The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 10, 1899, Image 3

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l)iii'e,,, ficliool of music b'jirlna
hijh meeting tlilM evening nt f
frgu of luw, fourth torm begins
TtiUiy. "
ih .SklniHM nt On
vcr theater in
l.i'Hka tit tho Oliver In ".Mm-both"
'llrmltiy evening.
A'guliir meeting of literary soulo
i l-rldny evening.
latin colloquium Tne.sduv evening at
ploek, main bullillng.
J)eliiin literary soclot.v boys' contest
fogriini, Friday evening.
I'oivshlng Itllle drill In nrniorv Tlnirs
piy evening at usual hour.
Morrill memorial service in eiinpel
iniii.v in regular mil pel Hour,
i wini puny i uesiuiy evening by .Miss
f.Mtillory and Paul Fitzgerald.
Informal danolng party by Tiirplu,
Courier Hall, Friday evening.
Dual pentathlon meet with Omaha
V. M. ('. A. at Omaha Saturday even
ing. Mlw Cunningham and Miss Dougltis
eu'tertaiu Friday and Saturday even
ings. Postponed meeting of athletic .i.mpI
Tuesday evening, 7:110 in ar
mory. I'HKSONAb.
E. 1). Ilaughard or Crete was In Lin
coln last week.
Mrs. .laynes of Omaha was in bin
coin last Wednesday.
Miss llagey. 'OS visited friends nt
the I'niv rily Wednesday.
Miss Walker, 'Its, Is spending .1
week's neat Ion in the city.
Chancellor Macl.ean returned from
Chicago Wednesday evening.
Miss Sedgwick and Karl Williams of
York were in Lincoln last week.
Miss Vail of Omaha visited iN'ellie La
Selle last. Wednesday and Thursday.
ill. II. Kansoni and Mr. Mercer were
pledged to lleta Theta l'i last week.
.John Hustle has leturncd frm a
successful hunting trip on the IMatte.
Mis Melleiir.v of Deuuison, I.i will
be the gust of Miss Morgan next week.
MNm Minnie Eckel of .St. Joseph will
be the guest, of Ellen Douglas nest
Ernest Wiggenhorn and Carl Fricke
attended the Phi Psi convention last
Mr. Kimball, '90, an attorney nt
Wayne, visited his fraternity brothers
last weelt.
T. W. Kcnogy, a former university
student, renewed old nequainlnncs
last weelt.
Jessie llelle Ionising came down
from PlattKinouth to attend the Phi
Psi cotillion.
Miss Fanny Cole has returned from
l)es Moines, where she spent hnv
spring vneation. i
Professor E. H. Harbour has been
eleefed a fellow of the American asso
eiatlon for the Advancement, of Sci
ence. Captain Cliilde of the Iteloit foot
ball team and manager of the base ball
team wn a delegate to the Phi Psi
convention. i
Jesse Cleland was in Iowa City last
week ax a delegate fmni Nebraska Al
pha of Delta Tail Delta to the provin
vial convention.
Word has Ih-cii received that the in
jury received by Pert ltobbius in -t
vecent engagement at Manila, is but a
slight sculp wound.
Lind Robinson of Omaha has re
ceived an appointment to West Point
and will take examinations for that
place in the near future.
The Misses Edna and Mertie lloo
inson and the Misses Lehmer chaper
oned bv Mrs. Charles Engle of Omn
ha attended the Phi Psi last
H. H. Alexander, '07, who holds a fel
lowship in philosophy in the Universi
ty of Pennsylvania, is visiting univer
sity friends while recuperating from a
severe attack of typhoid fever.
Professor F. W. Taylor returned
Tuesday from Washington and Roch
ester. Y., having attended the annu
al convention of the United States su
per! irtendents of fanners' institutes,
nt the latter place. '
Have tlie "Evans" do your washing.
Schmitt'jl's lunch room, 131 So. llth
Go to Don's Cafe, South llth. Open
See our widows. Foot-Form store.
1213 O street.
C. 13. Rlggs, Dentist, 141 South 12th
St., op. Keystone grocery.
The Gardner Tailoring Co. report the
sale of spring suits immense.
Cameron's Lunch Room, 118 South
Eleventh. Open day and night.
Dr. L. P. Dnvls.dontlflt, Walsh-Putnam
block, corner Eleventh and O street.
Dr. V., J. Anprle, practice limited to
Bhin mud urinary diseases, 1400 O nt.
Chancellor MacLcan gave an Inter
esting 1olk in chapel on his visit to
Chicago University.
rml Deiwee.-e anil Frank Leihiner
shot about sixty duelts while shooting
on the Platte last weelt.
Call and sue our new stock of elec
tric fixtures. Korsmeycr Plumbing &
Heating company, SIC South 11th st.
New line stamped University pupur,
Crane's bond In tablet form, 200 sheets
for Hi cents, at Umlvcrsity Hook Store,
Miss Mullory and Paul W. Fitter
aid have Issued Invitations for a card
party to be given Tuesday evening at
Mount Emerald.
The class in electro-metallurgy rc
eeiiitly visited the eleetrotyplug and
stereotyping department of the .Ne
braska Slate Journal.
II. Hudson, Jack Summer, Fred Cits
eadeii and Claude Weed furnished mu
sic at the college settlement entertain
ment given Saturday evening.
The slate board of agriculture has
turned over to the curator of the state
museum all eases, glassware, etc., be
longing to that organization.
Durlntf the Faster recess I,io.Vhrcu
Itrooks and Instructor Kvnns men!, n '
day al Madison Inspecting the labor-1
atories of tit. University of Wisconsin.!
Fourteen mbers or the Hlalr high'
school visited the university Friday
and Saturday. W. K. Fowler,' superin
tendent of the Hlalr city schools, chap-1
crimen ine puny.
Until further notice every Monday
will be bargain day for llowcrs and
Thursday special ribbon sale. Don't
miss this op)ortunity. Mrs. Luke, 1.10
South 12th stieet.
The labiiraitiiry of the electrical en
gineering di-purtiucut has just re
ceived a portable phatoineter for meas
uring the power of incandescent,
lamps. i
Last week Professor Hroolts ad
dressed the students of the engineer
ing department of the University of
.Minnesota at Minneapolis upon "lOngi
nieerlnw and Fiuamee."
The Dellan boys' debating club field
a debate with the Everett society in
the chapel of Wesleyan university' Fri
day evening. The question discussed
was "Resolved, that the'Unlted States
should establish a protectorate jver
over the Philippine islands until they
are capable of self government."
The annual V. M. ('. A. election was
held last week. The ollicers eleeVd
were: President, J. J. King; vice
president, (1. .1. Marsh: correspond
ing secretary, J. E. Iloyle; recording
secretary, .Samuel Anderson; treasur
er, C. .1. Allen. A full report of the
work done by the committee was given
by the chairman of each committee.
The department of geology has
just received a collection of a little
over 100 specimens from the Carbon
iferous of Kansas. These have boon
contributed to the collection of the
Hon. Chales II. Morrill by Mr. T. W.
Allen of Kansas City in return for spe
cimens recently sent to him bv the
State University.
F. W. Taylor, superintendent of th?
fanners' institutes, who has been at
tending the annual meeting of the
American r- relation of fanners' in
stitute managers, held in Rochester,
X. Y., returned a few days ago. Mr.
Taylor is secretary of this society and
presented a paper upon the work of
the association.
The mathematical seminar met Fri
day evening at 7:.10 o'clock in U. 111.
R. E. Moritz read a paper concerning
generating functions for the evolu
t'on of certain indeterminate form'',
(enrge 11. Morse gave a forty minute
paper on the investigation of the sim
ple ball goxernor. Carl E. Enherg dis
cussed the characteristics of evolutes,
and R. K. Moritz gave a paper for the
fundamental theoruin In the theory of
Dr. llasting.s visited Oinulia .Monday
in the intere.sts of the dual pentathlon
with the Omaha V. .M. C. A. and the
Anierieiin association for the idvnnee
meut of physical education.
The Omaha hoard of education,
through the efforts of Superintendent
I'carsc, have made an appropriation
for the nevssirtv nnMiro'poiiic'tric in
struments to examine Iwrween .M,r,0Q
and 25,000 school children. This ex
amination will he lihc the one oihIiic.:
ed in I.ieoln last spring and from the
figures obtained, Dr. Hastings will be
able to conrpnrc the physique of Ne
braska children with those of other
tates. statistics will be pre
sented by Dr. Hustings to the national
educational association at Los An
geles. Cail.. next July.
The pentathlon with Omaha will be
held April 15 in their gymnasium and
the trophy is a handsome silver plate,
twelve inches in diameter, and en
graved with the name of the winning
A rat! of $2.20. to Omaha md re
turn for tho pentathlon has been se
cured, providing ten men can be se
cured1 to go,
Toynter has withdrawn from the
pentathlon team on account of illnes-j,
and I'earse, fifth nun in the latti pen
tathlon, will take his place.
Of the forty men In the athletic
claws, t.wonty-slx have decided upon
their resH'e.tive Held day events. There
is enough material to form two track
teams, each equal to any of the track
teams of former yivtrs.
'Hie Omaha Y. M. C. A. ha three
men who vaulted over 9 feet, nnd three
who jumped S fet, In their prelinu-n.-irv
niMitnflilnn Sa.turdnv pvenliiiT.
'Arrangements aTe nearly completed !
lor Ji ouai uiuiciic iiicui iviwi ohlic
University of Town nt Town City May
10. Tcn'men decided by the local
field day. May 13, will constitute our
Lincoln, nkii.
Ur.uhmte of Ohio Colli no Diintul Surnury.
Onico. Alexander block. Rooms mi and .')
Tolt'uhoni'M sw mid SPH.
Hooum K tiiu.O 10. lii 'IKmiiu liuilOliiK
13(1 South lltli hiruul.
Hooiiim W. Wiuitl I, llrowaull IIIU. Pliono MO.
DR. J. L. McNAY,
Teeth Kxtrmtuu wlthoul Pain.
Onice: Cor. llth and OKtx.
Lliu'oln, Nebraska
Onico: IO-.'5 O Street, Over Kltrgcrnld's. Tel. 410
Hosldenco: 1 735 Kuclld Avo. Tul.RM.
Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. 3 to ft p.m.
S ecliiltles: Diseases of Stomach it ml Klilncy.
Rooms 07'H.
Hurrlllock. . . Lincoln, Nob
Oil. G. W. CLUTTElt AN
H. A. SHANNON, 1). O. S.
Dentists . .
Dr. Sluuinon Is a Kruiluate of tho CIiIciiko
Rolk'KC of Dental Surgery.
Ornur. li:w o St.. Lincoln, sr.w.
Tolcphone OW.. I. o. Hox 051.
Private Hospital
603 South llth street
Special attention to iUmmim-n of women. Kv
cry convenlenco for t-utidcal cases.
Oitk;k Houns: onico, Zchrtim: Illock.
0 to 10 a.m. N.W.CornurN&iathSts.
VI to 12:3(1 mill S to A v. M. Resldci cc.
KventnKs li.v Appomtmont, 1313 c Street
Snndavs, 1J to I e. m and
tiy Appointment. Tklkphones:
Ofllco. 0IH. llcsldencc. 017
Onico H3rtOhtrcet.
Onico Telephone 4-.U
Hesldcnco Telephone -I'.M.
Lincoln, Neb
M. 13. KETCH UM, M. D., Piiah. D.
Prof. Ophthalmology. Otology and
Lincoln jMedii'iil College,
Offers a thorniich. prlvnte tourho In refraction.
Spuctacle.s lit ted.
Onico. i-'OSo. llthst. Hours, ti to 12:30-2 to 6
Hesldcnco 1310 (J street., Tel. 242.
Onice, 1223 q street, Kooms 17 and 18,
Over Mlllur & I'nlne's. Tel. i35
Practice llmlnd to
Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat,
1025 O street.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Kino Watch Kcpnlrlrc
Scientific Refracting Optician
1300 O Street. Lincoln, Neb.
docs not prevent our being a
warm proposition when it
conies to . . .
BOOI aod
Got our estimate on your next printing
of whatever description. No chenp
John work, but tho best at reasonable
hunter mmnm go.
Copyright, 1899
liy Hart, Schaffner & Marx
1013 to 1019
The Original and Best
A Ribbon Season Such as we
Have Never Known.
before is what we are preparing for.
A variety of beautiful styles such as
has never previously been placed on
our counters is what we offer you.
High novelties in widths from No.
40 to 60 j prices 25e to $1.00 for hat
trimmings, belts, sashes and ties.
Among these are shaded stripes, om
bor stripes, pompadour stripes, Roman
stripes, broken stripes, plain stripes,
and hair line stripes; some tnffeta and
other satin ami tnffetn; plaids in
plain and broken styles of the
brightest colors; Dresdens -witlh or
without satin stripes and with or
witihout fancy edges, with drawing
cords for shirring. We have the same
widths as the above In plain colors,
stripes, plnids and Dresdens.
Nnrrow widths for trimmings and
collars with drawing cords for shir
ring in plain colors, stripes, check,
plnids, and Dresdens; some with and
others without fancy edges, 7c to 20c
a yard.
Tf you want the very latest we invite
you to come.
To step into our store
for a few minutes and
look over our new styles of
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
suits. They are acknow
ledged to be the finest
clothes made in this coun
try. It will certainly pay
you to see them and get
our prices before you
decide what to wear this
Clarkson Laundry Co.
We have talked often and long
about Ladles' Ready-to-wear Suits
because we have unlimited confi
dence in what we offer in that line.
As we have said before they are
made by
reliable and competent tailors of new
and fashionable materials in the most
approved styles of the senson and,
best of all, pricen are n.oderate. We
have well made stylish suits as low
as $0.50; some special values at $0.00
to $12.00 and others up to $27.00. We
are almost sure to please you In style,
fit and price. A good time to buy is
while the assortment is ait its best.
Ladies' spring jackets of stylidh
cloths and correct shapes, fine si.K or
satin linings, tailor made. Prices,
$5.00, $0.00, $7.50, $850, $9.00, $10.00,
$11.00, $13.50, $15.00, and $17.00.
Ladies' dress skirts in latest shapes;
novelty cloths, plain cloths, brocades,
nioholr, etc., at prices astonishingly