The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 24, 1899, Image 2

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A Wct'Wy Newspaper Issued Kvory
Monday Noon by the University
IMiblltiliing Association.
Kntercil us Second Class Mall Matter.
George L. Towno Managing Killtur
M.I. Stewart Kdltot-ln-Chluf
J. T. Sumner Hdgtir Clark.
Clinton Burr.
Claude Heed. Craee MaeMUlaii.
Adellovd Whltlni'. Helen Wootltf.-
cmtrwH, It Is to liv noted That the sittn
liicr' school Is JuM six wlis In UngMi,
That It Ih Just onc-Uilrd. of a semester
of eighteen wceU. In a HtMiicster a
Htiiiitaut reglme-rcd for eighteen hours
ean get eredlt for 18-ft cviurw.M. In
other words, a studeint In tlw .summer
school, registered for ciglittireu hours,
ciiii uvt Just l-!l un niueh creUH for
six wwhws' worU itw he euttld In the
ivgiiKir WTtirHP for olgliieciu weeks.
Certainly Mi ere Is no reason why a stu
dent, working hi the hot tnouith of
.ItiiH1 should jct niorv eredlt 'Mian dur
ing the winter months. Ynt there 'have
'been uusos where students In th fix
welts' smiiiincr scho-ol have received
more credit than they eould l.mve re
olvi'fl hi oiii snwister ha I they been
registered f r twenty-live hours. The
m'coimI resolution ways that no umloi
'giiwItMt credit tulmll be glvcm fur
1 Work done outside of regular college
' re-movlng of eouvlitiloiiH nmrtht milking
up of ieKtratmry work as was ex
plained by Mie chancellor. N'nr will It
prevent unuliinilo stiulemn from do-
Henton Dales Aliimiii ': work whenever they wish. It .-.Imp-
. . l.v refers to under gradual work. Its
.... " . , """ ...'".' . . " jumiilliMtlon leiHiulM upon what N
The Nebrnsknn will be sent to any ,.olwM,.rw w,,.ttl. oduwiUon, If an
ddress upon receipt of the mibscrip- .l tint tlon Is to be simply an liitllserhn
, , , , , ,, I li'iite Ncpitiililliig for credit the less
rules there aie the quicker win Mi re
sult Iv iHninipllshetl, However, if a
eo' education tucianw a four-year
e.iurse of .teinaMe an I regular stutlt
Mien Uie ivtoilt on mint He ,v imp
lished In twm or less yours, by handing
to the register more suniiuer ere.lits
than eon lie obtained lining the col
lege ymr. It Is a sufficient fact that
Mie orther state iinleiwltiiv are all
Hiking- steps in this same direction,
several of them having practically the
sunnc ruins iMtnt were adopted by our
faculty. We have yielded Km Vi'ng to
tlu wetern desire to do four .wars'
work in one. The pontiier. students n
tille (lie necessity of taking only a
rta"ntihlf ainouiut of work, the sviiir
will w have n real university.
tlon price, which Is one dollar a year.
Con in onions ure solicited from nil.
Nfw Items such as locals, personals,
reports of meetings, etc., arc especial
ly desired. The Nebraskan w be
glad to print any contribution rela
tive to a general university subject,
but the name must accompany all
Address all communication to tru
Ncbraskan, University of Nebraska.
The enterprise of the ten students
who took ton 50 cent, tickets oitelt to
the .Missouri ywnw nnd gtiiimnteed
their suit', Is to be eonuneuxbi1. It Is
Mich a spirit as this Mint will insure
the sueect-s of nil university undertakings.
(Continued from inirc oiip)
The Mbmrinn lias ported some new
rule.-, which are d rustic doubtless, but
api-arently necessary. The order in
poitiont. of the lilimry wat. such as to
mil for some reform, and sifter Mie pa
tienve of the librarian was exhausted,
it iMim in this sjCwih." form. It is too
Ikm i lint the order in i university li
brsm shouhl have to lie of such an
inloieed ami stilted kind. Vet It is
better so than tlmt there should lie no
order tit. all.
The athletic boanl has adopted a
new "price schedule" for the base ball
games. Ilejeafter Mie tickets will read
rAihuikbearor and lady" and Willi cost
t!7t ccTvt.s imcIi. This is evidently for
the piipjwhi of increjising- the riceipts
at the gamec and is to lie defended be
cause tifty cents from ich ;-.ptitor
is necessary to pay t;hc expenses of the IVshk-s thpiv is no reasin why
the saim adniiss-ion sliould not be
charged for Imsc ball and foot- IxiU.
The iwo sports are ecpially iinjwri
unt awl ili'M-ne eiual siipinirt.
The m.i me ting la-t Y-.ln I i
was MU'cc-fiil not only in raiding a
goodly jKiit of the athletic debt, but
also in Ntirring up enthusiaii for ath
letics. Such meetings shouhl be held
of toner than they have been in- the
pas-t, if for no other pur.iM than to
iirmuMt tan latent somthiiig which is
:t ;nn- '' leniA lo eoutvt upon, col
li ge spirit. Stoilouti do not grow on
i l.u-.i;iiu- when wondering o'hmit by
tin n- vt-. ii, ir in sf.i;id of ton or
1vcnt. Ill- whole student body must
I togi her if it i to chow Mie spirit
ih. n .tii only lv inimifestitl by th
wh.ik student body.
Yli:c..liy thie Missouri tigoiti will
nice: our own pet bo.-e ImII I--.ini on
the iinicrsit canrpiis. I'lKloubtdl.x
the conii'.-i will be n cloe oni for Mis
souri is reported as baviikg a .strong
ti-.tiiii and we have compete fniMi in
tiu" t,ain whieii reprvsent Nebrask'i.
lut will lx nevcjunry to make U--tory
sui-e will Ik a kirge and spirited
crowd t ihe gtune, together witli souk
"The Inst npponrnnco of Colonel
StotscnburK nt the university wns na
a speaker nt the farewell chnpol ox
orclses hold Just before, the departure
of the First Nebraska for San Fran
cisco. All of the students who had en
listed nttended this meeting, and
speeches were made by veterans of the
civil war In the faculty nnd on the
board of regents. Mnjor Stotsenbure,
that being his title then, spoke ex
cellently. It was n notnble meeting.
"Colonel Stotsenburg told me thnt he
hoped to bo back In the service of tho
university In the autumn. I said that
If he came back at nil, it would not be
less than a year. He had been re
markably successful as an Instructor
and was In love with his work. He
was highly respected by his asso
ciates on the faculty. He liked the uni
versity and the university liked him
nnd It was our expectation that he
would return to take charge of the
military department nt the close of
The chancellor said thnt Mrs. Stots
enburg Is at Mnnlln. The two children
eight and ten yenrs old, are with rel
atives, probably at Topeka, Kas., the
home of Mrs. Stotsenburg.
Course 2S WeoRs,
Fees $65.00.
Offers great inducements to stu
dents of medicine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in bolh surgery nnd medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent nnd questions an
swered by !:. W. CI I ASIC, Omnhn,
Nebr., Continental block.
333-339 S. Lincoln Street, CHICAGO
Opposite Conk County llo.ipltul.
Pour Years Oratltit Course.
ltoKlnntiiu with July I. IMW. tho course or the
yrur will Ih illvtiteil tntn four terms of twelve
weeks eiii'li. Atteiuliiui-o from stuOents In the
reitu tir con roe Is required Uurliu! tlirvo terms
lit v aeti ol Uie lour eiirs. 'liiu lourtli term Is
Tin- fees nre JtOO.OO for eticli etir. pnynltlo In
nil vn nee.
Thu number of rcKUlnr students Is limited to
(inu-liunilreil. twenty-live In I'ticli ulnss. Pltu-o
4. ulnss Is olitulniHt by competitive oMitnltiir
tlon utter tirwtiK complli'il with the r iptlre
medio of the Stnte Uoiirtl of IU'iiltlt of Illlnols-
HxceiHloiint Inuorntory nilvnntnci'K nre otfercil
to teni'liers, unit sihht or ellnlcnl fneilltles iiru
offereit to Miilor meilU'til students nnd Kr.nlu
utes In modicum iluriui; Hie summer term.
Kor furt lio r liifariniitlon. address
The University of Nebraska
School of Music
TS BUTTER fitted thnn ever before to give artistic intruction
w 1 i Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, nnd nil other nrinct
pal branches of Music. Students will receive full information by anpyjn
nt the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at any time
Third Torm Begins Monday, April 10.
In the Best $3,00 anil
$3.50 Shoe on Earth.
Creigliton Medical College.
Cor. 14lh and Davenport Sts Omaha, Neb.
Next session begins September 24 1S99.
A tour vents course was adopted by this
school bix years ago, it belli; one o"l the
fin t schools in the west to adopt a higher
standard of medical education.
The course consists of four terms, seven
months each. The college building is new
and up to date, having been completed only
two years .to. The building itsell is latge
md commodious, having large toomv lab
oratories for work in Physiology, His
ttologv, Pathology and itacteriologv all
furnished with the most modern equip
ment. Tln Anntmnir.ll nmni; nre l.nritn
...! --.. -1!- I ....!. ..II ..l .1 I
.uiu un- si;'j'iicu wiiu .in ui iiic uewebl
conveniences, among other things being a
cold storage room for the pteservattpn of
anatomical material, thus insurving fresh
Mibjects for dissecting and anatomical
work at all times of the vear. The lee-
The olde: tu,e roon,s are spacious, well iighted and
Made by
Extunino tho Policy of tho Now England
Mutual. Tho Values aio as dotinito as those
endorsed in your Bank Book.
Thlc rrrvrnf.i 1-, r c? Unnn PUnn.l
63 Years.
a. W. NOJBLB, Mgr.,
Phone 328 iobWebt
Stotsenburp nnd one brother reside at
Xew Albany, Inil.
A cltlzon of Lincoln received a lettei
from the father about a wook aero, dur
ing the lull In the flBMIng-. He said
that thoy were able to sleep In com
ventilated, and are seated with comfort
able opera chairs.
This school has the exclusive use of the
St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, the
St. Joe hospital being the only large hos
pital in the citv. The countv hospital al
so furnishes clinics for the benefit of stu
fort again, slneo the active operations l dent of this school. For further informa-
involving the Nebraska troops seemed llon- Address
On payment of one dollar down, and three dollars per month thereafter,
you can get the New Werner Edition of Encyci.oiwkima Hkitannica hi
thirty volumes including the American Supplement, for $45.00. The terms
are $1.00 down and $3.00 per month until $45.00 are paid The set will be
sent on receipt of first payment of $t.oo. The subscription price is $64.50.
Finer bindings can be had at a small advance in price. The set is on exhi
bition at our store. You are invited to call and examine the same, and
JOIN THE CLUB! Remember the edition the NEW WERNER.
Book Department.
Lincoln, Neb.
to bo at an and,
Keri'iso wi-re lii'hl in ciiupid t tiny.
Chancellor Muel.uin intulc 11 short talk
upon tho personal bravery uf 1I. Slot
sunhurg and iIumm'Uk'iI hi- foititiulc 11- a
The outdoor eontCht for the (VMa
honey wa hikes phiee uet Friday
on the university campus. The eivn't
will Ik the regular ih'jwjiiIiIou con
tents. The euiifeaitioii linior
will be brislf, nH si large number of
truck inn will titke iwrt. It will lie
cen inoiv H)lriteil tJitin was expected.
AlcCapue Bid's, Omaha Neb.
Harvard University
orgniiinl tooting. A Isirge erow.i bewiuse of the definite nrr.iiigeuients
ineuii n.;t ! tjiiin oiik tlioiiisiun. '" ,v!l"'i nwaniing Uie ine.lal. It
116th Annual Announcement (1898-59).
In and after June. 11)01. euixlhlalos
for admission nui-t pre.-ent a degreo in
Arts. Literature, I'hilosophy, Seinneo or
ui'iiiciiie. irom a recogmized eollogo or
.nil. 11 ...!..... in.. ..i 1 ...i.i ', .. ' .
-'!-" ,ully ,f ..n mea and hK been decided ihat the .!.: of. , ' ''- ' ,-3"
Vmtir KUiimin I : s.- nA4iii iiumiii. lTiH IIV I' ll' n tMlwtf Imll ... I... --- "v "" "
plenty of noise ami gotid iui"ureil fun ! ti 'Ji more tlitin once t.i thf ain innu.
wiihont necessary "roust iiig" of the ' Before deciding in tWs wny, Mr. O'.M.i-
oppofition team. rir.t of alt g.i to th , noney (HMircKKcil the following que-.-
11011 10 tiie iiiemhi-4s of tin.' nthletie
Ininrd nixl received the iiiHiniiiioiix af
firiuatiic answer: "Ik it Hdiwillc in
1 the interest of athletic in tin? iiniver-
'iiy that a couiet44s)r, who has ivon
the medal once, Iv delmired fniin win-
lilmr liiIiLi.i.iiu..i ..-.ll. nil
....iio .-.1 !., .1... t..i-..A .. ". .,r,M. "ti. ine meuiii
-". ... v..,.,. ..., ...,,, '- Lr,W. ,V r. 0'tlmi...v iu .!.,.. 1 ..,
,- - - - - - ..--... ,r IIIMIVM II I
game. After you are there, lie not
afraid of the sound of 011r v.iiee; it
is miMical enough for such an occasion.
Some time earh in March the chau-
lire i
niont, as may be adtnittcd by special
uiooi inuraeuuv laKen 111 eauli ease.
For detailed information concerning
courses of instruction, or catalogue,
I)n. Wm. L. KICHAKDSON, Dean.
Harvard Mwllcal Scliool. llostoti. Mass.
fkliaini. nf l. r... 1. .. . 1 . . I
uiiiiiiiim til 1 hit iiiruii - r-i i-Mic . - 1
lvl. That the maximum credi' f'ir Z loLl t Z" u?" ' '" " '
-the work of tJie summer sohool ,,, ",,".1!!
Hours work for six weeks) skiII be ,ii ,.:n 1... . '. "".- '..i
1 1-S course." .Seoond-"Kt,hed, " ,n' ' . , b" c" fortl,,,c H 'Vr-
That no under gradual cr.d.t sluil fnf ?,'' L ' ''''' hT ,,,,nb'" "f
he given for wrk done ouui le of reg- '"ntltiT " tUl" ?""" "" ,25-
..1 ..11 .... .s I He I lijer ih the name of n mv
iiitii I'uurur emst)l. I nee IVWOlll-
IIoiik have caused criticism on the nan
of Home who apjmrMW: did not grasp
tlieir full import. When c.irefullv con
sidered, especially in the light of the
wtueJi Have l?un so Comiiion
Iee ini per imhlWied li'v the in.l,itK
of Colorado college. Coiorado Springs.
It in very neatly gotten up. after the
newspaper style and is very cmtmiblv
"iited. Colorado college has reason
n Iiii4.r.
iii previous yejirs and which must liavo iL ,'. -,."? 4,I!K "' nnwpaper
influeiieeil the faeultv in its deeisim, i!fn,tnn' .hv FiOPrteti welcome addi-
tlie resolutlon.s sewn -perfectly jnw
timely. In eonneetion with the first
reoliition that the maximum credit
for the summer school shall be 1;-'
Hon to college iiewspuperdom ami the
wimiHKnn i)esiiiKs for it. a sueees
ful career.
Have the "Kvans" do your washing.
rjKent College of Law
-Marihall U. Rwell,,LL.D., At D.,Dean.
Three years course leading to degree
of LL. B. Improved methods uniting
theory ami practice. The School of
practice is the leading feature. Eve
ning sessions of ten hours a week for
each class. Students can be self sup
porting while studying. Wo assist
students in securing suitable employ
ment. For catalogue, address
W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary,
018.010 Ashland Block. Chicago.Ill.
Monarch Bicycles
Are recognized tlie world over as representing tiie highest type
of excellence in bicycle construction.... Are now within reach of all
King and Queen Roadsters $25 SM'ISis;;
at thuto prices.
Why look further when machines ol
iea reputation can do nau
Send fur Catalogue
Agents wanted in ox;n torrltpry
Halsted and Fulton Sis., CHICAGO Church and Rcado Sis., NEW YORK