The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 13, 1899, Image 2
THE HEBRASKAN. A W.oU.j Newspaper Issued Every Monday Noon by the University Publishing Association. Kntuml as iMjeoiid Class Mall Matter. Geo. L. Towne Mannplnp Editor M.I. Stew art Kdltot-ln-Chief ASSOCIATES: . NKW3. J.T. Stunner Edgar Clark. Clinton Harr. LOCAL. Edgar Cnuuli. Unu-o Mae Millan. Ada Whiting. Melon Woods. It D. Amirusoii. Clydo Van Valin ioii.s iii'iiuireiuentN. The university roaches out to help the teachers of the state Ininirdiu'tH.v In Its kiiiihiiov school, wnleh hit" prospered during the hienniutn that the w$rent for the (trst time in 'MS modi It a summer sesHin of the university, evtending the time to a term of six weeks. Tihla will enable teaehera to gain credit in the university and to have nmre thor ough vmrU done for Mioni. Benton Dale- .Alum u The Nebrnsknn will be sent to any address upon receipt of the subscrip tion price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from all. News items such'as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are especial ly desired. The Nebrasknn will be glad to print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all audi. Address all communication to the Nebraskau, University of Nebraska. 'llic "l M. I- A. iloente. u la lion for the energ.v and pifcdi it has shown tin year. .Not ni has. the iiicmlietvhip 'toll been largely iucroas fi. lull il" llieMeHIV of oil 111 HMI1.-.II! i much iikhv tliiMi in proportion. The new quart, rs in the bi.-Miieiit are an evidence if ite piosperit ami aotixit. 1 lie oiat.irio.V. ..jiiIo-I i oxer ami the iimxers.itj'.s icpnv nlatixe to the .late eoi lest h.i been ohm-en. The net step in the sericte i- the xxiiining of the nrl pkiee at llie e tt t i I) held . Hellenic preparatory to the irrealer roiiet In lie held .u l.involll m Max. Why not m-ivI a .ro tk jTJition" to IteliexueV It i. only a short ili-tHiitv ami IT" .l rale can be e- eliriHl. , mt. w.Mtirs UBi'our. Dr. II. l. Nam, its ehalrinan of the zooiogietil Miu-coinnnttee 01 tliu sol ene coniuiitucc of sixty, Nutiioiuii I'd uetitional association, lias jwst pre pared and sent out the tl new letter to the committee wil'li reference to the leport to be made tin is year to tlie gen nil association on tlie subject of touching oology in secondary schools. The correspondence which lius Ik'cu going on for a couple of years in tills matter will ne concluded this year with the presentation of tlie report to tlie gvneral association. The report xxill be xvrltten by Dr. Ward in accord ance xxfth tllie " from the xnrii us member of tlie sub-coin-mlttcc. COlWTY S( IIOI.M.SIIIPS. The Itcgent liaxe established with in the bienuiiiiii unixprsit.x county scholarships to henellt the poor, Imt ii'erviiig Ihi.x-. and. girl- in the school-. ittviriiiir a higher education. The. scdicmc is an adaptation of one i that has worked well in other states, t uotnhlx New York and IKinoix. A I scholarship is oiicred in each' county mnintninintr a first chiss three or four year iMirh school. The fcholctrship will he awarded in .student, passing ifie best 'niK'liiie examination pro- ' vided th-- candidates meet the require- iiK-ii'ts for adiniHsioiv lo the loxvcst work carried at the university. A j scholarship nmy be witb or witiiout I privileges. If the candidate has p.-ou- j ninry need, the scholar-hip will esirry it the prixllege of Htpcusing "iwi me jhi.viii-im oi any ice or ie jHisit of any kind at the unixensitx. except tlie mntrieiiliitioii fee required 1 1 i.v the --tut ute. The utHvondtv county scholarship- arc lint one of the ninny means bx wliieh the uinivcrshx eii--oiiRifr noed.x stiiilents. The genu inely di4ih-rniie spirit of the unixer sitx make it pusiWV for a larire niini Imt .f tlio het t4idellt to hei thein m'1w lix outride xxork. Qnnnn nEDICHL COLLEGE Course 2S Weens. Fees $05.00. Otfors great inducements to slit dents of medicine in tlie west. Methods of instruction most satis factory. Clinics in bo'li surgery and medi cine held in the following hospitals in this city: County, Methodist, Child's, Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals weekly. Catalogue sent and questions an swered by !:. W. CHASE, Omaha, Nebr., Continental block. The University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Is butter fitted than over before to give artistic instruction in Voice Training, Piano Forie Playing, and all other principal branches of Music, 1 he (entur.x .Mazine itois .xenr of fers to the iiieiiMierts of te chirei of "'J7, "lis. " and lwau in American co5-lege- tfcfcV'priea. of $230 rnch. The .ue iu be gixen. one for the bei k em. one of the lierJ e-sy ami tile third for the let Mory Mibmit4cl to the judjr .- in the Competition. llc i . nire ipHirtunitj for oine o. the lliemlier if these cJbmm- xxmo liaxe lit eral x aspinilioiis. and hou"d Ik- taken ,iH.tnla$.re of. SCHOOL OF Ml'SIC XOTK?. The Hagenoxx xtringed cpiartet xvere "n Deiiiiison and Manning. Ioxx-n. last xxeek. While there they nrrangcil for i a return next year. Mi- Cave and l.eynolds and hc : mandolin elidi fnrnislietl the iniisie at , l4ie onilorical contest Friday ex-eiiiiig. John Kandolph is giiiii;; a cour.-e of illnstrate lectures on historical sul- jeds on Mondny afterniKiii ln'fon' tlie hlo-n deiartmc!it. Henry Eatne is ghlng- a similar conrw before the pi- pil of i he piiHiforte dejiartinent. Henry Kaino furnished the iniiIt at chapel last xveek during the absence of Dircelor Kimball in Omaha. The follow iiifr new student.-, enter ed lat xxeek: Snrnh Dertrain. Tinlic Kinkaid. Mrs. John Ord. Jessie I'.yeo. Helen Fiijrerald. Frank Vlctery. 1 lie pirMt-ts for a Mj.i Uii-t- ImiI team are exceedingly briglit. A larjfe iiuniiHT .tie praelicuig l.r llie leant .Hid fot m jrlx exerx m:Ii.jii i lien are scUT.ii aij.lii1e. jol M-heil-die, too. ir- Im-iii arraiit-d. xxaieli in- ' cliideis g-aiue xxith Kansas. Missouri and hixxa, and ipoxides for hii eastero trip. It seems likely that 1lioe xvh'J ' like lo see good bate ball will liaxe an .-veeiiein opjHirtitiiitx ihi- xar. 'J he iMJiiiber of iuatrieuilei for til is xear has JWlrf Jon. .i laiger iiuuWkt linn iias exer been ru-iied befor- in one y,vr. I hi doe t.vA iiieMi, of j eniiiM-. 1 luil th 're hate been exactly 7M iiexx ft ikIci.1- rejfol reil. tor Milne of tllrhe are old t-ntldentlt. li--eiileiiif for graduate xx.jrk. Neeitlwle there is concliiKixe piMiof in ihii that t'le uiihentiix i- ii,l jfi.(;iijf an I the xnrk r jOil-) n eaeli ,i ,ei-or .11.1 inwtriK ;ir . oejuently iiu raiiiijf. In xiexx of UW fan. if then- were ii" oihei Jri.rn!iiiil. it txoiild Mem thai ihe :eif:iiui' Jioii thnk eri oiifl.x liefme n-hi-iiie ihe a!nr-ad ioxx apjimpiiali.ui for th salaries of the iiliixersilx'- teneliiiiv foree. The iiim ierit i-hii most eaxilx ! eriidcl in this Hin. and eMfM-cialU jiih4 ntf this eriiieal jM-riol of it dcxelnpiucmV. 'llie bieaiHh of the uuiw-rwityV xxrk for t.iie state Is i Memlinj.. ,fc a part r,f the etluea! uual miHciii the iiniieiv iv it. ended voting- n mCi)i jj,e need I. of icacln-i Tlurl -nine l.-aeli--t' eertifn.l1 I. haxe Iwen i,t.iud to L.'ra'liiali- .if ihe iinixerwilx takinff tlie . U. or li. -. detrree. anl in addition theielo ue.-eisKf till y Hiuietiliv the re.juirenienls of llie tinixeositv t aeh. ers rtiutw vn.Uijrnf nf two year, of KTHH-ia! and trnfes.iotial frtud'v. The !at leinKlnDure ernKiwerel the re Vn1 1,, ?t.,- Hiew eertlfH'alev. The iniinlier taken aod tlit unread of tlie ide throiio-h the uid-sh im teaehllifr Is H tT4ifimion ladieiile 1hal the h wVA oeove Jienefiei-iH 'nM. leeifllirni U onraUel to thm in jn-un oher t-11 e. twl eillble p-rjiliHl" of ih" nniv'riiv to filn ftmrwr rifovui. 1'ion out-Me tlie .t1e The rr9dune of n'.Miv.' .., V ,'tl,,,,,, -lm-1n" t..r'tl-ir .,.m11i'i. ., Hhfi1riiH to nil i wn'ti 1-iini- . u, pre- AXXfir.NCKM i;.t. I.'ne.i'n. Neh.. March 10 19. To ihe Kd'nor ! 'llie Xeiiiastcan: !" !mi- 1 i -iniioiiiiee through your eoj. eiiiii. hat I am a eanlidiHe for r!ie no'iii licit ion for mayor. Miiojeci to the ileeitsi'iii of ihe rtijHibllejin prlniaris to I' held on Tuehday. March 14. 'J'hia is at, edneaiional center, nutl all who ir- in1e-e-, 1 iii the elncaliulMl ia stltiiiioiit. of this city sJiould hax-e a sNeial intercut in eeurin giKMl city poxerniuent. The fae.tlly and tti lent, of the a4e unixersity an, many of them, xoter. and all have nx-ans of iatliu-neiiig voters wlifch they shouUl not neglect. It Is to be IiojmyI. there fore, that all Inl.Trwted in the nnixer shy and tJie city of Lincoln, will not consider it a saerlflre Inn a duly to go to toe mite on tlie 14th and cast a xoie. and ue their influence in ikiiiiI iiaiinv iu-!i candidates. a in llieir .iudiMuent. will In? for Uc 14 itMcre of ihe iiuixerwiiy and llie city. During' ihe two rvr I have uceu n iiieni!er of the eity emneil 1 liave trlwl. with other, to remote cUmmcs. in tJie ttiti nieiuil ailntinistntfioii. to conduct the eity biiMinesM in an eillcicnt and mi iioinleal mail tier. In my preneiw eandidaey I have not Miiiidit the Kiijmorl of aoy Ke-ial in ieret or clt. but I do solicit ihe siipMoi of everyone who Miami for a clean and iiiiirlliil adinlitU4ration .if eity affair. H. J. WIXXIIT. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS TO THE NORTHWEST The Htirlington Koutc has ctablished a twiec-'.ixvcck tmiri-t car lino from Kansas City and Lincoln to Iltittc. Spo kane, Taeoma and Seattle. Car.-, leave Kaunas City and Lincoln every Tue-day and Thursday, arriving at Seattle following Friday anil Sunday. They are upholstered in rattan. The bedliueu and furnishings are clean and of good quality. The heating, venti lating and toilet arrangements are all that can be desired ami each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose ole duty is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of anv kind and the lertli rate from IJn-; cofn to Taeoma or Seattle is only $o.OO. j To intermediate points it is proportion- j atcly low. i Montana and thePtiget Sound country j are now enjoying :i period of unex ampled prosperity. A- a consequence. I travel to the Xorthxxest is rapidly attain-1 ing large proportions. Thi- nexv tourist-1 car line has been e-talilislieo with a vioxv of caring for the Burlington's share of it in the be-t possible manner. For lerths. ticket- and full informa tion apply at H. it M. depot or city otlicc. corner Kith and O street.-. G. W BONNELL, C. P. & T. A. Students will receive full information by ap plying at the School located directly South of the Campus, and can enter at any time. Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Sound Instruction. WILLARD KIMBALL, DIRECTOR, Stand at the Head in fine Merchant Tailoring. We take the lead in the great central west. We can suit you in both style and fit. THE d. l mine aoTnmQ store i 2 17 O Street. The Ready to Write Instrument of To-day is WnTERnnn's - idehl - .raunmm rcn an indispensable convenience for Statesmen Lawyers Physicians Authors Reporters Business .Men Teachers and Students Every Pen warranted 10 give atis- faction. Prices according to value. Catalogues furnhthcu. L. E. Waterman Co. t.trz'tt I'ouiuin I'm rUnulacturcr in llie World. 157 Broadway,' New York. Northwestern University MEDIGA12 I -SGHee U The high stanJarJ and progressive methods which have given this School its enviable reputation tor over thirty years are carefully main tained. For circulars of detailed informa tion address the Secretary. Dr. N. S. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St., - - - CHICAGO. ILL. VStHUMc Prices from S15 Up. jASk W iUK & tegs. SZ -J AO ffiit f k.i ?r TJfiiwlA Best 3Ug-J&z$M the WorJd 13 Tl.' iau rjritstraii'iii Utr pli,t tntiiiin .'!.-. ha nit.-liiHl I'im-t.x-lJirw. 'Ihi U fu.r of m ImU -aii.liljifct im.l n4hlrtj. ctiic 'i'hrt' ( utlll Mvmmhi of mi Intloor mivi with tlie OnuUia Y. M. C. A. 'I'iu trttmUiav t-iilMuillfH 1o that mmh-k4. tin lix l)r. Uiun i. lill iiikKt tliSr -iiKi1cmii(.n. Dr. Loonhrrlt's A NTI-PI L L Cures Nervous Ills. 'l'"i;?.V'a""" ' " Xfwu. IIS nrt I'll! t 'Hon uuV flk. l j(y H.tX f s ltny , Tn mu trre. IJrojrtfUu c or drtm AniM'iU C . UuvolL Vt a. Vrrt AdvUjry Irnt. for frn. Harvard University MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, BOSTON. MASS. HClh Annual Announcement (1898-99). In and aft.jr Juiii'. 1101. cundidap for dnii-.,ioii tuunt iin'iit a tUrmi in Art l.itoraturo, I'liitogophy, Scioni'O or .Mdl'iii from ii riu-iii'tii'iiul tutWftrn nr jX'll'lltili.' M'liool. with tllO OXl't'ptloil of uiieli iereJiiJ. of feiiitubli! ag ami Jiltalii uioiit. a may hu admittiid Uy pot'lul iiim! raciiiiy iKuii in euun i&o. For duUdlud iiifoniiution coiicurnliig connive of iiitriit'tioii, or cataloguu. adra Uu Wji. U. KICIIAKUSON. Deun. Unrtat.1 MwJicuil Hehooi. liuntoo. Mm.. COLLKGB men everywhere are invited to eend fir the Waihburn Souvenir Ltloc. 1: car.talm nearly ; r prtralu ofartms and collegian, let5e (ivitig torn- -ctount it th coastrucuon of Woshbcn iatr me-.ia and a complete Hit of net pr.t-I'.rst-ctaM taarJr cealers the xvorl-J over rrtl Wa!trurn. or Instrument r-.y be obtal'wj fro-i i":j naleTS Lyon & Healy, Chicago. Turpin's School of Dancng. Childron's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladies' and gentlemen's class. Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings. Tlio AeadDuiy.ouVrs udvanUiujo for cotillion cIijIh. private part'. w Is nowly fiiniitlii'. and dc'.rated. Will ! rented at reasonable rate Tor further information adiire. Ntw CIiiki far Children and Adult nuw I' rml g. ALBERT TURPIN, BS IT IS THE "STYLE' And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That make them famous. All on ground floor. 226 So 1 1 th SU I