THE NEBRASKA!?. A Wcctoly Newspaper Issued 12vory (Monday Noon by the University l'uhliMilittt Association. Knturod us Second (JlnHH Mull Matter. (Jcorgo L 'l'owno Managing Kdllor M. 1. Stewart Kdltor-lii-Chiof ASriOClATKS: NI!V8. J. 'J'. Sumiiur KflBiir Clark. Clinton Burr. I.OOAI.. C'liuulo Heed. (Irani Mac Milliin. Adolloyd Wlilllni'. Ilclun Woods. Bunion Dalos Alnnin Tlie Ncbratilan will he ficrot lo any ddTcsn upon receipt, of t ho mibHorip tlon price, which Ih one dollnr n year. CoutriDUi.ons are fcollcltcd from all. N?w items biicIi as locals, personals, reports of nioetlngs, etc., are especial ly dchirud. 'Lflie Nebnudutn will be glnd to print any contribution rela tive to a general university Biibject, but the name must accompany all mich. AMre&s all communication to the Nebrnsknn, University of Inc braoka. Spring lias comic and in spite of the rnvliifrs of sonic wild-eyed fanatics, wheel enthusiasts will don their golf suits and make the usual delightful country runs. There arc some ,you know, who always live n liundcr years behind the times. Do not. vxp'ct these to be reconciled to modern and sen sible ways. The only thing the university ha to regret of the recent, intercollegiate oratorical contest. Is the exceedingly low mark which her representative re ceived from the judges on manuscript. The N'cbrnxknn suggests that the manuscript needs strengthening bo fore. Mr. Talbot's chance of winning for the university in the Interstate con test. Is hazarded. In delivery the uni versity will have a tower of strength, but perfection cannot be too nearly reached hi either. Nebraska wnnrts fust place in the coming contest. For next Saturday, April 22, a base ball game with Washburn college, To peka, Kas., is announced, and for the following Wednesday a game with Mis souri State University. Here is an op portunity to see two good games of base ball on the home grounds and at the Kami1 time let the players know that the students are interested in the team and anxious to see it win. The success of the team will depend as much upon the reception given on the home grounds as upon the captain and the players. Go out and root for the team even if you have to lay aside some lesson for the moment. When you are on the grounds do noft lie afraid of your voice; use u ns treely as you would during a foot ball game with Kansas. The rules adopted by the athletic club for the election of the student members for the coming yeov arc pub lished in the Xebrnslvan's news col umns. In the election, which, accord ing to those rules, takes place May 10. every student should take an active interest. The success or failure of ith letics during the coming year depends largely upon the character of the men elected. The character of the men elected will depend largely upon tho interest taken by the stu dent, body. Every student should consider it his duty to see that representative men becomo can didates before April 2,", and that good men only are elected. Then it. should be equally everyone's duty to support the board when elected, in spite of any previous difference. A board elected according to the rules adopted, .vill necessarily represent, the majority of the student body and no one hereafter can have any valid excuse for not put ting a shoulder to the wheel and push ing for the university's representa tives, no matter on what they may be. Now is the time to be ac tive, after the election the board will expect and deserve the undivided sup port, of the whole university. ADDITIONS TN ZOOLOGY. The department of zoology has just received a collection of a little over on.1 hundred specimens from the carbonif erous region of Kansas, These have been added to the collections of the Hon. Charles II. Morrill by Mr. T. "W. Allen of Kansas City, in' return for specimens recently sent to him by the Stnte University. This department has also received from the state musc-im an important contribution from the state board of agriculture In the way of nboii't sixty oak cases and a large amount of imported glassware in the way of exhibition! bottles of all sizes and shapes. These will be cared for now by the curator of the stale mu seum. The eases have already been filled with soils, grains, wools, etc., or the Mate, and with a line display of dried fruit, representing that Industry hi the United States prepared and do nated to the University of Nebraska by the general government. This beauti fully prepared collection of trulls rp rcscnU the products of all the states, tills eight cases and makes an import ant addition to (he agricultural collec tions of the state museum. ATIlhlvTIC NOTIiS. The pentathlon tca.m accepted the M. C. A. Invitation ro dinner and Mippei S iturdaj. Saturday afternoon Dr. Hastings, secretary of the district A. A. A, 1 K., will organize a physical education so ciety in Omaha, whose members will begin investigating the growth of Om aha children May I. Dr. Hastings and his brother visit ed Donne college April s, and exam ined eighteen candidates for their iraek team. Donne's prospects for i.hc slate Intercollegiate meet are good. The, are depending upon Kl slier to break the slate record for the high jump, now held by Plllsbury. The Nebraska stale Interseholnstle athletic association Is perfecting ar rangements with President Berry of the Iowa association lor an interstate meet. This would give Nebraska high school athletics a much needed stim ulus. W. M. I'ryce will coach the track team ol Nebraska Wesleyan univer sity tills spring, and 12. I-. Hastings has been seeure'd to train the candi dates hi endurance. Several of the new men are allowing up exceptionally well In the dlll'crcni truck and Held events. ('. ('. Morison, a new man, Is showing good form in the nigh jump. A. Spurk is doing good work with the shot and It. ('. Wallace Is making rapid progress in the discus throw. An important meeting of candidates for the track team will be held in Hie gymnasium Tuesday eveniing at 7:30 to discuss matters of interest. A spe cial vote of all candidates Is required. The university of Kansas will send a track team of six men to compete with our track team In Lincoln May 0. At the viinic time the Kansas base ball team will play the university team for the OWInhoney cup. WOMAN. Woman, woman, winsome woinanl Tell us are you saint or human, Or a toy Beelzebub ihas sent us from afar? We've thought about you, sighed about you, Stayed up nights and lied about you, puzzle that you are. .lust when, we dream we've got you Figured out, as like as not you Leave1 us topsy-turvy, guessing what to say or do; Now we hate yon, then caress you, Now berate you, then we bless u, But our lives are stale unless you keep us In a stew. Some there are who really yo, Some who long to woe and wed you, Sonic would banish you forever to a distant hind; Artists paint you, poets verse yon, Bishops saint you, cynics curse yon, But "for better or for worse" you still arc in demand. There are time you sadly vex us, Puzzle, plague us and preplex us, Till we wish you were in Texas, very far away; But, although we sadly doubt yon, You've such winsome ways about you We can never do without you, so we let you stay. Have the "Evans" do your washing. VJCTOlt BICYCLES. Victor bicycles the cheap, but. lot low priced. The Victor home is the Iwst bicy cle factory in the world, devoted en tirely to the production of highest grade wheels; every effort concentrat ed on one single model. The Ml!) model is the latest and best of all that is available to the cycle maker. Of all things a bicycle must not waste power. It must have the simplest and bent means of converting the rider's strcng-th into carrying capacity. The Mi!) Victor is such a bicycle. It is a common talk in the trade that when a safety bicycle is several years old it is a Victor. The '0!) Victor is made on the gener al lines of our '08 Track Racer, Model 41, which machine was never sold lor less than $100. For sale by II. E. Sidles Thirtenth and O streets. Have the "Kvans" do your washing. Dr. Leonhardt's ANTI-PILL Cures Nervous llh Constipation. Dllllousness. Novvous Ills ana Pill Habit Action not followed bv costlvoress Doubt lt Trv It. Samples free DruBRlsts. S5o. or m dress Anti-Pill CV, Uncoln, Neb. Pre Advlnry Dept. for Patroni. onnnn nEDiau J0LLEGE Cours 28 Weoiis. Foes $65.00. Otters great inducements to stu dents of medicine in the west. Methods of instruction most satis factory. Clinics in both surgery and medi cine held in the following hospitals in this city: County, Methodist, Child's, Iminanuel and Presbyterian hospitals weekly, Catalogue sent and questions an Mvercd by 15. W. CHASE, Omaha, Nebr., Continental block. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY WOMAN'S MEDICAL SCHOOL 333-339 S. Lincoln Slrool, CHICAGO Oppoilte Cook County Itospltnl. Pour Ytnrt Graded Courts. llcKlnnlim with .Inly I. IMMi. Dio cottrMi ior tho ynir will ho divided Into four terms or twelve weeks each. Atlotuliiiiro trnrn Mmlonts in the rcitiiiiirrourHQ Is required ilurlriK ilireo torms In nich of tho four yours. Tho fourth tonn Is (lll0lllll. Tho fees are fHXMX) for ciich year, iinynltle In iidvikiico. Tho number of reioilur students Is limited to oiivliiindred. twomy-llvo In eiieh eliiss. IMneo In cIiinn Is obtained by compolUlvo oxnmlnii tlon nftur huvliik' eomiilled with the r.-iiulro-mo its of tho State Hoard of Health or Illinois- Kxecpllotiikl laboratory nd vnntnues tire offered to touchers, mid superior clinical (iuiiIIMom uru offered to finlor medical students and itrndu u I o.s In lucdlclnndurinu the summer term. l'or further Information, address DR. JOHN RIDLON, 103 STATE ST., CHICAQO. Creighton Medical College. Cor. 14th and Davonport Sis., Omaha, Nob. Next session begins September 21 1S99. A lour years course was adopted by this school six years ago, it being one of the first schools In the west to adopt a higher standard of medical education. The course consists of four terms, seven months each. The college building is new and up to date, having been completed only two years ago. The building itselt is large and commodious having large roomy lab oratories for work In Physiology, His trology, Pathology and Bacteriology all furnished with the most modern equip ment. The Anatomical rooms are large and are supplied with all of the newest conveniences, among other things being a cold storage room lor the preservation of anatomical material, thus insurving fresh subjects for dissecting and anatomical work at all times of the year. The lec ture rooms are spacious, well lighted and ventilated, and are seated with comfort able opera chairs. This school has the exclusive use of the St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, the St. Joe hospital being the only large hos pital In the city. The county hospital al so furnishes clinics for the benefit of stu dents of this school, For further Inform i tion, address D.C. BRYANT, MD secretary , McCague Bid's;, Omaha Neb. Harvard University MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, BOSTON, MASS. 116th Annual Announcement (1898-99). In and after June, 1001, candidates for admission must presont a degree in Arts. Liternturo, Philosophy, Science or Medicine, from a rccoglnizcd college or ficiontilio school, with tho exception of such persons, of suitable ago and attain ment, as may bo admitted by special voto of tno l-acuity taken in each case. For detailed information concerning courses of instruction, or catalogue, address Dk. Wm. L. 1UCHAHDSON, Dean. Harvard Medical School, Doston, Mass. Kent College of Law Marshall D. Rwcll, LL. O., M. D., Dean. Threo years course leading to dogreo of LL. B. Improved 'methods uniting theory and practice. The School of practice is the leading feature, live ning sessions of ton hours a week for cacli class. Students can be self sup porting while studying. Wo assist studonts in securing suitable employ ment. For catalogue, address W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary, 018-010 Ashland Block, Chicago.Ill. The University of School S H INTER fitted than ever before to give artistic intruction .. I in Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all other princi pal brandies of Music. Students will receive full information by applying at the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at any time. TUITION 15 THE LOWEST C0M5IJTErrr WITH SOUNb IN5TRUQTION Third Torm Begins Monday, April 10. WILLARD KIMBALL. Director. DDN'T FDRBET Your EASTER HAT. We are showing a fresh new line, also GEMS in Neckwear - - - - - E D. L rniHE CLGTHinG STORE 1 2 17 O Street. POPULAR MOSIC AT ONE-HALF PRICE Copies of the Paintings of the old masters at 25 cents each. All kinds of Musical Instruments, Picture Frames, Etc. Music and Picture Department HERP01SHEIMER & CO., 12th and N Sts., Lincoln Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. Turpin's School of Dancng. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladles' and gentlemen'sclass, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings. Tho Academy offers advantage for cotillion clubs, privato parties, etc. Is newly furnished and decorated. Will bo rented at reasonable rates. For further information address, New Claasei (or Children and Al RFRT TMPPIN U32 H Strret. Adults now formli g. HUDr.rl 1 UIrin, Lincoln. Neb, IT IS THE "STYLE" And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That make them famous. All on ground floor. 226 So. 1 1th St Ride Wittmann Bicycles if .If dffffrtivA nnrfc Bicycles we will replace free and pay all trans portation charges. ? H. WITTMANN Hi Rfl.. because they have a reliable guarantee Nebraska of Music WE HAVE ALL... NEW SPRING STYLES In the Best $3.00 and $3.50 Shoe on Earth. WEBSTER & ROGERS 1043 O STREET. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Examine tho Policy of tho Now England Mutual. Tho Values aro as definite as those endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. G. W. NOBJLB, Mgr., Phone 328 104" o street nrA fniinH In Witrmnnn m-, r Smith mth Street by a reliable firm. p 1 . I, wm