The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 03, 1899, Image 2

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A WcWy Newspaper Issued Every
Monday Noon by the University
Publishing Association.
Kntvrod Second Class Mail Matter.
(looi-jro li. Townu Managing Editor
M. 1. Stewart Klltir-inChlf
J. T. Sumner Kdgar Clark.
Clinton Harr.
Claude Hoed. Oraco MacMlllau.
Ada Whltlnu. llolon Woods.
ganu'.s haw boon nind but not one
word Iiiih boon said iilxtut. the cup.
Naturally nioit'linntw will not fool like
support Ini? athletics oiitliu.sInHtienlly
when so lit tit' appnvlatlon is show-i.
Capntln ltoodor and Muungi'r Bll.
should koo It that the necessary ar
rangements are inado for this compe
tition at ouoo.
Tin' Dual debutes to oliooso tbo Uni
versity's roprosontatlvo.s for the con
toslH with Mlwonrl, Kansas and Colo
rado are to bo held Tuesday and Weil-ncj-day
nights of this week. These are
important contests, In which the Unl
er.slly'.s best sixteen debaters are to
fake part and In which eaeh of these
sKteen will presumably do hi very
best. Every student who ean should
a'tteml, If fin" no other purpose but to
encourage those who are spending
their time and energy that the Uni
versity may be eredably represented.
Denton Dales Aliimu
The Nebraskan will bo sent to any
address upon receipt of the Rtibsurip
tlon prlt'e. which Is one dollnr u year.
Contributions are solicited from nil.
News items such ns locals, personals,
reports of meetings, etc., are especial
ly desired. The N'ebmsknn will be
glad to print any contribution rela
tive to 11 general university subject,
but the name must accompany all
Address all communication to tl'ti
Nebrnskan, University of Ac-braska.
It is much desired that a large num
ber go to Omaha Friday night to at
tend the state oratorical contest. Four
colleges will compete, the winner of
the contest to represent Nebraska in
the interstate. The State University
has represented the stato for a number
of years and this year is to be no ex
ception to tho rule, we hope. Kxory
one who can possibly do so, should go
to Omnhn to cheer for the old Univer
sity, to sinjj her songs, and give hr
Spring has come, and with it should
conic activity in spring1 sons. liase
Ivall for the University will be well
taken care of by Captain Koctlcr tml
his men. There is no lvason. hovv
exer, why xxe should not. have a series
of interclass, intersociety and inter
fraternity games. It is time for lihe
Ikisc Kill enthusiasts in the various or
ganizations to get the promising nia
tcrial out ami lo issue thir t'hal
"enge.s.. Why not haxe the class cham
pionship scries started at once.
NI-5W Y. M. C. A. HUlhl)IN.
One of the (.-outers of ae'tivltlea In
student life In the iJnlxersltv of Iowa
Is the Y. M. C. A. building which Is
located just outside the campus. It
is a modern building in every respect
and wm built, to meet the needs of
student, life. The large auditorium is
used for all the gatherings, in fact, it
is the only one of any consequence
Tn the university. The association nl-
xxiitxs throxxs the doors oien to ath
letic loards, literary societies, frater
nities and other kindred organiza
tions. The association occupies the po
sition there that it can and ought in
all universities. It is an organization
of all men regardless of tiieir other af
filiations. It brings men more in con
tact xvith all the other young' men of
the university nnd destroys much of
the bitter strife which is injurious in
student life.
A greait sorrow came to the Univer
sity last week with the news of the
death at Manila of donas II. Lien, lieu
tenant and adjutant in the First Soutn
Dakota volunteers, donas Iicn grad
uated xxith the class 'tlb and was
known throughout the University as
one of the most promising men tiiat
had graduated in many years. He ax i
popular with loth professor and stu
dents and was alwajs known ns a lead
er among bis fellows. The universal
sentiment xxas expressed by one of ttie
professors When he said that Lien was
worth more tiian all the Philippines.
The University mourn for one wlio
gave great promise of a brilliant fu
ture, who had always been steadfast
in his friendships, and faithful to ev
ery duty. He lias laid down his life
in the service of his country, but lie
will Ik- long remembered by till xvho
knew him, because of his many ster
ling qualities.
Since actual lighting1 lM'gan in the
l'hilipplnus, CoTonel Stotsenburg's
real worth as a commander and disci
pliuiirhiu is being recognized by ev
cry one. The University litis till along
had complete confidence in his nbil
itj and noxv it feels proud of the dush
mid bnixcry of the regiment of xvhich
lie lias cominaud and in which are so
ny University men as ollicers mid
(lier. The injustiee done to Col
onel Stotsenilnirg by tliose xvho did not
understmiwl the rem sltualion, and
could not sec the necessity for pre
paration in advance of battle is now
fully apparent to every one. The Ne
brasknn nuggeitt that it xvould be
most fitting for a mat, meeting of Jie
students to express formally tlie unan
imous, confidence of the Unixersity in
Colonel Stotsenburg mid its pride and
ftiltli in the regiment. This would
make amend in jmrt at least for the
mistaken resolutions of the Nebraska
legislature and will show tHie regiment
the reul wntlment of the wtmtc.
The 'Iwis-e ball management, both of
last yoar and this year hnxe Mliown
theanselve deserving of some severe
criticism. At the beginning of iiw
scubon lHt year, llurpol she! trier A- Co.
offered a spledid cup, xalu-d nt fifty
dollars, which ax-sis to be competed for
bv tiie teams of tlie interwttiie league,
'j'he jiinimgenient iwgleetcd to maxc
any arrangement, at all for the com
jiofiiion. but promihed that like neg
lect fdiould not lie shown this year.
The arrangements wwe to In made
and submitted to IJerpolsheimer & Co.
for approxal. The season ii noxx xvcll
adan-eil md at 1 nigcnients for 'te
HtMiicellor mid Mr. 'n'-IA'll enter
tttincd tlie hotid of tlie dttrtiiK'ii
nnd their xx-ivet. at 111 informal ICoif
litsli tea t thiilr reideuee Welneflay
ttftoroou from 5 to 6 o'clock io moel
tiie Itev. Dr. John Wton uh1 xx-ife and
Mr. I'ond. Dr. Wton, Mm. Wnioti
and Mrs. I'ond wer alo eirterUiinH
at dinner the Mine ex-eiliig.
Course 2S Weeics.
Fees $G6.00.
Olfcrs great inducements to stu
dents of medicine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by Iv W. CI I ASK, Omaha,
Nebr., Continental block.
333-339 S. Lincoln Street, CHICAGO
Opposite Conk County Hospital.
Pour Years draileil Courae.
Itoirliinlnif xxltli July t. I8P9. tlie coxme tor the
yinr will lie illvlileil Into four terms of ixxclx-o
x celts each Aitcniliiiu-o from students In the
rcitu nr Is required durlni! three terms
Inraeliof the rour years. The fourth term Is
The fees are $100.1X1 for each xenr. nnynhlc In
The number of retjulnr stutlents Is llmlteil to
one lninilrcd. txvetuy-tlve In each class. Place
In class Is obtained by competitive examina
tion after havltn; compiled xllh the r. iiulre
mints of the Statu Hoard of Health of Illinois-
Exceptional laloratory ndvantattcs nrc offered
to leacfiers. and superior clinical facilities are
offered to s-cnlor medictU siudents nnd ttradu-nu-s
In medlclna durlnR the summer term.
Kor furthor Information, tiddress
(Continued from pa kg one)
and xvith llajixxtnd as nianag-er and
lleald as captain, they made a good
record on tlie home grounds and took
a trip in which they xxere beaten by
1 a xxii state Unixersity in a thirteen in
ning j,rann.. fl-.V, nnd beat Grinnell 13-5.
In '1)0 only stato games xxtiro played
though in Ixindler, ltenetliet, Gordon,
Thorjie, and Hceder the team bad x
cellent material.
The next year, 1MI", xxti.s the Ivinner
,xear. l'tiee xxtis munngvr, Taekard
, captnin, with Kobinson as coacn.
I Vacuity control had noxx mtide tlie
tctim thoroughly reiire.sentntie. They
-eie in j,'uwi ij.uiuiif ami meir team
I work xxas that of profession lis.
I Creigh, Kobinson, Kindlcr and ltenc
. diet xxere among the Ik's! men that
' haxe jilsiyetl on the campus. The club
i xx cut as far cast as Chicago, making a
I strong impression cvoryxvhere. l)raki
xxas lK'aten 15 to 0, and loxxit state H
! 7. The frames lot wen Notre Dame
-.r; Northxx-estern Jl-5; Illinois 33-9;
I ("hieago 4-2.
1 On this trip more than fifty dollars
xxere cleared.
In ''.I., with 1'yons tis inunagvr and
(iordon tint Kindlcr, captains, si trip 1
xxtis taken in xvhich Kansas state col-1
leg-e xx-jis 1km ten 23-3; St. Mary's xxon
G-.1; Missouri 7-0. A tie game xa3 !
played xxnth Kansas state, the score Dt-
nig 9-9. On tlie home ground Nebras- '
ka beat Kansas 8-4, and ln-at Missouri I
14-i!. Aside from the g-ood work of I
Kindlcr tint lihodes there xx-sis little to
be remtirked in the indixidual jdaj-ers. '
The experience of the last seasons '
slioxxed tlie necessity of faculty con
trol and the t-remendous advantage of
ct)iiiMitnt cotiehlng'. Ikisc lwll -.xtis
1 played xxith system and science. The
l nixermty of lotuiy xx-ill nexcr agiin
Ik- stitlsfled -xxiitJi the old style piny.
Tlie Kee-taor Is more a part of base
bnll than of tiny it her game. This
is the real reason it is called the ni
tlontil game, and it is a point to be con
sidered in these dttys of liuc-hiickiui?
and mtioMt plnys.
C C. MAHL15Y. '0:.
Creighton Medical College.
Cor. 14th and Davenport Sis., Omaha, Neb.
Next session begins September 24 IS99.
A tour years course was adopted by this
school six being one of the
first schools, in the west to adopt a higher
standard of medical education.
The course consists of four terms, seven
months each. The college building is new
and up to date, having been completed only
two years3go. The building itself is large
and commodious, having large roomy lab
oratories for work in Physiology, His
trologv, Pathology and Bacteriology all
furnished with the most modern equip
ment. The Anatomical rooms are large
and are supplied with all of the newest
conveniences, among other things being a
cold storace room for the preservation of
anatomical material, thus insurving fresh
subjects for dissecting and anatomical
work at all times of the year. The lec
ture rooms are spacious, well lighted and
ventilated, and are seated with comfort
able opera chairs.
This school has the exclusive use of tlie
St. Joe Hospital for clinical purposes, the
St. Joe hospital being the only large hos
pital in the city. The county hospital al
so furnishes clinics lor the benefit of stu
dents of this school. For further informa
tion, address
McCague Bid's:, Omaha Neb.
Harvard University
116th Annual Announctment (1898-99).
In and after June, 1901, candidates
for admission must iirecent a degree in
Arts. Literature, Philosophy, Science or
Medicine, from a recoginizetl college or
scientific school, with the exception of
such persons, o. bultalile ago and attain
ment, as may be admitted by special
vote of the Faculty taken in eaoh ease.
Kor deUiilel information concerning
courses of instruction, or catalogue,
Hurvfcrd Medical Bruool, HoUon. Mti.
Dr. Loonhardt's
Cures Nervous Ills,
Connip'ition, 1 1l!iouinftfc. Nervou. Ills
and Till Habit Action not follow d liy
costiv ess PouU in Try It StitupleK
free TiniKRlhU. -c. or uddrtHk Antl-PIII
C , Jicpolti. Ni b
frt AdvUry Dept. Jor Patrons.
Kent College of Law
J1arhnll U. Hwell, IX. D., M. I)., Dean.
Three ytnrs course lending ' tlegree
of LI,, li. Improved methods uniting
theory and practice The School of
practice is the leading feature, live
ning sessions of ten hours a weok for
each class. Students can be self sup
porting while studying. Wo asbist
students in securing suitable employ
meat For catalogue, address
W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary,
018.011) Ashland Block, Chicago,!!.
The University of Nebraska
School of Music
I S BETTER fitted than ever before to give artistic intritctio
sl in ?ice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all other princ
pal branches of Music. Students will receive full information by applyjn
at the School located directly south of the Campus, and can enter at any ti
SLlr l
In the Best $3.00 nl
$3.50 Shoe on Earth.
1043 O STREET.
Your EASTER HAT. We are showing a fresh nevl
line, also GEMS in Neckwear -
12 17 O Street.
Easter Cards, Easter Booklets, Devotional Books, Bibles, Epis.
copal Prayer and Hymnals, Catholic Prryer Books, Easter
Novelties Eggs, Chickens, Etc.
Book and Stationery Department
HESPOLSHEIMER & CO., 12th and N Sis.. Uncoil
Made by
Examine the Policy of the New England
Mutual. The Values are as definite as tlios
endorsed in your Bank Book.
This Company has been Chartered
63 Years.
a. W. NOBLB, Mgr.,
ROOM 10.
Phone 66 1041 o street
Turpin's School of Dancng.
Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m.
Ladies' and gentlemen's class, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or
Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings.
The Academy offers advantage for cotillion clubs, private part'-, etc
Is newly furnibhed and decorated. Will be rented at reasonable rates.
For further information addro&s,
NewAci'u,,'1 ALBERT TURPIN, Sm
And "QUALITY" about the
photographs made at the
Elite Studio
That make them famous. All on ground floor. 226 So 11 th St.