The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 01, 1899, Image 2

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A Weekly Newspaper Issued Every
(Monday Noon by the University
Publishing Association.
Entered us Sooond Class Mail Matter.
George I... Towno Managing Editor
M. I. Stewart .
J. l'. Sunnier Edgar Clark.
Cllnlon Harr.
Claude Heed. Grace Mae Millan.
Adolloyd Wliltiui'. Helen Woods.
Benton Dale Alumni
The Nebrasknn will be semt to miy
ild'ress upon receipt of the subscrip
tion, price, which is one dollar a year.
Contnoiuvons nre solicited from nil.
Nw items such as locals, personals,
reports of meetings, ete., are especial
ly desired. 'Pile Nebrasknn will be
glnd to print any contribution rela
tive to a general university subject,
but the name must accompany all
Address all communication to the
Nebrasknn, University of Ne
braska. Kemumbei the Kansas gaiuu nost
Saturday. Missouri could beat Ne
braska at ball but Kuiimim must
not. During' the same- day occurs also
the dual track meet between Kansas
smd Nebraska. The university expects
to win both of thehc cvenUs im order
to properly ei'lolmnto the victory
which Talbot will win in tho inter
state oratoriwil contot the night be
fore. This number of tlhe Nebraskan is
given up almost exclusively to the Y.
Al. C. A. and the record of its year's
-work. It will be seen Unit the growth
of this organization during the year
lias been most phenomiiml, not alone
when the increase in numbers is con
sidered but also the incroaw of interest
in the association and the vast sunouut
of actual Christian work done. The
oillcers and members deserve congrat
ulations for itho unnisunl success if
tJieir efforts.
The success of 50 cent base bull Is as
sured. The receipts at last Wednes
day's game show beyond a doubt that
students and friends of base ball in
the city nre willing to pay that price
4o see a good college gume. That
iifty cents, from each paitrou of the
game, is necessary to pay the exenses
of the isiting team and the advertis
ing of the game, is shown by the faet
tluut reeeipth, at the Missouri game,
exceeded expenses by just, $'(). With a
U.r cent charge, there would undoubt
edly hme been a delicti
Missouri won in a fairly fought
game of base ball last Wednesday
To be sure it is not so pleasant to
chrouliclu a defeat for the "Varsity
nine as it would have been U have
told of a glorious victory. U low-over,
victory is not to Ihj expected always
nnd when sueh n creditable showing
is made as that of last Wednesday, we
have cery reason to feel proud of the
team. Mclford's work in it he box wai
especially deserving of mentiloii, as
was also' that of (Jimlon at third, Mi'
Diariuid at short and Rhodes at llrst.
Tho team needs above everything eUe
inereaw in its batitlng menige.
There is no organixrtlon In the uni
versity that is more ineritoiis of praine
than the Y. M. C. A. Starting sever-il
years ago, it has deeloHtl from a
very few nienibi'm uiutll now It em
braces hiindriNlK. It stands as the
great equalizing medium of the iiinll
tutlon. nlttOolutely neutral In nil fru
ternnrand society relutiotiH. INo pari
is 'taken in school dlsMUitions, but im
tar as poswlble attempts to keip down
tall trouble. Fraternity and society
men meet hens In a feeling of harmony
nnd good will. WV can only wilt and
work for the Mine lo come when all
students will accept this mode of in
tercourse. When this s .igv ih reach
ed we may hope for successful athlet
ics, successful oratory and and hiic-cejs-ful
school movements. We can
then put aside such cognomens uh
"frnt," and "barb" and unite under
itiho general designation of "sitiulcnts
of Nebraska," and can work not with
partisan but iwn-aptlJan ideaw for
the best lmtierests of the university.
At the Oliver theater Friday night
of this week occurs tihe annual contest
of the interstate oratorical associa
tion1. In this eonticst ten states of the
middle west atro represented by mon
who have proven tllielr title to the
honor by winning n state contest each.
It is only once in ton years that this
animal coivtcst comes to Nebraska so
dt is only once in ten years that) Ne
braskans interested in college oratory
can luavo such an opportunity as they
have fids yeur. University of Nebras
ka students, especially, should turn
out In mass to welcome- the represent
atives of ten states nnd to cheer
to victory Nebraska's roprexeiitatlvo,
A. It. Talbot, who is at ...o wiiuo time
a University of Nebraska representa
tive. Let everyone go wilm possibly
can to el .er for the scarlet and cream
and to hear the beat represent at I ,m
of college oratory.
iMuch sad news has come to the uni
versity from time to 'time; during the
year as the result of the Spanish war
and the insurrection (so-called), of the
Filipinos. Yet no one wis prepared
for the news,, which onmu last hun
day. However, that Colonel Stoltscn
burg should be killed while leading a
charge at the head of his regiment
va consistent with the known char
acter and bravery of the num. The
position which the regiment has taken
in the very front of the tiring Hue, and
the dash sind success with which It lias
met every demand made upon il tstt
lies, most' eloquently, to the measure
of elllcliMicy which It had attained un
der the command of Colonel St ot son
burg. The university had all along
felt complete continence In tlic colonel
of the First regiment, among whose
members and ameers arc so many
university men, and the Xebraskan
several times took occasion to con
demn the e panto methods of the leg
islature and of a portion or the pros.
The preparation of the regiment. b
careful discipline, for just eiich events
as came furnishes its uwiijuxtlttoatlou.
The bravery of Colmivl SloKeuiburg
and tlhe iiiste'em, even love, felt for him
by the regiment is attested by these
Maine, evenits. The university mourns,
with the state and nation, for one of
the bravest and most capable oillcers
of the army.
Dclinlte arrangements have at last
been made for the formation of an in
tercollegiate tennis Lssociation. This
is a movement along the right lines,
and tlltows the many-sided character
of the university. In eastern eobego,
like Harvard and Cornell, great inter
est is maintained 'by similar associa
tions, and there Is no reason why our
university, vvitli proper encourage
ment by the students, should not
make tennis one of the liiost interest
ing athletic sports of the university.
The University of Nebraska in the
past has developed the very best of
tennis material, and it is with the
greatest of pride that we point to Miss
Pound's record at Chicago last sum
mer. The first meet will be held at 'this
university in a few weeks, with Doane
and Hoilevuo colleges. The univer.-ity
courts ar being put in excellent condi
tion and in order to encourage the
players, they will be open to all stu
dents for tilie rest of the year, for
twenty-live cents.
Moth Doane and ltellcvue have been
practicing hard for the coming meet,
and will be here vvitli a .etcrniined ef
fort to win. If the uuivcr-ity in
tmwls o niiike a creditable showinir.
a large number of the students must
join the iiNsocintloii. Heretofore an
entrance fee o one dollar has been
charged, but he price lias been Tow
ered to twenty-live cents in order tint
all students niay enjoy ilie privilege of
this, one of the most pleasing and
bonetlelnl of athletic sports. Let any
one who knows nnj thing aoout the
game join the association and help the
inaiiageinent to make tennis a success.
II. 1"). LANDIS.
'1 lie following are the resolutions
drawn up by the eoininitteo nnd
passed by the faculty at their last
incut lug to f.prub the sorrow of the
t'nlvernlty of .Neinaska .or the late
(olonel John M. StutseniMirg:
"The facuM.v and iiileutn of the
I'lilvcrslty of Nebraska deeply ui.turu
tlio loss they have siutalued in the
death of their late commandant, Col
onel John M. .Siotscubiirg, not oivly no
a teacher, but as a citleu ami a
friend. In hits roln,tloii vvitli the In
structors and the tiiilout bud v, he im
nrcwNod nil who knew linn with a real
iiilinn i f k high hliMi!, his hterliug
liitegrlt.s, anil uront eariuvliieM.- of
pur)OKt. At, the ctimmaiidaat of niie
uirlvemlly calel, he appiiivtsl him
Mclf a lliorough Inwlnielor mid organ
ier, ami gavi the men he trained not
onl.v tliiNirii-iM, but etipoehill.v the prac
I Umi I )utivk'(l(rii ueccttwary to every
wt'illcr. AiTlhe luiitl of the llrst Ne
IiiiimIui regiment, he nut only bmuht
the voliiiiU'uj'N Ills 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i to that
ellleleiK', vljju'li htiM rwlouuded to their
honor, Mini nfhe honor of their ntnto
iumI eoiiirtry, but Im ulxo, nftT iiiiiiin
evlilt-nce of devotion to his iliitleK,
given ln ,e In leiuliii'g, w .. great
piuvMinal bnivery, iIiokc under his
eoininuiiil to victory. The under
signed, art rttprcNimHitlvc of tlhe uui-vei-Mlty
dtislro to give henvby aoiuc
public evpri'Hsliiu to the iinlvei-wil
grief, and pnv tribute to the clmrac
tor and pat riot lain of 'tue iniiii tlliey
h nor. and exteiul the sympathy of the
enlliM- university to nil those whose
loss I greater than their own.
h. A. SlL.itM N,
r. ii. itiiK.
0. W. WI9KKS.
Com mil tee.
MMio Porshings gave, nnotlior ovliibl
tlon of open air drill on the campus
last Thursday evening. new fea
ture was introduced, nil oommnids bc
nig given ly bugle calls.
UI Ulllll
Course 28 Weeizs.
Fees &65.00.
Otters great inducements to stu
dents of medicine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Imninnucl and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by K. W. CHASE, Omaha,
Nebr., Continental block.
333-339 S. Lincoln Street, CHICAGO
Opposite Cook County Hospital.
Four Year OruJei! Course.
llt'Klnnlnu wltli .lvilv I. IHKl, Uic course, lor tlio
your will to tllv Moil Into four terms of tuulvo
weeks euuli Attomlnnro from students In tlio
ronumr roursu Is required ilurltiK tliree terms
In cueli of tlio four yours The fourth term Is
The fees uro I00 00 for each venr, payable In
The number of reculur students Is limited to
one-hundred, twenty-live In ouch class. Plnco
In cluvs Is obtained by competitive oxuniliur
tlon nfter Imvluc compiled with the require
ments of the State Hoard of Health of Illinois-
Kxcentlonal laboratory advantages are offered
to touchers, and superior clinical facilities are
offered to s-mlor medical students and uradu
ntes In medlclnn during tho summer term
For further Information, address
Creighton Medical College.
Cor. 14th and Davenport Sts., Omaha, Nob.
Next session begins September 24 1899.
A tour years course was adopted by this
school six years ago, it being one of the
first schools in the west to adopt a higher
standard of medical education.
The course consists of four terms, seven
months each. The college building is new
and up to date, Waving been completed only
two years ago. The building Usell is large
and commodious, Having large roomy lau
oratories for work in Physiology, His
troloirv. Patholocv and Bacterlolouv all
furnished with the most modern equip
ment. The Anatomical rooms are large
and are supplied with all of the newest
conveniences, among other things being a
cold storage room for the preservation of
anatomical material, thus insurving fresh
subjects for dissecting and anatomical
work at all times of the year. The lec
ture rooms are spacious, well lighted and
ventilated, and are seated with comfort
able opera chairs.
This school has the exclusive use of the
St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, the
St. Joe hospital being the only large hos
pital in the city. The county hospital al
so furnishes clinics for the benefit of stu
dents of this school, For further Informa
tion, address
McCague Bld'g, Omaha Neb.
Harvard University
IIGIh Annual Announcement (1000.99).
In ami after June, 11)01. camlhlatus
for admission iiiiim iiro-ent a tlcgrcu in
Arts. iJloratiire, Philosophy, Seliiucu ur
Medicine, from a rccoglulud college or
scleiitllle school, with the cscnpllon of
Mich pur-ons, of suitable age ami attain
minit, as may be admitted by Hpooial
vote of the Faculty taken in each onao.
For detailed information coiionriilnir
courses of instruction, or eutniogiio,
I)it. W.M. U. KICIIAItDSON, Dean,
Harvard Modlcul Buliool, HoHton. Kiinh.
Kent College of Law
tfarjlull I). Hwell, M..I)., M. I)., Dean.
Throe, years course leading to degrco
of LL 11. Improved methods uniting
theory and practice. The School of
practice Is the leading feature. Eve
ning sessions of ten hours u week for
ouch class. Students can be self sup
porting while studying. Wo assist
students in securing suitable, employ
ment. For catalogue, address
W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary,
018010 Ashlund Block, Chicago, Il.
The University of Nebraska
School of Music
S BETTER fitted than ever before to give artistic nuruction
in Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all other princi
pal branches of Music. Students will receive full information by applying
at the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at any time.
Third Term Begins Monday, April lO.
Made by
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