. tMr. J loose, has niude for hlmsielf an eiavlablit ivcord dining the Host ywir. During his nd 1111I 11 Is't ration the work hits reuched out into new linos of activity and has been Irotight ton position where Itt'onehes the 1111 1 life of young' men us It has never done before. 'Plic work has re celvit'd his careful) supervision at all times nnd he has shown himself a man of ilare judgment. During his stay In the university hu has been prninlneint in nil studemt un dertakings, ille luis well merited the ciiiitldcncc Mint has been placed In him by all stndeiMs SSh.n Mr. MM)W gradiinile the ass, e itn i will ioho good friend an I onipe' nt adviser. W. W. SIIITF. ST. V. lilt., one of the foremost Hlble situdenls of this emit il r, , iln, just complete. I u tour of Ii:m' vvnild making 4i stop In Caleitt'tm, In tin, of two yoaes. Mr. SS'hlte hint done mini, for Hiblo sliuly In tlio ac'-oelatloiis H Is one of the apeaker seleole.l fir the (lenova conference. C. .1. M.I. ION. ('. ,1. Alten, as t'lvistitcr, Is w kimwn as an as lelallan worker. Mr, Allen Is u iudiei't volnnitecr nnd for wiwernl yeuis ha hcen liitoitnely itu.-i-entod In tdls lino or wiirk. llv ,,s ft dolegute to IW Cleveland eonveiiMliin in 'US. Mr. Allen hus inatle a careful study of mlssi.uis nml no doubt is tli0 bol liiforitifd man In the litwitltiiiiou on Mil., llnv f w.itk. At the bum iilug of the year owing to the faet tint Mr. lluiiitlug htti gone ti war he vas called fni'm the olialrmiinK-tliip of this ctuninittee ti) ih nilss-ionnry eoniinit toe to act as t rer. T'he fact that thn iiixDoiiitlou litis paid all bills promptly liais been commonllml upon many times during the year and this excellent etiuiMlion of infi'ulr.s is large ly due 'to the untiring 'olVort.s of Mr. Allen, fl'o such an extent was his In bors upprtwiuted Mint he was tv-eleet-ed treasure at the recent election mil In Mils eiiKtclty he will ilotibMitis -en-iter tihe work vatiniblc service in tho coining , mr. Dining the pist two years he has pnblislie I "College Men." u publietiti in l-Mie I in the lutoivst of the college ass tciniMuu of tho state. S. M. S FOK1). Mr. N.I.V. ford is peih.iips tin must popular n.luge in. in in i Ii -. , 1 1 1 1 1 r,v 'and knows more coilogv men intiin.iti- ly than any other member of the In ternal ionnl comaiitiee. It is imped that Mr. Say ford will visit Nebraska next year. SAi.M Aa'DK'i'SOX. Sam Anderson, recently elected re cording secretury, conic from Omaha. He is well quuntied for luis pu-itum on account of hi cxcel'lcnt business training-, lie was for a long tlni" the b.okkeepcr in the I'nlou National bank at Omaha anil In thut eapieity he received a training which makes htm invaluable to the association. The ofllee of recording secretin v Is now one of Importance. The compil ing of records ami roligiii.-. -tatls-tics is very essential in a college a so liation. The vvihole membership is confident Mint under the direction of Mr. Anderson this line of work will be carefully done. c. c. Mtxciii:xi:ii. C. C. Miivohenor, of Cliicngo, lt.i" en deared hinus'elf t cvniry college in 111 lit the middle west who Imes and a (mires manly ctdllege men. Mr. Mint-ltener U a graduate of Penii colVgc, at ()ko loosu, Iowi. Shortly after gnnlii.vti"i he was eh'oscn college,i 1 'f I own and under his dlree.ion the col lege wwrk of the state was brought to a polnl of rafu excellence. It vv.w while In this capai;ity that he w,h sent out to do deputation work In some of the udjoining Ntuti-s by Mie Interna Mount committee. iH 'rare abllit.v ' college work was soon recognlcd. In due time be was chosen as a uieitiher of the InternaMonal CanunHtee, hav ing charge of the college work m the middle Avest. lie has thrown lino the work a trained mind and ti consecrat ed life and u 11 result the rcliglaus work of the western iiiNtitutlonK has boon developed and brtxidoncd be.votul all o.)ceit4i.tjoim, illih work is largely done through other men. Those who know 'him best sa,y that of nil men in oellego work he has not n peer ia his nihility to determine Mie posslibllltle' nnd nwourccB of unen. fe wecins to have Min,t rare ability of fitting nien for thein respective positions. H's ceit'tral 'olllcie is Iti Chicago and fro'11 Mint point he, largely directs Mio Avork in the western states. TInve the "Evnus" do your Avnshlnif-