THE NEBRASKAN. lot. VII. No. 27. BASE BALL HISTORY. Early Reminiscences of the Game Told by An Alumnus. Uaso ball, like everything else coll ected wH.h the University, has boon matter or steady und continuous row Hi. That the University of No- inukn base ball club would ever bo iblc 1 tUo long1 trips nnd meet vie oriously tlie teams of eastern colleges ncr entered the minds of its most Intliusiastio early supporters. When a'S7 the discarded overalls and erkcrri nnd donned neat, new Maroon mlfomis tlie University took a holl-ij- nml turned oirt en masse to cheer nd congratulate t.he players and one L n thf history of this great Institution mother on one of the greatest events f learning'. The llrst games were iiyed on grounds In Id out on. the iortlicust quarter of the campus in the pace now occupied by Grant Meniorl il hall. The machinery building' nnd s'cbrnskn hall. In those days the . jmpus wns Hnel with an evergreen icdge. A driveway extended from he east door of the main building to ;trcet. Along' each side of this drive ray was a row of cottonwood trees. Tio grounds faced north, with the lomo plate near tlie trees. It was on icso grounds that Fred Shepherd, sow a prominent attorney of the city. cquireti nn eiuiunng mine as the pap ain and pitcher of a team which iel lom failed to lower the colors of such cams as the "Rising Stars," "Tlie .'lysscs Giants" and the "Little Pota oes Hard to Peel." Those who snw rill never forget tlie gallant figure he iscd to make as he strode undaunted io the field attired in a white stiff :osonicd shirt, kneo breeches, sky due nnd whits striped, white stocic nps, and a black slouch hat. His fel 5 . aw players presented an appearance nqnally sightly. They were heroes in Ihoso days, nevertheless, for they ldayod ball in an earnest stralghtout. wppy-go-iucky way tnat engendered m interest whloli the scientific. trnight-lnccd game of today greatly lacKs. The tlrst uniforms were donned in J5S7. These were poulnrly heralded s ninscottes which were to lead the layers to victory over the much feared , ami consequently much hated, semi-professional team from Uljsscs, N'eb. As might have been expected, he team suffered an inglorious defeat in the presence of several hundred jeering and unsympathetic fellow students, who, disgusted with the playing of their own champions, shift ed their allegiance to the victors, whose evorv nlav t.hev erected with I cheers and applause, so that as far as encouragement went our boys might easily havo imagined themselves nmong strangers. called practice game with the Lincoln western league team. This team was a famous one, being made up of such men ns Bccklej', Swnrtzell, Billy Hart and Dave Rowe, nnd won the western league championship of that year. This game "was theoretically a practice fame for botli teams but ns a matter of fact the other team got nil the pme-. iee. The Lincoln team were all heavy hitters and esneciallv distincuislied themselves in that line that day. One of our team, who shortly afterwards on me long distance run on Held day, attributed his success to the experi ence he got In left field following the jjome run hits of lleckley and Rowe. Sonic estimates were made ns to the prohnlih size of 'the score, but the ac tual figures were never known. Corona rati vol v few frames were Jlayed during the season in those Hays. The team did not leave the city except on Saturdays. Most of the pimos were with local nines. The most import n n't of these was the game with team supported by the State Jour nal poinpany. The game was widely advert isod and largely attended. Walt Mason, then at the height of his repu tation as the presiding genius of "Lo 1 Drift" Jn the State Journal, wrote paragraph after paragraph in prose and vorso congratulating' his team "pon their cominc- vietorv nnd condol- I 'npr Willi! tiie p00r University team us "wmeu to inglorious and 'humiliating "efent. The morning before the game J1 n uiunltoynnt address- to his team, he urged them on to victory promis ln,Pr to meet them on the Luperea! ,v'tli crowns." The game came off as r schedule dn the presence of the largest and most enthusiastic of owds. Tlie dny the only reference io tlie game in the Journnl was in ihe "Jjht short lino of Mason's column in "."'eh is was graphically and suc cinctly s'tated that "base ibnll was a Iae anyhow." " wan just at this time that "Spider" MoplieriR iKran to accumulate fame as "' all-around plover, but particularly "H a pitohor. Wlien John B. Fognrty Presented the University in the st"te oratorical contest nt Crete ihe UNIVERSITY aK ball team went along for nn af ,,riVH)ll K111"0 wit'h tioime. "Spider" pitched. In the course of the second lining. a one-armed policeman who piteluMl for Donne, enmo to the bat. i e looked harmless and by strlktng it two sw ft balls acquired two strikes. It seemed so easy for "Spider" that tor the purpose of creating amusement lor the crowd, he troted from his box toward the butter und when within twenty feet tossed nn easy ball. The one-armed whanged awny at the ball sent it oyer the fence for n homo run nnd walked around the diamond to lie noise of great cheering nnd tough er nt "Spider," who never heard the Inst of it. Before the oratory began, thnt even ing there wns the usual cheering nnd nging and lauding up of the univer sity orator. There wns nothing unu sual until somebody discovered that holder was present, whereupon a lusty lunged youth stood on n chair and proiKiunded the query ns to what was the matter with "Spider." The response which shook the building showed that the base ball pitcher was the hero of the occasion even nt a con vention of orators. The writer "an vouch for one, who, looking around nt ihls tune and discovering the smiling nullum toped nnd debonoir "Spider r sentcd hlg-h up on the ticket oillce with his legs carelessly hung over its edge --found him a worthy object of hom age and registered a solemn vow io seek endurinn- fame Uimmrli M,n ,,.. ..i. 1- It", ii,., """'.'. " s"'",u "...uinin. .m. i. ingciow ami ins Drofh , or, as well as F. A. Williams and T. S. I Allen were stars of their team. ivaiiy in 1S90 another game was played with the Lincoln professional team, with Fred Barnes, now a pro fessional, in our box. We hnd the game well in hand nnd practically won until in the eighth inning- Barnes was taken with a cramp nnd n substitute pitcher took his place. He was kitted out of the 1kx the game being- called on ,.c oount of darkness before three men were finally put out in the eighth Inning-. Little wns done in 1S90 and 1891, though there was much excellent ma terial. The best men were Frame Woods. C. 1). Chandler, Paul Colson, Hurry Reese and Harry Hicks. In 1892 the team took its first trip outVrf Mr,7 state with games scheduled with Baker college at Kansas City ind at Baldwin, with Kansas State 'Uni versity nnd with Washburn college. Phis wns the famous rainy spring and but one game of the schedule was played, that at Lawrence. This was rather nn unusual game. Chancellor Canticld had but shortly come from Kansas and hnd promised tlie team a banquet if they boat his old school. Some of Barnes' fraternity brethren at Lawrence had talked him into a nervous condition over some of their famous ki tiers. In the first half of the first inning- he let in four men, al lowing three men kises on balls, lie then braced up and in the succeeding eight innings fanned out seventeen men. He struck out seven men in suc cession. For two successive inning the Ibattors went out in one, two, three order. The score in the Inst half of flie ninth inning- with two men out and Kansas at the kit stood four to xoiir. The winning score was made on a rat tled piny of Stroman nt second, who instead of accepting n pretty throw out at firsi was impelled by a tremen dous cheer of Rock-chnlk-.loy-hawk-K.-l"s to throw the kill backward over his head. Ileald at third scored a re liiendons hit in this game, twice run ning- aiier a uy Dan nign over liis head and catching it over his shoulder while running at full speed. Tlie Kansas City pajiers referred to his work as phenomenal. Ileald Juid gone on this trip in opp -s-ltion to his father's wishes and- under n threatened cessation of checks from home. The manager wrote to his fath er after the team return enclosing Mime of the flattering notices of his sou's ploying-. Harvey nf forwards said the only refcrncc his father ever made to the trip was by (making- his next re mittance ten dollars lnrg-er than usutl. A nuuvber of unimportant local games were played this year. The stars were Holmes, n former Yale play er. Face, Chandler, Barnes nnd Hen I'd. In 1893 theix' was little organization and 'no enthusiasm. One game wan played with Wesleyan nnd one with T)oane. 1894 was equnlly uninteresting ns far ns outside games were concerned. Tim base ball committee was made up of fraternity men who were generous with their fellow memlers at the ex pense of the tenm. It is perhaps well riiieinbered how John Dixon acquired 41... (111,. ,.f O'l't,,. Aiisviiant Afn fl .wif fill lllll 111 1JI IIV'lllll' J.MIIllll .. Jiiok White nnd Gerrnrd hnd organized a rival loam wirn wic iivowen itiicti tion of beating- the regular nine. They failed to beat, but in the tost game. Dixon missed so many chances to stop easy balls that he was dubbed "The Ancient Mariner," it being noted at the time that "he stopped one of three." In 189G the athletic reorganiza tion infused new life Into the tenm, (Contlnuoil on Hcrond page) OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLNAPRIL 3, 1809. PILLSBURY IS WINNER Easily Gets First Placo At Indoor Meet. Lomar Second. A large and enthusiastic crowd wit nessed the fourth annual Indoor pen tathlon which was held in the gymttur slum March S5 und 27. Suturda yeveu ing the ofllcinls succeeded in finishing the shot put, three broad jumps nntl polo vault, owing- to the fact that the lights wore turned out, but on Mon day night the high jump nnd potato races were contested before n larger nnd more enthusiastic crowd. The first exhibition game of hoop kill even seen in the west was ilso played be tween teams under Snmms and Marsh. Ihe game was won by the Snmms' team, the score being- 1G-7. Miss Lorcna (icnoung gave n pleas ing exhibition of fancy club swinging. The events were won ns follows: Shot piit-Flllsbury first, IIS feet, .1 inches; Wallace second 30 feet, 3 inches; Foyntcr third, 25 feet, 0 inches. Three 'broad jumps: Fillsbury first, 10 foot, 1-4 inch; Swallow second, 28 feet. 1-2 Inches; IxMiinr third, 2S feet, 7 inches. Pole vault: Fillsbury first, 9 feet, 1-4 inch; Kollog-g second, 8 feet 9 1-4 inches; Mouck, l.emar nnd Hoard tied for third, 7 feet, 4 inches. Illuming high jump: Fillsbury first, S feet, t) inches; Wallace second, 4 feet, H inches. Fenrsc, Bullnrd, Swallow and Lomar tired for third, 4 feet o Inches. Quarter mile potnto race: Foyntcr first, 1:44 1-5; Fepoon second, 1:44 C-.i; I'illsbury third, 1:40. Fillsbury won first place in the pentathlon with a to tal of 427 points; Lemnr second, with :!00..ri points; Foyntcr third, with 007 lomts, nnd Swallow fourth, with 2")7 points. The relay race which was put in ;o afford amusement for the audience while the totals were being figurd up, was won by a team under B. D. Andre son, in 1:15 2-5. Fillsbury was the only man in tnc contest who sueexv'ded iv"vaklng n record. He raised the indoor running high jump from 5 feet, 4 3-4 inches, made by W. K. Andreson, to 5 feet, 0 inches. Benedict, the winner of the second nnd third annual pentathlons, together with Fillsbury, Lemur, Foyntcr nnd Swallow will represent the University m a dual moot with Omaha. April 8. Besides the meet, track athletes will prokibly havo an opportunity to meas ure strength with like teams from Uni versities of Knnsas and Iowa ns nejro tiations are now lieing carried on with that end in view. GUILD'S EXHIBITION. The gii-Jo of the gymnasium gave their annual exhibition Ik? fore the wo man's Ciuln on last Monday afternoon. From 2:15 until 2:30, while the guests were arriving, some very good work was done on iic various' pieces of ap paratus. The principal features w?rc rope and pole climbing, led by Mis Bock, the traveling rings by Miss Spurke and Miss Fowler, and jumping by Miss Scott. Miss LnSolle, Miss finile and others. In the running high jump Miss Scott made four feet, two inches. At 2:.!0 the advanced class came on the floor. Under the command of Miss Spuric thi' class wont through a ten minutes drill in military marching Miss Ban- then explained that the ex ercise of the advanced class would show the series generally gone through with in class. Miss Whiting called the class to order and led in .a series of rfoe Jill ml gy'innnwlics mini trunk exercises. Miss Spurk took ihe olas sthrough a dumb Ik'H drill and S wed I mIi gymnastics. The Swedish gymnastics are a now feature in the work and performed without niiwle. the exercises theinesolves lieing suffi cient rvthm. After a run, represent atives from the three first year classes the 9. 10 nnd 2:30 o'clock classes, had a ball assing contest. In this the 0 and 10 o'clock classes tied. To decide the victors a game of pawning the ball between the feet was played. Jn this the 10 o'clock class won and with joy ous howls, left tlm floor. Miss Burr then said the 2:30 chiss would illustrate the recreative sides of the work. The class played two games with bean kigs, one passing the kigs nrouiKi in a circle ana tne ouier ncras the lines and running from end to end. The most exciting jwirt of the enter tainment was Uw kiskot kill game be' ween the fi hints nnd the Midget. The Oinii.ts were Misses Brown, Win ger, lloldbrook. West. Davenport and iiiicKiimsier. rue JMiKigeis were di vided. wirt playing the first half and Dart the second half. Thoy were: Misses Schwartz, Fentzer. Wheeler. MoOrosky. Miller, ICnford Susslek, Gregory ."Broody, Bridges, and Honrv. Good jilnvs were made on loth side, but by Miss Brown's and Miss Win- ger s crlss cross, so far above the heads of the midgets, it was indeed very prateworthy that the Midgets scored. The game ended with a score of 30 to 12 in favor of the (Hunts. The Midgetu then asked to redeem themselves nnd ami show the audience that they could phiy. So u short game was played, ro Kulllng In a score of I 'to 2 in favor of Miss Penlzor's team. CHDMICAL SOCIKTY MI3I?1'1NG. The third regular meeting for the present year of the Nebraska section of the American Chemical iuwintlon was held March 24 In the chemical lec ture room The speakers of the even ing were V. H. IJalrd, suiorintotident of the Beet Sugar eonimnv's works at Norfolk, Xeb., and' Dr. H, A. Scaler, Instructor of science in Omaha high school. Both addresses were full (if interest nnd received the closest atten tion from the audience. Superintendent Balrd srake on the financial side of chemistry ns a pro fession, lie said that those in control of manufacturing operations, where chemicals are employed; arc apt to be impatient of allowing the Introduction of new ideas, unless they have been previously demonstrated to 1k success ful hi operation, they don't feel like wasting time and money in experi ment. The inability to conform io such demands is a frequent cause for ill success on the part of the chemist, and it may be added, sometimes of the manufacturer as well. Another fre quent cause for failure on the part of the chemist is hi-, inability to under stand and to use men. Altogether from Mr. Baird's remarks, one might infer that a specially trained chemist is hardly flitted for success in- a busi ness way, the fault not lieing always his, but rather thai of conditions, 'it certainly appears that in this respect the Ccrnians arc ahead of the Knglish spenking people in their application of science to the manufacturing indus tries. 'I hey maintain extensive re search lalmratories in connection with iheir factories and reap the benefit c.f chemical investigation in new discov c.ies and in the bolter utilization if waste products. Dr. Senter. in a brief talk, illustrated in a very clever way, how it is possi ble for one having a little ingenuity to overcome the disadvantages of imper fect equipment in Inltorntorics, a con dition frequently met with in high schools and the public schools cener- ; ally. Ho showed samples of his own sum 111 tlie utilization of broken and cnsl off apparatus and of devising sim ple schemes of onnintg for and using a limited supply of apparatus, the talk lx'ing illustrated throughout. (JIIADI'ATK CLUB M1J12T1NG. The second meeting of the graduate club for the current school year was held Miiioh 25, in the "English Den" on the third Hour of main building. A greater jKiit of the evening was spent in having a general good time. Jn the latter airt of the evening the ladies of the club sprang a surprise upon the gentlemen, by serving lem onade and pretzels. A program was given by some of the members of the general faculty. W. 1). Hunter read an interesting pa per on the "Migration of Birds." dis cussing tlie different theories for the cause of this phenomenon, and show 'ng the habits of the birds of different sjiccies. Miss Heron, instructor ii' K lifical science, told of her experience in gaining admission to Germnn uni orsities and the value of the train ing then'. She gave many points of special interest to students who con template studying in Germany, the difficulties of obtaining a degree, or of gaining nny recognition from Ger man students were vi'vy clearly shown. Frofessor Bnrliour spoke of the new tendency toward the recognition of the biological sciences, zoology and geology, dealing especially with tlie lnsit. named. A series of tests recently made in the ebil engineering laboratory are o' general interest. The tests were mti.le to del rem! ue the efficacy of the butt and hip welds in Norway iron. Tlie wiihlt- had heeim niiide in the shopc of the department of mechanical engi neering by students in the school of agriculture. Some of the welds were fully as strong as the un welded pieces which were tested for comparison, and the weakest welds developed 54 J-2 per cent of the strength ot the un- wolded specimen. This simply shows the result of work done by farmers' boys after only ten weeks in this de partment of tlie University of Nebras ka. Botany senior symposium of phyto geology was held March 25 n't 2:30 o'clock. T)r. Frederic Clements win in charge of the meeting-. Much Inter est was aroused in iho general dis ciiMdou of the snbieoti hy tttiose wlliio took part. After this was completed, n feed was given to the members. The iiek-t meeting will be held April 22. Phiob 5 Ckntb SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECITAL Last Student Event of the Year Given Tuesday Evening. I ho fifth und lust recital of the Uni versity school of music was given hwt IncMlay evening in the chapel. The am ience was large and appreciative, giving praise where it was due. A few of the older pupils appeared, but on the whole the program was made up largely of new students. . It was very gratifying to note that a large part or the audience was made up of city peo ple, who have learned to recognize the merit of these recitals. Several mem bers revealed a great deal of talent. Mr. Heed, especially, eunnot receive too much praise. His kise solo showed VOcal talent of II verv limieunl nii..illt.. and his many friends in the University unite in hoping that he will continue to develop his voice with care and dil- ikciico. ,imougn lns singing as yet does not show a perfect control, or' nc himself a complete confidence in his ability, vet it is true t'.mt his v', ,u of remarkable depth nnd power. At one time in the selection ho touched low i. with perfect ease. Of the piano numbers, Mr. Hudson deserves the most praise, us he played a verv dif ficult, selection remarkably well. The proirrnin in full wns as fol'louis; Finno solo Bourrce D Major, Ga votte G Minor, .1. S. Bach, George Moss hart. Soprano solo "Here and There," A. B. Winch. Josephine Keane. Finno solo .c Cnvnlier Fnntnstique, Godnrd, Mabel Guthery. Contralto solo- "The Boat of My Lover," Itclnhold Herman, Edith Curry. iolin solo Gondoliera from Third Suite, Hies. Agnes Browncll. Finno solo Sonata in 1) No. 2, Alle gro Andante, Mozart Edna MacDon ald. Soprano solo-"The Swallows," F. H. Co wen, Belle Warner. Piano solo Can tique D' Amour, T.iszt, Clara Dinimick. Violin solo Benedictus Mackenzie, May BoJJo Hagcnow. , Contralto solo "Once in a Furplc Twilight," Eugene Cowles, Fiber ta Beam. Bass solo Fruyer from "Magic Flute " arr. John Randolph, Mozart, W. Clnudc Heed. I'inno solo Fantnsic Op. 28, Oon Moto Agitato Andante, Mendelssohn, May Belle llngenow. Contralto solo Recitative, "Ah Gol gotha," from "Fassion Music" iSt. Matthew) J. S. Bach; nir, "He Wis De spised." from "The Messiah." Haendel, Grace Reynolds. Finno solo Staccato Etude, Rubin stein, Fhilip Hudson. HISTORY OF Fill BETA KAPPA. Phi Beta ICappa was founded at Wil liam and Mary college, Williamsburg, Va., on December 5. 177G. The soci ety wns leMu Washed ns a secreti order founded on literary principles, and in tended to unite the "Arise and virtu ous of every degree and of whatever country." The Yale chapter was es tablished in November, 1780, nnd in the following year Mr, Pnrmelee also or ganized the Harvard chapter. Tn 1025, when the great aniti-mason-ic crusade took place, the Phi Beta JvapjKi was one of its first objects of attacks. Since its foundation it had Ih'oii secret, but in 1831, ns a result of the hostility and on the odvice of John Quiney Adams, the secret was di vulged. The Phi Beta ICappu fur nished the model for the present sys tem of Greek letter fraternities. Forty colleges nnd universities have chapters, as follows: Bowdoin 1829; Colby. 1895; Dartmouth. 1787; Univer sity of Vermont, Middleburv, Harvard, 1781; Amherst, 1853; Williams, 1834; Tufts. Brown. 1S29; Yale 1780; xYin Ity. 1845; Wesleyan. 1845; 'Union, 1819; University of the City of New lrork, lR5i; College of New York City, Co lumibin. Hamilton, Ho-bnrt, Colgate Cornell. 1R82; Rochester. 1883; Syra cuse. ls!)5: Rutccrs, DIckerson, 1883; T,ehigh. 1880; Lafayette, 188U; Muir f Pennsylvania. 1892; Swartuiore, 1895; j.Toh ns' Hopkins, 1895: William and Mary. 1770; Western Reserve, Kenyon, ern." 1S89; University of Town. 1895; University of Kansas, 1889; Universi ty of Nebraska, 1895, and University of Minnesota. 1892. There is nt present a movement on foot to establish a chapter at the Uni versity of Michigan. Tt Is being active ly pushed among the students, but is opposed by J'resident Angril on 'he grounds that it does mot allow as great democracy in the school as it does without it. However, 500 signatures have lfrccn secured to n petition widen will soon be presented to the faculty. The young ladies of the gymnisium clnss have organized cricket teams.