I-HIS WHISK'S KVKN-rs. Latin Colloquium Tuesday evening. iltlirsH l).v Chancellor Mncl.onn ThomIii.v evening to the pmt.roiis untl students of Clinton school. Pershing HI tic drill In the armory TIuii-mI.i.v evening it t 8 o'clock. Speelal program by Dellim society Friiln.v evening. jlsi v Thcii'trlenl company at the KnnKe Friday evening. Fraternity dancing party a.t Tur nip's lut 1 Friday evening. Clodug program of students' agrl cultural club at the staitc farm Fri day. Practise game of base ball Saturd'iv afternoon between picked teams. Ati minion free. SPRING HATS are the new up to date blocks both In Derby ami Fedora Hats. Prices very reasonable. Arm strong Clothing Co. Many of the ll o'clock classes were conspicuously small Wednesday. It was also the day of the selection or the senator at the eapitol. At a mass tncotlng In the local chapter Friday morning l)r .Wharton mid Professor Kossler spoke In behalf of 'the college settlement. up pishko.wals. Morrill was In Lincoln hint h cr Kdgar Tm'whn . Xelle llaiwlall spent Sunday at feiine in Omaha. IViin Keese was west on business a wii f last week. Xel'e l-a Salle viaitcd her ini-cnis in llcttriee over Sunday. Km nk Hum's brother of Fairbttry rid ted i lie university Friday. I,, n. Crumb of Fairbttry visited lite liniilii'i . few day law! week. Oda i lotion visited the univer.sity lnt wei'k. She will return today. . II. Clark was confined to his room laM week with an attack of the grip. MKs Ilargreuves of Omaha was the ciut of Fdith .Inckson last Wednes day . Dr. Maiisllold of Ashland, visited hh, son and daughter of the university TlnirMlay. Mr. I'arnes of Norfolk visited bis on iii at the Delta Tan fraternity hoiiM- last week. I). IJ. Ilawvworth. '97. has been elect ed instructor in iiiechaitietil dntwing anil ctttixtriiction. I; . Davidson was called to hi. hunt'1 in Tcctmiseh by the death of his jrrandfnilier last week. Will Stock 1S99, of the mechanical fnjrini-cring department has left for Mexico to accept a Hsition. Frank Manchester went to Omaha Tm-l-iv night to hear Jeff De An elt in "The .lolly Muskitecr." liiMiM--tiir Crabtree has cone on a PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. F. LAMDF.UTSON. D. D. S. Lincoln, Men. Uratlunle of Ohio Colk'KC Dentul Surtfury. Onice, Alexander block Rooiiih . and !!l COU. TWKM-TIt AND O STS The boys lit the gynina.sliitu missed the genial call of "next man" a part of ii wi'i-K. .iitcK" nest wits laid with an attack of the grty. ministead Tuttlc's suitings for 'iprlng wear arc in and It will pay you to stop and look' them over. They have on especially flue line of trouser ings. i telegram came from Manila Wed nesday Hint W. J. Huntington was ser iously wounded. This Is prolublv W. J. lliiiitlitg, company F. a farmer stu dent at the university. Dr. II. C. IVtersou lectured to the Luther league last Friday evening at S o clock at the Swedish Lutheran church on K street. A large ntimcbr were present and reported a vcrv In teresting address. Dr. Ward has iust been elected -in associate editor of the American Xa turalist, and has been reqtiestd to be one of t'he co-operators in the publica tion of the monograph of the "anna of the I'ttited States. 'Kite report of the meetings of the mathemetieal seminar hold the first of each month shows remarkable inter est in the higher lines of this work. The attendance has been large, and the papers of much merit. The agricultural students' club will hold their last meeting of the winter term on Friday evening in the dairy building of the university farm. The program will be particularly Interest ing, one or the principal features win be a number of talks on Manila and soldier life by some members of '.he club who were in the First Xebruck.t regiment. I'tider the careful supervision . f Acting Commandant Charles Weeks iJie battalion is showing up in good shape both as regards general appear ance and drill. Mr. Harrington re cently of West Point speaking of our dress parade said: "That is splendid. Kvcry man knows his place. It cotn- j Rires ery ravoraniy witn any (trill I have seen in a long time." DRS. GIFFEN & SMITH Tolotibotus 2W nnd sag. Uoouis H, li unit to, Ollvo Thruiur Uulldlng. LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, 130 Smith lltli.strcut. Hooms'.'0, 27 unit I, Ilrowtiull lllli. I'bonu 530. SSASAiVSVSAAAAiVVVNAVVV 0- THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Under tho Management of President JOHN A McCALL. vv 1891-1S98 DK. J. T. AlcNAY, DENTIST Tcetti Kxtrai'lvd wltbout Ptilu. Onice: Cor llth ami OSl Lincoln, Nebraska DK BENJ. F WEST. GENERAL PRACTITIONER. Oniio: ItWft O Street, Over Fitzgerald's. Tel. -110 Heshlcnco: irXiKucllil Ave. Tel. 643. Hours: 10 to 12a. in. 2 to 5 p. in. S e dallies: I) seuM:s of Stotnuch amt Kidney. DR. ALBERT R. MITCHELL, Assuts Insurance in Force.. . . , (Premiums I'nld) No. of Policies in Fori Income. Paid Policy-holders . . Death-Clafins Dividends of Year.... Dec. 31. 1891. Dec. 31. 1808. Gains In" Yrs 125,47,'JU0 075,080,011) 182,803 $ 1,H54,104 1'2,071,-llH 0,087,(121 1.200.1MO $215,014,811 044,021,120 11711,934 $ 45,481,017 21,519,800 10,259,800 2,759,482 $ 80,007,521 808,331,471 101,131 $ 18,577,723 8,848,874 4,172,170 1,409,082 THE LARGEST RATIO OF INCREASE IS IN DIVIDENDS. K oo ms C7-8. Iturr Mock. Lincoln, Kcb K. L. Hoi.toke. M.D. H. a. Hoi.yokk.M . D. Itus. Telephone 421. lies. Telephone 423. DRS. HOLYOKE & HOLYOKE. Physicians & Surgeons, Oftlce. 127 South llth street. Onice Telephone 4i2. Lincoln, Neb. Delta Tan Delta fraternity gave a tour through the western part of the Smoker Thursday night at their chap- stat- inspecting Uigli sclioois. ier iionse :u neeiiieeiiin mm v sireeis, ... !.. n... f:m..ii ni-i ' 'lie alumni meiuDcrs in tnc city. rlorence Wlute. intra urceii. uo.u ,. , i m .... it..-.... .f Pt'itiK. About fifteen meiivbers from Omaha Kru-kf. and Dean linrtoti ot i i.iiis- . ....:.. .:,. -i.iinn, t.,d and Lincoln with those in the legisla- mouth, were university visitors mm. , f. " " . tore and the aetue ineinbers made a l:u4iay. jollv party. The evening was spent Virgil C. ItarlHT JifiKrutiirm.fl from -,-,, p,,,,, strics. and after the Hi.- western part of the state wlierc smok,. Ja(1 vwirvi awav. rcfreshiiicnts he made several addre-es iK'fore farm- W(IV l.rw .r. institutes. Satunlav evening there was a form- S,.ihi Saon of Edgar and Harry iX opfiiiiig- of the new Y. M. C. A. Kr.inkoi Omaha were in the city a few. rooms jn ,jle i)ast.lm.nt ,f uuhersitv .lax-, last week, the guests of their ,)a, T,u. roonis j,.lvi. lK.t.i frescoed Sijfin.i Chi brothers. ;nn painted durlnir the past few weeks l!.i Elliott, who jilnyejl quarter back j and now with the aid of new pictures on the foot ball teiim last seiiMin, has and curtains, they make a most at4ric Wi the university to accept a Minltion the place. Special music was provid- :i toHigrapher oil the I'.urliiigton. led for Hie entertainineiit and refre-h- incuts served. A large number of LOCALS. young men were present and a very ' "' ."'iijoyablc "me Is reported. t.,. to Don's Cafe, SotttJi llUJi. Opon J It. P.. Xagurkar delhered a cluipel nijrtit. lecture before the students Thursday Schmittcl's lunch room, 131 So. llth , morning, lie is a Hindu of the Itrah- Strt?t. mill wlute and a native of India. He Tli. luirdiier Tailoring CVt. have THE recched h'i Knglish education at one inif'.rni vittr of t lie Indian mmer-iii- and f'Tiinnv li.lt:. Tnii Delta will Inn.- a banquet yi past has been a pn.mlnent meiu- i ncr III I lie lirailllio n.nniij in li" - wasf one of the delegates from India at the World's Parliament of llelij:- Telophone CSS. 1. O Box 931. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospital 503 South llth street Seclal attention to diseases ot women. Kv ery convenient for surgical raseh. HERE. Is not a better way for vountr men to provide an income for their uon-nrodtictnir years, safe from the dangers of ordinary business speculation, than a 20-vear accumulation policy in tho Now York Lile, a policy that can bo used as security by young men making their way through college, that rovides ample protection and at the saute time yields splendid returns as an in vestment. The younger the age, the less the cost, hence the necessity of prompt action. HORACE G. WHITM0RE. 95. - - - General Agent. SVVVVVVVVVAAAAAVAAVViVVVVVVSVVVVVVSAA Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Examine the Policy of the New England Mutual. Tho Values arc as definite as those endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. G. IV. NOBLE, Mgr., Phone 328 ' oTt&et DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY. OrriCE Houns: Onice. Zchruni; Illock. ! to 10 A. M N W.ComerN & 12th Sts. 12 to 12:3.1 and 2 to 1 r. u. ItoMdo. cc. Kvenlngs by Appointment. 1313 C Street. Sumlaxs, 12 to 1 r. m. ami . by Appointment. Telephones: Onice. 618. Iteslilence, C17 Don't fail to attend the opening of the DR. J. F. STEVENS. in the near future. I C. 15. Hiirirs. Dentist. 141 South 12th St.. op. Keystone grocery. (.i ronV Lunch Room. US SoiiMi KUunili. (M'ii day ami night. Mr. Turpiii gaw another Pan-llel-leu i.- .l.iiu-e at bin hall Friday night. 2xi pair of men's shoc at half price. UVtmter & Hogenc, 1043 O street. ioiih held in Chicago in l'jr.. Ixiwreiiee llruner, proftiMir of en tomology and ornithology has issued a Hpeeial iiuiieiin .mi. .i council. plea for the protection of birds." in which he takes up the subject of pro lection to crops through birds which .. .. .. ,. . .. n...t....i . iIkj.1i iiv intiirious niseeis. niuiiniii:s it m. i'.. i ook, praeucc iiiiiiivh - ---; --- ... .....,.. )k t .i, i-.r ...-,. i.iui lbroii "r, a ft. Imde from actual experiment in .lie ' " , V T '. ',,',' i.iinrber of bug. found in the stomais II..- eeuly organized tail vnr l ' uf vmojiiK birds of Xebnihka. arc given, ml il.. r HrKt saWr drill last Satur.l.o iTl.n. lltlM j,,.,.,, n jargc deinaml for the ttt"r"v- I bulletin from all'clahhes of people in Ti- I iiion literary wn-iety rciHlered tjM. UUr. a r L i. .in i Wesleyau university IV1- ,n( j4.,.1,ll(; ahMiciation held Jii lav .-i. ,,ifr. oJi(,r j)t4.n.H,jIlf, uieetiiig Monday f- 1-Vi pair ladles' $5.00 kIiocb on sale trf !. The iiestlon of the selre at tl.iKi a pair. Wcbtcr & llogere, tl)U of judg- for the second prelim 1013 O trcct. iimrv was difcutM-eil. A long wrangle Tl lii.ter rwiw will begin Thiirti- sn entered Into. Some deal red that ! ii...riiliifr March 30. and wild Moa-.the .Kteen debaters should take t ic h -t.-Htiiir'Aril 3. 'selection of the judge out. of the ' s"1 s" "". "ZnWt wllli the constitution, being Mr I. IL llnigwii of 130 South liiUi ,( ,,M,,.t ,-, ,neiidmeiit. It wiih decid- trw-i. Iihm large eolleolloii of stiimpH, (i) JJ( jV(. j, ,, hIioiiM be selected "nun ktliieh yon chii iM'lect. jrom jic, H,.vcn proiided for by Uie (tiiincHlor and Mm. Miielii;i were (.fffiMtt1 ntloii. which provides that a 1 Ii'.iim. to the KtiiileutM of the wiliool (V4. or three may Ik wlectwi. Omcc 1 1310 street. OUlte Telophone 425. Ke.ildence Telephone -I'.M. Lincoln. Neb M. B. KETCH UM. M. D.. Piiar. D. 1'rof. Ophtbalmoloey, Otology unit Laryngology. Lincoln Medical Collote. Oflerx a tbor -vvh. private uurte In refnictlon. SKJUtucleK tilted. Ullke. H6 so. I lib st llour. 9 to 12:.'-2 to 5 J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. IteMdcnrc 1310 U Htreet., Tel 212. Of!)ce. ISK3 O htreet, Itoomx 17 and ia Over liter A lulMVId fc35 DK.M. H. GARTEN. I'mcilcc limited lo Kyi;, Kar. Nose and Tbroat. GREAT DISSOLUTION SALE ON MARCH 6lh, You will nnd that ISooks, Stationery, .Music, Musical Instruments, College Supplies, Pictures and all other goods -in our Hook, Stationery ami Music Departments will be sold at prices never seen before in Lincoln. HESPOLSHEIMER & CO., 12th and N Sts., Lincoln The Original and Best 1025 O street. Lincoln, Xebra.ku. NO SAW EDGE f airri.'iilture Saturday evening. Mr. Hi. .(,!, (,f (lilt-ago, Hecrctary f tti- Htiideut inovomciit gave an 'id h at the V. M. C. A. Sunday. T. WbniNltfin. :,o ceiiti for the nnjt. 'f Hi- .-,r. If you Kiy cahh In ndnniee. ! oiibkerlptioiiK with any editor. M Hlieetti theme pnper, one cover, r! faiitener for 8c. The University Hook Store. (dl -uiil ee our new stock of olcc ri' fUiiiri'M. Koramuvur I'limiblng A "tiuKvi,H,iMllly,2r,'Sttuih llth Ht. 'I1i cadet Wind inarched lo Ihf t'M' ' law! Wodiioiulfiv noon and helped ';'l .liulge llaywa'rd (with a few iu Jtlrli.jr Kclcclloim.) HXIO'X SOCIETV MBiynxo. I'ollowiiig program wan given by the I'lilon tun-U'ty Friday evening: I'iaoo wilo, "Lal'ortalnc. Lysbery. Miwi Anna Aiidcnwoi. "Xalural Law and the Philippine. Chan. Kiihlinaii. Vocal nolo "Magnetic Waltz," Ar dMI. Miw Lilian Chaw-. M'm'trv of War." Hcrtha Plnkcrtou. Votail llin't, "The Angola," HiiImjm Hteiu. Eva and .hilla McLimu. Itcclfiitloii, "The Mule and the Him." Elide Mne Hlandln. Vocal holo, Hclectcd. Mr. A. T. H'i' bell. Kiiree. "Obedleiiee." E. S. KING, Kins Watch Hopalrlnif. Scientific Refracting Optician (OradualB) 1300 O Street. Lincoln. Neb EVEN ZERO WEATHER i (lorn not prevent our being a warm proposition when it comes to . . . BOO arjd Catalog PriQting Gctoiii'cstliiiatcon your next printing of whatever description. No cheap Joint work, hut the best at reasonable prices. HUNTER PRINTING GO. PHONE 350. LAUNDRY Clarkson Laundry Co. NEW WASH DRESS Choice lines of Wash Dress Goods for early spring wear are now on our counters. Percales in a large assortment of new and beautiful patterns in light, medium and dark colors, 8 i3c to 12 i-2C a yard. Zephyr Ginghams, both of Scotch and American make, 10, 12 1-2, 15, 20 and 25c a yard. GOODS MILLER & PAINE.