y?if????yyvvryv?v WANTED We, the undersigned, well but unfavorably known representatives of D. O. 1. K. (Dependent Order of Pill Kutersj, desire information con cerning the whereabouts of brother Cal O'Mell, ulius Pod O'l'illin. He was last seen by brother Sed Litz In company with Herb Catliarticus, Jiiun Dice, Cly Stier, Bill Yousness and Sir Cal Figy. at the Pillory of Pilgrim, 1'ilgurlick & Co , where he mounted Adam IMllm-ytr's fatuous nag "l'llliitz," and disappeated. The brother hud for years been trying to cure himself of chronic constipation and biliousness and had ea en of ptiriatori pills until he became viol ntly addicted to the ) habit He then, contrary to the venerable traditions of our pillosophic order, shamelessly deserted us. vite your attention to the business part of the announcement. ANTI PILL is reully the only remedy before the people, sold at the popular price of 25 cents, that actually cures constipation without inducing cos tiveuess or biliousness without causing plll-iowmcss or dyspepsia with out weakening the stomach. You need not hesitate to use the sample left at your house or handed you by your druggist. It isan ideal rcnucly for ladies, the aged and the debilitated, all who dare not use strong medicines. It is a purgative in the true sense of the term. Sold by all druggists, 25 cents, or address ANTI-PILL COMPANY, 444tt&i&33&3&&4 IutoreolloHiiito . . . Bureau Cottrel & Leonard 17.1-478 Uroilwny Mbany.New York. Mukurs of tliu Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Uni versities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. Weekdays Sundays Holidays Pleasant Days Stormy Days Cold Days and all other days THE BURLINGTON'S DENVER LIMITED . . Leaves Lincoln 0 p. in. exactly. Arrives at Denver 7:10 a. in precisely Denver people have named this train "OLD TRUSTY" ALWAYS ON TIME: CityTldketonico: I llurltmjton Depot: Cornur 10th nml O Slh 7th St hot. I nnil Q Telephones 'a. Telephone S5. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN Lincoln and uburn, Falls City. Atchison, and Kansas City. City TicKet uuice, tuaa u at. H. C Townsend, G. P. & T. A. F D. Cornell, C. P. & T.A. , hi gS "' khl "f W P H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ANDKKW A PlMAKlt, ICIIAII I'H.I.KKIIAUCII, Ptl.tJI I'll.l'ltM'.K, A. SCII.I.A PlI.TAKKR, AKCII Pii.katku, Jon l.oToi'ii.i.s, I. O. Dinoi'ii.i.s, Alois I'imous, Ei Sumsaultz LAUTltK PlM.KNSTUJ'I'. Dated at Pillnpiue Pilliusula, Apill Anno Pill lite. T lilt above is not as much of a joke as some may think. Its purpose is to in X X X X X X X X X LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, X X TEnCHEKS 7P-. UNION TEACHERS' AGENCIES OF AMERICA Rev. L. D. BASS, D. D., Alanager. PittsburR, Pa., 'Toronto. Can., New Orleans, La New York, N. Y., Wash inston, D. C. San Francisco, Cal.. Chi cago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., Denver, Colo. There, arc thousiinilsof ixjsltlons to be tilled. We had over 8,000 vacancies last season. Un surpassed facilities for placing toucher In any part or thi' United States or Canada. One fee resistors In nine ofllceH Address all Applications to Washington, D.C. GOOD PRINTING . . Is a paying investment and a necessary adjunct to a suc cessful busines?. On the con trary, poor printing (and we refer to the hind the other fellow does) Is dear at any price, and Is a standing re flection both on the merchant and the printer. Moral: leave your orders witli us, and you will always be satisfied, both as to quality and price. Hunter Printing Co,, LINCOLN. Print Anything for Anybody. Why Not Start A Stamp Collection? 1 will receive a nice, bright, clean stock of Cuban, Hawaian, Porto Rico, Philhpine and British Colonial stamps about Mav tst. These stanins are rheap now but will soon advance in price, uan auer may nrsi ana inspect some. Albums with 200 stamps, 715c, albums with 300 stamps, $1 25. F. R. FINNIGAN, 439 South 12lh Street. 1 ... J. L. STEPHENS, HARRY E. WILSON, President. Secretary. 1 WM. G BISHOP, W. C. STEPENS, I - Vice President. Treasurer. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE Terms Ih-kIu April 24 and Juno 19 First class Instruction In all buslm s and Biiortlmnd studies. Wrlto for cutalocuu or call nttiieontco 1 LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE 13th and P Street. Tol.264. Lincoln, Neb T11K SlJNIOlt L'HOHM. The senior promenade Friday ommi liitf pros ed to be the most brilliant af fair of tin; season. Pretty decorations, beautiful costumes and excellent lim bic all united in glvlnjr the ball an m tlstic air. Although the crowd was not large, it uiih limppy one. The pro grain' con tnlni'd sixteen dances, Ini'lad lug wiiHch, two-stops ti ml iive-stcps togiMhcr with' several cstras. On the back of the program was a neat en graving. KcarliM and cream eoimtltutH the bulk of the decorations, bun'lng Ik'liig prettily draped from one cli.m dellcr to the next. Mimic of more than usual talent wins furnished. For several yours the prom, has born growing In Importance as a society exent until the present It has reached I its proper sphere. Although not n large as the annual aiiair givenny me juniors, it has obtained more prestige ii ml is generally considered to bo of higher social rank. It lin.s a quiet dig nity connected with It which Is found tibout in other school atTalrs. Patrons lust eu'iilng were Chancellor and' Mrs. Macl.cuin, Professor and Miis. Ikirbour, Professor and .Mrs. Itlchards, and Mr. Manning. The committee In charge consisted of ilohn Kind, chairman; H. . McCroor.v, 11. 1). Iindls, llurnion. H. 11. I lark. Misses (lore, Hrldgo, Cole, and Randall. Mr. llarinoiv noted as master of ceremonies. Aboiil llfty couples were in ntitndanco. Those present woic Misses WntUIn-, Maefarland, lloutz, Morgan, Minor, llargrcaves, Mellonry of DimviiWoii. la., Woods Ituruham, Woodward, Putnani, Haclwood, Andrews, Clark, Hlcketts, Dor.iu, Wallace, Henry, Wiggvnhorn. Millar, La Sellc, Custer, Douglas, (lore, .hick son, Iluycs, Winger, Mulry, Kay niond (iarten, Tukoy, Colo, .Inynes, Welch', Wirt, Eckel of St. .Joseph, Cun ningham, Chilcott, Ilig-milK llnm mond, Whiting. Itridgc, Mr. and Mrs. Orcutt; Messrs. Keeil, Brown. Sliedd, Crandnll, ICngcl, F. Koisinc, "r, Sum ner, Sherman. Raymond, Tukoy, Ab bott, Mansfeldo, m Fltgor.ild. Lieb inan, Whipple, W'ntkins, Atwood, Mar ley, Ii. llrmvn. M slier, Matson, King, Lewis, Killln. Ilonlby, Sawyer. Seidell! Slilek, Kolsoin. Hlcketts, Krwin, Rob erts. Dales, Hiimphrey, Panoost, Van Valin. Doran, lhycs, Lunijis, McCre r.. Ilannon Clark. ATIILI-TI'IC XOTHS. I'lii' outdoor prntiitihlou will bo hold 'on tin- cainpub Friday ufU'iioon at : n cluck. I'. () .M'lhnney otlcrs a twen ty dollar gold nu-dnl to tlu contcM ti nt making the most points over four huudred mid n siecial medal will proli alily be olVorcd . the M'vcral iiluuiiii to the man win. brenkK tiho univcrhity ict-ord. About diirty men haw cnt"r l aul it )roniww b bo nu exciting contest. Atlnilsfclon will he free. The the pentithlon even In wiW mt.c is iireliininuries to -decide partially on filio nicii who will represent us in" the Mime cwMnfa when w inet Kiiumim iniheislty May (I. About twenty atliletie inen met Tuesday eeninr and decided upon the track Miitsand also rec iiiinipuded that t'lie athletic hoard ono-lder the award injr of an X to men who win places on the uiriwrwlty at.hletlc tetnniK. 'I ne freshmen held a nit'el'inj,' I'ri ty afteriwHin and elect tsl (!. 12. Wil kr mil imor of their tnick lieaiii. and .1. 11. Hell ca)ialn uf tin lr 'biiM' lull 1eii in. I'YeKhiueii pitJNpeetK aro ery bright for wlnnljr the $:.() cup in the inter elans contest, .May III. With such men us Milliard, l'epnon, I'ollniir. Hewitt, Wallncp. Mauch aiiti sevenil others the e.n'et t win tjie nuisl pomtn. 'I lie iltllll'lll' luuilll lmv ll.wlill.l .lm 'junior ami senitir law classes shall be classed as juniors and mmiIoi in till athletic inter-class contests. The Maxwell club held an election t-'ntiirdny cveninjr. Tne rollnwin men were fleeted to office for the eniiiny year: II. lloldemni. president: O'Con nor, lce presidt-iit; L. It. Kwtirt. fceere tary, and Leih. serffeant-at-tirnis. HASH HALL WEDNESDAY. The Missouri gainu Wed nc-tiay prom isos o he ehc and exciting. Hotli teanib aro very strung, and have beon playing high class ball. Thoy will play in tlie following positions: Missouri Nobraska "vin. 0 Moon Curtrlght p Molford Coopor 1 1) Hhodiw Iliiwkius 1! I) Hot-dor lJowy b, Ooiiion 'tartol ss MoDcnuott At"lliso" HhoaorCusoadon Ijultse. ef Kingsbury Jos rf Hliss Hev. H. (). Howhmde of the First Hnpllst chinch will nddrcKK n mitnn j Kcnlee of the Y. W. and Y. M. ('. A. In 1 lie cdnpcl at t o'clock net Sunday afternoon April 30. Hy npeclal te riucKt he will deliver his lecture upon IWs "Itaten." Ewry jouiifj person is cnriiesiiy reuctel to nttend the moet inf am! share the Inspiration witli which Dr. Kowlnmls alwa.VK llllfe Ids hearer. Special iiiusie has been pre pared, (tune and enjoy the service. The Pnllndinn rocie'ty en'tentainud he Oro.)h(ilanb of Weslevan Friday cvenlnv. About sixty of tlhose In vlted amended. WANTBU- SBVKItAL THUSTWORTHV porsous In this Btate to inanaRo our bust. BSfcR In tliolr own and near by counties. It Ip iiiuiiiiv uuii-o woric conuueieu ai nomu. i? alary stromlit toon a year nnd oxiwiweK dellnlto iKinaudo uo moro. no loss salary. Monthly $75 rtQfQronoeb Enclose holf-addrosod utampcd OIlVOlOJK) IT"IIHKItT K. Ukhs, Prost, Detit, M. ohtcago. HERPOLSHEIMER & GO. THE SUMMER MERCHANDISE will soon demand your attention it has had our attention long; ago and the result is a showing, in all departments, far su perior to that of any previous season. Fine Suits, Waists, Millinery, Dress Goods, Shoes, everything comfortable, desirable and stylish in summer apparel, and all priced at those reasonable prices that have made this store so popular with all people. t e LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. WRICHT, KAY & GO. Manufacturers of KATKIINITY KMIILUMS HATKHN1TY J j:VKt.UY ATI'.KNITY NOVKLTI KS HATUIINITY STATIONKUY HATKHN1TY INVITATIONS ltATi:UNITY ANNOUNCKMHNTS KATUHNITY PHOGHAMS F Send for CataloKiio and l'rlcu List. Siicclal tkihlciiM on application 140-142 Woodward Ave . - DETROIT, WICH. Students work a Specialty 1144 O ST. Good Harbers, Now Furullurc. i:zcullcnt Work WHEN YOU TRAV'.L TAKE THE ALWAYS To OMAHA All points east. KANSAS CITY east and south. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Has the Best MDdern Equipment. Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Free Reclining Chair Cars. For Time Schedules, Tickets, Reservations of Berths, Call or Address, E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt., 1044 O St.. J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A. Lincoln, Neb. H. G. BURT, Pres., E. DICKINSON, Gen. Mgr E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T A. Omaha, Nebraska. Turpin's School of Dancng. 1 . . .Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladles and gentlemen's class, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings. Tho Academy offers mlvantago for cotillion clubs, privato parties, otc. Is nowly furnished and decorated. Will bo rented at reasonablo rates. For further information address, newATu8.r9VowVoVK.nnd ALBERT TURPIN, l!,3n2coNlnf;r0t For Style, Quality and Price .... TAILOR MADE GOODS You should call on NEBRASKA PANTS & SUIT COMPANY, 143 N. 13th St. - HERPQLSHEIWER & CO. fie wk Co. I! That Shirt f ii liuvo your next shirts mudo to order if you want thorn to fit and wear. It's economy in the long run, to say nothing of the comfort and satisfaction. One-half dotcn to order, white or colored, $9. Harper's Shirt Factory, Upstairs, 1012 O Street. I have the only shirt factory in Lincoln. THE BEST ROUTE FROM LINCOLN, NEB. Oliver Theatre Building. w ?i2? M H r-r