The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 20, 1899, Image 2

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A WfcUly Newspaper Ironed 13vory
Monday Noon by the University
Publishing AwvoolnUon.
Knturod us Second Class Mull Matter.
Geo. h. Townc Managing IftMtor
M. 1. Sfowart Kditor-ln-Ghlof
J. 'P. SiuiiiH'r Kdgur Chirk.
Clinton Uiirr.
Claude Heed. (Intro Mm1 Mllliin.
Ada Whiting. Melon Woods.
H. 1). Andreson. Floyd Van Vulln
Uenton Dales Alumu
The NcbrnHkan will be scut to amy
tuklircMi upon receipt of tho Bubscrip
tdon prli'c, which is one dollar a year.
Contributions arc solicited from all.
Ncwb Items such aa locals, personals,
reports of meetings, etc., ar ospecinl
ly desired. T(h Nobraakan will be
glad to pnlnt any contribution rela
tive to n general university subject,
but tlie name must accompany all
Address all communication to the
Nebraskan, University of Inc
'raska. Why, not have more clubs'.' The
university needs bicycle, unuiem, and
fencing clubs at leiust in addition to
those already In existence. These, or
ganizations would not only Ihj a
source of pleasure and benefit to their
meni'bms, but would Indicate a uni
orhitj with students fully awake to
the opportunities of tho season.
Tho .lanuari number of the River
side Literature Series contains "The
Superlative," and other essays 'by
Uiwph Waldo meiMn. These other
ess.iyK are: "Uses of IS rent Men,"
"hiluik'O.-peure: or the lvoet," and "io
elal Aims." This, like all the 'numbers
of the Riverside series, is very neatly
arranged and printed', and is admira
bly adapted to class use, thougli the
selections aire such as to initerest any
and everv class of read ens. It is pub
lished by Houghton, Mifllin & Co.,
Boston, New York and Chicago, price
15 eenls.
The Union Pacific has just issued
one of the most coinpleite eonipon
diunis of information alout our new
possessions, the Hawaiian l.slamlis. It
is in the form of n folder, but is really
n book containing SS pages and pro
fusely illustrated with colored plates,,
showing interesting views of the peo
ple, the vegetation and tlie resources
of t'in' islands. The folder gives n
complete history oT the islands from
tiheir discovery 'liy Captain Cook, to
gethi'T with detailed informiation
oibout their agricultural audi conwner
cial advantages, and their educational
Institutions. It concludes witfli infor
mation as to tiho way by which Hie
islands can be reached ly means of
the magnificent tniins of tlie Union
Pitviflc. The folder is renlly a work
of art and is. well wortlh tlie perusal
of nnv one i interest!1 in our Pacific
It will be but a little more than
two weeks till tlie state orsutorical
contest will be held at llellevue. At
that time it is to bet decided who will
represent Nebraska in the initerstaite
contest, which will Ihj "held in Lincoln,
May to. Of course the State Univer
sitj will loyally suport the winner of
the state contest, whoever that may
be. Yet we most sincerely hope that
we may le able 'to support a universi
ty man. In Mr. Talbot we have a
strong speaker but he needs thei en
couragement of 'the students. He will
11 cot I Mich encouragement most of all
when he goes 1o Bellevue. If 150 or
200 students will go with him there
will be no question about tlie result,
such is the contagion of enthusiasm,
Tt wiM not cost a fortune to go to Bell
evue. Deny yourself fiome otheir good
tilling nnd take advantage of this op
pontiunity to have a thoroughly mod.
ern 'holiday and nt the same throe be
loyinl to your college. Help to bring
success again "to tlie searlot nnd
th1 cream..
Chicago is to be boycotted'. Aw ath
letic combine line been formed liy 'Wis
consin1, Michigan, and Illinois with
this purpose as its bond1 of union.. Tlie
netioiv of the three schools, is sanc
tioned by 1heir presidents, and ! to
extend to every "brandi of nililniies.
The bae ball games nlrendv selnduled
are to be cancelled and. Hie Western Association is to lpi no
more. The cause of this fiction Is said
to lie the unfair terms demanded Irv
Profc-sor Stagg of Ohic'atro University
for his teams. 'Stnccr savs li will
fieOilt tlic combine and -w-ill schedule
cmotpirm games in plnoe of those usu
ollv pViyecT -with the Rtn'te Universi-
IUh. ('l)lcnnNiV foot ball mlit'dillo as
already aiiiioinifcd eontaln t oiini
ctrn tvunm and houuhiI willi other
wumUu-ii follegi's. In trnok ath'letles
the other Uiilversltli- oontriiipliile an
invitation meet. In Milwaukee Tho
outeoma of this light will be walohod
with Inttrt'ost by tilio whole wol'ltl.
Whether Uhfciigo 011.11 Ignore the tUuroo
groat state UnlvenhlMuH with whom,
on 11 coo nnt of ilioo geographical posi
tion, mIiu Ih natiinilly a competitor, re
mains to be seen.
UlmMor Kimball gave a hIiois. pro
gnun before the moin'bers of tilie organ
oonnnlttoo IhhI Monday. All expressed
themsol as well picked with tlie
orgun 11.11 . say that it uperivir In
tone and volume to any they haws ever
'heard, 'line method of pumping wis
by hand iowor, which makes it very
difficult to nianago. Ilowvu'r, it is
hoped that arrangements Can soon be
iiiikK' so Mint It well lie operated by an
electric motor.
The lust monthly recital of the
school of music will be held ill tho
ohnpel Tuesday evening, Mnvt'h US.
After thai there will Ihj a series' of
week'lv recitals' by Mie griuluntow, ioh
pei'Min giving one eompliMc prognnn.
The l'liilhariiioiiic concert will be
given at the 011or theater this even
ing. Mr. Young of Chicago wll. be
tlie soloist.
Aliout tlfty students of the school
of agriculture enjoyed a banquet in
the dining hall o' the school of Music.
An excellent supper was served and
1111 cnjoynlblo time is reported.
Miss Beonold, who is connected with
tlie school of iiiiii. has returned to
New York, after a trip to ISumpc. Sh
will spend the remainder of the school
year traveling.
New students registered Inst week
arc Mrs. Nellie Bryant, Sarah Hurt
rand and Frank Victory.
At tlhe business meeting held Mon
day, March 13, at the .. V, C. A.
rooms, tlhe following officers were
eleted for the coming year: Presi
dent, Kathariiip Woods: vice presi
dent. Iterthu WnJvoord; treasurer,
Hertlui Alexander; recording si-cre-tnry,
Florence Ualloweil; correspond
ing secretary, Kmmn Neidhnrdt.
Professor Milton Whitney, of the
Uniteo States Oeological Survey, who
is preparing a valuable collection, to
1 sent by the governmen't to the geo
logical departments of all Mie state
Universities in the Unitedi States, has
just written for forty pounds of tlie
lest volcanic ash of Nebraska wliieh is
lo constitute one of the specimens of
the collection.
Tlie second meeting of the School
masters' Club was held at tlhe Lincoln
hotpl Friday evening of this week. Af
ter Mie dinner, a paper was presented
I.y Professor 0. W. A. Luckov on "The
Development of Moral Character,
which was followed by discussion of
those present. Among ihe guests were
fiovernor Poynter and iSonnlor Van
Duscn of South Omaha.
Among the most enjoyable Univer
sity social events of Mie year was a
reception given last Monday evening
by Chancellor MncLonn to the school
of agriculture. Music was. furnislied
(luring the evening by Mie llagcnow
orchestra. Governor Poynter, Denn
Hcssoy and Professor Emerson- of
Washington, T). C, reeentlj' elected' to
the chair of horticulture, pxxo short
jtyn:uj oi jo uo.i'i aossojoa,! pun
'.?po, uopnjs oip, jo .louuv; pinwjiojv
ShjoJOu .'vjiniijNiij 01 rj jo .lojmoiy
pun 'UJuq,ifv ioiiirvsu; saouuuj jo fiio
piiD)uijaIns '.ioi.e.11,1, u' uiKKj.Mije jo
-pioutnip .ssuo o popuwlsoj oij.w
osotr ilrtuouiv M.nsuui ;so; s-u poj.m
uospjAiifi .ios-s-ojo.1, ; ojoav s.10
-(.iav o)iiiiiiiii nun s-uaipnns '.fypnoiy
ai' jo .C?jii';iio'iiV iisniu jo .Ciojuajs
-nog otn jo p,nij Snjuip nqi uj SuuinAa
.fnpsanq,!, saj onbuiiq vitmnus jxinm
oqi a.wii oanipioiaflii jo jooips oqj;
The last Philhannoivie concert to
night nt the Oliver.
Dr. L. P. Davis, dentist, room 7
Walsh-Putnam lilock, corner Eleventh
and O streets.
Queen quality $!1.0fl shoes in all the
new styles and shades. Come in and
see. them; thay nre beauties. Foot
Form Store, 1213 O htroet.
Millinery opening Mnndh 2fld. Beau
tiful pattern hats. Oct your Faster
lint, also a 'botrtle of French buinti
fier for tlie complexion; cures black
heads and pimples. Mrs. Luke, 130
South lth street.
Dr. Leonhardt's
Cures Nervous Ills,
Constipation nillloiisness. Nervous Ills
nnd Pill Habit Action not followed by
costtv; 'oas Doubt It? Trv It. Sample's
free. DniKKlHts. 2So. or address Antl-I'lil
C., Lincoln, Neb.
Prc AdvUery Dept, for Patrons.
Courso 28 VVeeKs.
Fgos $G5.00.
OIms groat inducements to tin
dents of medicine in tlie west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Immnmicl and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by K. W. CI I ASK, Omaha,
Ncbr., Continental block.
The liiirllngton ltoutc has established
a twico-a-weck tourist car lino from
Kansas City nnd Lincoln to Butte, Spo
kane, Tacomii'and Seattle.
Cars leave Kansas City and Lincoln
every Tuesday and Thursday, arriving
at Seattle following Friday mill Sunday.
Thoy are upholstered in rattan. Tl'10
bed linen and furnishings nre clean and
of good miality. The heating, venti
lating ami toilet arrangements are all
that can bo desired and each car is in
chargo of a uniformed Pullman porter,
whoso solo duty Is to attend to the
wants of passengers.
Cars run through without chango of
any kind and the. berth rato from Lin
coln to Taeoma or Seattle is only $5.00.
To intermediate points it is proportion
ately low.
Montana and the Pugct Sound country
are now enjoying a period of unex
ampled prosperity. As a consequence,
travel to the Northwest is rapidly attain
ing largo proportions. This now tourist
car lino has been established with a viow
of caring for the Burlington's share of
it in the best possible manner.
For berths, tickets and full informa
tion apply at B. & M. depot or city ofllco,
corner 10th and 0 streets.
G. W. BONNELL. C. P. & T. A.
Ready to Write
Instrument of To-day is
rauninm rcn
an indispensable convenience for
Business Men
Teachers and
Students ' .
Every Pen warranted to give satis
faction. Prices according to value,
Catalogues furnished.
L. E. Waterman Co.
LargeM Fountain Pen rianulacturcrs In the
157 Broadway, New York.
Harvard University
116lh Annual Announcement (1898-99).
In and after June, 1901, candidates
for admission must present a degree in
Arts, Literature, Philosophy, Science or
Medicine-, from a recoginized college or
scientific school, with tho exception of
such persons, of suitablo age ami attain
ment, as may bo admitted by special
voto of tho Faculty taken in each case.
For detailed information concerning
courses of instruction, or catalogue,
Du. Wm. L. RICHARDSON, Dean,
Harvard Medical School, BosIod.Mqs.
The University of Nebraska
Jb but tor fitted tlinn ovor boforo to give urtiotic instruction in
Voice Training, Piano Forie Playing, and all
other principal branches of Music,
Students will receive full information by ap
plying at the School located directly
South of the Campus, and can
enter at any time.
Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Sound
Stand at the Head
in fine Merchant Tailoring. We take the lead
in the great central west. We can suit you
in both style and fit.
d. l
Easter Cards, Easter Booklets, Devotional Books, Bibles, Epis
copal Prayer and Hymnals, Catholic Preyer Books, Easter
Novelties Eggs, Chickens, Etc.
Book and Stationery Department
HESPOLSHEIMER & CO., 12th and n sts., uncom
Fifth and Last Concert ot This Season, AUGUST HAGENOW, ConductOJ J
Monday, March 20th at the Oliver Theatre,
The Famous Chicago BARITONE,
Turpin's School of Dancng.
Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m.
Ladles' and gentlemen's class, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or
Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings.
Tho Academy offers advantago for cotillion clubs, private parttos, otc.
Is newly furnished and decorated. Will bo rented at rcasonablo rates.
For further information address,
New Classe (or Children and
Adults now forming.
And "QUALITY" about the
photographs made at the
That make them famous. All
rmnc (Minns store
1217 O Street.
Call at the School of Music for Certificates.
on ground floor. 226 So 1 1th St.