The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 13, 1899, Image 1

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r0i VII. No. 24.
Phiok 5 Cknts
Exciting Oratorical Contost
with Edgorton a Closo
The eleventh annual oratorical con
t.t was hold last Friday nMght In tliu
university chapel. There was n largo
,ml enthusiastic audience, which very
nenrl.v 111 Km! the lower part of Mie
ohnicl. Hcfore the contest begun vnri
ni.. .": nud yells wore indicted up.m
the waiting audience by supporters of
the different contestants. The Pnlln
dkins had n song1, whose elionis was
-Hi. u: Hi, ()!, w are going- to win,''
and ihe Delinns came singing n parady
on "A hot time in the old town to
night." Tin- rlniK'l whs decoraled with the
scarlet and cream aero?, the stage,,
nml the eolors of the three literary so
cieties Delinn, Pnllndian and Union,
lump across the hall. The contestants
all belonged to the two societies Pal-
lad inn and Delinn and the honors wore
divided between them, Mr. Tallnit co
iner a Pnllndian and Mr. lvdgciion a
Del tan.
The contest was a spirited nne
throuchout, each contestant showing'
carofnl preparation both iw manu
script and delivery, and the verdict of
ihe .nidionee seemed fully in aeoord
with limit of the judges as to the nic
iis f the speakers. The program
was long hut not tiresome, not only
because of the excellence of the ora
tions but also because of the music
furnished by Miss Beynolds, Miss Give
nml ihe mandolin club, together with
sonic impromptu selections during1 the
wait for the decision of the judges
consisting of reading's by Miss Oh a so
and a solo by C. H. Boost rom.
The program opened with some in
troductory remarks by the president,
T. . Maxwell, in which he predicted
that victory would again perch upon
the banners of Nebraska university
when the winners of this contest
should meet the representatives of oth
(T colleges in the state and interstate
contests to be held Inter in the year.
He also took occasion to pay a ncit
compliment to the secretary, G. A.
Benedict for his work in arranging' the
mam details of the contest.
Mis Alderman was the first speak
er and her subject, "The Mission of
Democracy." A governments she sni.l,
i but the servant of man. It docs not
ci.i for its own sake but for the sake
nfitlx- governed. It must have an ideal
lievuid itself, which is the develop
ment of manhood. Some fear that a
little learning will bring much harm,
lint nil learning must be little before
it can be great. If a few great principle-
can lw scattered among the peo
ple, in time they will be lettered y
them, and so the state will advance.
Lee Berry poke upon the "Faithful
bolitionist," in eulogy of Charles
Summer, whom be characterized :is
the greatest and noblest man of his
time. The trumpet and the call to
arms never ushers in a new era. i It is
the statesman in the quiet halls of the
assembly who shapes the destinies of
naiintis.. thus is the statesman' greater
than ihe soldier as the per is mightier
thnn the sword.
C X Jones took as his theme the
"Hour nnd 1he Man," and paid a high
tribute to William Lloyd Crrison.
who 1 bough in his own time judged a
fanatic, is honored by posterity as a
hero .nul a martyr to a noble principle,
wine' ;h, to prevail as the result of
liN i" l.i iiuied efforts.
"T'h Bnltle of Qiieenstovvn" was tbe
M)bj. . chosen by C. F. Horner. There
nre i , more rernarlcabV examples f.f
eour.iLM- thnn here exhibited nnd tin
Iwrtitli- w :iK ever fought, out grander
fields He mentioned the bravery and
lierop-Mi of Captain Wolf and his sol
'li(" in contrast with the base coward
ice inul treachery of the New York
mlllliii which refused to cross the
Magnrn river.
P. 11. Edgerlnn chose as his subject.
"Minbenii," who was the hope and
tlie pride of the great third estate In
Prance His wns n so which nothing
'""Id daunt. To him notihing was
impossible. To him all men looked for
'aspiration and. leadership. Though lie
Ww m party, he. alone, could swiy
"11 France by" the foTee of his uncon
querable personality. He saw tiliit
Prance was not ready for n republic
"ixl Hint Kiieli a government would
"nb be followed bv a reign of terror.
The subject of the winning' oration
Jj.v D. Talbot was "William Loyd
"arriwin." Tn ihe Inst analysis, m-n
who lemrve the name great, are not
oip men who nre made great by the
''tt'iinistnnees of the hour, but those
who uinlte circumstances bend to th-ir
"Tl. One thu great is not ?o much
a leader of men as a prophet of God.
J artin Luther wns such n man. Fat
k TTenry was nnothor. Tlio work of
ttiese men wns noble but nobler fit-M
Vvns that of William lyd Garrison,
who broke the chains from the bodies
uf men. He was a man who never re
treated. The nation en mo to him.
The last sjienker wns II. B, Tnckr
and his subject "The New America,"
His was a subject thoroughly up to
date, dealing with the question of
America's conduct toward her new
possessions. The twentieth century
demands a wider policy. We cannot
be lvound by the traditions of a cen
tury ago, for what was then to our
best interests will not now fit the
changed conditions. Every expansion
has lieen proceeded by predictions .f
dire disaster. Hut in every case these
predictions were proved as groundless
as will be those of the present time.
We arc at the panting1 of the ways.
To stand still is the "Chinceo policy.
To expand is in accord with the Amer
ican spirit. The United States has
started on a way from which there
is no turning Kick. She mut take hr
place among the nations of the world.
The markings of the judges:
n to .se
spnitjMOH "2
'JQ 3Ss2SS5e
a"5 5 " 3 r
Myron Isidore. Uigelow, wJio&e re
cent, death i& mourned by thoe il tne
o.oer a.umni who knew luni and 0
the Union Society, of which lie
was u nieinber, graduated fixnn the
university in lbi'J with the degree of
bachelor of science from the electrical
cjigineering eoui-se. lie ws the lir&t
graduate lrom t!hut course in this in
st Mut ion. When in scliool he had a
leaning1 toward athletics, playing sec
ond biise with the aggregation then
known as the base bail team and 1h
ing one of the best batters who eer
plajvd IkiII for the ""Varsity."
tter grndualion he married Miss
Kd'ith Mockett, si graduate with the
class of U(). For a year he traveled
for an electrical comiumy. Then he
went iirto business for himself, be
coming malinger of the lligclow Klec
trienl Supply eoniiany of ibis city.
This positJon he held tiini! his deiith.
The Union Litemry SK-i(tty jwissed
the following resolutions tit it last
Whereas, God in His oiiiniW)1ent
wisdom Oi.'ik removed from our midst
a fonner membe.r of our society and
a graduate, Mr. M. 1. Higelow;
Therefore, lie it the sentiment of
the Union Society that we extend our
heartfelt sympathies to the wife and
family of the deceased, and be it
Hololvod. That n copy of the above
resolutions lw forwarded to Mrs. Tlige
ov and that they be published in the
college liners.
JFNNli: McfiUFFllY.
llFTl'niA K. PrNKlSllTON.
1 AiTlTTIU-R P. L1!F.
Notwithstanding the crowded con
dition jf the liitiMMiui, iimnj iinjirovt
inena luive been made, lib well as
valuable addition, in the way of col
lections. 'JVanioriiry cute, built by
wtudOntb have beeui rcpluc'exl by plate
glass cases of modern design, afll of
them donated. Farly in Hie year the
MiiciFiirhind memoriul eollection wrns
given to the museum, through the ef
forts of memlers of the United States
geological survey. This collection is
ol esrwcinl interest a.s it consifets
kirgely of the fossils of Nebniska. The
Kgy.p'inn lnuimny doii1d to the uni
versity by II. V. Uomingar of Craw
ford, Neb., is to be placed in one of
the cases lietonging to the Hon. C. II.
Morrill. The large forestry collection
has been renumbered according 1o Dr.
Tlessey's revised, list. It has also been
re-labeled, each label being- neatly
framed in oak nnd Containing1 maps
of Nebraska and of the United Spates
colored in green to represent the ex--iiet
distribution of each species.
Events of That Institution Dis
cussed. Retiring Allow
ances Fixed.
To the Ivditor of the Nebraska ti:
There is much, or little, of interest
happening' at Harvard just now accord
lug as one finds himself in this or Unit
element. In the law school n.i , m,,
higher graduate work, where mid year
evnnUnntions nffonl no ix'licf, every
one is bracing himself for the carrviiijr
.Miccicd in.ii .nm
wxirk will be done on the river this
wook. Hie outlook for the 'xarsitv
crew is the subject of not a little
speculation. O'Den, who did so much
hn el arce o-f ."", ! .' V
WI1HI IIIK l IvliOlm ..... .. .. 1
Ins control is not absolute, ami as a
result. Harvard mnj lw pm to the ne
eesitsy of choosing the lvest of sc
eral crews at, its 'Tii,iJy erew or pick
ing a erew from men who practice a
different stroke.
The city across the river cannot be
said to be entirely without, sources
oi interest, president McKinlcy kept
iii life ir...i .1,. v.. ,...u . t ,.-.. i '" 'wuij, ii it inree.ioiirL'is i
" .V" "'"8" "inie. in uic'vole ,.,.. el -, - i,ninrv mi, l""iiig lortii every cliort to get the
eollegv the same happy, healthful, 01 '" LJf MJ" i liWe work out of the men.
holiday nr,t that prewiiled before the " oT1nJorln f, " v T,M' ",1"1 n""ber of candidates now
exaininotions has returned. Here ti.e. ' "'X' " ' ' J ! Poetising is greater than ever before,
5TS iJ"iel,!c",l" h! ? WOrk An atSt ws made to make the ! ! !,nf cw" "H,Mnl for
the town astir for two days last week ' ." ann"s of lho unnerstty has
and ihe influence of his visit lasted I X"U,"J, n,nor ';'-i' " '
for several davt, after, if one mav o ,OWS ",V1 a ln" llc,a Kal'I,a nu-eUnj?
charaeteri7e lb.. lusi! , "v
-" w.....w U
-w neriT" ' m ln" "C
orncriiifc. . , , , . . n
ichal Mansfield, playing in Cy.
rano le lcrgorac, was obliged to dis. '
i-omiiiuc ins engagement Here on ac. ,
count of illness. Over seventeen thou,
sand dollars worth of rickets were sold
when the engagement ceased. He
expects to resume his tour at Haiti
more on March G, so that the western
tour will probably not 'be given i"
inn -Macioren gives inree lectures in
Itos-ton next week before tnrlnnT .111
his western trip. The month of Marcn
promises much for theatre goers
. .. -. . ... .... P .
iniiiti .Marlowe. tola Allen in the
Qinstians, and the second season of
Grand Opera.
lteginning September 1, 1S99 llarv.
iard University will provide a retiring
allovvsinee for its professors. All men
who have served Jis professors, or ;is
assistant professor, for twenty vf:ii.
will be eligible to one of these allow.
Vfter retirement ihey will be
ml lowed oue.third of their last salary.
4. . i - . . - .
ilu.s one.sivtieth of tJieir last salary
for each ,'idditaoiml year over twenty.
The whole allowance not to exceed
itw-tlhirds of iheir alary. The fund
for this system was given in the main
I by Mr. Bartlett, a lawyer in Noston.
Ii,v Hie end of the year the endowment
will amount to $.143,000. In this con.
nection a few sentences from an .it.
st met of President Fliots' report may
be Interesting. After stating that "he
maximum salary in the lJiw School is
$r..1()0, and in other deparmeiits $5,000
the rcort says :
"The total amount of gifts for eapi.
till account during the year is $1,14(5,.
:i:i.'M0. The total amount of gifts for
Immediate use is 90,002.14. The total
state of the property of ihe univcrsii.v
jim entered upon the treasurer's Inioks,
on July 31. 1K9 wins $10.S30,).12."
' 1'iofchsor lloyee has returned and
with him has come reKrtss of his
speech at a banquet in Aberdeen.
Scotland, in which he says:
"It is true that the IJrHish jmisscis
the Kiipremaey of the sen, and as a
loval American, speaking with the In.
terests of my country at heart, and
with the Interests of the future of
humajiity in mind, 1 deeply rejoice
that it is so." He is the first Aineri.
win to give the Gifford lecture at tbe
University of Kdinburg.
Macnullan advertise among th?lr
forthcoming liooks a history of Greece
by Mr. Jkrtsford, a graduate of Ne.
bmska State T'niversity and an in.
structor in history in Harvard.
A ixi nnd the Onpc and up the Sound
there is a place willed New Haven, and situated a university knovvm as
Vale. During the year the Yale society
of Phi Hetn Kappa has been perfecting
some very radical changes in its organ,
ization and mode of life. It began by
securing new graduates in AVhite Hall,
then it turned its attention to reg-ular
meetings and lectures and everything
that goes to make n chapter active.
The movomunt has resulted in a new
Itoston ixipers indulge! in Thev ' V.V- ., ,. 'V ""gi" ' , Uehlaeiuler are ngnting lor nonors
boated lecause the cmwl cheered the " , 'n .KaPl former. Perhajx. at seeomi wth chances about equal for
President and hissed the Secrery ot l w ' ,,h!" Um? "" ?,ow ""'"''"'the two first. Gordon, captain of last
War in the same breath A much Ti l?; ,f o 1 shall vonr's 1oam, is showing p in great
more vts tor x otMtS S " "f xS T ' ?? "Si Tlw hape at his new position on third,
whent pit fame, who c to iS'to l.ilLCS"1,1aJl, R "- close second far honor. ,n
.,.,.! 4- u . . i: : ' ""v ....... i. . ,,,, 4i,, c. l-vnsiiion. mniain lirtuei
iii,iirvM uwi iu iisirvami n 1
method of election wliioh provides
that the members shnll be chosen ns
"The Society shall elect as members
nil men who have attained a philoso.
phieal oration stand in the work of
Freshman and Sophomore years; -ind
In addition, a number from among the
first fifty men in the Class sufficient
jto bring the membership up to thlr
1 1.V"
"All those not already members who,
t the end of Senior year, shall have
received a philosophical oration slnnd
on the work of .lunior and Senior
years, shall then lie elected members ,
of the Society." i
whole number to be chosen elective out
or a larger group of the men with high
standing, but the above compromise
was adopted. The alumni members
prompted by Judge Simeon Haldwiii,
:.''" P"1 Rnt
even this
change. The change is significant
wJien considered in connection witn
the effort 1o make the Society some.
tiling more than a passive receptacle
for honor men.
Oinibridge, Mass., Feb. 2S, 1S99.
" or 1,iree ,v,,;irs nff" ' " .von
lllHllll. 1 iId ivf v-xnrf -. 1... ...
f iJt" h" V"n S-
u-s to me that there is more op-
iKirtimitv for the annlication of sci-
entitle knowlclgc in farming than in
any otlier busine:
'ri,.. c... :..... i ,, r ..
ness. Farming is not ; 15c1 tJlcrc being about fifteen candi-
me I was brought nr,.- rr i0sit3os. 5" ..-tiabman.
miik it only for atttifiid- i ii r i, r.t.1 iim are airain
a new thing for
on a farm, leavii
ing and teaching school. 1 hope my
ease may gratify some who 4ml
i lia f university takes the farmer
boys nnd does not return them to the
,,,,L "cpnnmin 01 eiicmiisiry is
nn.nntl.l.- .11.l ........ 1... 1... . ,
, 7, n.i ujn t, ,v in-opje
of the state, who ninily either in per
son or by letter for the solution of
all sorts of questions, many of which
imply difficult and complicated anal
ysis in their answer. In the yipnr lSOfi
HH 4M111TllC: WTr In1i-ii,1l ! 1tn
471 Kimplw: in 1S9S. 1.-.4 samples, of
all manner of siilistnnees. During' the
miin, sr i.,o,. i.: ... t ...
" " ' i. . " . "' .:",,.""'
I......J.HI. ..iiii- .J.4.. .ijv j.i inn i tui jtir
nnalysus. To show something of the
variety they are classified as follow:
Wat.r 4; iH-er. 0: minerals. 1.1; fruit'
pulp, 15; pulque, l: medicine, 1. '
ooiiiw it is entirely imiKiss-lble to
comply with thoc reqnests. excejit in
a vry iw instances where the dip
sired informal ion can be given with
out recourse to a eheinietil invesit.iga
tion or when' a few simple tests will
suffice to ansvvvr the questions asked.
in such ine inionnation is
cflieerfully furnished. Other cases are
lii(ised of by explaining to the in-
(UvidiiaJ tliat neither the wtiite nor ihe
iwiiversity makes provision for :mv
eliemienl work outsidu of that of iii
sirtictlnn and that provided for in
the evM'riineii"l station. liM'ideiitnlly
thi iuK'.,itiiiies a large ninoiint of
'ni'r(Witniiliiiiu V lmurf, ;,t,,,,..
or the biter file of tl, depart men t of
I ."...-.. ......n , ...rl,-A .11111
chemlsirv for tin. v,.n. icne ,.,:t.,...i
mucous cornvswiidence. exeludiiMr
that relating to the sugar lwet indus
try, shows 2-10 letters of suffici'iit im
portance to copy. Of letter pertain
ing to the sugar beeit industry ttiori'
were over 400. This work of the de
iraiini'iif( of cheiiijoitirv i but a sin
nle of thHl doni for the stfnte st
birire bv evrv department in tti
iiiilverHttv of NelirHskw.
TJie Nebraska InlersChohistic A ma
ifiir Athletic AbMK'iatlnu. which wus
fonnwl .at year is making arrange-
memt. for a spring meeting to lie hehl
in May. This association is mndie vp
in intra M'jiodis -oi iiit stale and it Is
expected that their rpnseiitntives
will dome together in Lineoln for the
spring meeting. The officers of the
orgiini.iitdnii are: Nathan liernsleln
of Omaha, jireMident; Geoirge C. Shfdd
'if LiiK-oln. swrtitary-trensurer. and
Superintendent II. D. Overboil of Ash
land, J. S. Cutter of Beatrice and Al
bert Swan of Milford. members of the
executive committee. Dr. W. W. Has-
tibigs is advisory member from the
state university.
Warm Weather Gives An Im
petus to Ath etlcs.
The Schedule-
The warm days of last week lnne
given a decided impetus to base ball.
The candidates have been upon the
field early each day and have prac
tised faithfully and earnestly. Fred
Harnes of last year's Milwaukee leamie
,wnu 'V1'1 ,1l,"'.y f the Syracuse
team ofthe hastern league, are super
vising uie eoaeiung. .ipxatn Uoetter Is
Moore and Lelnuer are trvlnjr for
jMrsitions behind the bat. Hoth are
showing up in very fine form. Moore
has the advantage of one season's
play on the team. He throws well to
1kics aivl is baiting much harder
than last. year, l.ehmer will will make
nil iivn.illottl H!li' i-ri rtc lilt! 1Tl
- , ,jK. flel(1 is as
j Tm. lu.w eaudidates for pitcher's po-
Idti.. .. ro.un nil in.l Kiri.n.r
I These with the old men of last year,
! Cordon, Khea, Melford, and Miss, as
sure a strong and heady game from
that quarter,
Hhmles will Ik found at first again
this season. His remarkable playing
of last year seems liable to be sur
nnsscd. Kandnll. Kincsbury, and
4a inciiinn I nrrtJ
. ' . . i J .n?11 .M.
he whole the Zlook is very bright
fo om. of tlu. fasiCst infields that N-
1!?, i?i 'LJ . JP1.
The outfield is equally
The outfield is equally well sup-
" " tionsV
... Vi..i t mmo n5 far as it
i , 1wn arrangel follows:
'-jav 13 Kansas University, at Law-
1 rence, Kas.
aiay 15. Missouri university, ai w
umbia. Mo. ,
May 17, Indiana university, at
Hloomington, Ind.
May IS, De Pauw university, uc
Pauw, Ind.
Mav 19, Wabash college, Wabasn,
Mav 20 Purdue university, Lafay-
. rt .'; l"o Norte Dame college, South
i A ,J ,""'
.Henri, ind.
' Mav 2.T Lake Forest, 111.
.viav -.i. i-juvi- -un., .
Mav 24, University of Wisconsin,
i Madison, Wis
q m .Sta university, and
V'" ii?iv l-niverKv of Iowa before
'V1' ,!". UMhw Minnesa-
undecided whether the team
I returning home or whether Minnesa-
tn will be excluded, un ine nomc
grounds we will play Kansas univer
sity May 0, and Missouri university,
April 2S. Games are also arranged
with Iowa and Minnesota but dates
are not yet fixed.
Athletic training 1s le3ng pushed at
present, preparatory for the indoor
pentathlon. ) which is to be held
March 2.'. Nirly forty men are in
traiuinitr in the classes. Out of this
. . , . ,- .,, . .,
' '"r aU()U,J oiie-naii win enter tue
i iMMitnthlon evenrt.. All have expressed
i a irnTiiuiiji uun riiit-r iifiu ii.iv
eoiiiteHts, which will occur in May. A
lint, of men in training follows:
l.luiier 1'errv, W. T. Mouck. John
Hennaii, M. I1, l'illsburv. S. E. Walker,
('. M. Storv. 1C. T. Clwipin. G. M. Cow
gill. 11. C. Wallace A. S. Peurse, T. A.
Kcllojw, It- K. Henlh1, .7. G. Hich
rds, IL L. Wntermnn, It. Ti. Anderson,
W. K. AmlTiwn. F. d. Moutz. Clar
ence llonrd. H. H. Smith. 11 Hall, J.
K. Lester. Fred Lehmnr. P. WT. Pepoon,
Gi-orge Walker. S. Y. Cortelyou. A. J.
Weston. L. P. Sawver. v. A.Pnestly.
IL r. Garrett. Adolnl
Sliane. M. S.
Moore, C. E. Hnl.n.rd. F. D. "Rurr. T. A.
Hewitt. II. C. Swollow. 15. Ti. Brook,
W. 11. Henrtt. II. B. Folmer.
G. K.
Barllciit, Braeton Broady.
Prize medals will Ik giwn to the
best man in each event. For the man
winning the most points a gold medal
valued O't $f will be given. Second
prize -vvill 1h a silver medal and the
third -prize bronze.
Tli1" night olnio-R is nrneressing' re
mnrknblr well. Sixteen men wenc en
rollwl the first week. This class meets
on Monday and Wednesday oveningB at
Is o'clock and Satnrdav afternoon at 2
I o'clock.