The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 24, 1899, Image 1

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hou. VII. No. 30.
l'uidic C Cunts
Konoral Faculty Abolished and
Many Other Changes of
Importance Made.
The board of regents mot. lust Tuck-
toy ami Wednesday, Iluslncss which
rtill have an Important 'nearing upon
J:)u iniure 01 ine iimit'iuiion was- trans-lotod.
Probably t.ln most thing
iJini was accomplished during tho .lay
iis the abolition of the general lac
n 1 1 x and tho restoration of the imlvor-
si snncito. This senate is for the sake
of unity ml will In' ootiiOKcri of the
iiv lessors who arc tho heads of do-
Wt incuts. The directors of affiliated
schools aiut Hie inspector or accred
ited schools will have privilege ()t
tin lloor to address the meetings. The
province of tihe sotinto will be to ,on-
sider the -policy of the. university and
to govern questions rciuvng To Die loa-
islatlvo work and all the other general
Ipowers that have heretofore been mi
ni iiusieicd oy ine general .lncutiy.
These questions will be subject to the.
approval of 1he regents. hie senate
will go into elTeot at the beginning of
the next school year. Tho move is
probably one of the most. Important has Ihmmi up before, the regents
the past year. I
Another very important move in
luiversltv affairs was taken the for ion of a university eouncil. This
is .in event that involves the entire
educational system of the state. The
council will be composed of the chan
cellor of the university, the deans of
the various schools and colleges, the
heads of the dojartnioiits, the secre
tary of the board of regents, the heads
of colleges and departments' of all 'he
tol logos in the college union of the
state, principals of the accredited high
schools, and the heads of the followiiij-
suite institutions: State normal, deaf
ami dumb asylum, blind asylum.
mIiooI for the feeble minded, industrial
M-hools at Kearney and Geneva; also
tlie governor, the lieutenant governor,
ihe chief justice of the supreme court,
uio sjien-ier 01 uiu nouse, the state su
iierinteaident of nublie instruction
and tJie inspector of high schools. This
council will meet twice each vear.
oJiartor day and at commencement
V proiMisition was recommended
which will be liresonitod at the ne.vt
teyular meeting of the alumni associ
ation, it was a plait to form a nnivcr
mu congregation, which wwild con
sist of the regents and the entire fae
" oi uic insi.nmion all persons
noioing uie title or doctor of philom.
ph.. and all persons who have been
graduates of ihe school for three or
nioiv years. The object will lie to hear
reHrts of the work dome in the meet
ings of the faculty and regent meet-
Jtir during the year and to discuss the
general needs and interests of the in
stitution. It will meet twice a year,
alM. on charter day and at commence
ment time.
I'rf-sides the above changes and sug
gestions, it was decided to form a
hiiard of student delegates, one to he
,elett by eacJi class and permanent
orjMiiization of the institution to rep
ivs' nt the society from which .they are
elected in all matters ihnt must be
hnniaht lefore the university authori
ties, "j'ju. olwlion of these." delegate
's t- lie by ballot, ihe elections Jo be
held once a year and the announce
'nei i of the election of the delegates
to i.,. sent to the chancellor by the sec
Jw.ny of the organization. The office
of iniiwrsily examiner was created, to
jvk tilled j,y a member of the faculty
!' is to rank as a dean.
Ihe chancellor reported iijkoii the
wnwssity of effecting a jwrinuncnt. ir
noiiAitinn in the law school. He
stated thnit at amsis no longer an ex
IM'iiineiit. but had iwssenl the eighth
e;u- if its existence, and tiiat the. ni-Hm-
levelojment 0'llld be greatJy 1111
J'f'Wil by an orgvinizjition. He utg-!v-it(
i faculty to consist of a dean
itii ihreo profcssortK. Desin ltcese was
P'tt :ii the head and will nlo Ik iro-fe-
i- 0f jaw 0f n,i n,1(
pri.jHTty. and Henry II. Wilsir.u to be
1'imI. ssor of common law, C'Jmrles A.
Itol'1 iins to be professor of pleaidingK
n procenliiTie, Joseph It. Welxster to
' professor of equity jurisprudence
wims. named. To curtail cvjkmisos the
rk of criminal law procedure will be
(in.;,inel with the work on criminal
and will Ik assigned to the dean
f Hie depart iiienlt. James IT. Mcln-oi-lp
of Omaha was made a law lectnr-
fur liie ring term in the place of
Judw Miinger, who is unable to ful
fil hi- duties on account of other work.
3 I. Wyer, assistant acting libra ri in.
wo- iromotl lb awting librarian nd
n'is lnndn nMclsinnt irrafpRsor in
i'lihliograiiliy. Kliznbeth It. "Wing was
1'ronioted from assistant in tint library
w assistant llbranian, and Tvellie J.
Complon wis mtulo llrst assistant !n
the library. Moikiu llrooks was made
ptofiisvoor In electrical engineering
from the rank of assistant professor.
Charles M. Keefer wus nutde an assist
tint Instructor In proof reading In the
department of Kttgllsh. I'mfewsor by
( u become assistant director of the ex
periment, station In addition to his
other duties. Mr. Davlsson was made
director of the school of agriculture.
in, noseoe I'ounti was minted an as
sistant professor of comparative juris
prudence In the law school anil In
structor of the same subject in the col
lege ot science, literature and the arts.
Dr. Pound will carry the subeels of
constitutional law, International law
and Hointin law. Miss May Whiting
was promoted from second assistant
to lirst assistant in the Kngllsh llern
tnre. Miss 1,1ml was raised from rank
of eholar to that of assistant (instruc
tor In the same subject. I'. 10. Channels
engineer In the laboratory, was mad"?
assistant, instructor in practical me
chanics. Anna 11a rr was raised from
instructor In the physical training de
partment, to director of the woman's
gymnasium. 11. 11. Ellsworth was
made assistant, superintendent of
buildings and grounds and superln
tent of construction and works of Im
provements. The name of the depart
ment of American history wis
changed to American history and ju
risprudence. ,
lte-jKirts by Mrs. K. P. Wilson, dean
of women, Willard Kimball, director
of the school of music, and Dr. Hoscoe
round, honorary curator of the nut
scum, showed everything to be in per
fect order.
The management of the art school
was rcnsstimcd and hereafter will reg
ulate and collect charges of tuition,
guarantee salaries and make irpronri
ation for the department expenses.
For some time the mniingcmcnt has
been under the control of the Uaydon
art club.
Chancellor Mitcl.can was requester
to ask the war department for a com
mandant of cadets for the coming
school year. Word has been rccived
from Adjutant General Corbin that of
ficers would be detailed for that kind
of duty in the near future.
Concerning degrees "in absentia," it
was decided that the. recommendation
of the faculty would In necessary for
the granting of tho same. After the
next school year, preparatory Cicero,
chemistry and solid geometry will not
be taught owing to the new high
school attendance law which makes
i ne courses unnecessary. Tins re
moves the last trace of the old pre
paratory school.
The office of university examiner
was created anil Dr. J. T. Lees of the
Greek department was apipointed to
till the position. His rank is that or
dean. '
TWO 1) 13 ATI IS.
During the past week two members
of the senior class were visited by a
grave sorrow, .lohn L. Kind and
George K. ltartlett, both prominent in
university circles, mourn the death of
a father. Mr. Kind was called to his
home in Crete nlxtut two weeks ago,
and remained with his father until the
hitter's death last Wednesday. Mr.
ltartlett died Tuesday morning after
a short illness. The State Journal of
Wednesday morning says the follow
ing: "Another of Lincoln's pioneer citi
zens xisscd away yesterday. George
M. ltartlett died at fi:.':0 ' yesterday
morning, aged sixty-eight years. His
condition has lu-en most serious since
last Friday, when he was stricken with
apoplexy, but some hope was at lirst
fe.t for his recovery. No man ever
Mtood higher in the public esteem for
his personal integrity and kindly dis
osi'tion than Mr. ltartlett, and his
loss will be deplored throughout the
community. The funeral service will
be conducted by ltev. Ixnvis Gregory
and ltev. 11 .Manss on Thursday
afternor.a at 2 o'clock nt Mr. ltartlett's
:ate home, I'-JUT G street."
The deepest sympathy prevails
among the students for their class
mate and the families of the deceased.
Resolutions will be drawn up by hc
organizations of which the ioys are
Order in the library, especially in
the west end of the reading room and
hi tJhe bor.k room, is not what it should
be and to better it the co-operation of
every sfudent is expected.
The following rules of the library
board went into efTcot last Saturday
and will 1e strictly enforced:
Fir offense, admonition: second of
fense, tispc4ion from library priv
ileges for one week; third offense.
snspeiiBion from university. Points to
be corrected: Tnlkdng or whispering
at the tablos, in aisles or;
hrliijrintr strangers into rary for a
chat. You are welcome if yru come to
tudv alone. Otherwise please stay
.1. I. WYER. JTL, Librarian.
Washburn College Beaton
In a Hard Fought Gamo
Last Saturday.
'It. was a tlllVoroiit. game Saturday
from that or the week Imfm-c. Victory
wus only certain when I'liss was
'brought In from second by McDer
inott's wtTe hit to center lljld in the
ninth Inning after one man tas out.
The crowd had been In unineasuralile
suspense for several Innings, and the
enthusiasm which had been gradually
neenmulntlng as the lend of the vis
itors wus dually overcome, burst rbrth.
Nothing was too good for the Itoys
after the gallant uphill light. Kxccpt
ing the numerous errors of the Intleld,
everything tended to make It an excel
lent exhibition of the great
sport. On the whole the teams were
evenly matched, Washburn showing
up stranger in the beginning, but fall
ing off in the second half of the game.
ICrrors were very numerous through
out all of the innings, there being
(iltout an even number scored against
cticli team. All except one were made
in the intleld. In that one case Det
wiler of the visitors misjudged tin easy
tly, which resulted rather disastrous
ly. Ilrilliant plays were very scarce.
In the Hfith inning the. university boys
mode ti very pretty double. Some in
dividual playing was also very good.
MeDcrmott at second made some bril
liant stops and in one case made the
neatest slide to second lvase that was
seen in the entire nine innings.
ithon wus in the box lor the home
team, and put up a groat gamo. Had
he. received the proper support at crit
ical times, the score would have been
iiKi'tcnially changed. Cnmpliell, for the
isitors, pitched a good game bothe
ing our boys with his "iiick "delivery.
The crowd was not large, but those
present, did not lack Tor enthusiasm.
Kvery difficult play on either side re
ceived its proper auioumt of approval.
The announcement that ladies wotilu
be admitted five brought forth an un
usually large number of that sex.
The first inning opened bad for the
university. Staid, the lirst man up to
bat for the visitors, sent a warm
grounder to short. which Captain
Ueeder promptly fumbled, allowing
the man to reach first in safety. The
second mini up, Harues, sent another
grounder 'tr. liccder and a second
error uiis scored against the university
captain. This time he recovered him
self in time to catch the man on tirst.
Gephnrt, ihe next man up, s-eiu one to
MeDeriiioit which he aKo fumbled.
Meantime Stahl had completed the cir
cuit, scoring the first run of the game.
Granly also made irst but was left
on the lxisc, as the next two men up
went out easily. In their half the
veivsily accomplished nothiing. Keener
was ghen a base on Iwills. stole second.
Moore singled, sending 1 1 Hitler to
third. Wis struck out. Gordon went
out easily at llrst. tind MeI)tnnow
sent an easy tty to short.
in the second Campbell and i'risby
made vusy outs at first. itacktostoo'
made an easy hit, but on account ot
I'oeder's poor throw to first, he
reached the Ikisc in ,-afety. 'Hie next
uiMii made an out, closing the inning
without any clningc in the score.
In the third the university made one.
Keeder singled, stole second anil came
home on a hit to ltliss. They con
tinued their run getting in the fourth.
McDeuiott sent a nice tly to right,
Kingsbury made a double and Khodes
Uis presented with a base on balls.
Khea scratched and on a wild tJirow
to first to catch him. both Kingsbury
and Khodes en me in. Neither side
i-eored in the fifth. In tiw sixth each
made two. That was the last time the
visitors succeeded in getting a man
across the pktte. On the other hand,
the work of the home team improved
and they gained steadily on their ()
jionents, making two in the seventh
and one in each of the other two fol
lowing innings.
The finish was one of the most excit
ing that has been seen on the home
grounds for some time. The gradual
way in which the home team overcame
the lead of their opponents kept tOic
excitement at fever heat. In Un ninth
the Washburn team went out in one
two three order. In their half the
university boys needed one score to
beat. Uliss was the first man to bat
and made a pretty hit. Gordon struck
out and the loccil sympathizers 'began
to grow restless, but McDormotU the
next batter, relieved the agony by
sending a safe one to center field for
two bases.
'Phe teams- bait
Kwxler, km,,
Moore, e ,
IIIIss, rr
Gordon, lib.,
Mel)crmoiil, ah...
Kingsbury, 'of.,,,
Itolln, If
KIkmIck, lb
Score by inning
i iiivorsn.y ,,
'Washburn ...
od In the following
Wash num.
lb, L. Stahl
e.f, Marie's
lib, Gephnrt
ss, Granly
If. Diwvller
.ce, Stahl
!, (itnpbell
rf, I'Ylsby
...,!ib, Uackensttiee
.0 o i a a i i--ii
i ti :t a it a o ti o-.s
Former Commandant of Ca
dets Shot In tho Philippines.
Servlcos In Chapol.
I'Vlday evening the Dcllnn bovs gave
ii i contest program in chapel, 'it ns
divided into two parts, the llrst Includ
ing songs, recitations and an om.tion.
A quartet composed of A. O. Davis
Charles ,loue, Ralph MeCollutn and C
Osborn, opened the exercises, with a
song. Charles Horner gave a recita
tion ami Charles Jones road a paper n
the "Lemon of the Mamie Mold." An
other male quartet contHscd of II. .1.
I'hooliold, C. F Theobald, I3rnest. Dun
r.wtiy, and 13. l- Warner, gave a selec
tion. II. ,. Theobold closed the tlr.s,
part, with. an oration, ",,ie Angel ot
Mail tie Klold."
'IMte Interesi w. !....! n.i... i
ticipation of a play which had been ar-
niiiyco uy tao ooys ami was pmpci'M
designated "The Evolution of the L. S.
C." People we iv not dlsapointod in
one thing at Iwist. It coiwisiie! of a
"in. ioiui, mug mid minful, or the
whlpptHl our. 'fakinir the oiiiimt ,.
opportune, sexeral members gaw vent
mi an iiiispcuKamc amount of malice,
which has ben smouldering for
mnii (.lis. Nothing was too infamous
too slanderous too disgraceful tu hurl
ai me ihnhIs of those who wvre absent
and those who are. even if they wished
to do so. without a nitithod of publn
rctjiliation. Mcphisto appetirs in the
mi si-one. iNira'iing tlie stage and pro
claiming himself to be the fountain
head of all deviltry committed in the
institution during the past ten vear.s.
Taking up the theme in this train he
railed upon the actions of some mem
bers of the faculty and of the fratern
itnes of the university. No slur was too
heiliMh to east ukii the. heads of their
fellow students who have allied them
selves by choice in a brotherhood thai
is of life long duration, one in which
the principles of good fellowship, go id
citizenship and equality of nuuihood
is pre-eminent. Insult noon insult wi
semt without cause or reason. The
fraternity designated bv them as the
"pivtuiers' frat," reeedved ti bulk . f
the injustice, prOlnthly for the reason
thai they recognized tly superior nit r
itsofn fraternal brofherha..! over than
of a literary society and were wise
enough to profit by their views. Mneh
work ihoy heralded as the watchword
of a fraternity: the only course that
could lie taken without' a condition.
Golf stockings, they considered would
lead ultimately to the downfall of man
kind. Not. content with this, .tiicv be
gan upon our former librarian 13pes,
claiming that Mcphisto had lost an ar
dent helper, when Mr. Ilpes left the
institution. Other wnils too numerous
to mention tilled up the remainder of
the program. It is sufficient to say
that many iir tiw audience left the
room before the exercises were com
pleted being disgusted with the har-ranguo.
I-ist Wednesday there was a mass
meeting in chapel for the purpose of
raising as much of the athletic debt
as was possible, by means of pledges
and subscriptions. In all about SlOO.nii
was raised among those present. It
is uid that no mass meeting for some
years has raised so much when t4iere
was no notice given of Hie purpose f
the affair.
The meeting in charge of Dr.
11. It. Ward. He stated clearly and con
cisely whtit would happen if the stu
dents did not do something in this line
and do it quickly. At "the coIuion
of his remarks lie called ujon Dr. Kos
coe Pound. When Dr. Pound had fin
ished he made a neat gift to the ath
letics o' the institution, saying that
it would do for a starter. ' Rev. Mr.
Luddeu was present and rendered
some valuable assistance in raising
funds. It was said afterwards by some
of those in attendance that the stories
told by rr. Ludden would open the
heart, of the most unwilling of givers.
lihvryone seemed to be perfectly sat
isfied with Hie day's work. Since the
meeting considerable more has bee
raised, so that there is not a great deil
of indebtedness now over the student
lwidy in this respect.
News was received yesterday from
Assistant, Secretary Melkoljohn that Col.
John M. Stotsunlitirg hud been killed in
an engagement itoarQiilngtia, four miles
east of Malolos. Six other Americans
wero killed and over forty wounded.
Vury tneagre ditlalls were given, It being
only known that Col. Stotsonbnrg guvo
tip his life while loading a charge, against
the ntUlves.
Col. John Miller Stotsonburff of the
Flrat Nebraska, who held tha rank of
captain In tho regular army, killed In
tho reconnolsiuico at Quenffua, was
born In Indiana November 24, 1858, and
was appointed a cadet at tho military
academy In July 1877, and graduated
number forty-one In his class. He
was appointed second lieutenant of the
Sixth cavalry In 1881 and became n
captain December 14, 1898. Ho served
with his reclmont in Arizona and New
Mexico from 1887 to 1890, at th close
of tho latter year partlolpatlnsr In the
aioux. campaign in tho action at
"Wounded Knee, South Dakota. He
was at Tort Niobrara from 1891 to 1894
and then served for a few months at
Fort Meyer, near Washington, going
thence to the Infantry and cavalry
school at Fort Leavenworth, Kas.
where he was graduated with dis
tinguished honors. Colonel Stotscn
burg then served with his regiment at
Leavenworth, Kas., until December,
1897, and from that time to the follow
ing April was professor of military
science and tactics at the university ol
Nebraska. He was mustered In as
major of the Flrat Nebraska infantry
May 9 last and as colonel of the sam?
regiment November 10, 1SDS. Ho
."jalled'tlth his . regiment for .Manila
June 15. '
He was a strict disciplinarian, and
the raw recruits he had to break in
during the early months of his com
mand of the Flrat Nebraska resented
hla methods so bitterly that they pro
cured the passage of a resolution of
censure through the Nebraska legisla
ture. Once they began actual warfare
the merits of his course liecame so ap
parent that In response to a very
strong demand from the people of the
Btato and the soldiers themselves the
resolution of censure by a formal vote
was expunged from the legls.atlve rec
ords. The First Nebraska went to Manila
in command of Colonel Bratt, and un
der his command took part In tho
j operations south ot Manila against
Malate fort and the attack and capture
of Manila on August 13. In the selec
tion of officers for civic positions In the
organization Lieutenant Colonel Colton
of the First Nebraska, was made dep
uty collector of the port. Later Colonel
Bratt becatne ill and was condemned
by a medical board. General Otis or
dered htm home, and then, as he did
Professor H. D. Ward has been elect
ed assistant editor of the American
Have the "Evans" do your washing.
not care to take Colton out of the cus
tom house, where he was doing excel
lent work, decided to select some other
officer for the command of the regi
ment. Choice fell upon Stotsenburg of
the Sixth cavalry and he was named.
At first there was strong opposition
from within the command, many of the
other officers thinking that those in
regular line should be promoted, but
that was soon overcome. Colonel Stots
onburg endeared himself to every of
ficer and man In the regiment and
brought the command to a high stato
of efficiency.
News of the death of Colonel Stots
enburg was conveyed to Chancellor
MacL.ean of the .tate university soon
after It reached The Journal office. He
expressed the greatest sorrow, and said
that he would continue to hope that
soma mistake had been made. Last
night when the news was fully confirm
ed he spoke with much feeling of Col.
Stotsenburg, and said that the univer
sity would hold a special chapel serv
ice In his memory at 10 o'clock this
morning, and would cause appropriate
orders to be read to tho cadets at the
afternoon drill hour.
(Coutinued on page two.